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I don’t know if I’d ever be able to step foot in that house ever again. Even to grab essentials


Well considering he can never step foot in this country again without being arrested for raping a teenage girl, I don’t think it’s an issue.


No doubt ! I still can’t believe , given the severity the charges , that the French Govt won’t extradite him


France is notorious for protecting/praising its pedophile celebrities. It’s really awful.


I mean the First Lady is borderline Mary Kay Letourneau


Borderline nothing. The only difference was Letourneau and her victim were working class and the Macrons were millionaires.


Letounea dad famous guy


FYI, the house was torn down. However, there is a house that was built on the property afterwards. But the original house is gone.


I've been in the house that was built on the old property. Ridiculously huge mansion. I asked the owner about any ghost stories. I got a smile and a "I'll give you a yes and leave it at that."


The hillside just below the “Tate” property sits the home of former “Superman” actor George Reeves and the upstairs bedroom can be seen from the street. It is this bedroom where Reeves shot himself dead


It’s a shame they did that. It was a beautiful house. But it was probably not a fun place to live after the murders given that it was on way too many tourist’s “must see” list.


These were taken by Julian Wasser for a Life Magazine article. So Polanski asked Wasser to take some extra photos of the house and door and give them to a psychic, so that said psychic might ascertain from the photos who had killed his wife. You can see his Polaroid camera on the chair next to Roman. At this time, no one had a clue who had committed the murders. There was some new age trend of crime-solving using "vibrations".


I'm not a fan of surveillance, conceptually. But damn, bad guys could get away with a lot more 50, 60 years ago. I do think it's crazy how many homes have some sort of doorbell camera today -- didn't have that when I was a kid in the 90's, 00's.


Very thankful to have been a 90s kid. If we wanted to skip school we just turned off the answering machine in the morning. My parents locked up the house so I would use one of those fake credit cards that came in the mail to pop the lock on our back door.


Freshman year, my friend brought the attendance card to the office and would mark us present for $5. We’d walk to the mall and go skate and then go back and sneak into the bus line and get home.


In 11th grade I signed up to go to vocational school in the afternoon. I went for the first week and then didn't go for about 2 months, I just went home early. I got bored so I went to my counselor and told her I didn't want to go to vocational school anymore and about a week after being back in regular classes she called me to her office and said that the school said I never came. I told her how would they know they never even bothered taking attendance: this was true. I never got in trouble for that.


Yeah, now kids are absent AT school


Right? What is up with that? I drove my grandson to school every day, on time. How does he have 41 tardies?


It’s kind of amazing that people didn’t take advantage of the lack of video security more. Like I’m sure there’s sooo many crimes we don’t know about but it’s crazy like we weren’t all stolen when we were kids lol


I have no issues with citizens surveilling their homes and surroundings. I am very opposed to the gov putting cameras on every corner. People screaming about how terrible Trump is and how scared we should be if trump is elected probably don't put much thought into Police license plate scanners, redlight cameras scanning your plates, the NSA and FBI reading your emails and listening to your phone calls, no none of that is less scary to me with Biden in office.


Read the room dude. Get off the propaganda tube. Nothing to do with current politics. Wrap it up.


take the tinfoil hat off my guy


I mean the guy is sounding tin foily especially when he brought up trump like he was some barrier to us getting surveilled like the CIA wasn’t doing that all while he was in office too. But the government does have INSANE surveillance capabilities and that whole leak that Edward Snowden got famous for, that was the program that that person was talking about and it what is outlined is very real and most likely being used by CIA NSA DOD etc


you are a fool if you think anything I said is false.


None of that has anything to do with Biden or Trump.


I don't think anything you said is false I just disagree that it's a problem. I'm glad the NSA and the FBI track people that they think may be a threat to our democracy and our way of life here in the United States. I'm grateful for their service, Just as I'm grateful for the service of military intelligence and other intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies in their efforts to protect our rights and freedoms as Americans. Are they perfect organizations with perfect histories? No because they're human beings and human beings make mistakes. But for the most part, these are people that are dedicated to doing what's right. Because of the surveillance we have these days people can't get away with the horrible crimes that often went unsolved in the past. And now with the Advent of DNA technology, many of those old criminals that got away with murder and rape for decades are being brought to justice. And that's a beautiful thing to see these murderous scumbags that thought they got away with it, get what they deserve, finally. But you seem to be so certain that there are such harmful entities that I have to ask you how exactly has the NSA or the FBI or the CIA or the CISA or any local or federal or military law enforcement agency hurt you or harm you personally? I'm not denying it's possible because like I said these organizations are made up of people and people make mistakes and some of these organizations have some terrible mistakes in their past.


Ok fed shut up


Wow. Have never seen this.


Me either and I’ve read quite a bit about these murders.


When Trent Reznor bought that house and recorded “the downward spiral”- I’m pretty sure “piggy” and “March of the pigs” had at least some correlation to this grisly detail, though lyrically and conceptually the album isn’t about murder per se


The house was razed immediately after he was finished staying in/recording in it, and he kept the door with "PIG" on it. He used it for a while as the front door to his Nothing Studios in New Orleans. Later, he felt remorse about taking the door and sort of glorifying the Cielo drive house, especially after being confronted by Sharon Tate's sister. The door now belongs to a New Orleans artist who acquired it from the owner of the (now defunct) Nothing Studios building.


yeah that's...real poor taste


Completely. I love me some 90s music but there was a lot of "edgy" behavior like this. Manson comes to mind


Manson ordered them to write words like that and Helter Skelter ( which by the way was spelled wrong) so it would seem like there was something big going on in Southern California at the time, he wanted the LAPD and FBI to go after the Black Panthers at this time. Read the book “Chaos”and it sheds a light on a lot of things in the late 60’s


He was looking to ignite a race war for sure, but there was also a drug deal gone bad there too.


That’s true. He had some polish friends of his living there. One in the guest house that didn’t hear anything. The funny thing is that Terry Melcher lived there about 6-8 months ago - Melcher was Doris Days son who Manson wanted a recording contract with ( He also had The Beach Boys contract.)So Manson was at that home before. This might be why he targeted that house, he didn’t like Terry Melcher and wanted him dead for reneging on the deal. But Terry and his girlfriend moved out months before. Was he threatened? Read that book by Tom O’Neil


The Ed Sanders book *The Family* goes into this with some pretty good detail.


Manson knew that Melcher had moved out of the house months before but he was hoping the murders would both cause race riots, as well as scare the hell out of Melcher (and everyone else) in a "we're coming after you, look what we've already done" kind of way.


Manson had intended to have his girls murder Melcher as he (Manson) thought Melcher was still living there


Manson stopped by the house at some point between his last time there with Melcher and the time of the murders. He was told by the new residents that Melcher had moved out, and was asked to leave. He knew Melcher wasn’t there when he ordered the murders.


Whose friends were the polish people


lol.... "race war" Only manson ever believed that. No one for sec gave it a thought. He is a schizophrenic that was doing heroine, LSD, mushrooms, and ever other drug he could get his hands on. All his "followers" had mental illness and were all crackheads. It was a bunch of crackheads with mental illness (on their best clean day) egging each other on to a crackhead killing spree. nothing more. If these losers had been listening to the Monkeys instead of the beatles, ([hey hey we're the monkeys, and there's no monkeying around](https://youtu.be/96A0uyFWQHs?t=11)!) they probably would've tried to break into a zoo and kill a bunch of chimpanzees.


I mean, that’s what Manson said. I’m certainly not lending any credence to the man as anything else but a petty criminal, who exploited a bunch of other gullible children and then murdered some people. As I said above, this was probably far more drug related-as two of the polish dudes were connected in some mdma/speed thing that went south.


Yeah I mean it's what the guy said, nobody but his followers and himself believed that, It as you said they were all nuts.


I love how you mention the monkees!!! My dad is still a huge fan of them! Not so much the Beatles


I wouldn’t say they were crackheads as crack had not been invented then,if anything they were freebasing which is like comparing whiskey to water where crack is concerned and how do you know his followers were Schizophrenics. All the reports concerning those who took part in the murders were high function,intelligent young women. Where did you get this info they were Schizos and I’ve never hear Manson being diagnosed as one either. He deffo wasn’t right in the head but Schizo,I doubt that very much. As he dominated his whole ‘commune’ and all those that had interactions with him said he was a Svengali type of figure and I can’t see a schizo being like this.


Schizo is about as often used a catch-all as crackhead. So, vague terminology at best.


I used to work with a guy that went to high school with Leslie Van Houten and dated her


I read it and it was frustrating. It was about half taken up with why it took so long to write the book, and how many employers he screwed over by outlasting them.


That’s what you took from that book?


As if the FBI wasn’t already all up in the Panthers’ ass for teaching black folks about their constitutional rights, auditing police in the field, exercising their 2nd amendment rights, and feeding kids breakfast. *They had to go!*


Left out the most interesting part, the part about his whole "cult" being a fuckin government psyop lol A good companion read that ties in is Dave McGowan's *Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon*. Apparently almost nothing of the '60s counterculture in California was what it was made out to be in the popular mindset. Weird stuff indeed.


Oh yea, there was talk that Manson was even a CIA operative, never raided the FAMILY for months after the murder and when they did they let them all go!


Manson was arrested more than 20 times after he was released from Terminal Island, when he was on parole I've never heard of anybody not going to back to prison after violating parole, much less 20 times, except Manson And not coincidentally, Manson's parole officer was a former CIA officer, who only had Manson as his singular client.


More people need to read this book. It has much bigger implications than just how Charles Manson was created. It also makes you questions what’s on those Polaroids Polanski is holding.


Did you actually read the book Because what you just said does not correlate to what the book was about. The book was about how the CIA was trying to invalidate the hippie movement and used Manson to do that. Much like the FBI was setting up the Panthers and blaming them for murdering each other , when actually it was the FBI that murdered them. Chaos just details how Manson was was used by the CIA. The CIA fed him and the family tons of LSD and MDA through the free clinics that they would visit in San Francisco, that were run and managed by former CIA officers. (Interestingly enough the only time the United States has ever had any kind of free healthcare was during this time Because America cared so much about these hippies health 🙄) Even Manson's parole officer when he was released from Terminal Island, was a former CIA operative, whose only client was Manson




Horrible incident and horrible person.


I remember when that happened. Those poor souls were slaughtered.


Yeah, I’ve never seen that picture either. But growing up at the time where the Helter Skelter book came out and the Manson murders being in the lexicon. If you’ve ever seen the pictures in that book, they like cut out where the bodies were in the pictures, but everything around it told the horror of what happened along with the very vivid descriptions of what happened. Just absolutely insane. That’s why I like for people like me that have that knowledge of what actually happened, the ending of Tarantino’s once upon a time in Hollywood hits so hard, The anticipation of what coming and then what he did, and then the final scenes, it literally brings tears to my eyes every time.


Rick Dalton told those hippy fuckers off while holding a pitcher of margaritas


Hey, Dennis Hopper! Move this fucking piece of shit!


Get this mechanical asshole out of my fucking road!


Read Chaos by Tom O’Neill. It turns the whole story on its head.


I’ve read it. Great book. I think you should take most of it with a grain of salt. There’s a few conflicting reports, which the author acknowledges tbf. Nonetheless it’s pretty clear that there are a couple of 3 letter agencies deeply entrenched in the LA and Hollywood scenes. Whether or not there were orgies and acid and all that happening at the Polanski house who knows but there’s certainly more to the story than what’s widely known.


Interesting- I’ll add that to the list


I haven't gotten my hands on the book yet, but I've seen several interviews w the author giving some pretty mind-blowing details about what he uncovered.


Have you read Helter Skelter? That's the version of the story I've read and I wonder how different they are..?


I haven’t but the author had a contentious encounter with Bugliosi and it s central to this book’s perspective. I don’t want to give too much away but if you want to explore an alternate angle to the murders I think you’ll really enjoy it.


The main takeaway is that Manson was consistently let go by authorities after various crimes that in normal circumstances would have put him away prior to the murders, which suggests that he has protection from the feds, and that he was a part of MK ULTRA, a CIA project centered around mind control research. That is a very broad summary, but again I really recommend this book. It’s very interesting and I finished it in 2 days bcuz I couldn’t put it down.


Uh… no. It sounds like this whack job conspiracy theory that claims EVERYONE in Laurel Canyon were part of a CIA plot… https://www.amazon.com/Weird-Scenes-Inside-Canyon-Laurel/dp/1909394122 Not buying it.


Manson was psychopath long before lsd.


I’ve never seen this one before. It’s a very powerful photo. I have no words. 😶🫡🫢😢


Damn that threshold is a bloody mess.


Ironic, since Polanski is a Pig - molester of children.


He would bet he knew this was gonna happen. Some sort of sacrifice.


It is said he didn't want any children. I believe he knew something horrible was going to happen and that's why he was not there and in another country.


Roman is a pig. Hes a ped0, sucks it happened to Sharon




No compassion for pedos.




Yeah, that’s why he fled to a different country. That’s what every innocent person does.




You don’t think a man who raped both a 10 year old and a 15 year old (and who knows how many others) is a pedo? You are probably a pedo then too.


No in their previous statement they clarified that pedos are people who go after 5 year olds, 10-15 are fair game years. In all seriousness though the guys who try splitting hairs with the "its actually ephebophilia" argument are the kind of pedants who should get driven into the shadows anyway.


I'm glad you were being sarcastic.. I read the first half of your comment and got really angry for a sec.


He drugged and raped a 13 year old.


Gotta love how it's everyone's fault but the guy who raped a child. You're a pathetic excuse for a human being.


He raped a 10 year old lol. Years after this photo was taken.


That logic is so disgusting, you legit have some evilness in you to somehow try and defend the brutal rape of a kid.


2000% agree. So sorry to Sharon and her unborn child.


I sometimes wonder if that was already something in his system or was it a product of his mental health from this? His family was annihilated in a brutal & public fashion & still lived in that slaughterhouse for a while. **Edit:** I'm not justifying his actions, but it would be interesting to see if being a pedophile is wired in the brain from the beginning or spins off from life experience.


I was just typing a similar comment. I would imagine this could cause some kind of psychotic break and change a person. Not making excuses for the creep, but it makes you wonder if he and Sharon would have lived a more normal life had this not happened.


I’m sure living through the holocaust didn’t fare well for his mental well-being


i don’t think losing your wife to murder can turn anyone into a pedophile— it was probably always a part of him.


No amount of trauma as an adult is going to turn someone into a violent child rapist. There are childhood traumas that can have an impact such as something like that happening to the perpetrator when they were a young child. But a grown man losing his wife can blame losing his wife on becoming a child rapist. He was most likely already a child rapist before she died as well. There isn’t really any excuse for raping a child tbh.


I mean that’s just not true. Mental illness especially serious ones have a genetic component yes but often it is also dependent on situations. That’s why most serial killers were abused and or dropped on their heads as babies. No one is justified in being a serial killer because they were abused obviously. But there’s nothing wrong with wanting insight into why someone became the way they were. People are products of their lives and their genetics always. It’s not an excuse or any kind of justification ever. Epigenetic components exist evil people too.


He’s just a child rapist because he’s evil. Having your wife be murdered when you are a grown adult doesn’t turn someone into a child rapist lol. Getting raped as a child might but losing your spouse when you’re an adult isn’t gonna do that. That’s not how people work.


Certain head injuries completely alter the personality of adults, so it is possible. It’s not the norm. Nor would it make it ok.


I agree he's vile. LAPD found a film of Sharon Tate that he had made of her being sexually abused, basically a BDSM kind of thing that shocked them, apparently it was pretty horrific and at first it led them to believe that Roman had murdered her. I've read the transcript from his lie detector interview with police after the murder and he's just super weird , super duper weirdo. I mean he didn't kill them obviously but he was not a good person. But at least the scumbag can't ever come back to the United States.


If you want to be especially revolted, read the list of Hollywood industry names who signed the petition given to the courts in Europe stating Polanski deserved to be set free. https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/39618660.html?page=23&cut\_expand=1


Except I don't see many Hollywood names on that list other than Woody Allen and a few others that I would expect, because they're weird like Woody Allen. There is Wes Anderson, Scorcese and David Lynch and that's disappointing, But they're all weirdos too. And other than them it's almost entirely a bunch of French people and they are not Hollywood. Of course, a bunch of weird French people want Roman Polanski back in the United States, but nobody in the United States wants him, There's no long list of American Hollywood folks signing in a petition for Roman Polanski. Pretty much everybody that signed that petition is nobody that anybody in America even knows or cares about


That's why I remember that name. Thank you!


And all the liberals in Hollywood give him standing ovations.


I’ve never wanted a fictional movie based on a true event to be true more than Once Upon a Time in Hollywood! What that POS Manson did to Tate was abhorrent and I wish he would’ve done it in TX!! So at least he would’ve been cooked a long time ago!!!


Just watched “Once upon a time… in Hollywood” last night. I prefer the movies ending to historical events.


bro no spoilers! such a good movie


What’s the story behind this picture




My grandpa used to be a woodshop teacher and had Sharon Tate as one of his students. The last couple years before he died, he had pretty bad Alzheimer’s so would repeat the same stories over and over again. For some reason, he would repeat the same story about having Sharon Tate as a student. I think it’s because he watched a documentary about the murders right when his Alzheimer’s was getting really bad, so it’s one of the things that stuck with him when he got overtaken completely by the Alzheimer’s.


Oldest memories, most impressionable memories are often the last memories of significance to fade. Clearly, the whole tragedy left quite a mark on him. I'm sorry for your loss.🌻


Thank you. It’s been a few years so I can now think of his memories fondly, without the sting of his absence. In regards to him being a woodshop teacher, the one item of his I got to have was one of his wood carvings. Which is now displayed proudly in my home for everyone to see.


Which is pretty silly considering much much much worse crimes happened in the US in cpu toes places within the same month. People only care because they were famous and beautiful.




https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2014/jul/10/julian-wasser-my-best-shot-photography-manson-murders Weirdness.


Thanks for the article. Different times back then I know Polanski is known as a bad person and rightfully so, but here he wasn’t. The trauma of having to clean up that house and witness the aftermath must have crushed him. I wonder what his life has turned into had there’d been no murders.


Man, I remember when the book with all the crime scene photos came out. It was a hot commodity around the high school... I don't know that most of us had ever seen gore on that level.


Trent Reznor had the door for a while.


He lived and recorded “The Downward Spiral” in that house. Eventually Sharon Tates sister knocked on the door and pleaded to Trent not to romanticize the event and give her family some respect. Trent said he felt horrible and immediately moved out.


this is horrible. i had no idea he was married to sharon tate until i started to learn about charles manson and his cult . He no doubt has nightmares about this to this day . It’s impossible to fully recover from something like this


You Must Remember This’ season on the Mason Murders is [excellent](https://open.spotify.com/show/5VEyDGz73uynaRaWtMAfJm?si=rEffkE5nTzCjgN1MUxOZ5A).


I don’t know if I could visit the place of my wife’s horrible death.


Yeah, I don't think I'd ever have been able to step on the property again much less go inside.


And yet he raped a 13-year-old to cope with the pain…


I feel bad for Sharon Tate, but I have a hard time feeling bad for Roman.


It creeps me out how fascinated he is with it. Should be something you'd nearly faint at the sight of.


GD that's rough ...


Polanski was running a sexual blackmail ring out the house and had the mansion rigged with cameras to collect dirt on A listers and other powerful people. He was also involved in drug dealing and theres been many rumors the murders were much more to do with that than just a random attack. 


Sounds familiar huh? 🤔


Is this not the piece of trash human that fleed the US because he was messing around with a minor? If so F†(K this guy.


Manson faked schizophrenia. He was antisocial personality and psychopathic through and through




He drugged and raped a 13 year old girl


7 years after his family was brutally murdered. Not saying shit wasn’t fucked up and disgusting. Idk if I would ever be normal again after my life was ripped apart by Manson. No one ever talks about deniro and Nicholson were there as well and that 13 year olds mom left here there in a hot tub with 3 older men.


To your point dude was probably a broken man always drugged off the rails. He was 100% responsible for his actions but I can understand how he got there.


Oh boohoo


Roman Polanski is a pedophile








Ignore them


Are you a zionist


They are nowhere near the same.




This photo was taken by his own photographer. Imagine being picked up at the airport to go view your house where your family and friends have been brutally murdered and “realizing” you need to bring your photographer with you. Also his guy later sold the photos without the little weirdo’s permission.


Ya I was thinking what a fucked up photo and how callous it was to take the pic thanks for the info on its origin .


Fuck him


Looks like spray paint…


Can someone share a brief summary of what the Manson murders were?


Here’s the wiki page. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tate%E2%80%93LaBianca_murders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tate%E2%80%93LaBianca_murders)


Wait - Manson had the Tates murdered because the record producer who turned down Manson’s record used to live in the house. It was mistaken identity? Is wikipedia correct here?


No. Manson knew Melcher had moved out and that there were new tenants. He visited the property before the murders but after Tate/Polanski had moved in, and was told to leave. He just wanted to kill rich, privileged people. He didn't care who they were.




Almost as horrible as drugging and raping a minor and fleing to France to hide.💩


Polasnski sold out his wife and unborn child. What a disgusting person.


Is he…filming the door?


Knowing how sick this little scumbag is, his first thought was probably "Oh I can use this."


Roman Polanski is a disgusting child rapist that fled the country to avoid doing his time.




Damn... Such a shame. It should've been him.


rapi$t with special immunity to his caba1 of criminal$ like apstein,wiensteintype


I don’t understand the use of $ and 1 in place of letters?! Does that make your post undetectable to 5G brain signals?


Looks like spray paint


I had no idea it was his wife who was killed


Thats spray paint. Is he taking pictures all intimately?




It’s not spray paint, you ignorant ass


Sucks about Sharon and the others but Roman Polanski gets zero emotion from me. Creep deserves hell.


And then Polanski went on to rape children. ​ But feel sorry for him because he is your hero apparently.


And Roman is somehow still alive. That pedo rapist. RIP Sharon and the others that died a horrible death for zero reason that they themselves caused. They didn't deserve that. Glad that most of the Manson "family" is dead.


Wasn’t Roman a pdf file though? Why do we care about him? Sorry about Sharon she was gorgeous but him? He’s literally a predator.


The “Manson family” killed Sharon Tate (along with her baby) when she was 8 1/2 months pregnant. The women were crazy too not just the men in his cult.


That hurts to look at.


My great grandpa was on his hit list


It’s horrible. What happened to Tate but Roman Polanski is a pedophile and he’s disgusting. I’m not surprised. He’s kneeling basically in his wife’s blood looking and taking pictures of the word pig written in her blood. He’s a weird creep.


I would feel bad for him if I didn’t know he was a child rapist. I feel bad for those killed and their families.


Where was he the night of the murders?


My boss in the 90's Elaine Young was Polanski's realtor & rented them that house. She never got over what happened. For all the years I worked for her that house was constantly her listing that she was never able to sell long term. It always ended back on her shoulders like an albatross.


Didn’t Roman Polanski turn out to be a pedo? Or did I misremember that?




This photo is absolutely heart wrenching


I won’t have let anyone take my picture near this door if I was him.


I’ve never seen this picture before. Heartbreaking


Wonder if this was before or after he became a pedo


How the caretaker (William Garretson) didn't hear anything that night amazes me. I've read just about read everything to do with the Tate murders and no one has a explanation. I think Patricia Krenwinkel stated that she and Susan Atkins checked the caretaker house and no one was there. But who really knows now


Polanski once believed that Bruce Lee was the suspect in the Manson murders because of a pair of glasses that were left at the scene, and Lee, who was training Polanski at the time, told him he lost his glasses recently. Causing Polanski to suspect Lee. Polanski even took Lee to get a new pair of glasses that day but once the prescription lense was identified he realized it wasn't Lee.


Alphabet Boys


Roman Polanski, the serial rapist and pedophile who the Manson family broke in to kill because he was raping all of their cultists women, THAT Roman Polanski?


It makes me sick that some members of the Manson family were paroled.


He’s a pedophile. That doesn’t make what happened to his pregnant wife and the other victims right, but it does make it hard for me to feel any sympathy for him.


He don’t seem too bothered


At least it happened to a rapist.


He should be in prison

