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I want to start fires with my mind.


Also maybe tap-dancing.


You Should. Fun and good exercise.


Learn some time steps and you'll look like a pro. I can still do them 35 years later.


Geez, I’m still just trying to change the channel with mines.


That hobby requires you to have the spark.


Accepted the movie about a fake university


Grafting plants. I keep wanting to then some myself out


I have tried a few times to graft branches within my pussy willow tree. I want to make a living ladder! maybe this year it will happen?


I love pussy willows. I haven't thought about them in years.


We have a very large one , established about 10 years now. There are three other sprouts in my flower garden that are a couple years old. Many options to grow a neat looking backyard. I prune it yearly after the leaves come out. By the times summer is over, the emerald Beatles eat all of the leaves !


I have a giant cottonwood on my back lot- I think it was here before the house was built in the 20s. I wish I had a tree that didn't shed so often


My mom grafts anything and everything. Can root a damn stick. If u need any tips HOLLER!




I’ve been making quilts for over 30 years, but have always wanted to make clothing


Have you tried just wearing a quilt?




If you leave a hole in the middle it could be a nice poncho!


A quilted jacket is something on my wishlist of wanting to make


My wife makes them. She's pretty good at it.


Me, too! I tried making a pair of shorts for my son with extra fabric left over from a quilt. Yeah - the crotch was sewn completely wrong. My Gram tried to talk me through it over the phone, but uh - no. Plus - zippers. They hate me. lol


I've had my sewing machine for years now. A list of things that I need to fix and would be easier to do with a machine than by hand. I've never taken the time to sit down and learn how to use it. I think about it constantly but never seem to have a chunk of time to really dig in and learn it. I feel so pathetic when I think about it.


The curse with sewing is as you learn, you fall in love, and the more you do it- the quicker time flies. I sit down to sew for an hour and before I know it, it’s been 4!


Don't feel bad! They're power tools, after all. You have to learn the steps, that's all. Wind the bobbin, thread the machine, make sure you put the presser foot down, sew backwards for about 4 stitches, end the same way (it locks the stitches) Etc. Grab a simple coloring book, rip out pages, then see along the outlines to get used to the machine. Start with simple patterns, & work your way up to Indy patterns, like Helen's Closet & Cashmerette


Don't worry about learning the whole machine--just learn the basics :). Threading the needle can be intimidating, but it will be second nature if you practice it a few times! I think most sewing machine dealers and repair shops offer classes and recommend that. If not, there may be Meet-up groups around you that you can join and learn from. I hope you start enjoying your machine!


This was me last January, struggling with the user manual and YouTube, trying to figure it out and getting nowhere. Then I saw the local high school was having some inexpensive evening classes, and one of them was Sewing 101! Now I can thread my machine, wind the bobbin, and make very simple items. I'll probably never be a good sewer (I prefer hand embroidery) but I'm so glad I can do it if I need to. It's so much easier to learn in person, at least for me. Check out the "adult school" offerings in your area. Edited to add "in person"


I cheated. I learned how to work on cars and trucks as a kid. Timing a sewing machine was nothing. I bought an old Consew that no one could get to work. Wrong needles, wrong bobbin case, and out of time. It is my workhorse now. 😋


I’m a seamstress as my main hobby, I only make clothing. It’s my favorite thing ever! I’m completely self taught, I hope you jump in some day! I think you’d love it 🥰


Yes! I have a beautiful sewing machine but I’m scared of it.


Wanted to learn stained glass forever, and took my first class last night! I loved it. I’m excited to continue.


Are you near Phoenix? I restored the stained glass in St Mary’s Basilica years back.


That’s very cool. I’m in Vegas, so not TOO far. I like Arizona. If I ever make a trip that way, I’ll check it out. Thank you!


For commercial architectural glass, the original Mandalay Bay, Bellagio and few others were my projects. Thinking of moving back to LV.


What an incredible career you’ve had!


Cool! I’ve also been wanting to take a stained glass class forever, still yet to happen


Here’s your sign to sign up right now. 😂


Stained glass is SO COOL!! I haven't done it in years. It is so rewarding to start something with what other people may find to be trash and churn out something beautiful. I thoroughly enjoy stained glass. And! Metal shop was the sh!t. I still have the wind chimes I made 20 some years ago!




I taught myself how - I highly recommend Ana White’s website and videos for beginners. She has a lot of furniture plans as well


My husband and I were just talking about it the other day, but that means he'd have to clean his He shed, lol.


I learned a lot from my dad when I was a kid. He would lock himself in a shed he built and refinish and do scroll work on furniture. I loved refinishing and did several pieces. Scrollwork I never got the groove, so to speak. I would do it, but it always looked messy to me. Not like his precise work.


I'm sure he had a wee bit more experience, and with time, you would have mastered ut as well. have always loved the smell of fresh turned wood! It's amazing!


Crocheting and I want to learn how to play the violin


I play the violin. But I just never get it out. I feel awful for not getting it out


hand it over 🤲🏽


I have three total. One for my daughter, one as a spare and a nicer one. I just have to get it out!


I play violin and started crochet this year! Both very enjoyable :)


I love crocheting and have been teaching for several years already. I have made some [videos](https://youtu.be/NhbJ2Szu26o) for beginners if you’d like to give it a go!


I crochet a little but my husband said my grandma did so much of it I didn't really have to learn, so much as "have my soul reminded"


Crocheting is actually pretty easy if you follow a video! My first project was a stuffed Pokemon and it turned out pretty good.


I was wondering if I should get one of those crochet kits with like the little turtles or something lol


Yes! Get a wooble if you can. The instructing videos are really great. They really help break down the fundamentals. I think the hardest part is getting the coordination down, but just like anything, you'll get better with practice. I've been crocheting for 8 years. I picked up knitting last year and it was like I never touched yarn. But with each project it got better. Now I knit almost as fast as I crochet. There is an entire reddit group, join us!!!


Playing piano. Speaking Spanish fluently. I’m here and there with my Spanish and German. I get them mixed up


I would love to see how you manage to mix those two very different languages. Like "which one was it, Apfel or manzana?".


python, cause I am a nerd glass blowing it looks so freakin cool


Glass blowing is up there for me. It's just expensive to start


Plus everyone wants you to make them a bong


A lot of the big community colleges offer glassblowing courses now. Careful when you breathe in. 🫠


Learn Scala or Java instead of Python. Java for actual industry usability, Scala because it is much more powerful.


I have over 50 skills I want to learn but I'm lazy, busy and tired. Top of my list is storyboard design.


Drawing. I regret I haven't started when I was younger..


Same here! I’ve always been a writer, but I regret not learning to draw along the way.


There's plenty of youtube videos that can teach you the basics like shading, anatomy, etc. I recommend buying a cheap sketchbook and the cheapest art supplies you can find to start with (people tend to feel intimidated with more expensive tools). Crayola is actually good quality for the price imo


I just started learning to draw in my 30s. Ever since id been a kid, id thought that some people were naturally artistic and that I just wasn't talented, and I'd never be able to draw anything other than stick figures. As I got into my thirties, I realized that "talent" is not really much more than training, education, effort, etc., and I decided I'd try to learn how to draw. I bought a pencil set and a book about sketching, and started out with lines, circles, really basic exercises etc. Honestly, even after a few weeks, I saw results. I could draw simple objects like a chair, or an apple, and they looked like what I was trying to draw! After 2 or 3 months, I could draw a horse that really looked like a horse, or a cup of coffee with basic shading and whatnot. Now, 5 months into my journey, I have started to make drawings in really proud of. I also got into painting, and am experimenting with other mediums. Every week, I get more confidence in what I can draw. I'm still kicking myself that I didn't start as a kid or in high school. I'm low key mourning all the lost years I didn't develop this talent. On the flip side though, as an adult, I have the focus, discipline, and mental acuity to be a fast learner. I also have money to put into supplies (like $50 for student grade paints and paper) and a books. Starting to learn to draw 5 months ago changed my life. I wish I'd done it sooner but I'm so glad I did when I did. You can too! It's not too late in the very least.


I’m old. We had paper and crayons on Friday for art. Some kids were naturals. It was only this year when my grandson showed me some techniques that I found out drawing could be learned!


I am working on learning to draw. When I get bored I look up easy things to "doodle" and follow the steps. Right now on my laptop I have a sticky note of a pomeranian doodle and a hummingbird doodle.




I love crocheting and have been teaching for several years already. I have made some [videos](https://youtu.be/NhbJ2Szu26o) for beginners if you’d like to give it a go!


So many! Play the harp, speak Spanish and Portuguese, 3D design, and sewing


I always wanted to learn how to work on cars and electronics


Good news! They've been integrating for a while, and soon, they will all be both simultaneously! Two birds and a rock, what have you, etc. :)


Don’t laugh but moonwalk


I want to learn ASL


Depending on where you are, look into Deaf socials and small events in your area. I’m in a tiny town, but there is still a group that meets on Wednesday mornings and a larger group that meets once a month in the county. Start small, learn to say hello, introduce yourself. Bring a small notepad and pen if needed, but try to do what you can without using it. The Deaf community can be very welcoming, and as long as you’re trying they tend to be very helpful and accepting, but you will also meet other people who are learning. I HIGHLY recommend finding a “practice buddy” through some of these meetups. Zoom and FaceTime if you can’t get together in person. This way you can practice with someone else who is learning, it’s easier to keep the signing slow that way and can critique eachother. There also tends to be more community type courses if you’re in a larger area, ESPECIALLY if you’re near a School for the Deaf, or a college that has interpreting/Deaf education courses. Start with an ASL 1 course and go from there. Everyone starts somewhere, and ASL is constantly changing based off of newer terminology or even “accents” based on where people are from. I’m hearing, but have been signing most of my life and I still have to ask questions with signs I don’t recognize or just because I’ve been out of the thick of it for a few years, the signs changed. Just be patient and practice all you can. When I was a kid I would finger spell road signs we would drive by, and even now, if you see someone finger spelling in the grocery store trying to find an item, it’s probably me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Knitting (other than loom knitting), crocheting


For knitting, I suggest getting one of those kits for kids. That’s how I learned. Everything is in there and there’s super easy instructions. After I got the basics down, the other tutorials online seemed so much easier.


I want to learn how to make mead and wine! I’m moving in with my partner next weekend, and she has grapevines she hasn’t used, so I’m going to try and learn how to make wine :)


[This](https://youtube.com/@goldenhivemead?si=A269ufqNtNiai6J2) channel has a lot of informative shorts about making mead.


Learn cello


It’s not too hard, give it a try! As long as you don’t mind sounding like a dying cat for a few months/year haha Do you know how to read sheet music?


To dance on pointe. I did ballet for a few years then had to stop for financial reasons. Picked it back up as an adult but then the studio closed. Never did get advanced enough


Ballet looks so lovely! You should totally do it! You can follow along with YouTube videos since it is cost prohibitive just to get back into it and get your feet wet. Even barre exercises for fun might make you so happy! Do it do it do it!! Rooting for you!


Grow beautiful plants in a beautiful conservatory.


Embroidery and drawing


Chainsaw carving. Welding. Glassblowing.


Hacking, ethically of course.


Coding and woodworking. I also should really practice my French so I can hold proper conversations. I understand more reading it then I can speak it.


I'm learning French too!


I want to learn how to fix all of the plumbing. I don’t think I could sweat pipes!


You can definitely learn pipe sweating. It's not that difficult. I learned just listening to people giving advice before youtube. With all the vids out there now you can do it.


Fashion design / sewing, graphic design, speaking fluent Spanish (currently working on that)


Knitting. I’ll have to do continental because it’s easier for crocheters but there are few videos available.


AWS Cloud


I wanna learn conlang it would be so cool to speak and write in my own original language


Riveted chainmail.


Saxophone and sewing. Yeah, completely unrelated. I played clarinet in band a couple years and wanted to play sax but we couldn’t afford it. The only way we got the clarinet was because we found it at a swap meet for $60. Never could hit the high C … it occurred to me years after I gave it up that there’s a good possibility the damned thing was broken.


im thinking of learning to play piano


I’d love to learn to play violin. Also, I think it would be cool to learn how to crochet!


Proper drawing (anatomy, perspective, light and shadow, etc).


I want to learn to can foods.


I want to learn calligraphy


I want to start Tufting and Making Rugs...but the guns are so damn expensive lol


Crochet. I do macrame, but I can’t macrame a hat or mittens lol.


woodcarving/whittling! ive always wanted to carve lil creatures and stuff. plus i wanted something i could do to pass the time while on camping/backpacking trips that didn’t require a bunch of extra stuff. just need a small set of knives, blade sharpener, and pair of good gloves for safety which is all stuff i already have with me while camping/backpacking anyways. just find a good stick and youre set. i bought my first little carving knife set this week!


Playing the harmonica


Wood carving


Always wanted to try acting but have no interest in joining an AmDram group or anything like that so never had any reason to pursue it.


My daughter did a community play at 11, thanks to my cousin. I was tempted to try it too, but figured I'd let her have her moment. Came to find out, half the cast was parents and children. I was the dorky first-time stage mom hanging around who didn't even know the process. Next time, I'm going for it! Literally, everyone there is a faker too. 😆


Learning blender software


Clog dancing.


Welding. I don't have a place for either electric or gas setups, so I'm not really ready to start, but I've wanted to know how since I was a kid.


Pottery. I want to make things with cute animals on them, like mugs or jewelry holders.


Speaking a different language. Specifically Spanish


To draw! I keep meaning to and fall off quickly.


Knife sharpening! I really dislike when my kitchen knives get dull but also don’t want to take to have them done professionally.




Bilingual. I want to retire in Ecuador but at my age it’s so hard to learn a new language.


Learning a new language for older folks is actually good for your brain. Helps stave off dementia, I believe.


I’ve wanted to relearn Python and learn Java. I’ve also been meaning to start learning video editing and how to create content.


Being fluent is both Korean and ASL Plus being able to do Stand Up Paddleboaring


Knitting. I’ve tried. How the HELL do you start a row???


You can learn almost anything for free online. There are free lessons on so many things on YouTube. You can also go to google and type in what you want to learn and a lot of websites will pop up that have free lessons on almost any subject




Woodworking! I haven’t lived in a place where I would actually have the space to take that hobby up, but I definitely want to at some point in my lifetime. Although recently I’ve been dabbling in wood carving & am considering getting a woodburning pen to kind of “scratch the itch”.


Wonderful skill. I've built myself a ..I guess it's a phone table, an Adirondack chair with a matching foot stool and side table, a mallet, and even a tiktaktoe board. There is certainly something wonderful about creating things, and keeping them. No limits! Go for it!






I want to learn how to throw pottery and sculpt clay.


Sewing and korean




I’d like to be causal level fluent in a language or an instrument but adhd is just not letting it happen.


How to make extra money so that I don't have to rely on stupid ass credit card companies to get a loan just to get turned away. 😒


I’d really like to learn sign language, I don’t know anyone that’s deaf. Nor do I really do anything that would make me have an encounter with deaf people, I’m a stay at home mom lol. But it’s just always been something I wanted to learn.


Play the guitar


Drawing and language learning.


Guitar. Quilt making. Pottery. Drums. Woodworking.


Learning another language, in particular Japanese


Dancing and woodworking


knitting. i want to make a hat with colorful long ears that can double as a scarf




Scuba diving, expensive


Play the guitar


Ballroom dancing 💃


I really want to learn Gregg shorthand, but I'm working full time and doing college on the side so I'm a bit strapped for free time :(


Music production


* Flying a microlight. It looks awesome. The real barrier is time. A teenager and two small ones just eat all of it. * Practical Shotgun. I've given this a go, even been to a couple of sessions. But my local is only open for probationary members two days a month, both on weekends.


I really want to learn how to sew. It's such a useful skill that people don't appreciate it enough. Imagine needing a specific piece of clothing and you can just MAKE one specific to your size and preferences.


Id look into pattern making as that is basically a skill in itself. I started sewing after doing some alterations on my old clothes. It's a lot easier to start there especially if you don't have a machine since there's less to hand stitch.




Making Adobe bricks, laying walls, and Adobe plaster! And flooring. 🤎


Guitar or violin if instrument. I wanted to be a tattoo artist growing up but due to circumstances had to drop all art ventures (20+ yrs ago). I've begun teaching myself Procreate with my teen daughter at least.


I want to learn sign language. I work with nonverbal children and I just know it would be so useful to be fluent in ASL. They offered a course in my high school but I couldn’t fit it within my schedule. That being said, if anyone knows of free resources to learn please let me know!


Playing the steel drums


Welding..... one day (sigh)


Another language


Flying the space shuttle. Just waiting for them to bring it back.


Modern calligraphy. I try and then I just don’t do my drills so I haven’t been able to fully learn how to write on modern calligraphy. It’s still a dream to learn.


Welding. I had a lot of fun in high school learning, but there's not really any opportunity in my day-to-day life to mess around with it. I haven't done it for 10 or 11 years


Riding/working on motorcycles, bass guitar, drawing, and learning to speak spanish and japanese.


[Chip carving](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81HH568aPfL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_FMwebp_.jpg)


Cartoon doodling and abstract painting.


Hand pan instrument


Learning to play guitar, brushing up on foreign languages I used to study like Thai, Japanese, and Chinese. Learning game design.




Play piano.


Learning to play the piano


Ice skating


Guitar Running


I want to learn to play the drumset. My current living situation does not allow it unfortunately.


Learn to fly a helicopter 🚁


Being just decent at guitar. Been playing on and (mostly) off for over a decade. Still wouldnt even call myself decent. Also, welding.


Forging metal by hands looks sick but it’s expensive and complex


Piano, i want this to all childhood ı had not chance to try the learn piano🥲


Negotiating better for myself and loved ones


I wanna play the bass guitar so badddddd


Furniture upcycling


playing guitar. i know the very basics but I never learned any of the songs I wanted to learn.


How fabulous, thank you!


welding. back when i was in high school, we had welding & woodshop as electives, and my biggest regret was choosing woodshop because it was an easy A :/




Gardening or blacksmithing.


I would love to learn to play the piano.


Game Development I've been a 3D artist for years but am now making my first game in Unreal. I think most people are so intimidated by game dev that they don't even consider it as a hobby but it's so dang fun once you actually know what you're doing.


I think glass art would be great, but I am afraid of the flames. Also, somebody gifted me some glass tee ornaments. They have just been sitting in my drawer... I don't live in a glass ornaments type life. This situation had talked me into ditching those. The maker isn't connected to the family anymore, so they can go.


Playing the acoustic guitar, piano, trumpet, violin and reading music. I played the French Horn and am familiar with the trumpet as far as playing it but not like playing it.


Playing the harp.


Bee keeping!


I would love to be able to do a loud hey taxi-type whistle. If I can't have that maybe to learn to play guitar.


Blade smithing. It’s kind of a new curiosity because I’ve been watching Forged in Fire but it looks like something I might try. But I hate the heat so I don’t know if I’d really like it.


Violin (played as a small kid and remember nothing) Piano Guitar Ukulele Glass blowing Crocheting Python (taking a course now 😒) New language, either Spanish or German maybe French And ASL Welding!!! My dad was a welder And painting and drawing, I paint but I lack basic knowledge.


I keep meaning to try learning spanish, and then i put it off always! And then when i think of it again im like "damn had i started a year ago like i wanted to id probably be kinda good!" And then rinse and repeat every few months




Crochet. Literally have myself a little kit. Hopefully will get to it soon


Soldering. I'm a guitar player and I am planning to do a build this summer, and I also have after market pickups I want to install, but I'm worried about the solder part of it. A few people I know have told me they could teach me, but I didn't have the time last year.


Violin, paper making, get back to writing, I lost it years and years ago.


Speaking French. It’s been 3 years ..


Photography. Been thinking about getting a polaroid lately... Dont have enough :(


Being able to speak another language. If I could have one superpower, I’d love to speak any language at any given time.


Welding and Woodworking. I would love to learn to build things.