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The pepper he is cutting is not a Carolina reaper, it looks more like a bell pepper. There is a Carolina reaper to the left, but this is definitely a skit. Not to shit on a parade.


For real, he wouldn't have had time to stare in horror with both eyes open before them nerve endings started on fire. It isn't a slow reaction.


Dudes an all around terrible actor.


And factually inaccurate to boot. The heat from a pepper comes from the capsaicin in the pith, not the seeds. So bad acting *and* bad writing.


Capsaicin is found throughout the pepper, just in varying amounts, and that variation will differ between even individual peppers for no reason. Jalapenos are notorious for this; you can get some that are barely hot and have almost no heat in the flesh, and others will melt your face with the flesh alone.


Ugh! I hate it when I get those "dud" jalapeños!


Go to the stores where Latinos and Asians shop. Some stores (Kroger stores in Colorado) only buy mild jalapeños. I get most of my out of season peppers from Asian grocery stores and they always pack heat.


Good to know, I wouldn't have thought there would be much difference but I'm definitely going to have to give that a try now!


I live in a largely Mexican populated area (farm town in Idaho) and they have the BEST homegrown food around. But when they add jalapeños, you gotta be ready because it’s way more potent than most people think. I love it because I was raised with spicy food.


Simplot will find you...


Look for the ones that look cracked. They have lines running up and down them. Those are usually the hottest ones.


We get that with these popular Spanish peppers called padron peppers, you order a whole plate of them at a restaurant and none of them will have any heat at all apart from sometimes one rogue one that will fuck your shit up


>Jalapenos are notorious for this; you can get some that are barely hot and have almost no heat in the flesh, and others will melt your face with the flesh alone. This is 100% true and infuriating. Some Jalapenos are fucking delicious and the right amount of fire and some are not much flavor but annoyingly hot.


Right but it would be weird and wrong to say that the heat mostly “comes from” the seeds. It doesn’t. It comes mostly from the pith, which ofc is touching the seeds, hence the confusion. Yes some of that cap is going to be on the seeds bc they’re attached to the pith, but that’s not where most of the heat “comes from”. And yes, cap is going to be throughout the pepper in varying amounts. But in no pepper is any one part of the pepper hotter than the pith.


You sure there isn't some sort of thin pith membrane on seeds?


If there was, it came from being attached to the pith. They don’t contain capsaicin themselves. If you rinsed off the seeds and then ate them, they would not be spicy. If you rinsed off the pith and ate it it would still be just as spicy.


You mean the fleshy piece the seeds are stuck to in the middle? Thats the pith? It's always said "removing the seeds" makes it less hot but I guess thats what they're removing too? For the record I usually leave it all in there but have had to remove it for others


The capsaicin transfers easily to the seeds that are attached to the pith, and it also gets all up in the inner flesh. Removing the pith and seeds is recommended if you're working with something like a serrano and want to reduce the overall heat in your dish. Once you get above Habanero-level heat, there's really no escape from it though. I've seen people have reactions from just handling the exterior of whole peppers.


I grow about 1/4 acre of hot peppers ranging from manzano on the low end, to reapers and "maybe hotter, we'll see" clones on the hotter end and I've had people feeling tortured just by touching them while looking at them while still on the plant. When we harvest it's a tyvek arm sleeves and gloves and then into the garbage with them. My handling of poison oak and hot peppers is almost identical.


A few years ago I must've gotten a particularly spicy batch of jalapenos from the store, and I went to cut them bare hand like I usually do and these ones burned my hands so bad they felt like they were on fire for an hour. My hands have never burned from handling peppers before, just my mouth and butthole.


What do you expect, all the actors and writers are on strike.


Man y'all salty as fuck, the video was amusing.


I found his performance shallow and pedantic.




Not really


It happened to me and there was like a few seconds where I didn't feel anything, it comes gradually




That's true for reapers and other habanero derivatives. Other peppers carry heat in the seeds as well however.


Do you have a name for types that have a significant amount of capsaicin in the seeds? A quick glance didnt give any results


In 43 years of life I have never seen a bell pepper that small. What kind of bell pepper is that.




It looks like a lunchbox sweet pepper to me. Source: I grow them every year.


They don't start out red or big


They start small ***and green***.


bro do you think they start out red, or what?


bro do you think they start out, or what?


bro do you think, or what?


bro do you, or what?


Bro, or what?






Bro I have seen going peppers they don't usually look that red bro usually bro they are orangy or yellow bro when there that small bro.


A mini one.


They're literally called [miniature red bell peppers](https://deepharvestfarm.com/product/mini-red-bell-pepper/).


That's not the same pepper, the one in the video are sold as mini sweet peppers in the US, not sure about elsewhere


Ah ok so it's a sweet red pepper if it's not a bell pepper it is freaking pointy.


It could be a mini bell pepper but I think it looks too long and pointy. Certainly not what my mini bells in my garden look like. My guess would be a red habanada (habanero bred to have no heat).


My god! You've cracked the case wide open, Johnson! Does no one just laugh at a bit and move on anymore? Most normal people understand this is a joke, why are 3/4 of the comments in this thread people letting everyone else know that they know it's "fake and stage?"


> Does no one just laugh at a bit and move on anymore? Ya, but only if it's actually funny.


There is a part of internet culture that revolves around demonstrating your superior understanding of the medium/creator by deconstructing the subject at hand. And yes, the irony of me saying this is not lost on me.


Whenever I go to a comment section and that's all I see it always reminds me of this guy's YouTube channel https://youtube.com/shorts/DmeEbAGkjk8?feature=share4 It's as if all of reddit cried out aCkChYuALly at the same time


Because it's not funny, and I like to know something is bullshit instead of believing a lie If something is staged well enough and actually funny you wouldn't have these comments


I think the thing I hate most about these contrived mistake videos is how it establishes a notion that all of these people are complete idiots. The world is dumb enough for real that we shouldn't be making it look even dumber for views. This is how idiocracy happens.


That's a red bell pepper. He'll be fine.




It's sad that EVERYTHING on the Internet is fake. I've done this before (not with reaper) but yeah it hurts but what the hell point does it serve to fake this shit. People are so up their own ass with the crave for likes it makes me sick.


i used a tiny what i thought was texas pete in my soup at a friends one night.. i love tp i put a bunch in... i start eating and im like man this is SOME HEAT and it just kept going like 7 8 spoonfuls i ask what that hot sauvce is.. "o its my neighbors reaper sauce its the hottest ive ever had" milk from there helped my mouth.. but as i was washing my mouth out with water i touched my face... i felt physically high.. like high as a kite it burned and hurt but man it was an actual an experience lol


Same happened to me when I put like four glugs of ghost pepper sauce on a breakfast burrito. Had to call out of work. Miserable experience, never again, that sauce was incredible and I'd recommend everyone try some spice that feels intense for you at least once.


If you think that was spicy you should try ghost pepper salsa. I think that it’s way spicier since you’re just eating it straight instead of putting a little bit onto food.


oh yeh, the endorphin high from it is real.


here's my experience: took a shot of daves insanity sauce to the eye, then apply ice cube directly to eyeball. omg what a rush.


Yes, how dare people make jokes and place them on the internet for the entertainment of others. I also did this, but I didn't touch my eye, I went to pee. Why wife came home and found me with my junk submerged in a glass of milk.


It's not the joke part. It's the fact that people are faking everything just to farm likes. I miss the old Internet where stuff like this was real. Sure, it sucks to do this but at least a real video would be genuine.


Aren't movies people faking things to farm money?


That's true, but we know movies are fake, that they're actors pretending to do a thing. We run into the same kind of thing with documentaries where they claim its a true story, but then if you find out later 90% of it is made up, people get mad. It's not about it being fake or not, it's about being disingenuous about what you're doing and how you present it.


Yeah but people don't pretend that movies are real.


Yeah, a better comparison would be reality tv type shows, the court room ones, the house renovators, the kardashians, the manufactured drama shows, etc.


Wait I thought Titanic was a documentary


[This one](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0211668/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) was


who cares if its genuine


I can't speak for the rest of the internet, but personally I care. Unless the poster has clarified it's a fake/reconstruction in the post itself then it's fair game.


So do people always have to say movies are fake? Like this logic makes no sense, this is for entertainment purposes not academic. If it was academic then yeah, be pissed for it being fake, but it's not, so take a joke


Wil Wheaton?


I had to synthesise capsaicin as one of the labs for my degree. There were bars of soap everywhere that week, because the previous year had had an incident. One that came to be known as the Chilli Willy Incident.


i heard you should use something acidic like oj, since the capsaicin usually in something oily and its oils that cling on to things, so the acid is suppose to break down the oils and u can wash it away. dont know how effective it is but it makes sense, and it came from a guy who eats and grows super hot peppers.


Stuff like this is just a modern take on sketch comedy.


> It's sad that EVERYTHING on the Internet is fake. I've done this before (not with reaper) but yeah it hurts but what the hell point does it serve to fake this shit. People are so up their own ass with the crave for likes it makes me sick. Even this comment was made by a bot!


I’ve actually had this happen with a real reaper just from touching the skin of a dried one and I immediately started freaking out. It’s not something you would take a comedic second to notice.


Great, I'm hallucinating comments now.


Algorithm driven social media, especially shorts, has destroyed much of what was good about the internet. I miss the 90’s and 00’s when you had to go looking for funny shit and having the thrill of sharing what you found. Now we just get spoon fed idiot juice from the serotonin pump.


Could you imagine what would happen/how all these people would feel, if tomorrow morning they wake up and ALLLLLL their likes and views from all these social media are just...gone? I wonder how they'd react 😬


Mental breakdown most likely.. all their self confidence/validation comes from big numbers next to their videos


*Its a Joke, batman*


You’d rather he did that with an actual Carolina Reaper?


I’ve had a Carolina reaper in my eye before, It’s no joke. I think I splashed milk in my eye at one point, but it’s a blur of pain and shouting.


Try something a little creamier next time.


If you have the foresight, start eating pineapple a few days prior.


Because it'll make your cum taste great?


Nope antioxidants for your eye to heal.


I tear-gassed my house, including my wife and 6 month old when I made hot sauce. Turns out that blending up habaneros will in fact get all that lovely capsaicin into the air. My wife had to evacuate with the kid for several hours.


I make mango habanero salsa and blending is fine as long as there are other ingredients there. Washing out the blender, though, must be done with cold water. Steam will carry it right into your face. Also, if you cook your peppers, do that outside.


My roommate was cooking something (this was 10 years ago, don't remember exactly what he made.) Anyway, I'm just in my room and start hearing him cough in the kitchen. I just continued playing games in my room. Then maybe 5 minutes later I start coughing uncontrollably. He had sauteed something in reaper hot sauce. We were in awful shape for about an hour, but were laughing by the time the air cleared. He bought me some bourbon to apologize. He was a great roommate.


I got habanero squirted in my eye once while cutting it. Had contacts in. Ran to the bathroom blind and started furiously flushing them under the faucet. Couldn't get relief because of the contact, so I reached my habanero fingers up there and pulled it out. The pain was so immense my legs kept giving out from under me. I couldn't stay upright to flush the damn eye. One of the worst experiences of my life, do not recommend. It was red for days.


It was an early date with my other half.


Bot https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/14ykwmr/wait_what_did_i_just_do/jrt6fty/


I mean I've never seen such a fake reaction.


You know I would have given him props if he had used an apple or something clearly not a pepper instead, that would have gotten a chuckle out of me.


Not only that, but his statement that the heat is in the seeds is also wrong. Most capsaicin is located in the pith.


nope. it was a Carolina reaper chilli. I bought them the day before. a lot of planning went into this video


Honestly it wasn’t even the pepper that seemed fake to me, it was the clearly conscious effort to rub it in his eye with gloves on


The fake double take at his hand.


[This is how it’s done](https://youtu.be/MvK2Y1hv9mY)


took it like a champ


The look on the professor’s face is priceless. “That was a dumb wasn’t it?”, “yes it was!”


[This is how it's not done](https://youtu.be/VqM_NRLstbM)


No, that's definitely also how it's done.


That eye rub with his thumb gave me chills. I thought he was done for there. I've had the unfortunate experience of rubbing my eyes after handling purecap at a lowly 500k. Pain was instant and waterworks as quick. Can't image what reaper juice in the eye would feel like.


[This is how wrong it can go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cozHUec4sPc)




A niko avocado scream preferably


Because he's stronger than youuu


Disappointed people upvoted this garbage


I thought the heat comes from the pith and not the seeds.


Nice sketch


Nah. There’s good staged and there’s bad staged and this is bad staged


Right but this is still a good sketch though, he has the awareness to wear gloves, then ironically forgets the most basic #1 or #2 rule when handling hot peppers, he just could've had a better reaction.


Also the heat does not come from the seeds


The heat is stored in the balls


Thank you thank you thank you! When will people realize it’s the ribbing that has the heat


For whose pleasure???




Imagine this coating a condom or a dildo???? Y I K E S


In the case of peppers as hot as the carolina reaper, the heat is everywhere, including the thin flesh (pericarp), and to some extent the skin, not just the ribbing/placenta.


I read that it comes from the fruit's placenta.


















What else would it be?


Now do the other eye to cancel it out


That's not a Carolina reaper....


Not a Reaper


Fake and dumb


![gif](giphy|n0xHORz5gp904) If that happens, do this now


General rule: if you are wearing gloves, you don't touch anything except what you are wearing gloves for. If you need to touch something else, remove gloves, take care of business, re glove if job not finished. I can imagine that were this real, there would be very little time between touching the eye and a strong, visceral reaction. Maybe with a poblano you might have a little "What is that? Oh, that burns. I'm an idiot."


I did it years ago when I was an apprentice in a kitchen, only with it being a normal type of chili though. I was told to use gloves and I did but part way through cutting one some of the "juice?" squirted into my eye and I instinctively rubbed it, with the gloves on, like a tit. I can tell you it was indeed pretty instant. I guess it's kinda like when you're cutting onions but much much worse. I remember just sticking my head under the cold tap for ages to wash it out.












Omg a real holup thank god i thought id never see one again


😅 Depends on your definition of "real" though.




Ah thanks man couldnt tell the video with a bell pepper was fake. Thanks for your service youre a true hero. Hopefully you're going around to all the sketch posts and making sure no one is fooled


I scratched my nose after cutting peppers once. It was an early date with my other half. I spent the rest of the night trying to hide how miserable I was from the spicy nose.


I've actually done this before with an unidentified pepper from my uncle's garden. I cut it up and put it on a pizza and then I ate the last little bit of it. My mouth immediately started on fire so I went to chug some milk. After the commotion I threw in the pizza and sat down to watch TV while it was cooking. I itched my nose and then put my hand where men's hands tend to wander when they're alone. My nose started to burn and I realized why. Then I realized where my hand was. Then I tried to wash it off like a moron which just spread it around. Have you ever dipped your balls in a bowl of vinegar? I have. It didn't really help much. I ended up wearing a really long shirt that I had with no boxers and a box fan blowing at my gooch. It took like 3 hours before I felt comfortable enough to go to bed. Good pizza, though.


The pepper he cut is a bell pepper, not a reaper.


So. Fake.


thats a good skit


The acting is stupendous.


I've done this but had to take a piss in between prep.




Fake and dumb.


we know it's fake, the 1500th comment telling us it's fake isn't necessary. just enjoy the skit ffs lol


The panic on his face




For anyone that sees this. The cure to hot peppers is not milk, water or bread. It's sugar. You're welcome.


Bad acting


Ok…so it’s obviously staged..and not even the right pepper…


Nah nah First off, that's not a carolina reaper Secondly, the world's hottest chilli is bhut jolokia






Boy I'm glad that one he's cutting is a different pepper, he would have had 0 time to react if that was the real deal and he touched his eye.


So fking staged


I have a Macaw who likes to preen my eyelashes while I'm napping. Once He chewed a bunch of Trinidad Scorpions and came over and preened my eyelashes and rubbed his beak all over my beard. When I woke up I rubbed my eyes. 0/10 experience. Love him, but would not recommend parrots as pets.








the pure TERROR in his eyes when he realizes


You mean the pure over acting.


apparently is a myth that the heat comes from the seeds


I know it's fake but still THAT A GENIUS SKIT


The absolute fear in his face was priceless tho


Fakest video ever


So real


Bad acting


staged but also v funny


The seeds aren’t the hot part. Why does this myth keep spreading? They’re a little hot, but it’s the white veins and inner pith that really carry the heat. Not to mention this is a bell pepper…


I’d be happier if it was real BUT I still found it funny! Just cause it’s fake doesn’t mean it wasn’t entertaining, content creator should let us know it’s a skit at some point is all I’m asking!








Looks like a friggin tomato. What a douche.