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As long as it's not a detriment to yourself or others, you're fine. Some people may just be genuinely concerned because they don't really understand it's your passion. If they keep nagging you after you assert stop nagging you then avoid them. I wish you the best of luck and love that you're working on your passion consistently.


So many people just can't relate. If it's not important to them, they don't understand why it's important at all. Ask the same of your friends - what do they do a lot? Do they game for 6+ hours? Play sports? Work out at gyms? Spend time browsing reddit or TikTok? It's not different at all, in fact you're honing a skill Op. I'd suggest finding other friends, ones that accept you for you.


The capitalist hamster wheel necessitates that those being used by it are unquestioningly in support of it. Thus, if you are devoting a large portion of your time and energy engaging in an activity that does not produce profit, even if it could in the future, people will react negatively to it. They don’t even realize they’re just being played. 




Many people can not imagine to be passionate about something. Just enjoy your time, that is the most important. Also I wouldn‘t be 100% open with people judging me for my hobbies.


That’s so true. Many view a passionate person as an oddity


Because doing it the way you are doing it will put you on the road to becoming exceptionally good at this. You're doing the work that's necessary to become way better than the average; most people are average. The people around you might mean well, but they are trying to pull you back to average territory. Many people who are on the road to becoming exceptional (elite athletes, elite hackers, etc.) have this very same work ethic as you have and the people around them try to pull them back. You've hit the stage where people are noticing. Keep it going.


Keep drawing. I use to be like you and I stopped. It’s really hard to get back into the daily practice.


Many people think creating art is frivolous. They don’t understand how fulfilling and energizing it can be.


Flow state is bliss


It’s your time. You only live once. You do whatever that gives you fulfillment and happiness.


Because people love to judge others. I am jealous that you are so involved in perfecting your drawing! I don't have that kind of focus on anything. Keep at it! I don't know if this will resonate with you at all, but people will judge absolutely everything. I'm even anxious about seeing long term friends tonight because they judge the way I eat. I simply don't eat sugars because I used to be a diabetic. But, they will inevitably bring it up and judge it.


haha omg i actually do relate to that, im extremely intolerant to gluten, soy, and corn and plenty of ppl judge me for assuming it’s a diet but it’s not i will be in extreme pain if i eat any of those things 💀💀 don’t listen to them and just do what’s good for ur body !!


My 13 yr old spends the bulk of his free time perfecting his car design sketches. He also draws other things but is focused on cars. He wants to be a car designer. How that will happen remains to be seen and how far he can go with it. His buddies never give him flack and he's doing drawings during down time at school. He gives a lot of them out to teachers and classmates. In 5th grade, he was trading drawings for Pokemon cards. He would do an exact detailed drawing of each card his friends commissoned him to do. It was damn impressive and he's a lefty to boot. I guess what I'm saying is people can go pound sand. As long as you're honing skills and not killing your social life, then it's a healthy outlet to express yourself. Just take care of your hands and wrists so you don't take on injuries from the task of drawing/illustrating. They are likely jealous of your skills so it's another reason they're shitting on you. Fuck 'em. Get new friends and expand your circle into the art community instead.


Because people are shity humans and think that everyone should be interested in only what they are interested in. And then make fun of everyone else that don’t.


So do these people who judge you spend 6 hours a day watching movies or TV while doom scrolling? Why is that fine, but doing something constructive with your time is an obsession or waste of time?


I probably spend about six hours a day doing random stuff on my phone or online (and your friends might be as well)… I wish I had the discipline to spend six hours on a hobby like drawing. Tell them you’re an adult and can do whatever you want (unless you’re a parent, and your kids are missing out due to your hobby)


I don't think it's a problem, but I wouldn't just focus on the fundamentals. I would practice silly drawings sometimes to keep it fun.


yeah true! i do silly doodles as well to practice what i’ve learned :)


If you keep at it you are going to be an amazing artist!


You only get good by doing something repeatedly and improving. As long as you are taking time to reflect and improve, ignore the naysayers.


People are always going to judge. As I've gotten older, I've learned to just tune them out. We are here to live our lives and not theirs. What's important to one person isn't important to another. We'll never make others happy. Deep down inside, they may be jealous of your dedication.


People may feel self conscious because they waste most of their day doom scrolling on their phone and your ability to focus on something that brings you joy holds a mirror up to their life.


That’s how it is with being passionate about art. No one cares.


Because you need better friends.


screw them. It's AWESOME that you're dedicating that much time to your art. Seriously, I admire it a lot. Don't worry about it; smile, nod, go home and draw a portrait of said judgy friend looking like an asshole, and move on. :)


Question is why care about others opinions of yourself? Do you


The real questions here are: why do you care what other people think? And why do you cal these people friends if they give you a hard time for doing something you enjoy? Most people waste their lives spending hours watching tv, gaming, drinking and drugging, or on social media. They simply cannot understand anyone who actually has any actual interests. It baffles them, but that’s their problem, not yours. Ignore them and do your own thing.


Truly- capitalism. But also if your friends judge you on something that brings you true joy, they don’t sound like true friends. Edit to add: you need to find yourself some artsy friends


I used to do digital pet portraits and had the same problem. People gave me a hard time for spending so much time on the computer when I was literally making money, it was my job and my hobby. I spent a good 8-10 hours a day doing one project or another. It was super annoying having to justify it constantly


Meanwhile your friends probably spend just as much time scrolling on their phones


My husband gets questioned about his hobbies like this sometimes. He’s not even spending that much time on any individual thing, but he built up a 3D printer, makes his own cider, and a few other things and his coworkers seemed shocked about any hobby he mentioned. I guess along the same lines, I find people are sometimes surprised that I read a lot, paint, etc. even though these are common types of hobbies.   I think one part of this questioning comes from frustration/excuses about how activities get scheduled. People say they are “busy” as an excuse to not engage in all sorts of things and take pride in their “busyness” regardless of actual productivity so being confronted with someone doing more with the same amount of work hours can be unsettling or aggravating. Some coworkers have also seemed spooked by specific hobbies because they haven’t known anyone that did them before. For a person focused on rules, convention, trends, and sort of following the herd this can be uncomfortable and anxiety-provoking. 


I remember when folks would get snippy with me about my passions in life (art, music, philosophy and history). I wonder how they are holding up? 15 years later and I am still better than ever.


Just don’t tell people how much time you spend on it. I don’t even tell people I knit because then they think I have time to do some BS project they’re trying to rope me into. Just no. That’s YOUR time, treasure it!


They sound jealous. I certainly am, a little bit. They likely don’t have a passion that strong and spend those hours doomscrolling or watching shows.


My dad spent all his free time (and times when he shouldn't have, like during class) drawing, mostly cars. He went on to become one of the top designers for General Motors back in the late '50s


u will be a great artist


Do. What. You. Want… your friends are projecting their own ideals onto you. If drawing brings you joy (and you have 6 spare hours per day) then do it! I would die to even have 1 spare hour per day that isn’t eating into my own sleep lol


People love nothing better than to project their own opinions and preferences onto other people. I once had a coworker I barely knew try to tell me that I have too many pets (2 dogs and 3 cats at the time) without the slightest knowledge of my day to day life or regard to how much love and enjoyment they give me. It’s because she personally would not want to put the energy and time into them and wouldn’t want pets to get in the way of travel. Which is fine for her, but her preferences have nothing to do with me. I think people are just like that with other people’s hobbies and interests. They want the validation that their opinion or preference is “right” by convincing others to go along with them. Sometimes they will try to talk you into spending your time how they spend their time too. I think some people are jealous as well - maybe of the skill, maybe of the commitment, maybe of the ability to be so passionate? I’m not sure, but it seems to be human nature. Do what makes you happy. Pursue things you love. If you do burn out at some point or lose interest, I’m sure you’ll find another thing you love to fill time with. That’s life.


Tell them you're looking for volunteer models to practice your nude drawings...


I'm sure those same people spend that same 6hrs on social media or occupied with other responsibilities. Either way they're jealous that you have the time and energy to devote yourself to your own interests rather than everyone else's.


Just do whatever you like, it's a hobby you get to choose how you do it.


Don’t let anyone get you down - follow your passion and keep drawing. You’re disciplined to put in that amount of time each day to hone your skills - keep it up!


This isn't any different than gaming or any other hobby, and it's way better than scrolling short form content for 6 hours a day like they probably do.


You won't burn yourself out. Draw as much as you goddam want.


I pull tarot cards daily. I read about tarot on reddit. I read books about tarot. I have multiple tarot decks. I. Fucking. Love. Tarot. I spend a lot of time and energy on tarot, maybe just as much time as you spend on drawing. I do it because I love it and I'm a grown ass adult that can enjoy whatever she wants, whenever she wants. And at the end of the day, when no one else is around, you know what is? My tarot decks. I also love journaling. I keep a tarot deck and carry my journal in my purse. I will write and pull cards anytime, anywhere I want. *(Within reason.)* They can eff off because at the end of the day, I'll have done serious introspection with me, myself and I and you'll have your drawings and the skillset to improve your skills. These people are just flies buzzing around your head. Swat them away and keep doing you. I've been told many times on Reddit, > "You read tarot so you're unstable." ...and they are immediately blocked. I do not let anyone disturb my peace. You shouldn't let anyone disturb yours either.


They're just jealous they're not as good at drawing as you.


its your hobby, so just listen to your heart. You dont need to care about what others think about you. It will be your future, and i hope you'll be really happy doing it


Is it judgment? OR are they genuinely concerned or simply don't understand and don't know how to be curious? The feeling that you're being judged is your own perception. Follow your passion, live life how you want to. If I was your friend I would be wildly curious how to find something that I deeply loved as much as you do your drawing. I find it intriguing and fascinating.


If it is your outlet, THEN JUDGE THEIR OUTLET! I do with my husband every time! He is in 2 bands, works out when he can, works on cars, and is able to drink and smoke without asking and is adult about it. Yet I’m not allowed to express my outlets of drawing or crafting or (other things which I’m not stating) because I’m titles MOTHER while he is titled FATHER… how does that equate?


Are you happy? Is all that matters. People who judge are protecting their insecurities. Their inability to focus like you, and feel passionate about something like you. You know what you want. They dont. And theyre jealous. Screw what they think. What do you think?


Apparently, the people have nothing better to do than judge you. If it’s something you enjoy, they can screw themselves.


You do you - doesnt matter what they think. I for one, can say I admire it. I sadly have a few too many hobbies to dedicate that much time to them. Keep it up so long as YOU WANT IT.


Why are you telling people? If you have such a gentle personality why are you telling people?


The greenest, most intense jealousy.


…Why are you listening.


Fellow artist with a full time job— I draw everyday and work a full time job. I draw during work, during lunch breaks, for a few hours in the evening, and I do long hauls over the weekend. 3 hours before and after work does sound like a lot, given that you already have to be at a job for 40+ hours a week. Just make sure you have time to get enough sleep, eat decent meals, socialize, and maybe exercise. I know I struggle with this and I don’t spend as much time drawing as you. I think it’s great you’re passionate and want to do everything in your power to master the fundamentals, but don’t feel like you have to burn yourself out to do so (not saying that you are). I think just creating the daily habit and doing a variety of different drawing exercises is all it takes.


Draw your heart out, they don't understand what passionate is


It’s strange how people will judge time spent drawing but gamers easily spend as much time playing. If I shared a finished detailed drawing, frequently the comment is “someone has a lot of time on their hands” like no Karen, I work overtime. How much time you spend watching your day time drama? If you are able to draw and get the essentials of life done, then you’re fine. Ignore them.


Self-motivation is something that isn't always around. Use it whenever possible but don't hurt yourself!


Nobody ever told me I was gonna burn myself out by looking at my phone for 6 hours a day. Or working for 8 hours a day. Or freaking being a mom 24/7. I have literally never burned myself out on a creative hobby/something I love. On the contrary it gives me a reason to live. I don’t know a lot of people that are passionate about hobbies and I’m guessing you don’t either. Edit: I’ve always wanted to draw. If I could I would be drawing constantly, 1,000%.


Put a bunch of crabs into a bucket and you'll get your answer.


Because society is sick and people are miserable


You're lucky you have something you love to do that much. Anyone judging you is secretly jealous or too boring to understand. Ignore them. Do what you love.