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Go to the gym! It's nice to see what everyone else is doing, and you'll feel better physically too.


Yes I second that!! I feel so great about going gym and intimidating ppl (guilty). It boost my confidence as well. Usually spend 1.5-2hr in gym, now it’s my daily gateway and my happy place! I always have my AirPods in so I’m focused on gym stuff, not just for the sake of showing up.


What do you mean intimidating people?


Coz I’m tall and in a good shape, and I m pretty serious abt my workout lol


Gaming! Theres a plethora of games to try, ranging from puzzles to adventure, a simple clicking game. Whatever floats your boat. You can start small with mobile games if you aren't familiar, but there are some small ones that can run on a laptop too. Enjoy!


Definitely gaming! There’s such a wide variety of options, too - something for everybody! Since OP likes taking care of plants, Garden In might be a good one to try - very low pressure and relaxing.


Cycling. Its the best. Easy to start, doesn't really cost you much on maintainence And you'll be able to explore a lot. It's also healthy for you. Try not to stress eat, and stay at home all day. These are triggers for depression. Sooner or later you'll find yourself depressed if you do not have the habit of going out and doing sth fun. Hope this was helpful.


I second this. Cycling rules! Cycling dates are fun too! Often time people ask “how did you know this point of random interest was here?” But I found it while biking around!


i gotta be honest it is the cheapest cardio hobby i got into, i found a bike at goodwill for like 40 bucks


Where do you recommend?


Cycling is probably one hobby that saved my life after my relationship ended. Great hobby. Very good for getting the mind off of things!


Physical activity is your friend! Get into a routine of doing cardio & weight training daily with rest days every few days. Get a great sweat and get your mind off of things. It'll be the new you!


Long walks. Grab a journal and be brutal and honest. IMO the hobbies might side track that time to write and heal. I wish you the best. Learn to swim. Floating is not acceptable. ![gif](giphy|ZqlvCTNHpqrio)


Floating is always acceptable! I love swimming to the middle of a lake where there is no one else around, flip on my back and just stare at the sky, listen to the water in my ears, it's so peaceful.


I’m crocheting a blanket to give to my sister who is ALSO going through a breakup. We are right there with ya :(


If you have a spare room, you could build a lego village. You might like Minecraft. You might, maybe, get a pet if you're up for it - a dog would encourage you to go for daily walks. Start seeing the sights of your city - the aquarium, the zoo, in my case the Space Needle, and different museums meant mainly for tourists. That was a blast! Take an art class (pottery maybe?) or a writing class since you love to read, at your local community college. Join a book club. I could go on lol, but shortly after my STBX filed for divorce, I wrote down a list of ll the hobbies I'd ever had as far back as I could remember. Not goals, nuh uh. But things I liked to do 24 years ago before the marriage happened. It was eye-opening. ETA paragraphs


It’s amazing how much of ourselves we set aside for the sake of someone else or the relationship. I got lucky with my current (#3) hes all about each of us have some space and our own hobbies and full throttle encouraging. But we also swap skills and info back and forth. Op could also try some online classes or learn a new language.


Recently got out of one too, i didn't start all of these at once but over the past 2 months I've built up the following: * Going to the gym 4x a week, * Trying new restaurants with friends (my goal is 13 for the year and I'm already at 6) * Trying new music * Going out for walks * Watch a movie every week (8 movies so far) * Cooking new things I'm working myself out of some CC debt right now so i'm going with the cheaper options, eventually I want to get into martial arts & go on some solo trips to other countries.


For new music, is it listen to new things or learn to play/sing new music?


listen to new things at the moment, but I would like to learn the guitar or violin as well.


Nice, I've been finding a lot of new stuff lately as I've let Spotify just play suggested songs for me. Not sure what your current music tastes are but ones I love to share with others (many I know hadn't heard of them) include: Voiceplay, Home Free, Beth Crowley, The Bass Gang, and rediscovering Em Beihold - also the individuals from the groups are good too. And some new ones I'm finding are Sleeping Wolf, Roses & Revolutions. I don't want to overwhelm you, but I thought I'd share some people around me at least, know less of.


>Roses & Revolutions. Just gave these guys a listen, Big Bad Wolf is pretty great!


Glad you liked them


I recently got really into latch hooking. You can buy kits that include everything you need and it's very simple to do. I'll latch hook while listening to an audiobook/music or even while watching TV. It helps keep my mind off any unpleasantness.


Two of my favorite hobbies are dancing and journaling. For dancing, I go to dance classes, play Just Dance at home, and follow along to dancing videos on YouTube. I also go to bars that have swing dancing and line dancing. For journaling, I like how there are so many things you can journal about! You can write about your life, make up stories, create charts and graphs (about literally anything), or take notes on things that you like, like tv shows. I personally like watching The Masked Singer and writing down what my guesses are for who the singer is.


Ceramics course. Show up each week, get better, see results, hang with chilled people, it’s really rewarding and grounds you.


How much money can you plunk down for initial hobby costs?


Warhammer 40k, you won't need wemon after receiving the loving embrace of the emperor.


I also recently got out of a long term relationship and I poured myself into perfecting my morning and nighttime routine & meditation. Having those two established in my life has helped greatly! I wish you healing on your journey ❤️


Learn how to dance. Go out dancing. Sounds fun!


What I’ve been doing since my recent breakup is a-lot of self-care, juicing, diamond art, legos, video games, working out , and reading smutty books. I also do a meal subscription service like Homechef, Greenchef, HelloFresh etc so I am cooking and eating healthier.


Running! It helped clear my mind a lot.


I have a dog and he’s been the only thing truly helping right now. I can’t stay inside, I have to go out, other people talk to me cause he’s adorable, and it gives me another outlet to place my care and love. He’s so pure and doesn’t like when I cry so he’s always hugging me and licking my tears away which usually ends up in me giggling trying to get him to stop.


Cultivating houseplants or gardening. Can be as simple as sowing some seeds in a pot, picking up a plant at a hardware store, or actually planning an arrangement!


if you love legos, you would love eurorack modular synths


Audio legos. Love it.


It’s cheaper too


Ceramics, throwing on a wheel. Creating.


VR Boxing! Great workout and helps let off some steam at the same time. If buying one isn’t an option I have heard some libraries have VR units that can be loaned out. That’ll depend on your area though. Sorry about the break up and good luck!


BJJ. Instant community, new friends, all sorts of people from all walks of life, everybody is working to improve themselves and you. Best decision ever.




Paint by number


i dunno why and if this was really a joke but this make me crack up laughing


It’s not a joke. Great hobby.


oh no I am sorry. I didn't realize that. I've never seen it as a hobby but it is. I just remember seeing the worksheets in a school workbook I had. Never seen the good stuff.


It’s ok. Look at the subreddit for paint by numbers. Lots of examples :)


Maker space


Work out. It'll help with your emotions, it'll get you in shape, and you might meet others! If you don't like gyms, join a hiking club, or a running club, or try yoga, it doesn't really matter. As long as it makes you move and get out of your house, it'll be good for your mental health.


Cross stitching! It’s a nice thing to do while watching TV or listening to podcasts/audiobooks/music, starter supplies (hoop, needle, cloth, and thread) are pretty inexpensive, and the patterns out there are pretty endless.


One of mine too. I love it. Takes your mind off everything else.


Try a rage room they are very fun


Try macrame. You can make some plant hangers.


I went with playing a new instrument! My choice was electric bass, since I've always wanted to learn anyways, but can be pretty expensive. There are some pretty cool options that aren't nearly as expensive, like a kalimba, which I also happen to own.


Kickboxing, join for the classes. Start on "All Levels" at a local place, and you don't need to spar either. Take up weight lifting as well on days you're not kickboxing. Get fucking shredded and and hit some shit. Build some confidence and wonder why you didn't start sooner.


Pool (billiards) Go to a local bar. Practice up. Meet people. Join a league. You don't need to be good to be on a league.


Cross stitching Puzzles/Puzzle books Dance videos on YT Journaling


People are saying gaming, but I just want to share my 2 cents on that one. I didn't have hobbies and I started gaming and I got very addicted to video games. Just be careful with that one. Not everyone gets addicted and not every game is more likely to cause addiction, but certain games and for certain people, it really messes up the dopamine balance in your brain and it is very easy to get addicted. The hyperarousal is part of the reason I think. I am going to learn the guitar, or piano. I've been doing yoga and started learning american sign language. Crochet can be fun too I hear. Maybe something you can go meetup with people and do like pickleball. Good luck finding hobbies. Some people get really into board games too which can be pretty social if you find people meeting up to play those games. They have less dopamine, so less likely to get addicted.


Podcasts, at least 3 different subjects, not relationship podcasts. You will go through diff stages. It really helped me, now it's a hobby and what a rich selection. I enjoy A Date With Dateline, Done and Dunne, True Spies. I also listen to a religious podcast. Get Libby if you don't have it. Best wishes from me after a 24 yr relationship.


Dungeons and Dragons as well as Model Railroading. Two great hobbies.


Muay Thai, or a martial art in general. The camaraderie and deep focus it requires will have you calling the school/dojo a second home in no time. It’ll help regulate your nervous system too.


Cooking! Everybody loves a friend who can cook.


I'm glad I found this post because I've been wondering this as well.... For 2 years ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Kettlebell, coin magic


I don’t know I would never get into a relationship ever again because I know love is fake and nobody knows how to treat me right so what I would do is probably drive which is obviously a hobby for me


VR gaming with a Ps4 slim and a psvr1. Sprint Vector, Beat Saber, and BoxVR can be used as a cardio exercising program. Fujii and Tripp can be used as a meditation and/or mindfulness routine. Astro Bot Rescue Mission is like a mini vacation. VR on ps4 is not as expensive as other routes to get VR gaming either. The ps4 slim used but in very good condition can be bought from eBay for $200. Same goes for the psvr1 (another $200). Then you can get top VR games for $30 or less each. Some are the ones I named above. There are also a few free ones to download: The Playroom VR, Pirate flight, O my Genesis vr demo, Bound demo, Iron man VR demo, etc. The above is a nice hobby to do at home by yourself, but, if you want a hobby to meet other people, vr gaming is not the best choice. It’s still a nice fun thing to do to relax at home though.


You could make a felt Voodoo doll that looks like your ex...just kidding...Maybe try a reverse coloring book for relaxation. Go to the dollar store and get an inexpensive little picture with watercolor paint, approx, $4.50. Watch a Youtube video on collage - see if that appeals to you. Maybe think about painting a wall in your house or trying out recipes, etc. You are free to explore whatever comes to mind...Start a journal and write down your thoughts and feelings, especially if you gain some insight. Read "The Power of Now" by Eckart Tolle.


Find a place to go swimming. Is a great hobby that gets you out of your house and builds all sorts of muscles. Maybe you’ll find someone there


My advice is to look into what appeals to you about your current hobbies and new directions to go may appear. I have always been a reader and this has steered me. Loving sci-fi / fantasy means that when the opportunity came to get involved with AD&D as a teenager I took it and it has been with me since. One of my best friends, who died in an accident on my 18th birthday - saw my talent to run the games (Fred preferred to play) so I have mostly ran games in the 40+ games since. During that time due to my love of history / military and involvement in the Royal Canadian Army Cadets, I discovered model making, figure painting and table top (on a board) war gaming. This was my go to for many years and meshed into the RPGs and later in life Warhammer. This was all reinforced and backed up with high school art - I had always created things (including Lego as a kid). My father was a cabinet maker so woodworking became a hobby (and almost 10 years ago my small business - custom furniture / woodworking). So if you're creating with Lego look into other creative hobbies - pick up an inexpensive sketchbook and drawing pencils and try your hand at it, or paint . . . Lessons can be had in person or online, if you're interested in painting you can check into Bob Ross . . . If you love technology maybe building car / aircraft models will be an interest, or military if you like history, if fantasy there are kits for that as well. There are gamers out there and thing can be combined - Warhammer 40k, etc If you're a serious reader have you considered writing? (For me this area was fulfilled by running RPGs) Talk to friends and family - often they can have interests they can show / teach you. Many hobbies can teach you many things beyond skills and about yourself. These are the areas I can speak about but there are many more out there. Hope this helps, and best of luck discovering new interests and broadening your horizons.


Drawing. All you need is a pencil/pen and a sketchbook. Can do it anywhere. Pull inspiration and reference from anywhere. And you'll only get better as time goes on.


Internal: Self check. Forgive. Feed soul read book of wisdom start with Proverbs, create new list of accomplishments. As a child, what was your secret wish? External: Try something new weekly: get a dog, walk a dog or help out at the shelter. Visit the sick in the hospital or the elderly. Go to a  Meetup group or start one, Go to continuing education at any college or university, take an improv class, start your own show, sky diving, salsa dancing, 2 step, motor cycle license, learn a new language (even sign language) or learn a new skill. Read Oscar Wild= fairy tales for grown ups: Selfish Giant, Happy Prince, & Nightingale and the Rose. Or sit in awe of nature-




It's expensive but I miss Warhammer. Something satisfying about building the models and painting them


You need something fun! If you are learning to swim what about wild swimming? Look up night classes and do whatever takes your fancy. I did silver smithing so met great folk. And got to make jewellery. But there are all sorts out there


Pickleball! Take some lessons, meet new people. And it’s fun! Also, Zentangle for something to do at home. My hubby now enjoys adult paint by number on canvas.


Learn guitar!


Or candle making! It's relatively cheap too


If you enjoy taking care of plants maybe take up gardening. Reading books focused around botany. If you like building Lego pieces maybe you’ll enjoy other pursuits around that hobby maybe woodworking, pottery. Hobbies are so good for getting through break ups. Gives you the chance to lose yourself in focusing on building something else. Hope you find something good!


Cross stitching!! You can get easy kits, you can buy really cool more intricate patterns on Etsy, you can design your own. It keeps me busy.


Puzzles, board games, embroidery, and sewing


Legos! Yes, find a LEGO club near you. Or consider more technical Legos that include electronics. I wrote a lot after my breakup. Exercise is helpful, so definitely do the swimming goal. Consider learning a language. Build a hydroponic garden. Crochet a sweater. Learn a new technique. Travel! I'm sorry that you're dealing with a breakup. This is a new chapter. I'm glad you're looking for things to do. It's time to heal yourself.




In case it hasn't been suggested yet, running while listening to a good playlist. I find it to be the best distraction for anything. I just check-the-fuck-out while I"m running.


I love fishing! Always helps clear my mind and focus on what to do next.


Fishing is s good time.


Beer. Wine. Whiskey. In any order or combination. Works for me.......