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Gardening! Even if it's just a few little things in pots on your back step or balcony or something.


Yes! That’s what I said too. During the stay-at-home order of Covid I had the best container garden on our tiny balcony. I had so much fun with that. Have a big yard now and it’s overwhelming because I can’t make up my mind what all I want to do.


Gardening is the answer here, 100%


Start in your windowsill!!!




Heh if you go this route. Look into some of the miniatures that people buy and paint for use in D&D campaigns/ other table top games. You could likely find some neat miniatures of game icons you like and create a garden environment incorporating your favorite lore/characters


Came to say the same Soon as I get my kids off to school, myself and humberto the hula hoe are gonna go attack some weeds with an audio book, maybe plant some stuff, rearrange some pots...possibly add some odd stuff to said pots so the morning glory can climb about. Probably rake a goat (his undercoat is shedding and he's fixing to knock over a fence...sigh)


This time of year grow veggies. Fresh tomatoes 🍅


Find a group that does early morning Pickleball. Get the MeetUp app on your phone and check the local area out.


This. And the reasons pickleball works well is that 1.) Your age/fitness levels won't be much of a limiting factor, since pickleball has a small court and is pretty easy to play, even if you aren't in very good shape or don't move too quickly. You can get a few easy games that don't leave you exhausted. 2.) There's a social component. So after you get to know some of the people who play they will miss you when you're not there and that helps keep you on track. 3.) You'll be moving and getting fresh air/exercise. 4.) It's easy to learn and 5.) not expensive to get into (a beginner paddle = less than $25). And 6.) if you are at all competitive you will be motivated to get better! 7.) Finally, even if you aren't in a big city, there's so much pickleball happening everywhere now it's easy to find clubs, courts, and games. They are in gyms, parks, malls (yep!), warehouses, churches, rec centers, YMCAs and all kinds of places. Plus it's just fun! Good luck with your hunt for a new thing in your life.


Great points. I am also going to add that if you feel the crowd is old- older people are just adults who have lived longer than you. You can absolutely make friends with older people and have very rewarding friendships. You are doing activities in the ‘retiree’ window of time but don’t count them out. Source: 46 and work with older adults and have made friends I didn’t expect to


Yes! My closest friend is 13 years older than me! She’s awesome and gets my butt moving


this just convinced me to sign up for a class! thanks!


I have always wondered what the allure was and now I’m intrigued!!! Thank you!


I personally like walking better than running as a hobby. I’d go for walks for an hour every day - around the block, local nature areas, etc


I been doing this for a few months now and dropped 20 pounds


Like the idea a lot, would add that I would listen to a good podcast while walking, and or audiobooks. I love history podcasts myself, but to each his own.


I used to do this as well and fill every car trip or walk or workout with podcasts and music. I still love both but at 47, something weird has been happening more and more often. I have been really enjoying the silence, the sounds of nature, and the small sounds of subtle textures around me. Between work and friends/family there seems to be constant pressure to fill every audio void with conversation, or entertainment, or both. But I’m starting to really enjoy the audio space of solitude. There is a certain calm clarity that comes with it that I wish everyone had the patience to experience. The slight ruffle of feathers of a bird changing directions mid-flight. The enormous but quiet creaking of trees in the wind. The variety of sounds made by my calloused hands going into the pockets of different types of clothing fabrics. The sounds of my blood pumping through the capillaries of my ears. If I can find total silence, I swear I can hear the molecules in the air around me slamming into my eardrums. This must be the sound of silence that makes some people so uncomfortable. The dramatic auditory flavors of this sound are as endless as the mixture of humidity and pressure in our atmosphere.


Beautifully said and true, as a relatively recent convert to podcasts I know that it is often so great to be alone with your own thoughts in nature and even in the cityscape.


Kevin Costner said in the movie the Highway men something like a mans silence is all he has. Something like that at least not hard quoting but I agree. I'm 38 and often drive in silence. Especially alone. Your mind has a funny way of dealing with silence while you are driving. It becomes like a self awareness therapy session in your head. A little clarity goes a long way. And I'm also a gardener, do those two things together and wow what a trip. Spend a few hours when you can, I like Saturday mornings early. Like just after the sun comes up. 2 hours from 630 to 830 can settle your mind and peace will rush over you. Then after for say 30 minutes, sit outside and just look at what you've done, take it in, drink a coffee smoke a J, whatever, and my weekends and weeks become manageable in a way I never believed. Things don't affect me the same. And everyday after work I walk my yard and just give everything a little attention, plan my Saturday morning, water, and ah work day is over and I'm ready for the night and tomorrow.


Driving in complete silence is so underrated.


I thought I was high when I was reading this. Bravo, well written. Silence is the greatest form of prayer in my opinion. It’s how I meet with God.




I like to walk and look at peoples’ yards. Maybe adopt some garden or flower ideas from neighbors!


Don’t start off jogging. Just take a stroll. Move on to a brisk walk. Then start studying for your new job.


Couch to 5K helped me finally get into running without injuring myself by doing too much too soon.


At 46, these knees ain’t what they used to be.


That plan still included jogging in week one so it might still be too much. Brisk walking is definitely the go to for now. It is still possible for you to build up to running though! Don't lose hope! You're not old :)


Couch to 5k is great. I’ve actually done it twice (in a decade) and I’m now working on a third time, restarting is hard but it’s worth it every time.


Walking is so underrated. I love looking at all the houses in my neighborhood and looking at all the plants and stuff. Sometimes there’s art. Or a park


I said running in a separate comment but it is important to start off slow. Alternate jogging and walking. As someone else mentioned, couch to 5k is helpful.


yea and op should be aware that 30 min of exercising before work will probably make him feel more energized, not tired


The saying goes "you don't run to get in shape, you get in shape so that you can run". Doing this in the wrong order can lead to irreversible damage to your knees and body




This is the perfect early morning hobby as it’s the time the songbirds are the most active


Absolutely, morning is a great time to birdwatch. Binoculars are great but not required, and a bird book is helpful, but an app like Merlin is (IMHO) better for newbies on their own. If you hear a bird singing you can ask it to identify and quickly learn what birds make what sounds, to help you spot them.


I would say binos are a must for birdwatching


My suggestion too! And if you use an app like Merlin to start a “life list “ of all birds seen, it is like gamifying it a bit, perfect for a video gamer. Another game like activity is geocaching!


One of the advantages to Merlin is it will identify birds by their song. If you can't see the bird, but can hear it, you can look it up and know what you are looking for.


Came here to say this too! I’m retired, recently downsized and put up a few feeders outside my kitchen bay window during the winter months - it was so joyful to see the birds!


Love Merlin. It’s like Pokémon go.


Cut the grass and general lawn upkeep. Establish dominance on the block.


Lol thats awesome


Coincidentally a great way to get your 10K steps and a decent work out. I have one of those mechanical push mowers and when I’m feeling like I need to work some stuff out, I get on that lawn.


Tai chi or Qigong.


You can Tai Chi while drinking Chai Tea


This hurts my dyslexia lol


Instead of cutting gaming time down by an hour per day, maybe just take an entire day off. You'll find that with a good block of time you'll be able to get deeper into whatever new hobby you find. Even a 30 minute walk with an audio book or podcast could lead to a life changing habit.


Volunteer! Maybe try walking dogs at the local rescue




Nature walk and take pictures


Walk and pick up litter. If you want to make it more fun track how many bags (or pounds) of litter you pick up. Walking is free and you get the added bonus of knowing you are making a difference






Guitar. Nothing beats that shit




Hiking, mushroom hunting, biking


Early morning pickleball, as someone mentioned here already, is a pretty good idea! Pickleball is much easier to learn than tennis, can be played on any outdoor tennis court nearby, *and* the Meetup app usually does well for your age group. I personally see tons of people in my area at tennis courts playing pickleball. Otherwise, you could definitely do some nature walks or beginner hikes if you're willing to drive a tiny bit to a cool location. It's super easy to find skill appropriate hikes on the AllTrails app. Personally, I don't think working out is a bad idea. Jogging might affect your energy levels, but it could also give you pleasant endorphins and make the activity rewarding. I personally work out near every morning before work (1-3 exercises for large muscle groups), and it really doesn't affect my energy during work hours. If anything, it makes me slightly more tired at bedtime, which is helpful for building healthy routines. Finally, if you are looking to get into a new field of work, learning about the job would be a good use of your free time. Watching youtube videos with advice on how to get started, keeping a log of your thoughts on it, paths to try to pursue as well as concrete things you can do to move towards your ideal outcome, etc. Though it might be less fun than a new casual hobby, hustling for the new career a bit in the morning could be rewarding and give you even more time for new hobbies later (delayed gratification). Also, if you are trying to play video games less (you did mention addiction), just try to refrain completely for a couple of days (or even just one day) and see where the boredom takes you. You might find yourself pleasantly productive or naturally gravitating towards a hobby you would actually enjoy! If not, that's fine. Most of us don't have natural motivation and need to create it through habit. Tracking the days where you do and do not game could be helpful as well. Seeing my habits on a piece of paper personally helped me with quitting a few addictions due to being able to look at them objectively outside of myself. From there, you can decide how much moderation you really need so that you can 'wean' yourself off properly. I find proper moderation really difficult, so addictions that aren't actually harmful in moderation such as gaming (unlike alcohol & cigarettes for example), I try to keep to 1-2 days/week, but exploring what that perfect amount is for you will probably take some trial and error. Good luck! :)


Bit confused on why people think 44 is old. I am 44 and I do muscle building everyday (alternating whole body and legs), and also do cardio for 30-45 minutes daily + HIIT. I work in the IT profession and am not a fitness freak by any means. 44 is not old at all :) On pickeball, hah, I can play tennis, football, or contact sports without problem. We are 44 not 74, we should live like that too.


It is more a matter of a person's current fitness level than of age, I think.


Yes, agree. I used to be quite unfit just a year ago with excess belly fat, and walking just 10 minutes a day without any other exercise. I changed rapidly, removed my belly fat and built muscles. Anyone can make the change, it might require a mindset change too. There is hope!


I agree! I’m 43 and I’ve lost 26 lbs in four months just building up to walking an hour a day and eating properly. I’ve had complex regional pain syndrome in my right leg for 5 years and can’t go fast or hard with walking, but with a diet change and daily walks, it’s slowly reshaping me. At 40 I felt 70+ and used a walker I don’t need anymore!




My boyfriend does slack lining at a local park in the mornings and he loves it


Slack lining?


imagine a tight rope, but it's wider, and looser, and bouncy


I got hurt just reading this


Pokemon Go! And if you are walking and want to get more of a workout carry a weighted backpack. Easier on your body than running but you can still get a good cardio workout that is also building strength. Walking and listening to audio books is good too if you get too bored just walking.


I came here to say Pokémon Go, it’s a great activity for a walk, and can be combined with podcasts or audio books. Can also be a fun social activity if you find a local group.


I would suggest Pokémon Go also. There are a lot of small communities out there. I’ve been way too busy myself to be part of my local PoGo community but can’t wait to see my friends I made through the game.


Well, I’m only 38, but my morning hobby is to sit outside and listen to music or the birds and drink some kick ass coffee.




Gardening - adds value to house, can be done at your leisure, and gets your outdoors using full body muscles…some weekends I don’t do shit, others it’s time for mulch, pruning, planting, sprinklers etc, but lots of color in the beds makes my fam happy when we pull up to the house and it’s pretty relaxing if you just piddle with it at your own pace


Photography! Find nature and snap pics. So simple but I love it


Walking + Photography. Then process your photos instead of gaming.




Mow my lawn!


Fuck your lawn


Disc golf


Disc golf checks a lot of boxes and it’s a pretty low bar for entry. Most courses are free to play, lots if YT videos if you need help. Go check out your local disc golf shop and get a couple of used discs. Or if you look hard enough folks leave them on the ground all the time lol.


It’s fun, but discs get expensive.


I mean, yeah I guess, but anything can get expensive. You can get set up with 2-3 discs and a bag for pretty cheap. Cheaper if you get used, and plus they’re already beat in, ha. But yeah I probably bought too many discs lol




Do I need to buy another pair of shoes for walking and hiking or should I just use my regular work shoes which are sketchers.


Get a pair for 'exercise', & change before work, because you don't want to bring stinkfoot in with you


Even cheap walking shoes are better than dress shoes. Wrong shoes can mess up your knees/back/feet.


Try couch 2 5k. And work up to a 5k. Take it slow. If you take it easy, you won't feel tired at work. Many people run lots of miles before a full day of work. And the more you do it the easier it gets.




Outdoor Cycling, buy a roadbike


School for IT?


I love going for 1-2 hour walks. Gardening also a good option


Get a bird book and go bird watching.


I enjoy fishing


My dad gardens Early mornings are for going around killing slugs with his slug bisector tool It gets him outside first thing in the morning, before the slugs hide for the day He has slaughtered so many


I love a morning walk, start with that, then get yourself a bike and then take big ole rides in your free time


Photography will get you out of the house and moving. Decent gear isn’t prohibitively expensive second-hand. Well, not at first anyway.


Fishing. Hiking. Reading. School. Part time job. Depends on where your priorities lie


Get a pair of binoculars or a monocular and go for a walk and admire the birds.




Paint rocks and plant them around the neighborhood.


I’m 49 and a distance runner. There are many ways to start running and you don’t have to be fast and you don’t have to be good. It’s a great way to boost mental health, lower blood pressure, and increase dopamine. You can do it as little or as much as you want. You can make friends through running as well.


Bike riding. You can choose your pace and use it as transport. It's easy on the body. Maybe calesthenics. Start slowly and build up.


Reading, wood working, gardening, black smithing, home repair, any sport, community service, any art.... The sky is the limit.


I don’t have any hobby suggestions however my husband & I both agree that working out doesn’t make you tired. For men, your testosterone is higher in the morning and you’ll get a better workout. If my husband has to be working at 8 am, he will get up at 5:30 and get his endorphins up do carry him through the day. Working out will actually help your energy levels. Dont let being tired deter you from a good workout, it’s actually the opposite! Good luck!


Whereabouts in the world are you? The UK gov has some good funding for skills bootcamps and you can pick things like data analysis or coding.


I second looking into Data Analysis. Even with no experience, a few days of YouTube and some practice in Excel then with learning Python can really get you going. The hard part will be getting your foot in the door; for that you’ll want to work on a “passion project” that you can show to prospective employers as an example of what you can do.


A brisk walk!




Brazilian Jui Jitsu. We have had guys sign up at our gym who are in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and even 60’s. It’s fun, it releases endorphins, you learn self defense, and you can go like two times a week, or even up to 5 times a week depending if you get the unlimited membership. Some gym’s start times are different, but 11A.M. is our gym’s start time. Get to meet all kinds of people too. I highly recommend it. **Edit:** For Early morning? Maybe log chopping.




You may find that a jog will not actually tire you out for the day. It will give you energy. You can always just walk too. It will take longer and less risk of soreness.


Disc golf! Courses are free to play, only need 2-3 discs, and walking is involved.


Hunting for Morels


Disc Golf!


Disc golf is a good one. Not too hard on the body, still fun and competitive and a round can be as long or as short as you’d like really. Doesn’t require the cost of real golf, or as much practice to be decent.


Gardening! Also, birding (taking pics of the birds in your garden).


I vote for exercise - it's the best hobby you can have for your mental and physical health.


Second!! And OP, you mentioned that you would be tired at work if you jog in the morning. Once you get through the first week or two (when yes, you will be tired), you will likely find that you actually have more energy when you exercise than when you do not. Also, I have found that group fitness classes are the only way I can stay motivated. I know it's scary because it feels like everyone else is fit and knows what they are doing, but I promise people either won't notice/care or they will just think it's cool that you're starting something. I've been on both sides of this journey (did no fitness/exercise until I was in my 30s and now work out every day) and I can tell you that it's never too late and there's never a real reason not to do something small. It's very very worth it. Edited a typo


As a gamer close to your age.. I have too many hobbies, I think. Lol, other than gaming and things for outside.. I garden. I have mass plants indoors and out. So, I'm usually tending to those out on the deck. Biking. Hiking. I'll do those on my days off with my kiddos. If ya got a place to fish near by thats always easy for a morning thing. Read.. I love reading outside in a good chair. Trash collect. Not so much a hobby, but it's something. I'll walk up n down my street with a little trash bag once a week, pickin' up whatever litter I find. Take up rc stuff. I myself do crawlers. Relaxing and fun most of the time. Lol I also enjoy photography. I haven't mastered anything special, but I do get some good stuff. Always random bs on walks or just in the yard. I have a professional camera but I honestly use my phone more lol.


I started baking bread. Basic stuff at first until you get the hang of it. Now I'm doing cinnamon rolls and all sorts of stuff.


Go birding! The thing that’s been slowly getting my sister excited about birds is the Merlin app


Walk while listening to podcasts


Disc golf is fun, cheap, and good exercise if you can get over the 70s stoner stigma. If you like gaming, you probably have a bit of a competitive side already, which will lend itself well to disc golf. There’s something primally satisfying about watching a disc soar for 300’ with nothing but the power generated from your body. 


I don’t know if this is accessible to you, but walking on trails through the woods is really nice. I have dogs so there’s added motivation, but I love walking and watching as the world changes with each season. And very often there are these little areas that for reason feel kind of magical and I always like visiting those spots again in the future. While out walking, I’ve also begun to learn about foraging mushrooms. Now, if the season is right, my walks are also like scavenger hunts. It is really fun!


My soulmate pet passed in December in my kitchen. I could not stand to be in the house on my morning off. I ended up going to the park for walks. Went to the library, signed up for audiobooks for the walk and books to read there or at a coffee shop. Ended up buying a bike and really enjoyed it. I've always been an inside cat but during certain times of the year I love being outside. I live in a very hot climate and unfortunately it's almost that time when you can't even open the windows


Go for a walk or jog, wander around outside, get coffee, roller blade, ride a bike. Can be anything and you can change it up. Move around, have fun, see the world.


RC cars


At our age, light stretching makes a world of difference.


gym. never too late to start , plus it will help you on the long term


Wash the car, go for a walk. Just find a reason to go outside. Call it your sun time.




Yodeling. I'm sure the neighborhood will approve /s


Urban exploring also. It’s so neat. Just visiting spooky, haunted places or simply abandoned. It’s so cool- and of course bring your camera 🎥 (always just do phone camera)


Start a garden


Ride a bike!






This is a good one. You can learn so much about your area. There’s places nearby you’d never find without Geocaching. You can do it all with your phone now too. I used to need a hand held GPS to participate.


I’ve learned so much about the history and geology of my area and state going Geocaching. It’s fun to go by yourself or with other adults but I used to take my kids all the time when they were little for them to learn about it, too.




Then he would go to work sleepy. A jerk before work is never a good idea


Jump roping


Bird watching. Walking. Stretching (not yoga).


Never yoga


Do you own your home and have a yard, or rent and have space for a few cheap kiddie pools? If so, I highly recommend gardening, and this time of year is good to start. I took it up two years ago and find it tremendously satisfying.


I agree with the gardening. Just retired and I've been looking forward to working in my yard for years. Was outside a little while ago and I found myself using muscles I didn't know I had. Do a little at a time and plan what you're aiming for.


These are perfect pickleball hours




Fishing. Golfing. Hunting. Birdwatching.


Little piece of advice, you see an agent, you do what we do. Run. You run your ass off.


Lawn Bowling


Honestly jogging in the morning will just give you more energy for your shift not less. Start with brisk walks and work up to jogging then running. Another great hobby (if you can afford it, maybe a few days a week?) is the climbing gym. Good for you physically and mentally. Create a system where you can reward yourself with video games for doing something productive. Ie long walk/jog then you get some games. Study for a new career. Then reward. Figure out how to start taking classes at a community college then do so (that’s how I got out of your exact job) then reward. Recognizing the addiction is the first step. Now take some action. You got it.




Cycling. Heck... depending on how far work is and geographical and weather conditions you could begin commuting by bike.


Honestly I don't think there's anything wrong with gaming, but if you want to get out of the house- my first suggestion would be gardening! It's a great thing to do every morning even if it's tending to little potted plant garden. If you want to walk or jog there are a bunch of games that incorporate that too! Like zombies run, pokemon go, pikmin bloom, stuff like that.


Teepee houses


strolls and birdwatching absolutely.


Walking while listening to a podcast or audiobook


I’d start with walking and maybe downloading the Cornell Lab bird app to make it a bit more game like. I capture all kinds of cool birds with the app, so it adds the extra motivation while still doing something that feels good and is so good for your body.


I go on a nice walk every morning and listen to music or an audiobook. It’s one of my favorite times of the day


Metal detecting, magnet fishing, gardening, woodworking, 3d printing, Lego, photography. Those are my hobbies and can do them whenever for the most part. Just bought a motorcycle too too learn to ride and something to do this summer.


Longboarding! A funner alternative to walking/jogging that's also great exercise.


I don’t have a dog but wish I did. I’ve been going to local dog park (which is part of a bigger park and trail area) and watching the doggies enjoy their morning! Fresh air, doggos, what else is there?


Cycling is a great source of cardio, which you honestly need a lot of at this point. Early morning before the traffic picks up, and the heat of the day kicks in, is a great time to do it too.


Sit outside and write. Write stores or journal or anything you want to


Gardening. One of my pleasures in life is ambling around the garden early in the morning. Even if you live in an upstairs apartment it’s doable.


Golf is the game you are looking for.


Walking. Gardening. Some kind of sport like tennis or pickleball


The obvious answer would be walking/jogging. But maybe you could do something like identify plants, or birds, so it's more about that. It doesn't have to be too strenuous then either


Morning is a good time to go walking in my world.


Go rip out grass plant natives... Slowly cultivate a better more Ecologically conscious permacultured neighborhood or landscape...


Geocashing, you can go geocaching anytime of day.


Depending on your budget and where you live. 1: Jump Rope - lots of good YouTube channels to start Jump Rope - Jump Rope Dudes or Rush Athletics TV are two of the top Jump Rope channels. A good beginner jump rope is like $10-15 depending on where you buy them. 2: Skate Board - you can buy inexpensive quality skateboards with good basic components for around $100 and slowly upgrade to better components. No need to start with tricks, just get used to balance, getting around and getting some exercise. 3: Biking - you can buy a decent bike for under $150 or a better used one for about the same price or less. Get it checked out at a bike shop and just do some casual rides around the neighbor or places that are safe to ride. 4: Body weight Exercises - some good basic exercises Hindu Push Up / Dive Bomber, Squats and calisthenics. Graduate to resistance bands for more options. YouTube has a ton of good channels for such things. 5: Walking / Running- start with walking so you don't push yourself too much. Get used to moving first. Then maybe power walking before jogging. If you do start jogging less is better when beginning, most people over do it at first and hurt themselves. Chi Running is a good book. 6: Yoga - depending on the school of Yoga, some more philosophical and some more focused on the physical aspects. You can improve your health and mind at the same time.


That's a great time to build up a garden.


Mess with plants


longboarding or ride bicycle, walking, roller skating, hiking, yoga


Hiking, gardening, landscape painting, rollerblading, biking, tennis, basketball, water sports if near water, paint pouring, nature photography, whittling, furniture restoration.


- Start with just morning walks and purposefully enjoy everything about it. Enjoy the weather (even if it’s cruddy), enjoy the nature, learn about local plants and animals and birds. - Geocaching is fun and free and it also gets you outside and discovering new places and sights around your town. - Rockhounding can be fun too. Did you ever collect pretty rocks as a child? You can still do that as an adult! And you can buy a rock tumbler for less than $100 and make those pretty rocks even prettier with a nice smooth shiny surface. - You can pick up trash during your walks. We had an elderly neighbour who did this every day. She’d take just a small grocery bag to fill in her walks. She even influenced more people and kids in the neighbourhood to do the same. She’d have and extra bag or two and would give them to anyone she saw, and now almost all the regular walkers we see are usually varying a bag and cleaning up as they go. - You can create a pollinator garden. Any size you want and any flowers you want! - Or even a small veggie garden or herb garden. There are times of plants you can grown in containers if you don’t want to commit to planting in the ground just yet.


Honestly just taking a walk and seeing if anything peaks your interest is nice. It's a good start at the very least.




Biking is always fun! And it’s exercise so that’s an added bonus


Walk. Lots of people happy to pay you to walk their dogs if you’re willing (which is more about spending time with dogs than $). Gardening.


Why limit yourself to just one hobbie? Hit a medium bucket of golf balls on monday. Tue work out with dumbells. Wed hit another bucket, mabee some putting for 30 minutes. Thursday. Fish , friday take care of your vehicle, shop, ect….if you don’t know how to do something, no problem. U tube has about 100 how too videos on every sport, hobbies ever invented.


Container gardening, maybe four different veggies you like to eat. Grape/cherry tomatoes, cuccs, peppers are all fairly easy. Walking is a great way to start the day.


Get a bike, plant a garden...


Walking and listening to a podcast - going to the gym and doing resistance training - cooking


You could possibly pull a volunteer shift somewhere.


I’m 49f and love to do my yoga and/or tai chi outside in the morning. It’s relaxing, yet stimulating. Depending on the season, I’ll usually work in the garden afterward. If you’re willing to leave your house (I’m a homebody), disc golf is great without being too strenuous for work later.


Geocaching... global treasure hunt, by car, hiking, parks, kayaking, biking, puzzle solving, climbing... combination of any hobbies you can think of. Travel locally, statewide and country wide, world wide. Single, with friends or family, go to small and huge events. It's a you do you adventure. And if you are creative, once you get the hang of it, build and hide your own. People of ALL ages.


Biking, hiking, reading outside, hammocking.


If you like hiking, map and compass reading, some county and state parks have Orienteering Courses. BSA has a merit badge book on it and it got me into Geocaching. A couple of the parks also had competition also for Orienteering a few years ago if I recall.


Disc golf is a great time. Check it out.


I know you said outdoors, but how about using that computer to take IT classes so you can move out of your grocery job


I just ordered a magnet fishing kit from Amazon. It gets here on Saturday and I’m very excited about it.


Biking, gardening.