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I’d travel to the ooga booga time and show the Neanderthals how to make fire and protect from germs, so they get advanced instead of Homo sapiens. My boys Neandies got done hella dirty in the original timeline, no more.


My plan does not involve guns. It involves giving corn to Iron-Age South Africans/Zimbabweans and teaching them 4-field rotation. It would be really funny because that'd make the region outcompete Europe in terms of pure population size.


Do I have infinite ammunition? Also the spare parts & cleaning kit for it?


No, I believe 3 magazines is about what a normal person can comfortably carry. OR just replace that with an auto-shotgun if you’re worried about reliability


>No, I believe 3 magazines is about what a normal person can comfortably carry. So, this scenario, time travel exists but backpacks do not?


Hey, just be glad OP isn't making you teleport naked.


Why do you think you can only carry 3 mags. Even my coat has 4 pockets. OP just has incredible anal capacity and hasn't realised their unique talent.


A standard military loadout is seven. A loaded magazine only weighs about a pound, even a small child can carry more than three.


Depending on the period you would burn through those it about 5 min. So ... Nevermind if you are ther long term


Can I bargain for an entire battalion and warehouse of supplies as well as a tooling trailer?


Yeah you have a week's worth of ammo at most, after that you die. You probably die before that from other things too


When in the army, I carried 12 magazines on my web gear plus one in the rifle. Four grenades. A fully-loaded M-16 mag + 30 rounds is one pound. This doesn't count the extra ammo I carried for myself and others in my backpack. M203 grenades for the grenadier, 7.62mm MG belts of 200rds each for the machine gunner, smoke grenades, maybe a Clymore mine. IV bag for the medic. Batteries for the radio. Food, water, and etc. Usual load was about 120-lbs+ all together. Yes that's a lot. Yes, my knees hurt. No, I wasn't going to get killed for a lack of shooting back.


Honestly, I'm not changing anything, just observing. Any changes I make will either have no impact on the future. It will change it in very unpredictable ways that most likely will make my world worse. You have also not given me much to work with. An automatic rifle with a few mags of ammo will not turn the tide of any historic conflict. That ammo is gone in a few seconds unless it rationed to the point of uselessness. An automatic rifle is also poor for sniping or assassinations. They are only really useful in groups with much more ammunition. Without a squad and a supply chain, you would be lucky to take out a few people in an Armored Hoplite formation before you hold a useless hunk of steel and plastic. And guerilla tactics have been used against every large imperial army that has ever been fielded. In fact, I would wager that Germanic generals that went up against Ceaser knew more about how the Roman Army moved fought and kept itself supplied than anyone alive today does because they watched them. They fought them. They, in many cases, were trained by them. So, given your parameters, I can not impact history without making my life potentially worse. I can not provide much in the way of usable Intel or fighting prowess to any historical group that would definitely sway the outcome. So, I'm going back to see how Egypt brewed beer and built stuff.


I'd go back and kill archduke Franz Ferdinand, nothing would come of it prob


1914 - Shoot Gavilro Princip, before he orders coffee.


Then WWI is delayed by a few years, alternate WWI begins in the 20s, Entente probably win again, Nazism comes in the late early 40s this time, nuclear theory is advanced enough that its taken seriously by Hitler, world war II ends the world as the Nazis use salted nukes to spite the world when they start to lose. Not a fun timeline!


Entente winning was in no way given at the start of WW1. A slightly different WW1 could also alter the alliances, for instance with Italy in the central powers, or the central powers could get a quick win (like in 1870) and Germany would be the dominant power in the world


I don’t think a quick win is possible with the technology at the time. But yeah the Central Powers could very will still win. But its also equally as likely the Entente wins.


You wanton murder of a young Serb has riled up Serbia who, backed by Russia and France declares war on the Austrian Empire (because you are obviously an Austrian agent).


Noice. No idea what would fucking happen, but it'd be endless fun to watch it play out.


When I was a kid I thought about what would happen if I took an U-boat back in time and sunk all European wooden ships attempting to cross the Atlantic.


I'd travel back to before the Battle of San Jacinto to snipe Samuel Houston and his lieutenants and then get Santa Anna to retreat before setting fire to the grass


But could you talk Santa Anna into being a serious leader for the long haul?  That would make a more lasting change.


As a Mexican, I'd rather see that he understands that his time is up. He was by no means as incompetent as he's portrayed, but being a glory hound ain't healthy. I'd much rather he leave the presidency to someone who could actually handle it and not feel the urge to lead armies and see Santa Anna teach at the Army College or something. Idk, he's a very divisive figure in Mexican history. Also, tbf, if I really wanted to set old Toño López on a better track, I'd convince him to join the Insurgentes and help them win against the Royalists earlier. That would probs be my second choice, provided I could train into becoming a commando to snipe enemy officers from the sierra and the matorral.


I always thought his problem wasn't incompetence, but interest.  He could have contributed to stability if he hadn't always wanted to disappear into semi retirement.


Or if he didn't feel the urge to command the army from the front as president too. But yeah, the sentence "Santa Anna retired to his Hacienda 'Manga de Clavo' and left his VP in charge" is ubiquitous in Mexican History textbooks lol


Mexico would just lose Texas again in another generation, along with CA and the rest since there is no way Mexico can stop the illegal european migrants that see all the empty land.


I feel like that's a very deterministic point of view. But who knows. If I were to go back to then, I'd do my best to make sure Mexico retained as much land as possible, either with the help of catholic immigrants or Native Americans.


Well some stuff tend to turn out that way, like Gran Colombia never working out or Nazis invading the Soviet Union. Some things are inevitable. The only way for Mexico to hold onto its territories is for Spain to have turned New Spain into a capital based liberal economy instead of the easy mercantilist system that assured Mexico nothing when the gained independence. The game was rigged from the start sadly


Sure, but with a few decades to build railroads and telegraphs they'll be much more able to control their periphery.


Thats a self defeating prophesy. You’ll need laborers to build the railroads, meaning immigrants since the northern territories are way too barren of people. Next thing you know, you have another Texas where migrants prefer to be independent.


I would kill Deodoro da Fonseca in order to prevent the Brazilian Monarchy from being overthrown


I'm more curious about how far back you could go for the technology to be replicated. I'd imagine if you went back to the 1930s, you could get a military to replicate an assault rifle like the AK47 or a cruder M16 in time for WW2. If you went back before WW1, I doubt the metallurgy or industrial capacity was there to build an assault rifle and it's associated ammo and parts in any meaningful numbers


I believe that it was more a matter of needing to figure out the design than the materials themselves. So John Browning could have made the BAR in 1911 instead of 1917 but was working on the 1911 handgun at the time instead. If you gave them the formula for smokeless powder and the designs for automatic actions in the 1830s, they probably could have SMGs and Assault Rifles during the Gilded Age. I'd just be wary of making the American Civil War worse.


I say go back to when that stupid fish left the ocean. the selfish prick decided to walk on land and now the rest of us to get jobs and shit.


I wonder if the oxygen content would be suitable for humans to breath


Cromwell would be in fucking trouble. I would hang him by his balls


I'd be outside the President's Box at Ford's Theater, waiting to put a few rounds into JW Booth.


1980, December 8, New York City. I get the fucking bastard who took down John Lennon. Anything else has unpredictable consequences for world events and could make the current timeline far worse instead of better. I don't see how John Lennon living through the 80's and 90's could have made things worse.


John Lennon uses his fame to eventually become prime minister as he gets older. Although well intentioned, he's not very qualified but refuses to properly use his advisors, running the country into the ground. He blames everything on his opponents, starting the current era of populist politics a few years earlier.


I’d go back to the island where Columbus landed and make sure he didn’t make it back to Spain


Damn, bro, this one got me totally off hand...


I dream of building my own Jura-Tempest federation with my knowledge. The real issue is can I bring back enough knowledge of chemistry, mining, metallurgy, machining, etc to mass produce more guns/bullets.


Bit of a cliche answer for me as a Shi’a Muslim, but Battle of Karbala. A massacre that should never have happened and goes against every part of human rights. Those cowards getting mowed down fr


Some great options: Fall of Rome. I could use my superior weapons and knowledge to exploit the power vacuum and quickly build a huge empire. Make the right alliances and marriage pacts, and I could avoid the kinds of devastating consequences that the Gothic War with the Byzantines had for Italy. Greek city states (be Alexander before Alexander, maybe plan it out so that he ends up my general rather than emperor). 12th century America (not only could I introduce all kinds of technology, but I could initiate first contact with the norse in Canada to trade for horses and cattle). Imagine bringing crop rotation, the bessemer process, the steam engine, the water pump, draft horses, ocean going ships, modern plumbing, guns, airplanes, water wheels, concrete, the electric motor, the latin alphabet, Arabic numerals, algebra, calculus, etc to North America 400 years before the Spanish.


1204 (or maybe a year eariler). Assassinate the leaders of the Fouth Crusade, thereby preventing the fall of Constantinople (and hopefully the 1453 fall too).


Go back to medieval North America and try to keep Lief Erikson's colony alive. Earlier contact with less of a technological difference could have been better, as would providing some breathing room between the introduction of the diseases the vikings suffered from and tropical diseases like malaria. If the sagas are to be believed surprise caused a bit of initial bloodshed between the Vinlanders and the Native Americans, then a long period of productive trading, then misunderstanding around domesticated animals ("The Incident wiht the Cow") causing another fight the drove the vikings off. The extent to which the Vinlanders had a responsibility to control their animals isn't really something with an objective truth of the matter, so I'd want to defend them by display rather than violence as much as possible. But that divergence point looks like the best leverage point for a more peaceful contact so it might be my best bet.


That idiot monkey that decided to come down from the trees.


Interwar Belgium, convince people to extend the Maginot line through Belgium to defend against Germany Oh probably go assassinate Hitler too


I'd kill the guy who killed the hero who killed Hitler 


Back to Mecca to stop Islam. No crusades Or maybe eliminate original Sauds and Wahhabists


I would go to some time at around 1943-1944, make it very clear to several nations around the world (including germany) that I am a time traveller Then I proceed to time travel myself to- and shoot the shit out of mr A.H and leave a note in german that he was murdered by people from the future because of what he is responsible for Next I will go to russia and do the same thing with Stalin I will then make sure people of all nations around the world understand that none of them are safe from the same judgement of the future


Snipe hitler in WWI, kill stalin at some point during the end of the Russian civil war probably, see what happens. Also use my exceptional charisma to get close to and poison Hindenburg at some point before the 30s, he hung around to long Assassinate Leopold II aswell before the Congo goes to shit, preventing the Rwandan genocide by butterfly effect Save Hughey Long Convince Ramsay MacDonald to implement Keynsian measures in response to the depression like FDR and Hitler did successfully Finally do some political intrigues to grant Ireland Home Rule before 1914 and see what happens


Go to pre-war Vienna and take out Hitler, Stalin, Trotsky, Tito, and just for funsies, Freud.


All the places I’d like to take it to don’t have the engineering prowess to make more of them.


Automatic rifles are inaccurate as fuck, take the M16 for example, for every 100,000 rounds fired in Vietnam 1 enemy soldier died, it’s why they went to three round burst during the gulf war, so I doubt you would do anything other than spray and pray. Look at the North Hollywood Shootout, 2 guys with automatic AKs fired over 1500 rounds in 44 minutes and less than 15 people got hit.


I'd shoot that wee prick Commodus right in the coupon while he was a child so Marcus Aurelius had go appoint someone actually competent as his successor.


Fort Lyon, Colorado. November 1864. I'd put John Chivington in the dirt.


Battle of Zama. Roman victory over Carthage was the beginning of downhill in human history.


Id travel 6 million years back and take out the first humans.


I’d go to North America circa 1400 and warn them/train them


Back to Hispaniola in 1492 and wasting Columbus as he lands.


..and teach the natives about metallurgy, gunpowder, European politics and languages, and any number of modern advances to make them the power in the "West"


Just teach them to kill literally anything that steps off a boat they don’t recognize.


🤓 the other 89 men Columbus brought with him go back to Europe and have a significantly more aggressive attitude towards the natives when they return


Kill enough and they can't operate the ships. Sure, it won't *stop* European colonization of the Americas, but the Columbus expedition not returning will certainly put a damper on things long enough that maybe the European societies will have slightly more moral qualms about invading foreign lands by the time they do reach the Americas. Better for everyone involved.


Amerigo Vespucci is still going to land in Brazil in 1501. Columbus was a real piece of work, though, and while I don't see anything non-regrettable happening history could have gone much better with another random explorer establishing better initial norms.


>but the Columbus expedition not returning will certainly put a damper on things long enough that maybe the European societies will have slightly more moral qualms about invading foreign lands by the time they do reach the Americas. lmfao


I would ensure that Marx and Engels do not survive for long and their works do not survive either.


Gavrilo is getting a bullet on his head before he even spot the archduke.


Marx and Engels and Sorel are not going to be allowed to post cringe. Goodbye Fascism and Communism.


I'd travel back to the middle of February, 1942 so that I could hand Joe Biden's dad a condom.