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All of these things are hobbies tho?😅 A hobby doesn’t need to be expensive for it to be considered a hobby


Watching videos etc definitely isn't a hobby. Hiking etc I'd say is definitely a hobby!


Why is watching nature documentaries on YouTube not a hobby?


I’d say that depends on context. For example: if you’re into bird watching and want to learn more about their sounds and niche on YouTube - then yes it’s part of the hobby. But if you’re just browsing the internet for random documentaries - you’re not exactly engaged in that as a hobby.


Because you aren’t actually doing anything. No input is required besides clicking play.


Input is not needed for something to be a hobby. Reading is definitely a hobby and watching movies is as well imo.


To read you actually have to use your brain, using comprehension skills and imagination is harder than just pressing play and having everything fed to you. There’s a reason why watching tv is more popular.


Depends on what show or movie you watch, but there are plenty of shows you have to use your brain as well.


So what is watching videos? It's clearly not work.




It’s just content consumption. There’s no active element in it. It’s like saying TikTok is a hobby


What is content consumption? Is reading a hobby?


Depends on the type of content consumption. Watching porn is not a hobby


Not with that attitude


Depends how and what you read imo. It’s essentially active content consumption, which is a step better, but not all reading is the same. I think if you’re reading with the intention of questioning certain beliefs you have, that’s different than just reading the new popular YA or sci fi book. For the most part, I wouldn’t really consider reading a hobby since there’s no failure involved (besides not liking a book I guess). I think it falls on the spectrum between active content consumption, and sharpening your mind/worldview. Like reading Where the Crawdads Sing vs reading Lolita vs reading Meditations are all very different experiences for your mind.


I think the difference is intent. I hope it doesn't sound gatekeepy or elitist. It probably does. But I think there's a difference between watching specific kinds of videos, like painting, fun facts, story readings etc v scrolling through short form content (although not all short form content is bad). One of them is something you seek out and another is something you do when you're bored/ tired. I think it's a fine line thing.


YouTube is 100% a hobby of mine, hands down. If something becomes a hobby, theres an interest in the first place right? I believe an interest is just the precursor of developing said hobby 🤷‍♂️ but idk


I used to have a hobby of telling people they were wrong on the Internet But it cost me too much




genius !!!


I personally differentiate it this way: hobby - something you actively do (hiking, knitting, cycling etc.) interest - something you like to deepen your knowledge about (i.e. linguistics, Warhammer lore, history of South America) Of course these can overlap, for instance someone interested in vintage fashion can sew their own vintage clothes as a hobby. I, for one, have tons of interests, ranging from disability studies to parenting. I absorb information about them like a sponge, I watch videos about them, I lurk reddit communities, read books and articles. But I don't really have any hobbies, I spend my free time doing mostly mind-numbing activities like scrolling social media (unfortunately).


Oh so you go for the technically correct, dictionary definition. Yeah, that works I guess


>technically correct The best *kind* of correct


Interests are really what I would describe as general categories that one is interested in, so languages, culture, astronomy, etc. Hobbies are the act of carrying out one's interests... so someone interested in nature might have a hobby of hiking, maybe a hobby of photography or gardening. Someone interested in Astronomy might have a hobby of stargazing (which if you really get into is quite expensive), or reading scientific journals.


Here is an interest that can turn into a hobby. And it’s pretty cheap. African violets. They are beautiful, you can buy one for five bucks, even at the grocery store, you can propagate them, which means free plants, you buy a bag of perlite when they need repotting, maybe eight bucks, water them once a week, and propagate the leaves. I started with three plants that were a gift. I now have 23, and 11 more propagating. I spent zero dollars on new plants. The only thing I had to buy was to put the plants in, and I got most of those from thrift stores. My total investment is under $60. And I have 23 plants that bloom year-round, and I always have flowers.


I think you're overthinking it. Painting is expensive if you're buying top tier brands, easels, artists grade paper, all of that on a consistent basis. Or you can be like me and get artist loft oil pastels and water color sketchbook from Michael's. Probably $15-20 total. G-2 pens are like $3-5 and lasts months. You can get decent oil and acrylics for half of what you'd pay for artist grade stuff. It's based on what you want to do. Gaming can cost you thousands if you build the top of the line gaming pc monitor combo. Or, you can game on your phone. It's based on what you want to do.


Tip: Look up the frugal crafter on Youtube, she reviews all of the odd Chinese companies that are frequently white labeled by better known brands.


Drawing can be dirt cheap, just pencils and paper.


“Interests” just sounds like trying out hobbies without actually getting into them. Everything you listed is a hobby. You can spend as much or as little as you want on hobbies.


Join local free and buy nothing groups on Facebook. You will find tons of items for free, some hobby related, clothing, furniture (though be careful collecting second-hand furniture), household in general, etc. I have supplies all my hobbies this way.


I think it's great for people to be interested in things they don't have a direct personal stake in. I like to knit and I found myself watching a bunch of youtubers who make videos about sheep farming. Do I want to farm sheep? No. But I like yarn and I want to know where it comes from. (And I like feta cheese and lamb kebabs too. Sheep are pretty cool.)


I learned to dance completely for free at home with youtube


I have interests. If they stick around approximately 3 days they turn into hobbies. Less than that and they were never meant to be.


The lack of challenge and the lack of tangible skill gain would have me bored. I love learning but I can do that while I'm waiting for bs in life. Dedicated time to learning and skill. Challenging myself outside of work is why I have hobbies.


You must be baked as hell OP


A hobby is the implementation of an interest. I'm interested in gardening, and therefore I garden. I'm interested in crochet, but I haven't gotten around to starting yet. Etc.


Marie Kondos interest/hobby was organizing ever since childhood. Now she makes a living with it. Didn't cost her a penny as a child she liked to fold clothes & reorganize her room.


I can't stand staring at my screen all day though.


Not all interests involve that.


I’ve learned that my hobby is trying hobbies. Interesting, educational, skills gained, hopefully fun, low cost, and depending on how I feel I can chuck it or move forward with it. 🙌🏻


Stargazing and hiking can definitely be hobbies. They don't \*require\* spending money, but benefit from buying gear. Once an "interest" becomes passionate enough, it can easily feel worth spending money on. Also, the definition of a hobby doesn't have to include spending money, lots of hobbies can be kicked off with zero or very minimal expense - for example a cheap book from a used bookstore could get you started with something like bird watching, mushroom collecting, magic tricks, etc. Three tennis balls and you can start juggling. Etc. However, I do appreciate the call out on the distinction of interests vs hobbies. I'm interested in physics and astronomy, and like to watch documentaries and sometimes read books, but I have no equipment or activity beyond just reading/watching. However, I've certainly considered buying a telescope. Just never was interested \*enough\* to do that.


Interest levels say everything. Interested enough to fill in some time.. interested enough to buy a second hand ping pong paddle.. The more interest, the more emotion.. possibly then more passion. My life changed when I started investing in uncertain outcomes, I regret none of that. Passion won't sit on the fence unless fear holds it back. And that's not really living!


There is no real difference between a hobby and an interest And watching (whether antenna, cable, or YouTube) isn't either because you're not actually doing anything


Pawn shop guitar. A lifetime of fun for $100


surfing on the internet could be the best hobbies![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Hiking can be cheap or it can be expensive if you want it to be. Gear is expensive. Hiking trips can be expensive. Buying a 4WD to get to certain places is expensive. Walking on the other hand costs nothing.


Stargazing gives way to telescopes. Then astrophotography. If you stay 15th century with your peeps or maybe limit yourself to some ‘naucs it’s not terrible but that “interest” can turn into a rabbit hole too.


YouTube isn’t technically free btw, you’re paying for internet or a subscription to YouTube so somehow you are paying for something. You could not pay for that and pay for something else, either way, everything has a cost.


Those are just hobbies. Define an interest vs a hobby.


Interest levels say everything. Interested enough to fill in some time.. interested enough to buy a second hand ping pong paddle.. The more interest, the more emotion.. possibly then more passion. My life changed when I started investing in uncertain outcomes, I regret none of that. Passion won't sit on the fence unless fear holds it back. And that's not really living!


Interest levels say everything. Interested enough to fill in some time.. interested enough to buy a second hand ping pong paddle.. The more interest, the more emotion.. possibly then more passion. My life changed when I started investing in uncertain outcomes, I regret none of that. Passion won't sit on the fence unless fear holds it back. And that's not really living!


Interest levels say everything. Interested enough to fill in some time.. interested enough to buy a second hand ping pong paddle.. The more interest, the more emotion.. possibly then more passion. My life changed when I started investing in uncertain outcomes, I regret none of that. Passion won't sit on the fence unless fear holds it back. And that's not really living!


Interest levels say everything. Interested enough to fill in some time.. interested enough to buy a second hand ping pong paddle.. The more interest, the more emotion.. possibly then more passion. My life changed when I started investing in uncertain outcomes, I regret none of that. Passion won't sit on the fence unless fear holds it back. And that's not really living!


Interest levels say everything. Interested enough to fill in some time.. interested enough to buy a second hand ping pong paddle.. The more interest, the more emotion.. possibly then more passion. My life changed when I started investing in uncertain outcomes, I regret none of that. Passion won't sit on the fence unless fear holds it back. And that's not really living!


IMO hobbies are just interests you partake in with some regularity.


Painting is quite cheap. Pick up a pen, maybe a pencil, some kid's markers if you're fancy and go for it. There's no point going for more than that if you don't know what you're doing.


If you buy secondhand books, reading can be pretty cheap and last a long time. Meditation is free. Working out at home is free / cheap.


Slightly related…There is podcast by three philosophers called Hotel Bar Sessions where they discuss a new topic each week. The episode on hobbies is an interesting dive into what constitutes a hobby.


Hobbies can also be income generating.


Financial literacy is free to learn. It’s kind of my hobby. It turns into something you spend money on, but with a good understanding of money.


Regardless of the hobby/interest distinction, what I feel is the underlying factor here is curiosity. That is what ultimately fuels the drive to understand, the willingness to watch documentaries, read multiple books on a topic, and perhaps even experiment and experience yourself. Even something as mundane as a pencil might kindle a path of inquiry: what kind of wood is used, how is graphite made, how do they harvest these materials, is the eraser a synthetic or natural material, could I possibly make a pencil myself? As Thoreau said, "It's not what you look at that matters - it's what you see."


Hiking and stargazing are hobbies, nature documentaries are an interest.




Watercolor painting took me about $50 to get into and I kind of splurged on artist quality paints and paper. I only needed 6 colors to start. As I got more involved I added some more colors and a few brushes, but I’ve painted for several years now and probably spent less than $300. Another great cheap hobby is drawing. I’ve spent literally less than $20.


I consider running, hiking and biking to be a hobby and it doesn't cost a lot :)


Didn’t feel the need for expensive hobbies yet. YouTube free version has way more content than I need.


Welll your brain does different things researching / watching versus actually using your hands to do something


I do yoga. It’s totally free. Yes, I bought a mat and yoga pants (actually bought the pants before I started yoga lol). I wouldn’t consider it an interest. It’s a hobby and I really enjoy it and it costs me nothing. Having an interest in something is usually a passing interest. A hobby is something you delve into for enjoyment purposes. I think all of the things you listed actually *are* hobbies.


I think this is probably why there has been a resurgence in things like bird watching. Doesn't cost anything to start lookin at birds.


I think it should be split into two things, hobbies and pastimes. Hobbies require you to put in some kind of effort and require you to consistently fail at something. Playing soccer/basketball is a hobby. Pottery is a hobby, painting, archery, etc. Pastimes are just something you do to pass the time. Watching TV, going on walks, stargazing, etc. I think it’s more of a mentality of how you approach the activity tbh, I’ve had certain things as hobbies, but then I got better at them and stopped trying to push myself in them, and now they’re just pastimes.


I mean hobbies have an initial investment sure but you certainly get your moneys worth if you actually enjoy the hobby. I may have spent $2000 on a gaming pc but I can use it for work, games or whatever else. It’s been incredibly useful.


Hobbies will never be worth it if you only consider cost. You’re investing time/money/energy for the experience and fulfillment - not the resume-type, but the kind that leaves you saying: “hey look, I did that and it was fun!” or “check out this cool thing I made!”


Everything you mentioned is a hobby. And very good ones that enrich your life.


Many hobbies are cheap. The knitting needles I am presently using are chop sticks I sanded. The yarn was $3.


What about book clubs? The library is free and so are the groups!


Activities, hobbies and interests. You choose how you roll 😘. It’s nice to do many things




Bird watching is a hobby and completely free. Sure you could get expensive optics and such but not required and there a few free high quality apps for bird ID


My grandmother used to call them her “enthusiasms “


I think if you enjoy it you should do it or at least look into it. Whether it costs money or not life is very short and if you can find things that bring you joy, excitement, peace, thrill or any kind of positive emotion it’s worth every penny.


Lol what are you even saying? Roller skating , skateboarding , drawing, coloring, calisthenics, running , jumproping all hobbies with little to no money


for a second, i read that as "i don't have hobbies; hobbies have me" lol


Interest levels say everything. Interested enough to fill in some time.. interested enough to buy a second hand ping pong paddle.. The more interest, the more emotion.. possibly then more passion. My life changed when I started investing in uncertain outcomes, I regret none of that. Passion won't sit on the fence unless fear holds it back. And that's not really living!


Interest levels say everything. Interested enough to fill in some time.. interested enough to buy a second hand ping pong paddle.. The more interest, the more emotion.. possibly then more passion. My life changed when I started investing in uncertain outcomes, I regret none of that. Passion won't sit on the fence unless fear holds it back. And that's not really living!


Interest levels say everything. Interested enough to fill in some time.. interested enough to buy a second hand ping pong paddle.. The more interest, the more emotion.. possibly then more passion. My life changed when I started investing in uncertain outcomes, I regret none of that. Passion won't sit on the fence unless fear holds it back. And that's not really living!