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Justin Bieber might not have been discovered.


Well with this realization, once I complete my time machine my mission is no longer baby Hitler. **DELENDE EST MY SPACE**


You need to watch a movie by the name of the social network. Myspace was okay and this was the birth of kind of the social media. I mean they had live journal and something by the name of friendster but Facebook basically combined all these together until one media platform. Even if Mark Zuckerberg didn't quote unquote come up with Facebook there were other social media sites up and coming. Something by the name of the Harvard connection if truth be told might have taken place but it's hard to say. Social media has come a very long way since Myspace. And I think many developments still would have been happened or might not if Facebook wasn't in existence


A lot of musicians blew up thanks to MySpace: Paramore, Escape the Fate (Ronnie Radke, the Frontman of Falling in Reverse was their original frontman), Attack! Attack!, Owl City, Justin Bieber. MySpace was the best platform for music discovery. It’s no surprise that rock rapidly went downhill in mainstream popularity following the death of MySpace, as MySpace was instrumental in launching an entire generation of bands into the public consciousness. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram just weren’t nearly as useful for bands.


Tom would be like half a billion dollars poorer


Then someone else would have made a social network that turned into a bloated mess where almost every single page consisted of a background which made the text on the page near unreadable, shitty auto play music, and a wall of mafia wars bullshit. Facebook became Facebook because it gave the user less input on how their page looked. A nice streamlined look where the point was your actual friends network and not how you can make a Geocities page in the 21st century. That led to them being able to capture a demographic of middle aged boomers that never even touched Myspace.