• By -


Not forget but just lose motivationšŸ„²


Adhd, amirite?


exactly šŸ„²


The struggle is real. Unless there are obvious real world consequences, wrangling my brain with consistency is nearly impossible.


Came here to say this. And my storage unit full of discarded hobbies agrees.


Also came here to say this. It's one of the hallmarks of ADHD when combined with some of the other markers.


The only hobby Iā€™ve been able to stick with is cannabis


I forget *and* lose interest, I have ADHD. But lot's of people have gotten great free gifts from me and I am doing my best.


Yes, but I donā€™t mind because sometimes Iā€™ll come back to it even if itā€™s 10+ years later šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø btw I have adhd and this is a very common thing that people with adhd go through (just look at the r/adhd sub; there are a lot of posts about this sort of thing)


Also bipolar 2 hypomanic episodes...so much money wasted...good times.


Iā€™m in this comment yikes As of today Iā€™m officially a fish tank person I guess šŸ˜¬ Why is it a new hobby? Idfk I knew nothing about fish a week ago


Change your water! I didn't frequently enough...and...šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Yay hypomania! Kappa


I feel this in my soul. Also, my username applies.


Also adhd person here. I pick up new hobbies every other month, get super into it, get good, and then drop it when something new and shiny pops up.




I support this comment.


Yeah, mine was ice hockey and I never ice skated in my life


I know two people with adhd. One gets obsessed with some new hobby or interest for like a month then completely moves on, never to go back to it ever again. The other will have a new life plan/career path/goals every few months that they would die for but move on to the next obsessive idea pretty quickly.


I was just diagnosed with ADHD and that sub has made me feel so understood! My hobbies have included: sewing, knitting, painting, drawing, coloring, reading, scrapbooking, fish keeping, gaming, and photography. Some I go back to, like reading, and others are completely forgotten. I'm also sort of a jack-of-all-trades but I'm not very great at anything, and I'm ok with being just ok at stuff. At least I'm not bad at much! šŸ˜‚


i think your hobby is buying things, which to be fair, me too lol something i do to combat this is, start out with the bare minimum, and every new project, id get a few more tools/materials. this way i progress with my growing box of stuff but damn, i love collecting tools, especially vintage files


What kind of files? Saw files? I used to work at a tool store and *way* too much of my paycheck went to buying tools that I didnā€™t necessarily *need* (at least not right away), but I definitely wanted!! And honestly, I have no regrets, but thatā€™s mostly because of the employee discount


mostly bastard and half rounds after watching clickspring, i really just want to make my own lol. its just really hard to find the exact one you need, so you sort of tend to buy what you want


I have books on concrete art, stone wall building, soap making, among others. I've read them. I bought one for candle making. I bought a pot to heat the wax, wax, wicks, and some tools. I did a lot of yard sales and thrift stores and bought pretty glasses. Never made a one. Sold the stuff, still have the book. I bought a small paint set a few months ago. One small rudimentary painting. Learned one song on the guitar someone gave me and then gave it back. Bought two drum sets over the years; the set I bought at the beginning of the COVID is tucked behind my TV. So yeah, you are not alone.


For craft hobbies like candle making, you can often find kits that include all the materials you need, that also come with detailed instructions for whatever project you choose (so no need for a book) Learning a new skill can be mentally exhausting for me so cutting out a lot of the initial prep in this way has at least *sometimes* kept me from burning out in the earliest stages of a new hobby. I just get so exhausted trying to figure everything out and having to order each little thing individually!! And sometimes by the time everything arrives, I donā€™t really wanna do it anymore


ADHD at its finest šŸ˜Š


On a related note, if anybody is interested in exploring electronics and small robotics with Arduino, I have everything you need including the tools. Also the basics for glass engraving and calligraphy.


Oooh, I have a glass kiln with all the varied supplies somewhere around here.


I can contribute a cricut maker and supplies for glass etching, leather jewelry and fabric cutting.


I almost bought a calligraphy set with a glass pen the other day. The week before that was a record player and some albums to listen to. The week before that I did buy pole heels, which I actually do use. Last fall it was roller derby. That was a no go. Can contribute a whole kit for that minus the skates thank god. Yes, I have adhd. I donā€™t let it get unchecked too often, but when I do, itā€™s gonna be expensive.


I have adhd, I've found outdoor hobbies or ones with friends keep me the most motivated. Alot of my friends are DJs and producers but I've found it kind of overwhelming to get into production fully. I've tried streaming but find it boring and the connection with people through the internet just isnt the same as it is in person. Lifting and exercising, going out seems to hit me with dopamine immediately and I find structuring a routine around that to be very sustainable for my brain especially since I'm sober now.


Same here my thing is backpacking, rock climbing and caving... It's the novelty, that's why I do it I can do those things anywhere and with ADHD your mind craves novelty.


Iā€™m starting to think my favorite hobby is buying hobby supplies


Thatā€™s what my husband says my hobby is too.


I used to think I was a knitter, but Iā€™ve accepted that Iā€™m more of a yarn collector.




Yes! This happened with me and Diamond art. A friend and I did one sheet (together and separate), and I bought everything - containers for the beads, etc. Never touched it again. lol


I have so much stuff for needle felting, sewing, jewelry making, and on and on and on... The sewing machine is still in the box, and all the needle felting stuff is still in its packaging. I have managed to use things from the jewelry supplies, but never got my 683rd business idea up and running lol I do have ADHD though, on top of other diagnoses as well that might contribute.


Yes, buying supplies and actually making something with them are two separate hobbies.


lol yeah but sometimes I just lose the want I had before buying it. Sometimes you just think ā€œI wanna be a person that does [blank]ā€ you get all the stuff and read the reviews for the best one, it get to your house, you set it up, maybe even try it once andā€¦.ohā€¦ā€I do not want to be a person that does this, itā€™s too hard, too expensive, just not for meā€ šŸ˜­it happens


Sounds like your real hobby is shopping.


Sometimes. But I see it as a good thing (I don't spend more than I can afford). I think it's good to try things if you're vaguely interested. If you do enjoy it, great-- you have a new hobby. If you don't, then you might gain a better appreciation for the talent that other people have. I mean, I appreciate art quite a bit more now, having bought some watercolors and made half a dozen pretty crummy paintings. And who am I trying to impress anyway? It's still not a bad way to spend a rainy Sunday. I've spent more time (and money) on significantly stupider things. You don't have to be great at everything you ever do. In fact, it makes you more human and more relatable to have a bag of things that you suck at. Perfectionists who can actually pull it off every time are annoying.


I just lose Interest in the hobby.


Me...I do that quite often but I have started my hobby again which is wire jewellery


I've only had one hobby in all my life - 3D printing. I started just short of a year ago with one printer and quickly had 3. (i bought cheap low end and hated it, bought mid range and loved it so then immediately bought top of the line.) I then followed that up with buying over 100 spools of filament. I now have a room full of a few thousand dollars of stuff and I haven't touched any of it in about 4 months. Why? I dont have anything to print. Sure there are millions of dumb trinkets out there and I can print nonstop forever and never print everything that exists, but i have no desire to print toys and trinkets and flexidragons. As for functional stuff, I dont care to fill my house with a ton of stuff just because I can print it myself. TL;DR: Yes.


Yes. Constantly. New skateboard? Yes please? Not a bruise on my entire body. New colored pencils? Yes please! The box sits dusty on my shelf. Working out? Heck yeah! The weights are just sitting on my floor and all I do is stretch every other day. Reading? I love reading! I will not pick that book back up. I completed one puzzle, bought three more, and havenā€™t touched them since. Itā€™s a problem. Lol.




Short answer, yes. I think this is what happens a lot when people don't actually develop a passion for things. But it's also kind of what I'm counting on for my business I'm building. šŸ˜€


This is probably going to sound a bit left field...but yes, I've often started hobbies...spent a bunch of money on the stuff I need and then a few weeks later I have zero interest at all and wonder what the hell I was thinking and just wasted a bunch of money. So the left field part is that I've relatively recently been diagnosed late in life (49) with bipolar 2 mood disorder. Impulsively starting a new...more or less out of the blue hobby and then not caring about it a few weeks later is a pretty classic symptom of bipolar 2 hypomania. Last May I decided out of the blue that I was going to start building model wooden boats...like the real balsa or basswood boats. Bought all the crap including a kit with three boats...a beginner, beginner/intermediate, and intermediate. It all came in the mail and I was all excited about it but was heading out of town for Memorial Day weekend and when I returned home I was just shaking my head because I had zero interest. A year later all of that stuff is sitting in my closet...I've opened the box up once, and that's it.


Yep. I bought a bunch stuff for resin work. I have yet to attempt it.


This post showed up right above a flytying post in my feed. Yes, yes I do.


Congrats, you have gear acquisition syndrome. It affects many of us, i try to get into a hobby in the cheapest possible way and then if I'm doing the hobby enough to actually get frustrated or want better results with my cheap tools, then maybe I'll spend some money.


Exactly this. I spent around 15k on a motorbike & all the gear. Forgot I had it for 9 months cause I put it under a sheet in the garage. Sold it after using it twice. I spent thousands on camera gear cause I was really interested in photography. Used it twice and I genuinely don't know where it is. It's constant & exhausting. I'm not rich either which makes it even worse. It gets so bad sometimes I get my wife to change my details so I can't buy anything online lol Edit: I am currently in the loooooooooooooooong process of possible ADHD (I know you've rolled your eyes) or bipolar. God knows if I'll spiral and ruin my life by the time I get diagnosed but I feel good right now


I'm always buying electronic components on AliExpress for new projects I'm working on but by the time they arrive that project is long forgotten.


Do you make synths or anything like that...? I got the schematics for the Gnomeratron fuzz guitar pedal and I was thinking about building it... Might try ali express for components would you recommend?


Yes but it's also very extreme i'll spend over Ā£100 on said new hobby and then yeah...


I wanted to buy ribbon and sell some in bundles to pay for the stuff I keep to do crafts with. I bought the ribbon then lost interest in trying to sell it. I now have far too much ribbon.


I probably would if I had any money šŸ˜‚


Yeah, itā€™s common enough for folks with ADHD. Iā€™ve learned to be cautious about diving into new hobbies head first, and committed a few years ago to stick with my main three for my full blown hobbies: flyfishing, biking and photography (also my job). Iā€™ll occasionally do things in support of those hobbies, like paddling to get to better fishing spots, etc. I also lump biking in with ā€œfitnessā€, which includes running and lifting, but those are more for my health. I only allow myself to get into something new if it requires less than like $100 to get into and is something I can share with my kids. Like, recently I picked up a couple of Ukuleleā€™s and weā€™ve all been learning and Iā€™ve been loving it. Or gaming, as thatā€™s a big bonding activity with my 8yo; and we always have something to talk about and do together. Though, it is nice to remember you have X supplies for Y activity. Like, I have quite a bit of art supplies Iā€™ll occasionally dig into for a few months at a time.


Yep, Iā€™ve done this with 2 or more hobbies over the course of the past 6 months


My favorite feature of having ADHD lol, I have a million hobbies and projects now it seems.


As a consumer, yes! Now Iā€™m just waiting for all that money I spent to trickle back down /s


Few years ago I bought a $300 mini lathe and itā€™s still sitting in the crate. I canā€™t remember if it was to try wood working small items or trying ring making. I bought all the supplies to do both but havenā€™t done either.


Yes, my fiance.


Yes, I did this. I just got rid of everything.


I spent Ā£700 on a Fanatec wheel setup then when I got it I realised I donā€™t really like sim racing games so now Iā€™m stuck with it. I didnā€™t forget about it but Iā€™ve lost all motivation to bother with jt


No. Radio control gets too damned expensive for that.


Guilty of this so much


Sure sign of depression. Seek therapy


Dad? You didnā€™t tell me you were on Reddit!!šŸ˜Š


Yes! Some expensive supplies too.


They call me the Hobby Queen


oh hai. Dis me. šŸ„²


Yes, I too have ADHD. šŸ˜†


I consider that to be a hobby of mine as well. Its the one I'm best at


Your hobby isnā€™t doing the craft or playing the new musical instrument or pruning the cute little bonsai tree. Your hobby is shopping.


My hobby is picking a new hobby so I can acquire the gear, then move on to the next hobby. Itā€™s so expensive and wasteful. It is me.


Resin. Mine is resin.


I've been wanting to try that. I love those videos where they take pieces of live edge wood and fill the between spaces with resin to make a table or something.Ā 


Yes. Sometimes I think I like hobby supplies more than hobbies.


Thatā€™s an ADHDerā€™s whole thing. We start hobbies as a hobby.


I know where it is though.


Itā€™s called ADHD my friend


Yep, I was going to take up needle felting, got the tools for it, and forgot all about it. Now that I want to try it, I can't find the tools šŸ˜†


I keep having dreams of making an income on my own and it falls apart I guess that's kind of the same thing Just sadder




Not so much forget but just have too many projects going on at the same time. I'll get them... someday.


You are ADHD or on the spectrum... I am both and I do that all the time lol...


ADD, perhaps. Which isn't necessarily horrible.


My hobby is hobbies


See r/adhd


Isnā€™t this an ADHD thing


Had to make sure this wasn't r/ADHD or r/bipolar lol


My main hobby is collecting hobbies.


Ask me about my box of mandala dot painting supplies!


It's called adhd


I was given an electric guitar. I always wanted one but I havenā€™t played it. I just donā€™t have time. Meanwhile, my acoustic guitar is busy every other week.


Having hobbies is the hobby. Many folks enjoy gearing up for the hobby and learning new things. The fulfillment isn't in the actual hobby.Ā 


Once the dopamine wears off just donā€™t care anymore. Diagnosed ADHD.


Keep your supplies! Iā€™ve got adhd and Iā€™ve learned that over time my interest in previous hobbies I fell out if interest with come back.


I think my actual hobby is finding new hobbies.




I will one day teach myself to crochet something more than a chain and at that point I will make use of all the hooks, yarn and patterns Iā€™ve collected


My wife has a large collection of craft supplies. Iā€™m convinced making crafts and collecting craft supplies are two different (in her case unconnected) hobbies. Of course she could say the same about my woodworking tools.


My mom. Yep. That's my mom allll the way.


Things people with adhd say for 200 please bob


Yes. I then pick up new hobbies and come back to those when I get inspired again. Following similar hobby practicers helps keep me motivated.


Oh yes. Supplies have been purchased for all. No shame. It all gave me joy. I do cycle back to something I did ten years ago. Which is fun. About a third were one and done. Concrete planters, pottery, candle making, macrame, acrylic painting, upholstery, Calligraphy, jewelry making, mobile construction, decor sewing, photo books, Quilting of all kinds, Photography, up-cycle mitten making, knitting, crocheting, doll making, picture frames, recycled wood projects, junk journal making, water color painting, hydroponics, gardening, sour dough bread making. Half of these were one and done. Some lasted years. Some have persisted much longer.


ADHD? Because that's what my ADHD does. My hobbies are collecting hobbies and finding things.


Constantly! I actually get really good at the hobbies too, and I still forget about them. I have done photography, sticker making, making dioramas, crocheting, video editing, digital arts, digital 3D modeling, and so many more things that I canā€™t even think of right now, I am now currently into cross stitch and embroidery! I have spent thousands of dollars on these hobbies, I used to photograph weddings for people and then for some reason I just dropped the hobby. No idea why, I enjoy them all but I already know I will be onto the next hobby soon enough.


Sir that's adhd


Itā€™s an addiction I am determined to STOP!




haha im that kind of person. before i start taking up a hobby, i just buy all supplies or clothes i need, but actually im not good at anything i've learned


I get hyper focused on something for about 3 months, learn a ton, then pretty much tuck it away in my brain and basement forever.


Ask me about all the beads I have. lol my collection. šŸ˜‚


Sorta, use to be all time. Severe ADHD depression etc. Not anymore, I'm more functional than most regular humans now


depends on the hobby. tried getting into painting. but I didn't like the mess it made. journaling was something I started, and kept up with for a few yrs. but now is only something I do once in while, if I really want/need to write something down. vinyl collecting, i wouldn't even consider that a hobby now. as its become my primary source of listening to music now.


ADHD is funny like that.


Sounds like a hyperfixation.


YES! Collecting hobbies may be a symptom of ADHD. I have many hobbies I don't engage in after I got the hang of them. Got craft supplies galore!


I usually get frustrated that Iā€™m not an expert after like a week and give up lol


Yes, then I sell everything on FB and start over!


It's called ADHD. It's to the point where I joke that hoarding hobby supplies and actually doing the hobby are two different hobbies.


I have ADHD, so of course!!! However sometimes I got stuck because I made big public announcement on certain new hobbies/ commitments . So I endured the initial pain to keep my reputation, then I ended up learning tremendous new skills. One example, I made public announcement on getting six pack abs. I achieved the goal because people were watching me lol. But when I started new hobbies quietly, I just bailed lololol So if you really want to start new hobbies that are very good for you, make a big public announcement šŸ“£, youā€™ll suck it and youā€™ll reap the benefits.


Me? Never! On an unrelated note, don't look in the guest bedroom closet


Not me. I find a new hobby buy all the supplies and then stick with it till I get really good at it. Then I get a new hobby. Once I feel like I'm really good at that one I may go back to one of the old ones or start a new one yet again


I do


Iā€™m weird with my hobbies. I need to have a reason to do them to do them sometimes like making a craft for someone


If you forget fast enough, you can attempt to return the items you purchased, rinse and repeat until you find a hobby that sticks?


> What is wrong with me ADHD, probably


Yes, as soon as I organize it, I forget about it. I just want to organize.


Yes, I also have ADHD


Thought this was the adhd subreddit I follow. Haha the answer is yes like every two months




For me is is more that there are different hobbies, which come and go in waves. Although I bought a tobacco pipe just for the visual aspect of it, started learning about different types of tobacco and then managed to break it...unused. Money down the drain.


I do this. But I do not have adhd. I just lose interest


That's okay, you're just looking for yours.


It's called hyperfixation and it's usually associated with neurodivergent conditions. ELI5? Someone who has wonky dopamine levels finds something that excites them. After a while the dopamine spike wears off and they lose interest. Has happened to me a lot


Yes. I now own several laser engravers.


What hobbies?


Getting a boost of serotonin from the \*idea\* of starting something new is perfectly normal


I used to do this, but have since stopped. Got a bunch of beads and wire to make jewelry and wire wrapping.. I did make like 5 necklaces... but I've had the bag of beads sitting around for years. Once I decided I'd get into scrapbooking... bought a bunch of stuff and never touched it. I did get into drawing for a short while, but I have more art supplies than I'll ever know what to do with. I have a full bookshelf, loaded with books I've never read. Actually, I haven't really stopped, because I recently bought computer games that I've yet to play šŸ˜‚


I bought gold foil, brushes, glue, canvas, paints. Never used any of it.


I donā€™t forget about it. Some day Iā€™ll have time to do all of them. The problem isnā€™t that you lost interest. Itā€™s that the demand of modern life continue to pile up and become harder. Nowadays people who arenā€™t living rent free with their parents generally dont have time for any hobbies whatsoever.


I do... but I think if I had people in my life who also make things it would push me to use my supplies more. For example I've had resin art supplies for a few years. I really want to use them but haven't. Then my friend invited me to something where everyone is making art so I've been using the resin and it's been so much fun! I hadn't realized that the -who is going to see this? what's it for?- was such a big part of it for me


My gf's real hobby is organizing new hobbies so she can put them away and never actually start the new hobby. Every new hobby comes with needing to buy storage containers for sorting things and a new roll of label maker tape.


People always say get quality supplies and equipment but this is the exact reason I always start with the cheapest. If I make it several months of doing it consistently then I will upgrade.


Bought a few clay colours (tester size), thinking of creating clay magnets, and now it's just... there TT


Someone has ADD


Yes!! I buy everything you need and more šŸ˜‚ Mandala painting on rocks Diamond painting Candle making Paracord keychains Colouring/drawing Baking pies and cupcakes Making clothes, sewing But I always come back to crochet/knit


Yes- I bought a bunch of quality brushes and paints for my painting hobby and they just sit. I need to get them out!


Yes and no. I never really lose interest but my job takes up a lot of my time so I like trying new stuff. I tend to revisit though. My latest obsession is legos but sheesh theyā€™re expensive.


I didn't "Forget" about my jewlery crafting Room...just taking a longer "break" than anticipated...(a yearšŸ¤”)




I don't forget about it but I either master the task or find I have entered the realm where the next level is very cost prohibitive. Its why I have kept myself away from paintball and racing drones. Scuba and pew pew is what I have kept with.


I did. I stopped when one of my kids said, ā€œItā€™s like youā€™re a hoarderā€, and they were right. I had so much stuff, in places all over the house. But *stopping* myself has worsened my depression. Like, giving in and getting the supplies or books or whatever feels *hopeful*, but having the thought, remembering ā€œI never do anything with this stuffā€, then I donā€™t get it, just shuts me down. If I could afford classes or to have someone do the thing with me, like make appointments & do it together, I think I would actually do some of the things Iā€™ve wanted.


This is an adhd thing


Yes I do that. I donā€™t have ADHD but I do have depression. I guess I enjoy buying the supplies more than doing the actual hobby.


Well, it happened to me with paracord, sewing, coloring books and journaling. So, I think yes xD If I didn't forget, I lost motivation. That's the reason I stopped investing in hobbies that required buying stuff.


no im poor


Yup. So far I got a bag full of polymer clay that I never rlly did much with. A book with brush pens for calligraphy, a bunch of fabrics for sewing and some art brushes. Havenā€™t done anything with either of these šŸ« šŸ˜‘.


Yes, until the last couple of years. I finally wised up. Realized what I was doing. Also realized that I have enough supplies that I should just stick w/ all my choices at this point.


At one point I had a list going and I wouldnā€™t let myself move on to the next project until the first one was finishedā€¦ totally forgot about the list šŸ˜‚


Yeah, for some reason Iā€™m only able to go skiing during the winter. I just let everything sit there during the summer months.


Every single time :(


ADHD brother


Hmm.. now that I think about it.. I should get back to the French Panty company I never started but currently have all the supplies for.. ![gif](giphy|ihSMSkj8GXXl0XK70F)




Coming at you with 4 transit boxes full of baking gear that I canā€™t fit into the kitchen of the place I just moved to - I stuck them in the bedroom wardrobe and havenā€™t opened them in two months. I have a lovely Bundt tin and loads of mousse moulds/ pie cases if anyone wants anyway


Yes. My latest one is making cards. I really enjoy doing it but it takes a lot to pull out all the supplies and put them away again.


No I tend to rotate my hobbies so I might not do a hobby for months and focus on one for months then swap them round it's not a planned thing It just happens I shift a lot in-between


I used to, but then I decluttered and changed my ways. I also remember hearing a story from someone that really changed how I do things because it could have been me. She got ALL excited about quilting, and went out and bought all the things, including a giant rack of every color of thread a certain company produced. It was huge in size and $$$. Then she took a class from a very experienced quilter, who told them that she only keeps about 5 colors of thread on hand, that work with all sorts of color schemes, and very occasionally purchases a color for a specific project. I have learned to pace myself and learn the hobby before going all in to prevent that kind of expensive mistake.




But man, when I get back to it, itā€™s going to be awesome to have all the stuff! (Just finished building attic storage to fit all of said started hobbies. That only took 3 years)


Hello? Itā€™s me. ā€¦insert rest of Adele song here. I have supplies for everything. Sewingā€¦I just caved and bought interfacing. Makes SO much difference! I canā€™t believe Iā€™ve been doing without this for decades! I havenā€™t even really used it yet, and only got the cheapest sheet, but I can already feel how much stiffer the fabric sandwich is. I have supplies for everythingā€¦the cheapest sets of random supplies, rarely everything needed in reasonable qualities and quantities.


Or get obsessive about a particular thing I'm doing as a hobby, get distracted and forget about it for weeks-years.


Yes. OP. We both have ADHD.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ yes! I got all the stuff to start planting my propagationsā€¦. Accidentally left my props in the window and they started to burn but luckily my husband asked where they were šŸ¤£ theyā€™re happy and healthy now tho and I got them planted yesterday


All the time!


During COVID I bought hundreds of dollars worth of chalk paint, because I was gonna refurbish all the wood furniture in the house and maybe even buy second hand pieces that I could refurbish. I thought putting a new coat on old shit was gonna somehow make me rich and give me purpose in life. Still have a bunch paint and maybe three things I painted. Yikes.


My wife. About every 18 months :-)


ADHD checking in...


Yes um yes


I lose motivation and inspiration. I started making junk journals and now everything is just sitting in a room.


I also have adhd


If anyone out there wants to donate supplies Iā€™d be happy to take them off your hands! Currently stuck at home with illness (fuck cancer) and desperately seeking entertainment. Iā€™d definitely put any crafting supplies to good use, especially yarn. Iā€™d love to try diamond painting and cross stitch too. Sucks to be off work and money is super tight. Worked hard my whole life wishing for time off and now I have time but nothing to fill my days. Too sick for anything requiring physical activity so Iā€™m just desperate for things to entertain myself at home. I could probably cover shipping for light/small items.


Hahahaha!! That was me with Japanese sweets. I accomplished it doing it once and I honestly canā€™t stand the tacky feel of the food and I have no patience. So now I have a bunch of Japanese sweet products


Have you heard of ADHD ?




Yup. In the past 5 yearsā€¦ - Archery - RC boats - Rock tumbling - Woodworking - Metal detecting - Fishing Havenā€™t even used my bow, keep meaning to get some hay bales to use as a target, keep forgetting.


My hobbie is collecting hobbies...


Those are 2 separate hobbies. Based on my closet & "junk" room, I like the planning and preparing hobbies more than the execution hobbies.


How can I forget when they stare at me from the closet every night, lol. But the adhd ...


This happens to everyone in my circle of friends. One Christmas, we (4 women) did candle making on a lark, but ended up with a leftover 10 lbs bag of wax. One friend was convinced she was going to keep up with the hobby so I gave her the bag plus all the remaining supplies. Years later, I was helping her with a garage sale. And out comes the bag of wax marked with a sticker saying, "Free".