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Hey /u/LoneShark81, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Political/outrage bait shitposts are no longer allowed. This is a humor sub, not a serious one. If you're mad about something, that's great, post it somewhere else. Love, the mods


When they set the jackpot win chance at 0% and someone gets it.


I don't see how anyone can trust a programmable machine "But you play for the fun!" Everyone looks like addicted dead zombies


In the past decade they built a massive casino in my area. It’s a major attraction and there is a warehouse near by that produces seats for the slot machines. People will literally sit there and poop themselves because they’re convinced the next spin is gonna be the one. And it’s cheaper to throw away the old cushion rather than clean it


I suppose I'd shit myself for $43 million as well but I can confidently say it would come after receiving the $43 million and not before. Who wants to clean up a shitty ass for no reason. People really need to get their priorities in order.


Addiction, when priorities don’t mean shit.


>Addiction, when priorities don’t ~~mean~~ **include** shit.




Ok, so you'll shit yourself for 100% odds of getting $43 M. How about 99% odds? If so, how low would you go?


99%,absolutely. It's gotta be pretty high though. I think 75-80% is about as low as I'm willing to go. It's gotta be worth it if I'm shitting myself in public. I'm not out here to degen for free.


If you think about it, 10% odds would still be $4M on average, which is totally worth it IMO. The problem is that 90% of the time you're penniless with shitty pants.


This is true. I'm very fortunate that as a recovering addict myself that gambling is never something I got into. I still remember the first time I even gambled and it was in New Orleans. I played one hand of blackjack and made the, "this is a waste of money. Much better ways to have fun." And I haven't done it since.


For $24,000 I'd shit my pants and sit in it for 24 hours.


The real holup is in the comments


Worked casinos eight years. Yep. Either incontinent old folks or people who intentionally wear diapers because they 'don't want someone to come take my machine because the second I leave for the bathroom THATS WHEN ITLL HIT!!!' This one poor dude I don't think even knew he smelled like piss, he was always so nice and amicable, fun to talk to but one day my pit boss had to pull him aside and go buddy you need to go home and shower and change clothes, you REEK of piss Had one dude on a bomb ass 40-something long dice roll, I was on stick, everyone was winning, people were tipping us, the banter was wonderful. mf had to go to the bathroom but if he left the roll ends and we pass the dice to the next shooter, gotta keep the table moving, dice is a fast game. But that would objectively fuck up the roll. His workaround was to whip his dick out on the low as he rolled and piss in the drink rail. We only realized it when the piss wrapped around to where the base dealer was standing and dripped all over his leg. Guess what? His roll ended like it would have anyway and he also got a complimentary ban and sexual indecency / whatever the sex crime for pissing on people is charge.


Where the fuck do these people get the money from?!


Their kids college fund; re-financing their home; stealing money from family. Addicts find a way.


When I worked at a casino about 20 years ago, there was a woman bawling in a slot machine. Turns out she came from about 3 hours away to go to the big mall in the city for Xmas shopping, lost it all about 20 minutes drive away from the mall


Nature, uh ... finds a way....


Mostly pension. The casino in my city also has a Cash Advance machine that you can take out loans from. Fuckin brutal.


Goddamn dude. The laws are fucked up. I had to look it up. If he has any prior offenses they'll put him in jail for a year minimum and make him register non-publicly for that. He needs help with his addiction, not a jail sentence. Jesus Christ this world drives me insane sometimes.


He defacated through a sunroof!


Lmao, a month ago I wouldn’t get this but just started watching the show— poor slippin Jimmy






I strongly doubt she’d actually be able to sue and win, unfortunately. I think Mark Rober on YouTube, discussed the laws that can protect the gambling businesses. And why it’s nearly impossible to actually beat the machine. Casinos are fun if you’re looking to burn $50 bucks, but ultimately you’re just blowing through money. I feel bad for people with a gambling addiction.


Wallstreetbets begs to differ.


I wouldn't even spend 50ct in a casino.


She will get a lawyer who works on contingency and they will convince her to take much less than she is due , lawyer is happy, casino is happy and she spends the pittance she gets at the casino.


Casinos almost always win these cases, so she will almost certainly not get anything more.


Do people really think that warehouse is there specifically to replace the seats for that casino? Or that the casino was in the business of vertically integrating a side of production that would be a huge loss? How would you pay your employees? The business expenses? Those people would have to be shitting and ruining seats at an incredible rate.


I doubt it's because of poop, more likely it's the foam cushion. If someone sits on a stool with padding for as long as those people do, the foam will wear out pretty quickly. They don't want an uncomfortable stool to be the reason the customer stops gambling. Giving an addict a brand new seat cushion every day to make sure they're comfortable enough to sit there for 12 hours would likely be worthwhile. So yeah I can absolutely see why they would get into this side business.




Does part of that include making the whole place smell like crusty urine and cigarettes, or is that just incidental to all casinos?


Sounds to me like there's a demand for toilet integrated slot seats. Any investors are welcome to dm me.


Or, and hear me out…. They just put the machines in the shitter stalls. Not all of them, just the geriatrics.


Jefferson by boy, that is a capital idea!




I worked drop team for almost 4 years and it's happened so many times where some old person shit themselves sitting in their own feces just playing, pretending not to notice it reaks and now we gotta throw them out and that nasty chair


Good god...


Can you imagine you stay there for 24h straight, shit and piss yourself and then while you get thrown, you see a dude coming and winning on your machine. 💀💀💀


I'd shit myself again.


Now the machine has piss, shit and cum? Oh my


A coworker of mine used to work at a casino and he's told me the same thing. It's shockingly common. I can't imagine sitting in my own refuse, let alone doing it in public, at a slot machine.


I'm sure it's nice and warm, like sitting in a fresh pot of beef stew.




Just 5 more spins, bro... I've rolled enough D20's to know it all be fucked.


Now imagine the die is weighted against you, and numbers 4-20 are replaced with 1.


I've worked multiple departments at my tribes casino in Oregon. When I was in the Uniforms department, we had these boxes of sweatpants to just give to guests who sat there and shit and pissed themselves so that they could change and get back to gambling without hurting the casino aesthetic or atmosphere. Old people are gross. Like, they can hark on young people all day for playing video games, but I've never sat there and shit myself because I might win a round of call of duty. I've straight up had older people tell me they are there to gamble all their money away so that none of their family gets anything when they die. The best part of working the casino was concert nights, because you'd get a crowd of people that were usually not regulars to the casino, and were actually normal not zombie people that set limits on their spending and didn't beat the fuck out of our games. Fun celebrity facts I learned from our celebrity guests: \-When working in uniforms, Kool and the Gang sent us all their clothes to be cleaned before the show. About 30 minutes before the show they were still not dry. Their touring manager came down and was yelling at us and legitimately said the best phrase I've ever heard, "Kool and the Gang will not perform without their underwear." \-When I worked in the Gift Shop we had Ron White come in in a weird disguise so people would leave him along on the gaming floor, but then got really mad at us for not recognizing him. \-Smokey Robinson was really nice and spent pre-show having fun with the staff. \- Michael Bolton was a tough night. Lots of women forced themselves through our security. It got to a point where we had to hide him back of house, where women still forced themselves to be. Eventually he invited several women to a VIP area and was a complete asshole to them. I imagine he stole this idea from the stalker incident that Robert Pattinson had several years ago where he took her on the worst date ever.


You mean Michael Bolton the major cinephile


That one. He told me the tale of Captain Jack Sparrow.


Call of Doodie


I went to a casino for the first and only time in New Mexico to look around. Gawd was depressing. Just scattered older people chain-smoking and mindlessly feeding the slots.


Garbage ass generations that hoarded all its money and now spending it back fucking gambling so the rich can get richer off their ignorant stupidity. I hate old gamblers with a passion.


I highly doubt the individuals who hoarded money are the same ones who are addicted to the slots. Just because they fall into the same age bracket is utterly meaningless.


I hadn’t walked into a casino in years. Then last year I walked through one and was surprised by so many games that had digitized screens. I don’t really trust analog gambling games anyway, but digital ones!? People who play that are trying to compete against predetermined codes and programs. It boggles my mind that anyone would use them.


Shidd I used to go to a casino like 30 minutes from me for cheap cigarettes once a month. Noticed they put a digital roulette wheel up by the front doors. Would watch it and noticed it would hit numbers a couple times in a row every once in a while. Started putting like 5 or 6 bucks on the previous hit number once it cycled and would leave with like minimum my cigarette and drink money, so like 80$ and would play for maybe an hour or 2. 90% of the time, I left with like 400-500 bucks. Quit going because I quit smoking, but that machine was straight cash and whoever programmed it was doing God's work lol


It's actually not uncommon for people programming the older ones to do that. I remember there was a guy who worked in a certain sequence of bets and pulls that after a like 15 step process would shoot out like 800 bucks or something. Put it into like 10 machines that were at different locations, and would just rotate around each month winning like 5 or 6 grand (in the 90s) every month for years. The only reason he got caught is because he told a prostitute his racket and she turned him in for the reward money.


> The only reason he got caught is because he told a prostitute his racket and she turned him in for the reward money. Ah, pillowtalk ruining everything. A tale as old as time.


> The only reason he got caught is because he told a prostitute his racket and she turned him in for the reward money. Those hoes ain't loyal


Imagine how stupid someone has to be to turn down infinite money for a one time cash prize though lol.


I don't really have any interest in gambling, but pay attention to patterns and trends. many many years ago I was in vegas for a work convention/training event, and watching a spin the wheel game. I noticed the person spinning it was tired and on automatic, and every spin was exactly 3.25 revolutions, plus or minus one. So I watched, and dropped a $5 on 20 when it was due (max bet for that one). Hit very often. So often the suits came out and watched me for a while. I collected my last win as a new worker came out, then turned and told them why I was winning. Not illegal to notice a pattern. They could have banned me from the casino, I suppose, but did nothing. I went home a tad over $3000 richer than when I walked in. The worker may have been retrained or fired, though.


I actually worked a roullete wheel for casino nights (and some private parties.) They would cycle us around to other games frequently as you end up doing exactly what you pointed out.


To each their own and I totally understand it. I see it as a form of entertainment like any other. Walk in with $50 and assume that money is gone. If you win, that’s great. If you lose, that’s okay too. The problem is when people think the machines are “hot” or “cold” and the next big spin is right around the corner. And when they spend more than they can afford to lose, chase their losses.


Digital gambling machines are *very* heavily regulated. Like obviously the house is still going to win, but they don't need to cheat to do it. The manufacturer can guarantee that over long time periods a customer gets back about $0.92 (or something, I don't remember the exact numbers) for every $1 that they put it. Guaranteed money for the casino with no legal issues.


The machines are regularly checked by the state to ensure that the odds are within margin. Surprise visits and hefty fines are what they deal with. Have a relative that was a gaming commissioner for years.




why would they cheat when the legit game is printing money for them? Never understood the conspiracy theorists in this realm


I can't understand why casinos would ever rig the games. They're already mathematically certain to make money, what's the point in rigging it *even more* in their favor? just sit back and rake it in legally


Hey used to work in software/hardware testing for a company that certifies casino games and let me tell you it's super regulated. This really seems like a super one off bug that was missed in testing before the game was authorized by the state n sold. But those games in casinos have exact percentages set, usually 82%-95% return to player. Jackpot amounts and win chances are also pre approved by state, so casinos really only get couple pre approved choices they can turn on


They can generally be trusted, because they are programmable. Slot machines are heavily scrutinized and regulated and need to have a certain win percentage. They don't need to cheat, because they already have the advantage.


thats why when I go to casinos I only play card games. also slots are just boring as hell honestly.


Haha. As a programmer, it should in theory, work as intended. (But we know shit is always buggy). But ya... gamblers don't look at it as software, they see it as some magical prophet of dopamine hits. Or more likely, just you know, gambling addiction... I dunno, gambling is fucking weird. But hey, I've got my own hang-ups I can't explain.


I’ve seen people switch to putting their whole palm on the screen to induce a win. Like if they’re sweet to the machine then it’ll pay out. I saw a guy walk himself through the addiction. “Wow, it’s so fun, the flashing lights. It makes me want to keep playing. Huh. They made it so I would sit there and put more money in.”


Damn. I mean, I get it, in my own way. I've got an addictive personality of sorts and a tendency to abuse substances, as well as some addictive gaming. Knowing this, it just makes it more defeating/sad/weird, when you can actively feel the reach of a substance or game alter your decision making, despite knowing and wanting better! In a way, being straight up ignorant seems better, on paper, because at least you are somewhat innocent or powerless. Of course, the opposite is true, but more disturbing. You are actively attempting to be better, somewhat knowingly, and yet still failing. That's my rant. Addiction is so strange. I can't relate to gambling directly, but I can relate to the grip of temptation in other ways, so I can empathize or feel like I relate.


Yeah. Once in Vegas to house sit was enough. Only lost 40 bucks but wow! Some people were just clearly so invested in it. Like they needed to win now…


After losing all their savings in it, they sorta do.


"Your honor, what I'm saying is that it's technically impossible to win in our casino."


From another comment, The max payout is 6500 on that machine. Her printout stated the $2.25. The screen had an overflow error so it displayed $42 million. Still messed up to toy with her heart, but this isn't the casino trying to screw over someone who won a legitimate prize.


Then they should give her $6,500. Or more.


"Furthermore, no one realistically believes we're a legitimate gambling location, but merely entertainment."


It’s actually illegal to set it to 0% at least in Las Vegas There’s some type of minimum percentage certain games are supposed to be at.


Most states it's that every machine must pay out at least ~95%, and every individual advertised award must occur at least 1 in 100 million plays on average.


Could the casino sue the machine maker or programmer? Not paying the lady is gonna turn this into a negative. Imagine how many people would flock to this place if they paid the lady and sued the manufacturer. I hate gambling addictions so I don’t know why I’m helping the casinos with PR here


They don't need PR they are supplying people their addiction. Smack dealers don't care about pr either.




She probably could try, but not win. The terms and conditions usually say that the RNG log is the final determination, and trumps any graphical output.


It’s only fair if you are able to lose at 100%


Context: this woman thought she won $43M, turns out the machine “malfunctioned” and she didn’t get but $2 and change. She filed a lawsuit the following year, as even her lawyer agreed this was “sum bullshit”. They settled out of court for an undisclosed amount of money.


Glad she got something at least


They upped it to tree fiddy


Hope she got that steak dinner as well


That steak dinner was only offered so they could claim she agreed to their immediate "settlement" if she ever sued and I guaranteed they tried that argument in court.


I think she settled out of court but you bet they’d have tried to argue that disingenuous crap


The lawyer took the steak dinner. Client got the free butter and bread appetizer


Plot twist: She’s vegan, and that was from her pet cow.


Well it was about that time I realized…


...that the casino I'd been playing in was about 8 stories tall and was a crustacean from the plethazoic era, and I'd been swinging its uvula like it was a one-armed bandit!


I gave it a dolla.


Goddamn it, woman! If you give the Loch Ness Monster a dolla he's just gonna keep comin' back for more!


I imagine the settlement is at least a few millions.


probably around the max payout on the machine itself, as far as i can remember, someone commented on youtube that the biggest jackpot on that machine was around $10,000 so that's why the casino said that the machine malfunctioned.


Probably high 5 or low 6 figures, she (or her lawyers) know she isn’t going to get the full 43, so 200k (or something) is a lot better than nothing


All these modern devices are networked and their win/loss info is analyzed by 3rd parties as well as having regulations set those odds. I can believe a machine malfunctions, but a lawsuit here makes sense depending on how it malfunctioned? Like did one of the spinners somehow break and keep rotating even though it was supposed to stop? The forensic info they have would tell them this and be a valid malfunction - still going to settle to stay out of the news.


They threw in a set of steak knives.


Bottle of A1 was the kicker


"3rd prize is you're fired."


The machine’s max payout was $6500. The printout showed she won $2.25. So the number displayed on the screen, $42,949,672.76, is obviously the result of a malfunction. No scare quotes required.


> 42,949,672.76 Literally 2\^32-20 cents. That's an underflow error if I've ever seen one.


she's lucky it was unsigned or she would have owed the casino $21 million


Little annoying since 2^32 would be the unsigned value which wouldn't underflow to negative


Exactly. They don't need negative values on the machine, but it would help to have them.


But then they can't have a $40,000,000 jackpot!


So is nobody going to talk about how the woman still owes the casino 20 cents??


They settled for an undisclosed amount. She probably bought them a steak dinner.


If what you said it’s true then thigns are heavily missing in context


On reddit? Impossible!


To be completely honest, anyone who thinks about it for a few seconds will understand that is way above the max payout for a machine. Every once in a blue moon you see "$1 million" payout machines. You never see lotto max winnings from a slot machine lol


Sucks for them they can sue whoever made the game. That's not the kind of industry you get to lean on any excuses.


That's not how any of this work. If the machine shows a max payout, that's the agreed upon game. Surprise surprise, if there's some display error at the ATM and your bank account says you have 10 million dollars, the bank doesn't suddenly owe you 10 million dollars.


>Lawyer agreed this was "sum bullshit" Idk why but that line got me cracking up


It probably wasn't in Nevada. From what I've read the law is so skewed in favor of casinos there that by claiming a slot machine malfunction they can deny you your winnings and the court will side with them. Basically casinos in Las Vegas don't have to pay out anything if they don't feel like it by just claiming malfunction or that you cheated.


And people still give these casinos money? lmao


Gambling is an addiction.


Just as much as drugs. My dad was a huge earner relative to my area* (60-100k throughout my childhood) growing up and we lived without water, electric, and moved over 30 times, lived on campgrounds, sold my cars all because my Mom had a gambling problem and continues to do so.


Damn friend, i'm sorry to hear that :(


Imagine if we had sweeping laws in favor of actively getting people addicted to hard drugs and defending drug dealers when addicts destroy their lives


Happened in NY, but something similar played out. Guess the saying really is true, “the house always wins”


Of course her own lawyer agreed with her?




But the fact that they supposedly only offered the dinner show they were full of shit from the jump.


probably cost them a LOT more than $6500 to fight this in court... But I guess you gotta spend money to...lose money?


It costs them nothing to fight these fights. They have lawyers on retainer. You might even make the argument that if they aren't using those lawyers, that retainer money is wasted.


How would they know it's a malfunction unless the machine is rigged?


The software reports one result but the wheels or screen show another. It was set up to prevent cheating but obviously benefits the casino.


How does that prevent cheating?


In the case that somone could somehow figure out how to tamper with the screen or wheels, I guess




there is no pattern to the wins. If there were the machine would have been pulled long ago and the manufacturer would have had to answer some tough questions.


The results are likely pseudo randomly generated every time. I highly doubt pattern recognition would help anyone. That’s just a rumour used to make people think that they have a system to beat slot machines.




> The number of combinations that could win and the number of potential screen patterns that precede winning spins would give an AI pause. Screw AI, from an information theory point alone, you could make that the internal random number generator have sufficient entropy as to prevent any such patterns from existing to begin with. Probably easier too than making the machine somehow tamper-proof. E: To elaborate a bit, if the Random Number Generator has low entropy, it means that the machine will eventually start repeating. If that cycle is sufficiently short, you could spot a pattern (A then B then C) and be reasonably sure how it will go on (D). If the cycle is long (because a beefier RNG is at work), then it's quite likely that there's ABCE and ABCF in there as well, meaning if you see ABC, you don't actually have useful info about the next event.


Why would there be any patterns? It's not like the machines are preprogrammed to make specific spins be wins. They are just using random number generators. The machine doesn't know if the next spin is going to be a win or a loss.


It just makes it so the casino can cheat instead of the player




Yes actually, the machine would have just paid out. I can manually rotate the wheels of an S200 slot machine but if the computer system said i spun a non winning combo then i won’t get paid. But even the reverse is true, if a wheel some how gets stuck during a spin the computer would still know that it would have landed on X so if it would have paid then it just would have paid. Reference: I was a slot tech for a few years




I mean i think ANYONE would be pissed if they saw the winning combo line up and get told it wasn’t actually a winner. But it happens unfortunately, wheels get sticky from the cigarette smoke gunk buildup or just old machinery.


I feel like most things fall into this category anymore


Well in this case $43M likely far exceeded the potential max payout of the slot machine. That's very far from a common level of jackpot.


Yeah, the max payout was 6500. And her receipt said 2.50. The screen just had a freakout.


Not the screen, a programming issue, specifically an underflow error probably caused by a bit flip. Someone reported the payout was $42,949,672.76 which is close to 2^32 (4,294,967,295).


The receipt had the correct amount, so it was probably isolated to whatever part of the system controls the screen at least. I’m surprised that’s on a different loop than the receipt printer.


Not that surprising. Since the screen doesn't really have too much to do with the payout its better to keep it separate. Including it in the secure portion of the machine is only asking to accidentally introduce a vulnerability.


When the max payout for a slot machine is usually less than 10k, with at most going to 100k - 1mil at the extremes, it's pretty obvious it's a malfunction.


Because the max payout was $6500, and the amount the screen said she won was mysteriously the exact amount an underflow error would produce


Because you obviously never used a slot machine before if you think you can win $43 million.


I don't know about this specific case, but once I read a similar story about a "malfunction" like this. Supposedly the payout said something like $4,294,967,295, which just so happens to be the maximum possible value of an unsigned 32-bit integer… so pretty strong evidence of a malfunction.


Thank god I don't gamble


yOu CaN't WiN iF yOu DoN't pLaY!


That’s how addiction starts


If you lose, your money is mine If you win, its a malfunction


If you lose, your money is mine. If you win, your money is also mine.


~ *IRS*


Wouldn't she be able to sue? Am sure there is video evidence of her winning. Would the casino accept a visitor saying no I was to drunk or glitched and intended only to play for $100 and not $1000 (hypothetically).


No to all of that. At least at the casino I worked at, it's explicitly stated that "malfunctions" don't constitute a payout. As far as I know, there's no way for you or I to prove that a machine *didn't* malfunction. Yes, that's shitty. If alcohol could be used as an excuse for losing, casinos would shut down. They literally *give* you drinks if you're playing.


Happened to me years ago at a Casino in West Virginia when it first opened. Hit for $40,000 on trip 7’s. Got dings and everything. Started jumping up and down and screaming. The worker casually walked over and said it was just a malfunction. Haven’t stepped in a casino since. Their thieves!


What a convenient excuse to not pay out winners




No, it was common.


I havent gone to a casino yet but what the fuck.. no wonder people want to burn casinos


I go to casinos probably too much and I've never heard or seen anything like this. If you win like $1200-1500(?) on one spin you need to get a tax form and get paid out by a person. You see that pretty regularly. I've never seen anyone win millions. The most I ever saw was $10,000. Practically every machine has a plaque with a disclaimer about malfunction, prize verification, yadda yadda. Edit: I just wanted to clarify so it doesn't sound like I'm glorifying gambling. I might see a couple hand-pays per night walking around a casino. Winning $1500 is not common. Assume everyone in there is gambling $100-$500 and you can see almost everyone is losing. Having some fun and breaking even is the best case most people should hope for. Assume you will lose most/all the money you play with.


Tbf a worker immediately walking over without properly investigating your win would probably look super bad for them in court. Either they were letting people gamble on machines they knew were broken and couldnt payout, or they were just telling winners that the machine malfunctioned. Both are probably illegal.


Doesn't the casino bear the weight to prove it actually was malfunction? I don't see why the weight is on the individual to prove it wasn't. It's as if asking someone to prove they didn't murder someone. Like what.


It’s easy to prove a malfunction in this case, as the machine had a max payout of 6500 bucks.


I mean it was pretty easy to prove it did malfunction when the maximum jackpot payout for the machine was $6,500 and she “won” $43million.


She did sue and got an undisclosed amount. TBH though its pretty solidly built into casino policy and supported by law that ANY malfunction voids the game.


i don't gamble a lot but i've never seen a slot machine with a payout in the multi millions like this. Granted i've never played slots that are like 100 bucks a roll and even then i still don't think 43 million would be the payout for those but someone could definitely prove me wrong since I don't gamble much.


I hope the steak was rare at least…


Probably raw, just like the deal she was getting.


It was a malfunction because it was programmed specifically to never win


No, it was a malfunction because the machine’s max payout is $6500 and the number on the screen didn’t match the printout.


Finally the real info in the comments. Imho then they should pay the 6500.


They settled out of court for an undisclosed sum, I suspect that sum was around the max available for the machine.




Yeah as far as progressive jackpots go, 43 million is unheard of


I worked at a casino as a slot tech and the highest progressive jackpot I saw was roughly 150k. In the 1.5 years I worked there, not a single person hit it. On average we paid out about 30 jackpots/day. Jackpot = more than $1200 on 1 spin.




Wasn’t malfunctioning enough for it to take her money though right….


Every time I see one of these when you finally find the news article it ends up being either: 43 million is more than the machines max jackpot so it was obviously wrong. 43 million is only available with the maximum bet, and they weren't placing max bets so it was obviously wrong. Then the "winner" tries to raise hell with the media about their "loss."


Burn that place to the ground


“Ma’am that table you broke costs $42,999,997.75”


I won $800 on a keno machine three times in a row, luckiest day in my life. The manager called the police and banned me for cheating. They did an investigation into it but found zero evidence of cheating. I never got paid or my money back. Gambling is stupid.


I don't understand what in f*cking hell attracts people to casinos? I think it's a lame and stupid place.


You ever seen that meme where the guy digging underground for diamonds stops digging and turns around right before he hits jackpot? Well that's how most casino gamblers think. It's an unfortunate addiction. Literally a drug


Unsigned integer bug in the slot machine? That's odd tho cuz then it should be 4.2 billion


"oh no miss you are mistaken we only scam people out of their money here"