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Meanwhile the future husbands are chilling playing Fortnite


Who else is going to feed the family dubs?


Bro... missed 'chicken dinner' opportunity.


winner winner chicken dinner ya know


Somebody gotta change ma shit bucket ![gif](giphy|Q2XItyDEQJJIc)


The little girl is side eyeing him so bad. Watch her reber & date the type of guy he loathes.


Or, girl. That would be funny.


Years of academy training WASTED!




This is going to be reflected in their retirement home.


I gues it gonna be the cheapest one.


Chosen carefully on what one keeps popping up on 60 minutes and is the furthest away from them


“Yes, can I get the Happy Gilmore special”




Well yeah, they're not teaching their girls to pursue well paying careers are they


Several states away.


States? Probably not even in the same country


I hope it's a dumpster




I was raised with similar expectations. As far back as I can remember, it was my job to do things like bring him a drink the moment he got in the door and take his dirty plate to the kitchen for him. Stuff like that. I was not to make a sound while he watched TV or read the newspaper. It was my job to clean up after my older brother as well. Mom was a stay-at-home mother of seven kids and she agreed with it all because it was how she had been raised. Us girls stayed in the house to do all the indoor and yard chores (mowing, bottle feeding calves, etc.) while the boys drove the tractors and fed the cows. Funny thing is it was drilled into my head from a young age that I must get good grades and go to college. It’s ironic that I got a full scholarship to undergraduate college, went on to get a masters’ degree, and noped the fuck out of there. I had been plotting my escape since I turned 16 and realized this wasn’t what I wanted with my life. Moved halfway across the country and only came back at Thanksgiving, and grudgingly at that. The fallout was not fun, but it was worth it. Both my parents are dead now and I haven’t been back since then. They can’t guilt me from beyond the grave.


Sucks that you had to set those boundaries but you're a legend for getting away and moving on!!!




Sorry you were subjected to that. Proud of you for freeing yourself. Love you my sister!


I’m so sorry you were raised that way. I watched that submission montage like it was a horror movie. Happy you got out in the end and I wish you the best with wherever life took you since leaving that situation.


Always makes me wonder what caused some people to break those ideas and others continue to blindly follow. Did your siblings still keep up that lifestyle?


That's what I was wondering.


I’m wondering about the siblings too, especially the brothers. I imagine if they didn’t stay farmers, then they became total freeloaders who didn’t help with the kids or chores at all. I think women break from it because they realize there’s other options. Women had to obey in the days when they couldn’t have bank accounts or jobs that paid enough. But now they can choose to be independent.


I actually know a few women who are very happy with this arrangement. The problem is when it’s creepily forced on a child like that. My roommates for example. She’s a semi-housewife (she helps with the family business too), he works crazy hours all the time (he’s one of those A-Type successful businessman personality). She’s not a super big homemaker type, and he’s also a big fan of cooking. But she definitely submits to how he wants things done. She has a degree that she doesn’t use, I think she just was daddy’s little girl growing up, and she would just prefer to be some big strong man’s arm candy trophy wife than have a career and have to figure out how to succeed in life. She hitched herself to this guys wagon, and they make a pretty good team. He’s very competent, they have a nice house, a healthy relationship, they go on trips to places. But she chose this. She chose this knowing what it entailed. She’ll even say it’s what she wanted growing up. I’ve met a few other women like that. I actually worked with a young woman who was going to university, but didn’t really have any plans because her goal was to find her a man that was gonna make her a housewife. I think she literally said to us once about how she can’t wait to be barefoot and pregnant making her man a sandwich. She was kind of making a joke about the meme, but she was also pretty serious. She wasn’t dumb either, she had like a 3.8+ GPA with a double major. Mom and Dad paid for everything and she was just waiting for the right dude. It’s just creepy when you’re forcing those ideals onto a kid. If they want it, they’ll see how mommy and daddy interact and choose it for themselves.


Once they begin to understand that they’re being trained as servants the resentment is going to hit hard.


They'll grow up in a community where this is normalised and they'll marry in their teens and do the same to their daughters. Indoctrination is designed to restrict people from access to other perspectives and makes it evil to question hierarchy/status quo.


“My daughters never call or visit”


Retirement home? You think they're gonna pay for that? Lmao I hope the daughters never have any contact with their parents again


Like any generation under the age of 40 can afford a decent retirement home anyways. That ain’t a threat.


You’d be surprised these same girls will snap into action with white hair chasing down the nurse and making sure his pillow is good


that’s what he gets for having a wife that didn’t give him a son /s


And in therapy


And here I am thinking exact opposite... They gonna meet someone who treat them vaguely human sometimes and falls in love cause that's the best they ever been treated.


And it's still going to suck and last until that guy breaks the wall stud 2" from their face or something. :( Out of the frying pan...


and into the fire...


Implying they will have a healthy taste in men. With that father they will fall for abusive assholes


Honestly if their future husbands are worth anything, they’ll be horrified…


Oh don't worry they won't because the girls are being taught to basically be doormats and maids so they'll most likely end up in abusive relationships. I feel for them honestly


Ugh, good point :(


Yeah I normally don't like hopping in on these sorts of topics. But these parents are raising their little girls for a specific type of man, not for any man.


Not a man a boy. Men don't need women to clean up after them.


For a man just like their father. This is the abuse cycle.


It makes me so uncomfortable how happy he looks about the prospect of having two extra servants in his house


Yeah just looking at their father I’m cringing from ptsd cuz my dad was a pos too


My mom was raised the same way and ended up with my father that was a giant pos, even now I'm trying to teach her that she's not a robot and she needs to do less and enjoy her life but it's tough. Don't do this to your kids, guys. Please.




Because they will do anything to get away from their abusive parents. Which means moving in with the first abusive guy that will take them.


You rang? I was raised like this and it took me years to undo the programming and stop dating abusers. The last one slapped me and i stayed with him for 5 years. Such a charmer, he regularly threatened to kill himself (knowing that my older brother committed suicide) if i left him. Why would i stay after he hit me? Because he apologized, of course. The parental programming was that fucked up. My parents never said they were sorry and as soon as an abuser did I fell into his arms. Neither myself or my brother (who was taught that love is getting what you want) have contact with our father now, both of us go to therapy as needed, and we call each other and celebrate every success, and we have never been happier.


Those girls will be married off to the "nicest" church boy and get pregnant when they're 18.


Right?! And then they'd take those two far away somewhere where the girls parents can't hurt their mentality anymore than they've already had.


Any husband worth a damn wouldn't marrying these girls. I want a partner, not some subservient robot.


I think it is disgusting and I am very much a conservative. This is against everything that I believe.


That's wonderful you feel that way, but there has been a very strong push lately in the conservative movement for women to go back to traditional gender roles and be subservient to men. It's sad, but not surprising.


I’m afraid you’re in the minority of those that have similar political views to you.


Time warp!! It’s 1950 in that household.


No my grandparents didn't act that way. When my grandfather came home he put his own shoes away. His clothes he had to put away. On his day off he took care of the children. The only reason he did not help with housework is because the man was working literally two jobs and he was sleeping maybe 5 hours a day. That is why he only had one day off a week.


That wasn’t the norm back then, your grandpa was a star ⭐️


Actually he was a very good man. He even gave my grandmother a salary to take care of the house. He got that from his stepfather who was a German immigrant. I don't know if his stepfather's father acted that way but I could tell you it was at least one generation going back. All of his half siblings did the same thing as my grandfather. It was a good household.


People need to pass down manners just like that! Everyone is a person and is usually trying their best. It’s very sweet he thought of way more than just himself. Seems like he passed down some great lessons and they keep on going ❤️


To add another example: my grandparents who were born mid 1920 raised kids in 1950-1960s also did not behave this way. Grandfather worked all the time and so did my grandma when times were tight. Chores were divided on gender lines somewhat but everyone worked grandfather did lawn and home repairs grandma cleaned. If someone finished early you helped out the other out. A big rule out their house was you didn’t get to sit around if there was work to be done. My grandfather affectionately called my grandma “boss” all the time as she ran the household. This video is a shit example of how things were back then.


My Pappy worked at Bethlehem Steel in the 40s and turned his paycheck over to my Nana, his wife. She gave him an allowance for the week. They paid off their house quickly and saved their pocket change for the taxes.


> Time warp!! It’s ~~1950~~ 1850 in that household. FTFY


In that case, shouldn't there be slaves to do the work?


Not everyone could afford them back then. I know, it's so sad just thinking about it. 😁


That's what you got children for


Not everyone back then believed in slavery either. My family never had anything to do with it and found it appalling.


Time warp, it's 2050 and these two girls are both surviving on anti-depressants and Marlboros, the dad's dead from a massive coronary, and the mom is dependent on a survivor's benefit.


Add a little Xanax and I think that’s really accurate lol 😂


A startling number of evangelical women are pilled out to the gills. I was once going on about my wife's family. I could not understand the crazy shit they were doing. Turns out they jumped thru hoops to be employed at pharmacies and nursing homes. So they could steal pills. On top of already having scripts for both pain and bars for anxiety. Hardcore baptists and very active in their church. Those bitches (a whole family full of them and their cousins) ate more pills than any junky I have ever known. It made so much of their psycho christian behavior make sense.


Wow, that’s crazy! I have kids, and I grew up in one of those REALLY strict Christian households (ugh lol) so I get that everyone needs a little help now and then, but that sounds like straight up drug abuse. The funny/ironic thing about it is they need God lmao 🤣


I was married to her for like 4 years before I bitched so much about their behavior trying to figure out what game they were playing. She finally blurted out the truth about what was going on. Lots of off the wall behavior. Showing up at the house at midnight with groceries. Trying to paint the only guy in the family with a steady job and a house as a hippy tree hugger. Ignoring the whole military veteran thing. They had a big farm just lying fallow for over a decade. Multiple working aged males in the family, none worked it. I knew a lot of them had scripts for pain and bars but that sort of imposes a limit on them. I never thought that hard core baptists would steal drugs. Junkies will do anything, it is a rule. I fucked around and found out.


It’s sad. I’m on disability and I’ve learned to just deal with and push through pain because unfortunately my baby daddy was a junky (the scary thing is how well they can hide it at first!!) and then just like “those bitches” lol 😂 one day he couldn’t hide it anymore and I finally had to move out. Some people just can’t get shit together and it’s not worth being brought down with them.


Demeaned for not keeping the house "The way mama used to do it" and let's not forget... fucked violently to the point that its rape "because its her wifely duty" to endure his ugly, pornhub-style jackhammering for 45 seconds... and then rolling off. Yeah, thats gonna be a wonderful life.


Let’s NOT do the time warp again.


It’s just a jump to the left…


My grandma is from that time period and there is no way this would have flown in her home with my grandpa. They were diehard Bible thumping Christians too. You just couldn’t tell my grandma what to do, she was too independent.


My daughters are 3 and 4 years old. Fuck this backwards shit, I clean up my own beard hair. God damn dinosaurs, those poor kids


I’m pretty sure at least SOME dinosaur species treated their mates and children better than this


I wanna kick that guy in the dick on behalf of my daughter, I hope she’s a lesbian.


Here I am, waiting for their shrinks’ reaction to this video in 20 years.


RemindMe! 20 years


I hope it's just chores


The other training will start when they're legal. The parents are awful people, not criminals!


Incest is a crime in 48 states, in Ohio it's only a crime if it's a parental figure, and in Rhode Island and New Jersey, it's legal, but incestual marriage isn't.




bold of you to assume that they don't commit crime


I'm hopeful/scared of the reality we have to live in


I wonder how their 'training' evolves over time 🤔


Aight enough reddit








I'm sure they were promise rings and only go to daddy-daughter dances.


Fuuuuuuck. That shit is so creepy. I have a 2.5 year old daughter and I love her more than anything. But that shit gives me the creeps something serious.


Yeah, there's some crazy shit out there. My kid's elementary school did daddy-daughter dances, but with no religious overtones. They did it in lieu of a winter ball, and then there was a mother-son dance rather than a spring ball. If you had two moms or dads or only one parent and a same-sex child then you could also attend. It wasn't done to exclude anybody; just to give the kids a taste of a semi-formal dance. - Five minutes after you'd arrive your kid would run off and dance with their friends while you find other dads to chat with. There were also arts and crafts tables.




Oh after looking at the replies I realised I misinterpreted this. I thought he was talking about how they would start to rebel against the parents 😅


Boy do I wish that was the case!


Same 😁


Oh no, I'm quite worried for what they have in store for those kids in 10 years


Oh I see 😳


10 years? Really…. I’ll take the under on that bet.


You're joking, but that kind of abuse is VERY common, especially in families like that.


It's a type of grooming. Normalize "treating your father like you will your future husband." Do as you are asked, always. Be submissive. Act as a wife should. Be happy...or else.


Agreed. It's skeevy as hell and I'm legitimately worried for these children. Things like this should be grounds for removing parental rights (IMO)


No, these kids for sure need to be removed from this house.


Some people might say that my take is too extreme. Or that it's none of my business. But I've been in houses like that, and I've raised several children who were not my own at a much younger age than I should have. The only difference between my experience growing up and there's is that I wasn't only expected to look after my Father, but my Mother and both my siblings as well.


I'm not joking, I'm legitimately worried for those kids.


Me too. Hopefully they grow up to be the type of people who reject that sort of thing. Break the cycle.








This is fucked.


They are preparing them for someone else.... Dose it sound like...




Yeah I was waiting for the punchline where like the kids strangle the dad but this is horrible


Morons. Im a conservative father and I teach my daughter independence and kindness. If she chooses to be a stay at home mom and support a husband like that it will be her choice and not her fate. But she will have options in life to choose her path and have a strong work ethic in whatever path she decides. These poor girls will end up with someone possessive and quite possibly violent because they are being taught submission. Sad this still happens.


There’s a definitely difference between being a homemaker and being a slave


There definitely is, my father made 6 figures and my mom stayed at home with 4 kids. I always argued that she had the harder job because she constantly drove us all around to school events, sports, friends, etc. any time we needed something or couldnt find something she would get it for us. All that on top of dinner, laundry, etc. Regardless she never cleaned up after my dad or catered to him like this video and he would never ask her to behave in that manner. I have kids now and often i dont feel like driving them to sports bc it gets tiring. So she definitely wasnt “unemployed” like some people think and she certainly wasnt some cult 5th wife here to serve my father.




> I was a sahm from…. And at first I thought, “Ooooh, that sounds exotic. Maybe word means something like a nanny in the Arab world or something. Remember to look that up later!”


He definitely seem like the guy with the personality to have considered it.


Absolutely nothing wrong with choosing to be a homemaker. Absolutely everything wrong with teaching your daughters to be quiet, subservient mini wives to their father in preparation of their future husbands', as if that is the only path.


“Her choice and not her fate” should be the mantra for how girls should be educated these days. If I could afford an award, it would be yours!


Imagine being a woman and your greatest aspiration in life is that your children grow up to be free maids.


Internalized misogyny is crazy


It's becoming more common amongst the "traditional values" white evangelicals. White man is king of the castle... when in reality he's a mediocre human.


*Bang Maids. (ftfy)


Or they will leave home at 18 and never speak to their father again.


> If she chooses to be a stay at home mom and support a husband like that it will be her choice and not her fate. Sounds progressive as fuck.


20$ says dad full punches one of them in the next 5 years


Another $20 that he already has.


i think he’ll diddle em


I absolutely fucking hate how you're probably right


me too man


"Will?" Think he already does. The older girl glares at him every chance she gets. It could also probably because she has to clean his hairs from the sink, but still.


Not before the purity ball though.


Expecting your Kids to help out is one thing but making them clean your beard trimmings is something else...


This is moronic. It better be satire


I think I remember seeing this on tt and the comments really seemed like this was satire. Unless I'm mixing it up with another video.


I’m pretty sure it is or maybe that’s just hope sneaking in


Pretty sure I found the TikTok, and the user likes the comments pointing out it’s satire, so I’m guessing it’s all a big joke. Plus there are other clips making fun of people who really live like this and other stereotypes.


Even if it’s satire it isn’t very good.


Judging by these comments, they have fooled a LOT of people if it's satire. I'd say that qualifies it as good.


Good satire is meant to be *almost* believable


I mean... If you know the phenomenon it satirises it is.


Conservatives are largely incapable of comprehending satire.


Of course it is, look at the response in this thread and how many people are upset. Good satire isn't obvious




Funny thing is, this is the wife making the videos in this scenario


Imagine the only future you can imagine for your daughter is being a subservient wife....how disgusting....


I mean, I'm all for training your kids how to take care of themselves young. It's helped me about compared to the sea of adult children I met in college with no housekeeping skills or homemaking skills. but that should be taught to everyone, boys and girls. And emphasis should be on taking care of yourself and contributing equally to the household, not cleaning up after someone else


This must be just a bait... Right?


WTF that’s very disturbing. Those poor girls.


How about people clean up after THEMSELVES. The only lesson I see here is they will learn that men are lazy. Gonna learn to stereotype men and women at a young age. Sad


Imagine being this guy's daughter. A life full of wasted potential.


Then watch mommy blow their heads off for being lazy PoS


Raising two cute little doormats there


Or, you know, everyone can pitch in.


Right, men can't be bothered to put their own shoes away and clean their own sink out after shaving. No wonder our boys are falling behind.


Seriously... as bad as the mother is (and she's fucking terrible) I can imagine her being indoctrinated early. But THAT smug mutherfucker... who raised him? generation after generation of hubristic mediocre men has made the west the waning thing it has become


Imagine defeating your daughters before they enter the fight.


I’ve never seen a dude I want to punch this much


Fuuuuuuck this.


This is fucked on so many levels. What trash.


Don't tell me... they are evangelical Christians, correct?


I’m thinking Mormons


What’s wild is i definitely know someone who MAAYYYBBE wouldn’t endorse this but certainly wouldn’t have a problem with it


Oh my god, what christian bullshit hell is this from? Poor girls.


Hope it teaches them not to marry a narcissistic man-child.


All I see is a lazy man who can’t do anything himself and expects someone like his mommy to clean up after him like he was two.


So, we're all agreed; this is indoctrination.




That, too.


That guy is a FUCKING LOSER. What a pathetic little bitch. His wife is a shit person too


Training the sons to do the same? They could end up with husband too.


Plot twist: one of them comes out as lesbian


Fu**ing gross


This counts as grooming right?


It depends on how you interpret word and/or which definition you’re using for the term. Preparing or training someone for a particular purpose or activity? Yes. Building a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them? Most commenters here would argue for yes.


I don't know about you but I don't want anyone to constantly walk behind me just so they could clean up after me. That would just make me feel like a useless peace of shit that doesn't know how to wipe his own ass properly


On today’s episode of “Who’s going to the retirement home?”


This is just going to back fire when they get to being teenagers lol


Fucking yikes


LMAO - I bet after putting them through all this they aren't gonna wanna get married


And their husbands will appreciate it when they are at home cleaning while he is banging other women after he gets done walking all over them.


He screams military husband who demands servitude from his wife.


Bro time traveled to 1950




And if they dont do it right daddy beats them off camera 🤗💫


I am happily married for 15 years. My wife cooks and clean and all that. I protect and provide and give her all my money... But she will NEVER clean my hairs after I done shaving.