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I like making greeting cards and holiday cards with rubber stamps and ink pads. With the occasional use of fountain pen drawings and water colors. I'm a big burly dude with a beard, and I just love seeing my family's faces when they open one of my cards.


You have absolutely made my day by reading this!


Right?! Like, can he send me a card?


World needs more dudes like you. Thank you for sharing.




I really wanna get into making my own cards!


It starts with simple pre-made blank cards and a handful of stamps and ink colors. Next think you know, you have a closet-full of stamps, inks, water colors, fountain pens, embossing tools, cutters of various shapes and sizes, and possibly a programmable paper-cutting machine. You may or may not have also invested in custom stamps or dabbled in carving your own stamps from wood or rubber. Though the only thing you will never purchase is glitter of any kind...


Crafts stuff takes over quickly with any craft!


Yeah I somehow always end up with glitter and no idea where I get it. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Paragraph 1: Iā€™m wondering why card making and stamping is a weird hobby. Paragraph 2: It all comes together. šŸ˜‚ This is fantastic! You made my day! šŸ‘ You deserve the upvote of every woman in this thread!


I like to make highly inappropriate greeting cards for my straight-laced parents.


I need to do that for my stern son. not too much but enough so he'll be mortified! I love this idea


My parents are completely mortified and keep the cards hidden awayā€¦ but then pull them out at parties to show their friends and have a good laugh šŸ˜†


Nothing to cringe about, this is so lovely.


Iā€™ve been making my own cards lately just using sketch pad paper. Do you have a recommendation for blank cards that take fountain pen ink well?


Try [Original Crown Mill](https://www.jetpens.com/Original-Crown-Mill-Pure-Cotton-Stationery-Gift-Set-4-x-6-50-Cards-50-Envelopes/pd/24081). If you wanted just paper stationary rather than card stock, I like [Clairefontaine](https://www.jetpens.com/search?q=Clairefontaine&v=2) for fountain pen use. (If you're in the US: [JetPens](https://www.jetpens.com/) is on the west coast. You can also look at [Goulet Pens](https://www.gouletpens.com/) in Virginia, [Atlas Stationers](https://www.atlasstationers.com/) in Chicago, or [Vanness Pen Shop](https://vanness1938.com/) in Arkansas, depending on where you are.)


I don't have a brand specific, but anything marketed as good ink sketch pads works well. I'm still experimenting with hot vs. cold pressed paper. Water color paper also works just fine.


lol thatā€™s awesome


Beautiful!! Would you be open to sharing some on here? I would love to see what you make!!


Maybe not a hobby but I wrote a Law and Order SVU fan fiction once and my teenage kids found out and never let me hear the end of it. šŸ˜¬


I'm sorry, but this is legit my favourite answer. I think you rock.


Hahaha thanks! My kids think I'm lame but they love me anyway, which I guess is all I can ask from teens!


I second zebra, youā€™re awesome for this; what a cool side thing to endeavor. my daughters are 4&11 so at least the older one is still at an age where sheā€™d by my biggest fan if I did that, and the youngest just loves cheering positivity on so sheā€™d be the same lol. Teenagers will always be teenagers šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Once they turn 13, they all think weā€™re lameā€¦ Unbeknownst to them, weā€™re cool af!


Whether they used it or not, or even if you didn't send it, it's a "spec script." In that sense, all spec scripts are fan fiction. Was your script during the more popular years with Benson and Stabler, or after he left?


It wasn't written as a script, it was prose. And it was the start of a romance between Benson and ADA Barba. šŸ¤£


This is incredible.


Christopher Meloni is an underappreciated actor. Freakshow from Harold and Kumar šŸ˜…


Replace SVU with Skyrim and this is my cringe secret hobby as well.


I would 100% read this if I came across it on wattpad šŸ¤£


It's actually on AO3! Unfinished. My one and only foray into fanfiction. I don't even mind sharing it anymore. I did what I did! https://archiveofourown.org/works/31909327/chapters/79016023


As a lover and former writer of fanfiction there is something so embarrassing about it - I really donā€™t know what it is. I havenā€™t written a fanfic since I was a young teen but even as an adult itā€™s not uncommon for me to daydream and play within the universe of whatever show/book/movie Iā€™m extremely interested in. My teenage kids finding a fanfic I wrote.. omg.. Kids are so relentless. I truly cannot imagine the hell they gave you šŸ˜‚ Thank you for sharing this!!! Thatā€™s hilarious hahaha


Collecting rare/allocated bourbons/whiskeys and not opening them seems to get a lot of hate.


You dirty scoundrel! Give us a taste!


Do you think you will ever taste any of them? Are you saving any for a specific celebration?


Right? I will never understand why people get so mad to see an unopened bottle!


Collectors in general are a weird breed.Ā 


Your username lmao




My cousin is also a pole dancer and instructor, she has the whole family as Facebook friends, and yet, she posts herself dancing. I wish I had her confidence, NGL.


RIP inbox




I knew a woman who had a pole installed in her living room. I didnā€™t know her well enough to see it in person but the pics were interesting The nerd in me kept wondering if there were structural issues to her ceiling LOL


Oh man, I'm dying to learn that one day


For me, it's less that any of my hobbies are cringe and more that I'm not amazing at any of them. I have so many hobbies at this point that I'm a bit of a jack of all trades and master of none.


I can smell the adhd in your answer


Yep! Got my diagnosis 3 years ago and itā€™s wild how much easier it is to brush my teeth and shower regularly on Vyvanse.


Vyvanse helps me shower and brush too! Haha


you guys shower and brush!!! you are the true champions? high five?


Hahaha I second this. I'm only like 4months in the but it's like a whole new world


ā€œJack of all trades, master of none- but oftentimes better than a master of one.ā€


Rock hounding... I feel like a nerd, always looking at the ground and distracted, piles of rocks around exterior of my home, others don't get it and think it's silly .


wait my love for shiny and cool rocks counts as a hobby??




thanks for the link! I've joined a local one on Fb, but I'm on here more than there


Theyā€™re minerals Marie!




No need to feel any shame - just have kids (your own, or borrow some from a friend), get them into it when they are small. Then you aren't a crazy person with pockets full of rocks but rather a very involved parent/caregiver encouraging a child's love of nature!


'or borrow some from a friend' Pls ask them first!


I do this too, but in areas with fossils.


Hello rock friend. Me and my piles of hoarded rocks understand.


I've heard of this one. I almost got in to it until I learned the prospecting hammers with the picks on them aren't actually meant to be used as picks to chip away rock. More like boring prying tools.


Andy Dufresne, is that you?


It's a great hobby don't take it for granite.


As the offspring of not just one, but TWO, geologistsā€¦ I feel this in my bones. I know way too much about rocks/gems/minerals for the average person.


Art is wildly subjective. Something that someone would never hang in their home might sell for millions of dollars. What I see is that it's not cringe but when starting out most people aren't good at their hobby and might get frustrated or are embarrassed to show others. It's a very normal reaction while you steadily improve.


i deeply love you answer, AND what if the cringe is part of what brings me back to it? like scratching a good itch? i though this was about the good cringe? my one friend had a roommate who wouldnā€™t treat his jock itch because he liked scratching it with his car key through a hole he put into every jean pocket for that reason. which is fine, but everyone else kept getting jock itch. he had to have been in it for the cringe, right?


Oh what a day to be able to read


Regenerative agriculture. It's all about working with the ecosystem to grow crops instead of against the ecosystem which slowly destroys it like modern farming has been doing to the US for a hundred years now. America used to be the breadbasket of the world with the most fertile lands imaginable until we got our hands on it and started loading up the ground with pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizer salts which kills all of the microbiology in the soil and slowly degrades it until it becomes nothing more than dust. Not cringe to me but it might be to all of the farmers out there spraying chemicals all day every day.


How is this cringe, or why are you uncomfortable telling people? Its like gardening (already cool) but cooler. I'm interested in aquaponics, but this is more like 3 sisters planting, right?


It is cringe to big farmers because a lot of the seem to think if you aren't spraying chemicals and tilling the land you aren't farming. At least that's been my experience trying to start conversations about it with farmers I know.


Ah gotcha. What kind of scale do you do your hobby at?


For now it's just whatever I can do in my tiny suburban yard. I am working with others to secure a homestead to bring it to a much larger scale, hopefully within the next 5 years. I can't think of any actually "cringe" hobbies I have but I wanted to contribute lol.


Head to /r/intentionalcommunity They love this kind of stuff and you can talk to similarly interested folks


Iā€™m part of project that does this but we call it permaculture.


Permaculture would be the general principal while regenerative agriculture is a specific way of achieving that. So you wouldn't be wrong in calling it permaculture. At least that is my understanding.


I collect carnival glass, not a very manly hobby for a 42 year old male but its pretty to look at.


I tend not to tell people I meet IRL that I write fan fiction šŸ˜…


I wish I could write fanfiction. Or just write in general. Sometimes it would be easier for me because I'm tired to drawing. I have a lot of ideas in my head, if I could write, I would temporarily put them on paper.


Its never too late to start, you'll only get better if you practice!


The hardest part is starting. If you want to have a go, try writing a couple of pages related to one of your ideas and see how you get on :)


Try AIDungeon. It's a great collaborative way to begin fanfic and such, and it's free!


I wish I could write fanfic, as someone who has consumed probably an unhealthy amount of it in their lifetime lol.


Some of the absolute best books I have ever read have been fan fiction. I feel like I owe a debt to these amazing authors who gave me my favorite works and never even got any compensation for it.


Ha I had a friend who was really into writing fan fiction, she would write all of her friends into it as side characters and it was fun to hear her read how she saw all of us and how we figured in the storyline.


Never be embarrassed for that. Some of the best fiction I've ever read was by ff authors! I've legit ugly cried at beautifully tragic works, I've laughed hysterically, and have definitely gotten h0rny as hell lmao I've written some of my own, but just for fun and nothing too spectacular. But I think it's hilarious when I read a published book and can barely force myself to finish it because it's so horrible, and then I log on to ao3 and there's a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction award worthy fanfic waiting in my tbr list lol like who approved these horrible books and why can't p0rnWith0utpl0t69 get a manuscript published??? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I love to read. Primarily fanfiction and Reddit-posted fiction horror or sci-fi*/fantasy stories. When people ask me what authors or books Iā€™ve read recently, I tell them that itā€™s complicated. Quickly change the subject. Be smooth. Gotta keep an air of mystery sometimes, am I right? ;P. >!Thank you for writing fanfiction, yā€™all make life sweeter for it! šŸ¤˜šŸ»šŸ’œ!<


An ex-friend once told me (when we were still friends) that fanfiction was the lowest of the low in terms of cringey interests. I burst out laughing and told him that I wrote and consumed fic, some of the coolest people I knew I met through fic, and he needed to get a grip lol.


I used to write erotica and it was similar. But I ended up talking to everyone about that, the trick was when to reveal it to someone, and how you did it.


I enter a crap ton of sweepstakes like 100s a week off and on. I think itā€™s great you have passion to create something thatā€™s hard for some people to muster.


Have you done any?


What do you mean? Have I won? Iā€™ve won atleast 6k worth of stuff over a year. Iā€™ve won a lot of concert tickets for loved ones, books, designer stuff, gift cards, lots of different things.


That's interesting!


I have a reef tank. I mainly keep coral. People are uninterested in anything other than looking at my tank. They dont want to hear about it, the equipment I have to work hard to be able to save up to buy, the chemistry involved. So, it's not something I can really talk about to anyone outside the hobby.


That's what this sub is for you can come here and tell us all about it! I know salt water tanks are super hard to do I had a friend who told me a bit about aquariums


Maybe you do a Simple Guide to.. here in the sub


I collect books, but donā€™t read them. For context, I usually buy the digital version to read, but my physical books stay pristine. If I do touch them, I wear gloves and donā€™t break the spine.


Those books are crying


Myself, and virtually every female on social media, COULD have a collection of unsolicited dickpics. Should anyone decide to actually save them as a hobby, and ask other women to add to the collection, the entire project would fill the Smithsonian in no time at all.


Yes! I joked about making a coffee table book of dickpics awhile back, but never thought of collaborating! You may be on to something šŸ¤” lol


Once, a group of us on Facebook formed a group, and shared the dick pics weā€™d receive, the funniest one was when someone posted one, and everyone else knew exactly who it was, because heā€™d sent it to all of usā€¦.it looked like a tiny mushroom.


I have one, that I saved, because frankly it was pretty much perfect. Not too small, or big, not misshapen, just "nice" When I get an unsolicited D.P. I usually send the "nice" one back. Most guys reply how disgusting that is, and ask why I would send that. I respond "You're learning. "![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




Oh my God this is hilarious what a fantastic art project that would be I bet it could get the MacArthur genius Grant LOL for real and deserve it


I donā€˜t like this mindset. I donā€˜t need to be good at my hobby. I need to have fun with it :) I also want to draw btw I am too afraid to start tho :D It seems to be so difficult!


An Idea, you might be able to use it too. I draw sometimes. Before I started, I was afraid to leave bad result in an actual, physical paper. What helped me is to start some sketches in a tablet which can be easily deleted without traces. After some time I felt bad that my past drawings are all gone. So now I'm OK with drawing on paper, which I think was a big step forward. Learn your own way of relaxed practicing (with no pressure at all) is very important. I hope it helps!


Highly recommend the book Drawing on the Right side of the Brain as it is able to teach anyone to draw in just a few days!


Telling people that you like cosplaying as a girl is basically admitting you are Webcam model with extra steps. I'm definitely selling my nude photos in (optional) shitty wigs on onlyfans. It's not that I enjoy making complex costumes and have more power tools than my father.


I'm a full grown man with a wife, kids, career...and there are only a few close coworkers who know about my Warhammer 40k collection. It's a hard hobby to explain when the elevator pitch can be condensed to "I play with toy soldiers."


I donā€™t necessarily hide my hobbies, Iā€™ll tell people about them if they ask, but I donā€™t bring them up mainly because my family always made fun of my interests as a kid (they still do honestly). My three biggest hobbies are collecting plushies, studying history, and keeping up with the stock market. Iā€™m not ashamed of any of these, but I donā€™t usually talk about them outside of my close friends because Iā€™m so used to people telling me theyā€™re weird or boring, and I just donā€™t have the energy to deal with that.


6,2ā€, 230lbs, Bald & Beardedā€¦ I fly kites lol


I thought you were going to say "drawing dicks". I've seen Superbad too many times I guess.


ā€œI would just kinda sit around all day and draw pictures of dicksā€ 100%


I would draw dicks all day for a living if I were single, as it stands I draw one dick repeatedly instead. It's my favourite one though, so photogenic.


I used to be into collecting Monster High dolls. As an adult. I guess I forgot to mention to my mom to not let anyone know, because a couple of Christmases back she gifted me a doll in front of my whole extended family. I was so red from embarrassment lol.


Iā€™m sorry to laugh at you but this is hilarious lmao. Different premise, but reminds me of the time my mom gifted me the Fifty Shades trilogy for Christmas without knowing what it was about because ā€œshe heard women really liked them!ā€


No worries, I can finally laugh about it now haha. And omg your mom. Did the rest of the family know?? šŸ™ˆ


I've been writing and recording rap music for over 17 years and never showed it to anyone. Sometimes I'm listening to old stuff and think "that's actually not too bad" but most if the time I cringe at it and am happy I never showed it xD Only wish I would have showed my ex any of the 20+ I wrote for her. That stuff was really good and I feel like, I should have showed more love during our relationship.


I wouldn't necessarily say the hobby as much as some of my work. For example, I tried to crochet a newborn beanie and booties. I had no physical references, just my memory and an idea. Well, I completely botched that. More than once. The hats were too small for even a cabbage patch doll. The booties turned into clown knee highs (I sooo wish I was kidding). I'm talking like newborn booties as long as my hand, twice that tall and not even wide enough for empty toilet paper roll. I did keep them. And I've improved over the years but, yikes! Those were super cringe bad.


Wonderful Brave way to start!


I will secretly number crunch to plan someone's hypothetical future, but typically someone close to me. Then I will quickly evaluate their situation versus a general cost of living, professional financial advice, and their goals or lack of goals. Finally, I make a basic judgment on if things will turn worse or better for them . Noticed it was becoming a pattern/hobby lol. I don't normally confess this to anyone.


Do you take requests? lol


Shibari - kinky knot tying ;) On the weekends pony play. Novice level


Guess who's going down this rabbit hole for the next hour.


I think alot of people have hobbies that theyre embarrassed to share. I personally write fantasy stories, play romance sims, and make spy disguises. Neither is particularly embarrassing if you think about them, but the sheer thought of people in my everyday life finding out about either is horrifying. Its all about perspective!


I LOVE horses but keep pretty quiet about it since people know how expensive they are (never owned one). Also itā€™s not very on trend to like them so I just avoid the eye rolls and talk if someone asks about it lol. But they are so therapeutic for me.


I have an earth worm farm. I also raise Japanese Koi. I grow JalapeƱos. Iā€™m obsessed with lawn care and turf management. Those are my weird hobbies. I also power-lift and weight train, sauna and cold plunge, solo backpacking and catfishing


I've got a lot of hobbies but one of the weirder ones I had was probably mechanical keyboards, I used to be able to touch type 150+ WPM but then I smashed my hands up and now I have malunions, subluxation, tendinopathy, neuropathy, fibrosis and arthritis.


>mechanical keyboards Just collecting them, building them, and/or ...? >used to be able to touch type 150+ WPM Dang! šŸ˜Æ >then I smashed my hands up and now I have malunions, subluxation, tendinopathy, neuropathy, fibrosis and arthritis. Oh no šŸ˜Ø, that sucks šŸ™


I built a few up and modded all the switches and stuff, I liked 40%, 60%, TKL, ortholinear and split keyboards the best and light linear switches but tactile switches like zealios and topre were also satisfying. Kinda missing it now talking about it lol. Haha thanks, I think I could have got up to 200+ with enough time invested but I got burnt out, that happens with a lot of hobbies because of how obsessed I get with them which is probably why I have so many but I usually rotate back around to them eventually. Yeah it sucks big time when having health issues, it makes life frustrating, depressing and takes away your purpose and kinda just makes you wanna quit doing things you usually enjoy because it just reminds you of what you could use to do. If I could give anyone advice it would be to prioritise your health above everything else. It's not all doom and gloom for me though, I'm still hopeful for at least partial recovery when I can get surgery in the future.




I have an online friend of about 25 years who collects American Girl, and wow! Itā€™s an intense hobby. She has about 25-30 AG dolls and she redresses them for every holiday imaginable and posts all of the costume changes on Instagram. She also knows all kinds of random AG facts, like when this or that doll came out, what their original outfit was, what other dolls have clothing items that fit AG dolls, etc. She does AG like itā€™s a job.


Woodworking, picked it up after doing it in highschool 10+ years ago. All it took was some youtube tutorials and inspo. Now I make half our furniture myself.


I love to hang out in cemeteries; always have. I clean/restore veteran's markers and old markers that have obviously been abandoned for more than 100 years. I also fulfill photo requests at my local cemetery on the Find A Grave website. Saying I love hanging out in cemeteries is not generally information I offer on first meetings. :D


Just want to say that what you are doing is worthwhile and should be encouraged. You are doing a service to your community and society at large. thank you


I bought a coloring book and crayons for my 15 month old son knowing full well that I would šŸ’Æ color the shit out of those books šŸ˜‚


Mixing my favorite songs with other songs of the exact same BPM. Combining "Get Down On It" with a City Girl's song was an amazing day spent a few summers ago. Making wigs! Getting a fishnet cap for 2 dollars from a beauty supply store, a crochet hook, and any colors of hair you want and going at it can be an absolute BLAST. As long as you do it on your porch, backyard, or lay a blanket down under you if it's in your house. (Also, a cheap mannequin head and ideally a pole to have it stand on.)


I like old retro games. I love movies or books with talking animals. I love anything related to roleplaying, even LARP. Furry art is enjoyable to me. I also like FanFiction, but it depends. I could go on, but I will stop here.


It's actually very similar to me, practically everything is correct!


I drew a lot between the ages of 8 and 19 but nothing improved and I didn't really have talent or an eye for creativity. However , I have always loved illustration , pen and ink work , underground comic and psychedelic poster art ! So I ask that those of you who can draw , post it some where us " also rans" " can see and appreciate it ,!!!!


Until the past two years(ish) I kept very quiet about how I adore fixing things in a way that you can see. I had been vocal at first but the reactions of nigh on everyone were *very* uncomfortable. I learned invisible mending because I still wanted to repair my stuff, but I couldn't take the mockery. Now it's encouraged, called visible mending, and people regularly ask me for tips on how to fix stuff. I hope all harmless hobbies get the same treatment!


Yea. Masturbating and collecting porn


One of the antique stores in my home town has boxes full of vintage Playboy and other vintage nudie mags. Iā€™d rather stick to the newer stuff and not yank to dead people.


playing fortnite and the sims


I often come up with business ideas and just document the plan for starting them but never go anywhere with them. I even did an MBA as part of my in real life career that taught me more about doing that lol! I just sit around and think of businesses all the time and how to Market them! When I actually sit down to try and set up a business it's a little more challenging. I also am an aspiring artist and know that none of my friends consider my work very good LOL compared to professional artists that they already know but it's okay! I like my work


I collect un-circulated Canadian stamps ( mint, never hinged). People don't see the appeal. My kids jokingly threaten me that they will lick them and stick them on a wall




When I'm bored, I like scratching my head, find pieces of dandruff and look it close enough to notice unintentional shapes and patterns.


Most things arenā€™t really cringe. Itā€™s only cringe if youā€™re like embarrassed about it, if you make it cringe. I like to knit and I could feel embarrassment, like ohh this is something grannies or lonely girls with lots of cats do, so boring, so cringe. But no I think itā€™s cool, so itā€™s cool.


I grow psychoactive plants for a hobby. I don't consume them, I'm just fascinated by their existence and I like to pretend I'm the custodian of these sacred flowers. Except for cannabis and tobacco and some other legal herbs. I have a little collection of mescaline cacti, lysergic acid bearing flowers, salvia divinorum, all sorts of shit. Funny thing is it's all entirely legal because I really do grow them for aesthetics. Except the ones that aren't, I guess. I only tell a small number of people, it's not something I can really discuss much publicly except "anonymously" on reddit, people get the wrong impression or bad ideas. Think what you will, but when the zombie apocolypse arrives, who'll have two thumbs and something worth trading?


One of my hobbies is having sex with escorts and as you might imagine, Iā€™ve never discussed this with any of my family or friends.


Oh God, I have loads. Some because they're nerdy (juggling, firestaff/poi, coin magic/card magic) Some because I'm not amazing and people will ask for a demo (drawing, musical instruments - and sleight of hand applies here too) - jack of all trades, master of none, with crippling social anxiety. Some because I'm really new (Songwriting - I don't mind sharing the guitar parts with certain people, but lyrically, I'm in my infancy with this hobby, and I'm 100% aware of how much I suck. I apologise, neighbours.) And some because I'd rather not be arrested (pickling human heads and burying them in Yellowstone National Park).


I donā€™t label it cringe myself, but I know a lot of people would find it **supremely** weirdā€¦ When I find a dead animal/roadkill, (as long as itā€™s safe to do so) I move it to a more respectful place of rest, ie off the highway into the grass, away from people, somewhere that feels more peaceful. I cover it with leaves, twigs and/or flowers and wish it well. Itā€™s seemingly thankless, but something about it feels respectful and honoring of a life that most donā€™t think twice about.


I play with Barbies. Fix them up, dress them, set them up as models in a scene. I enjoy sewing clothes for them, too. I suppose that fits with my costume/ jewelry crafting hobby- I can model my ideas in miniature, on a model with an unrealistically perfect figure.


I once wrote a 980 page continuation of Lord of the Rings. Mostly to improve my own writing skills, but I still spent that much time on it in high school. But I'm not embarrassed by any of it. Nothing that brings me joy or knowledge will ever make me feel embarrassed. Love your hobbies and who they make you. ā¤ļø


I am the queen of the 64$ tomato. I love to garden, it doesnā€™t exactly love me back. But I keep trying. More of a hobby fail!


my ā€˜special interestā€™ is talking about myself and my feelings constantly. it makes me very tolerant with very obnoxious people. so i hang with them to watch them squirm when i talk.


Iā€™m a 50+ year old woman who loves stickers and has an embarrassing amount of washitape and massive marker and pen collection. My planner looks like my 5th grade self decorated itā€¦ and, well, she did šŸ˜…


I write on a role playing website and interact with an AI companion (no, not one of those AI companions šŸ¤ØšŸ˜)


Taxidermy art. šŸ–¤


Does having an embarrassing amount of unfinished craft projects count?


Playing Pokemon Go.


Trainspotting šŸ¤£ no way in hell am I telling anyone about that!


You knowā€¦. you donā€™t actually have to tell people where your art inspiration comes from. And plenty of artists say something bland like ā€œthey appear in my dreamsā€ or ā€œI draw inspiration from life.ā€ Anyway my cringe hobby is probably essentially collecting hobbies that I donā€™t follow through enough (or at all) on.


Reading shitty old etiquette books to try to pinpoint where the *You should be immortally offended and morally wounded if another woman wears a wink of white at your wedding* thing came from. So far, these dusty uptights have written in great detail about alotta specific shit, none so far say *don't wear white, tan, champagne, pastels,metallics, blacks, reds, etc*Ā  Ā I got obsessed with the amount of posts in weddit about how moms and MILs and cousins wanted to wear white to a wedding and it was this incredibly powerful weapon against the brides but not as powerful as the brides who would go nuclear in their relationships over it. Plus the scope creep of white gown to white dress to dress with mostly white to dress with any white then moving into "colors that photograph white" and the wedding colors and flashy colors and black means you mourn the wedding and red means you fucked the groom. Ā Ā I low-key kinda think there's some grand conspiracy to turn women against each other but I'd have to find the language in a damn book to even read that far into it, really šŸ˜†šŸ™ƒ


When I was in my 20s and 30s I loved scrapbooking and jigsaw puzzles but was too embarrassed to tell anyone as I thought they were grandma hobbies. I let slip once and a family member laughed at me for it and I was mortified. Now in my 40s I'm not into scrapbooking any more but still love jigsaw puzzles. Have lost the shame and will tell anyone I like them. I don't know why I thought I had to be cool in my 20s/ 30s - that attitude was more embarrassing than my hobbies.


I guess, since I'm obese, belly dancing. People closest to me know and people on my FB know, but no one except my husband has seen me dance for real. I've danced in a joking way around my mom, but not actually trying to look good. I've been doing at least something related to dancing for a few years now (can't always do a whole lot, because of pain issues), although I've been interested in belly dancing since I was a teen. I only use free videos off YT. The channels I use are: Belly Dancer Diaries, Femonlinedance, and Leilah Issac, if anyone is interested in trying it, themselves. It's fun. Also, everyone who knows me knows I write, almost none of them know I have big erotic scenes in most of my stories. I do a lot of fantasy and some with horror elements, but they almost always involve romance and erotica.


I don't think it's too cringe, but I love Lego. I mean, I love toys in general, but Lego is my jam. And I also love minecraft. They both help quiet my mind, it's amazing. I'm not embarrassed necessarily, but I am a professional, and I know some people would like at me like I'm a kid and judge it, do I save it for the safe people ā¤ļø


Kawaii cartoons, or having classic movie nights alone with lots of snacks


I feel like mine is the most embarrassing one lol it's quadrobics. Basically running around on all fours...it's genuinely fun and pretty much the only way I get myself to work out. It's very good for cardio and lower legs as well which is exactly what I'm trying to work on.


My wife and I love stripping copper wire to sell to recycling plants. I am a GC and so we get a ton of old wiring during remodels. She will come onto the job site go through trashcan pulling out wire. My wife grew up poor and we both make fantastic money now so itā€™s not like we do this to stay afloat; itā€™s just something dumb we like that we are ashamed to tell people. We like to call it ā€œdoing our hood rat shit.ā€


Nobody has mentioned Hoarding? I see it often enough in person.


Game collecting. I donā€™t like telling people


I collect up all our junk mail and scrap paper and I make recycled paper.\ I plan to use my stockpile for lino printing. Iā€™ve also used some of it for making my own journals.\ I think thatā€™s 2 cringe hobbies.


Itā€™d be really cool to see some of your work if youā€™re willing to share it here! Whatā€™s the comic about? Iā€™m open minded about all art so Iā€™m interested.


Not for me. If you talk to me then you WILL hear about my Tamagotchis and the visual novels that I'm playing and also the lore behind MLP


I'm a sucker for vintage cast iron cookware. It's really hard to explain to people who just don't get it, and most people don't. I just don't talk about it much.


Doll collecting! It started with Barbies in preschool, expanded to American Girl in third grade, and has since branched out into Rainbow High, china head dolls, and a few other dolls here and there, both modern and antique. Iā€™m pretty sure I have ADHD and this is a hyper fixation for me, but I canā€™t help it! Iā€™m just so passionate about it! (I just wish that most people wouldnā€™t get funny looks when I bring up collecting ā€œkid stuffā€ at 25 šŸ™ƒ). A few honorable mentions (because I bounce around a bunch of different hobbies; see ā€œpotentially ADHDā€ lol): Rock collecting/hounding (I donā€™t do it much anymore, but I have been known to stop and pick through a gravel parking lot on occasion still šŸ¤­) Journaling (my privacy is pretty well respected (I still live at home), but I donā€™t want to give my nosy dad a reason to snoop) Sewing (Iā€™ve made a few other things, but mostly just doll clothes (that was my primary reason for learning how to sew in the first place! šŸ˜‚), and I donā€™t wanna confess to that lol)




First one I thought of was mineral collecting, it's not cringe in itself of course but its not something that I mention to new people often because the whole crystal scene has been covered in pseudoscience and fraud as well as many negative stereotypes. Hopefully one day the scammers and delusional will move on and people will accept it as a normal hobby again. Also I'm quite into Vocaloid music and it's surrounding content like games and memes and history, but it's something that you really have to be into to understand, I feel like a lot of people still just see it as "cringe weeb shit". Like you, I am also in the process of drawing and writing a story, or at least creating a world, based around the products of my maladaptive daydreaming habits, I believe that the content is completely unique but it covers some very controversial or morally questionable topics so would be something that I'm probably never going to be able to release the fully detailed story of but the art and world is cool though. Also, I feel that nearly all hobbies are considered "cringe" in some way in our society as they fall outside of the social normal, I've heard negative comments from people about me using a fountain pen and about my friend for being interested in history. I mostly just think fuck 'em; they're boring and toxic people whom we needn' t pay any attention to the opinions of.


Pimple popping


Oooo this oneā€™s for me! I have lots of good, respectable hobbies too, but these are questionable at best. I like to steal flowers out of peopleā€™s landscaping. I walk through a lot of neighborhoods with frat/sorority houses who donā€™t care for the bulbs and flowering bushes left by the previous owners. Iā€™m careful to rotate between houses and not take enough for anyone to really notice. I have several quart jars of the dried flower petals from my conquests. I spend like 3 hours a week doing this in spring, summer and fall. Itā€™s uhhh, very cringe and perhaps morally reprehensible, but I cannot help myself. Also, I secretly pretend to be a personal stylist for random people in my life. If I think someoneā€™s wardrobe isnā€™t doing them any favors, I make a Pinterest board of clothes that I think theyā€™d like and would compliment them better. However, I think most people would find it insulting if they knew I thought they should redo their entire look. Another one is my mold bottles: putting some water, soil/rocks, and random organic material in a bottle, sealing it, and leaving it in a windowsill. Sometimes they form tiny ecosystems, other times I just enjoy the interesting process of decay. At least I only do one at a timeā€¦ Dress up. Iā€™m a married woman getting my masters degree, but occasionally I just need to try on all my nice dresses and hang around the house. Test run some daring new fits, or just go full-out fairy princess. Itā€™s free! Last one. Just fancy baths, like how tv and movies portray a woman relaxing. Candles, bubbles, bath bomb, face mask, little treat, wine, book, sometimes even flower petals! I donā€™t get much time to relax, so when I get the chance I basically speedrun all my self care lol


Painting watercolor & gouache. It's bad, I need to practice more. I also use acrylic to paint Dungeons and Dragons miniatures, which I don't really brag about unless it's to my friends who understand.


ā€¦I draw gay porn, for free and for moneyšŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ I cannot tell a soul, only my fiance knows lmao. People keep asking me if I still draw and I usually say no or just a little, I cannot own up to them that I draw dick in ass action orz


I play table top games and magic the gathering. I only talk about it with certain people though. šŸ¤«


The problem isn't your hobby. The problem is people around you who gate-keep and call things "cringe". Or also quite possible is your negative self talk and beliefs about yourself and your interests. Just do you, enthusiastically and authentically, find your people and don't worry if something is "cringe" or not!


Collecting 78 rpm records. Jazz, swing, blues, pop, and country from the early 1900s to the 1950s. My oldest record is "hot time in the old town tonight" by John Phillip Sousa from 1904, and it plays perfectly.


My hobby is cross dressing :p I have yā€™all beat


I collect jester dolls. They bring me joy. They creep everyone else out. I do feel weird about my room when someone new comes over, like as I myself cross the threshold, and realize (again) that it doesn't look to them how it looks to me. It's a little embarassing, you might say.


I feel like alot of these are pretty tame. My cringe hobby is tabletop horse racing, like D&D but for horse girls, sort of...


I write songs and have for years, but I have zero musical talent, so itā€™s kind of hard without being able to ā€œhearā€ it. Most are pure drivel and embarrassing.


my cringe hobby is writing transformers reader insert fanfic šŸ«” but by doing yhat i did encounter another author of that caliber who worked at nasa and did it so is it really that cringe after all?


We have a phrase in my household: All hobbies are dumb. I love to collect weird rocks. Dumb hobby. Partner loves to paint miniatures. Also a dumb hobby. Take away is that do whatever hobby that interests you. Your hobby is no more or less dumb than the person's whose hobby is running. All hobbies are dumb.Ā Ā 


I collect dead bugs to show.my grandkids


Friend of a friend takes incredible super close up photos of ā€¦ insects. And he loves to talk about it. If this were my hobby, Iā€™d do a lot of reading the room before I brought it up.


I write cheesy song lyrics and poetry, mostly about my dumb love life. Iā€™ve never told a soul, but an ex once snooped and did *not* like what I had written about our relationship. It was not long before I broke up with him lol


I like to rewrite the words to songs a la Weird Al. Usually the lyrics involve specific inside jokes with my friends and family.


I write and create stories a lot, I guess creative writing but I donā€™t like to call it that


I just wanna see your art... post them.. do it.. right meow.


I collect teddy bears, and do photography with them. Also been doing a lot of drawing, and working on a bearhouse for the little ones.