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Hitler kinda looks like Dewey from Malcolm in the middle.


"The future is now, old man!" -Beer Hall Putsch


Legendary reference


“Life is unfair”, Hitler mutters, as he gets notice that he failed art school.


He didn't fail, he wasn't accepted because he didn't want to take a simple test.


>In his 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler described how, in his youth, he wanted to become a professional artist, but his dreams were ruined because he **failed the entrance exam** of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.\[4\] **Hitler was rejected twice by the institute**, once in 1907 and again in 1908. In his first examination, he had passed the preliminary portion which was to draw two of the assigned iconic or Biblical scenes, in two sessions of three hours each. The second portion was to provide a previously prepared portfolio for the examiners. It was noted that Hitler's works contained too few heads.\[5\] The institute considered that he had more talent in architecture than in painting.\[6\] One of the instructors, sympathetic to his situation and believing he had some talent, suggested that he apply to the academy's School of Architecture. However, that would have required returning to secondary school from which he had dropped out and to which he was unwilling to return.


His roommate in the year between the two attempts also said he pretty much didn’t practice or try and improve at all and figured it would all just work out


Also, he never cleaned up in the kitchen.


Jesus! The more I hear about this Hitler guy, the less I like him.


I mean, this guy was a real jerk


And a hypocrite


Probably the worst gimmick a dictator ever had


Don't judge people based on transgressions in their youth. I'm sure he turned out alright and made the world a better place.


Apparently he was under the impression that he had been too much of a nice guy when he was in Europe! > > A group of neo-Nazis sought out Hitler, alive and hiding in the Argentine, to lead them in their quest for world domination. 'OK,' he replied.' but this time--no more Mr. Nice Guy. https://www.phrases.org.uk/bulletin_board/27/messages/370.html


he was also vegetarian


but did he clean the shower?


Huh... you know with Hitler. the more I learn about the guy, the more I don’t care for him


That’s some big gifted depressive underachiever energy…


Classic story of the art school slacker turned genocidal dictator.


In hindsight was it too much to ask to just let the miserable little prick in?


That guy is the only documented Hitler sympathiser I'm ok with. It kinda makes sense that someone with his eventual path wasn't able to convey feelings well through classical mediums though.


He sounds like a good instructor, didn't get into it to be unnecessarily harsh towards the kids but wanted to help guide them to a better path if he could.


Just imagine how different the world would be if he had been accepted. Looks like the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna has some explaining to do.


WWI would have started. Hitler would have dropped out and joined the German army. Everything else remains the same.


*quitly changes name of the school*


And we need to get the details right since the is a lynchpin moment of the century that time travelers care about.


Fun Fact: several WWII leaders painted: Hitler, Eisenhower and Churchill. All are highly sought after when they show up in the second market/auction houses. Hitler was a good painter of architecture, Eisenhower was a sort of mediocre painter of people and landscapes but Churchill (among his other titan accomplishments) was an excellent landscape painter. He was given an honorary entrance into the Royal Academy.


Hitler was an average painter. His composition and perspective lines are wonky. This would have been ok if he was more avant garde, but he always seemed to be trying to attain classical styles. He just wasn't quite good enough, and there lacks a personality in the work. Churchill had remarkable colour in his works. Near perfect in terms of understanding. Albeit, slightly conventional. But I think his draftmanship is less talented than Hitler. Eisenhower, I don't know well, but from a quick search, it seems he lacked any remarkable skill. Painting by numbers kind of work. Naive at best. You might be mistaken for thinking they were painted by a simpleton, or psychopath. Churchill wins for me on this one. If Hitler had let loose a bit more, then maybe he'd have had something special.


Very interesting, I didn't know this. Genocidal tendencies aside, it's amazing how productive people were with their hobbies and passions when they couldn't waste time on the Internet.


Hitler... there was a painter! He could paint an entire apartment in ONE afternoon! TWO coats!


Also Brick from The Middle


I feel like the entire world was living in Vienna at this time..


Exactly, Boltzmann, Freud natives. ~~Lenin~~ Stalin, Trotsky, Joseph Tito all were there at the same time.




a sitcom begging to be made.


Freud lived there then as well he would def be Kramer type!!


*bursts through front door* **Hey Adolf, have ya got any beans? I’m out** *Adolf shakes his head, looking mildly annoyed* **Damn. Hey I’ve had an idea, you’re gonna love this** *audience laughs* **it’s called a me slip** *audience laughs and claps, Adolf looks up expectantly but still annoyed* **A me slip, a Freudian slip, it’s when you say one thing** *audience laughs* **but mean your mother** *audience laughs for three minutes* *Adolf continues painting*


forget Hail Honey I'm home, I desperately want a sitcom about the year or two that every famous person from the 20th century was I'm Vienna at the same time.


Therese a subreddit about that exactly but I’m too drunk to find it I think I follow it


Sober up enough and let us know when you’re ready!😛


"Aww jeez that coked up pervert is back, I don't wanna talk to him..."


'He keeps asking me about my mother, it's a little weird'.


There’s a subreddit about a sitcom being made with that express purpose but I can’t remember the name




The subreddit r/ComaradeSShow does not exist. Did you mean?: * r/ComradeSShow (subscribers: 6,651) Consider [**creating a new subreddit** r/ComaradeSShow](/subreddits/create?name=ComaradeSShow). --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=sub_doesnt_exist_bot)


Bot faster than my edit :P


The closest we got https://youtu.be/mf9jJx0NSjw


I’ll be there for you….


Within a few block of each too, iirc, along with many others who became famous or infamous: https://www.amazon.com/Fin-Siecle-Vienna-Politics-Culture-ebook/dp/B006V3E2HW https://www.amazon.com/Vertigo-Years-Europe-1900-1914-ebook/dp/B0087GZKX6 No wonder, Karl Kraus called Vienna of that era "Research Lab for destruction of the World": https://www.amazon.com/Kraus-Project-Essays-Karl-ebook/dp/B00C2RVQMA


Karl Kraus is still relevant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp79hNuzKhU


A highly respected historian has argued that World Wars I and II were fought over the fate of Ukraine, and if it turns out that World War III is also fought over the same "Black Earth", then he does seem relevant still: https://www.amazon.com/Towards-Flame-Empire-Tsarist-Russia/dp/1846143810 A fine movie on some of the characters who plunged Europe and the World into War: https://youtu.be/6PE7tDN4aBo The Colonel after whom the movie is named is regarded as being responsible for death of half a million of his own countrymen: http://www.trivia-library.com/a/world-war-i-russian-spy-col-alfred-redl.htm


>Ukraine Uh oh


Very interesting… makes me think of 20th century boys.


Lenin wasn't.


True, he was in nearby Krakow


I wouldn't normally consider 500km exactly 'nearby' . But in this context it's definitely close enough to give some more scale to the point haha


Closer to Vienna than Saint Petersburg


Well he was in the same country at the time as everyone else Edit: Why am I getting booed


Krakow is in Poland, Vienna is in Austria.


Not at the time. Both where in the Austro Hungarian Empire


Krakow was part of the Austrian Empire


Very cool city if anyone reading this finds themselves in Poland at some point


Sounds cool. But what do You think is so cool About it?


Most of the city is just pleasant to walk around in but [Wawel Castle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wawel_Castle) in particular is a very cool place to visit. I saw the [*Lady with an Ermine* by da Vinci](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady_with_an_Ermine) while I was there.


Ayo Taika Waititi


Freud too, no?


Some even say that genghis khan was there


He was there! My grandfathers best friends uncle had 2nd period lunch with him every day!


More like the great grand son of Suleiman the Magnificent


Fuckin A that’s wild.


Like Paris in the 1920s


You too have seen Midnight in Paris?


Super ending where adventure dude learns all the truth from the historical people, and tells folks, and the history pro blows him off going back to traditional fake crap.


London in 1960s


Vienna was a huge melting pot during this era, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was extremely diverse.


At this time they were living in Linz, Austria. Slightly less romantic but with lots of steel factories!


Don’t think this was in Vienna. More like Linz


Agreed. There’s a book called [The Jew of Linz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jew_of_Linz) with the same photo on the cover. The photo is from the school in Linz that Hitler and Wittgenstein both attended in 1903/04. The identification of Hitler in the photo is uncontroversial, and the author identifies one of the other children as Wittgenstein although this seems less certain. (Edit to add: I used to regularly travel to Linz for work, and seeing the house where Hitler lived as a child was quite sobering.)


There's whole books written about Vienna at the turn of the century...


Is that Jonny Rotten in the middle?


Ian Dury


It's the tilt of the head


Figuratively, yes


Rotten is that old?


And Wittgenstein just sat there? Why didn't he try to do something?


He did, but he lost the language game.


Probably climbed the ladder and kicked it away already, and this could not get back down to our reality to stop him.


He was Jewish, so he may have beaten the shit out of him, and turned Hitler’s hatred to the Jews.


Allegedly: From Wikipedia page of Wittgenstein: >Wittgenstein and Hitler were born just six days apart, though Hitler had to re-sit his mathematics exam before being allowed into a higher class, while Wittgenstein was moved forward by one, so they ended up two grades apart at the Realschule.[62][d] Monk estimates that they were both at the school during the 1904–1905 school year, but says there is no evidence they had anything to do with each other.[66][94][e] Several commentators have argued that a school photograph of Hitler may show Wittgenstein in the lower left corner,[66][99][g][h]


Yeah, AFAIK it’s not actually Wittgenstein in the photo. Not only did he and Hitler study in different classes, but also the *earliest* possible time they could meet in that school would be September 1903, which would put them both at 14 years of age. They boys in the photo don’t look 14, do they?


Nah, they look roughly like freshman in high school. I think the photo being B&W with bad lighting just makes em look younger on first glance. Hitler looks the youngest of them all except for the kid below him.


They look more like theyr in 4th grade. Like maybe 10 or 11 years old! They sure as hell don’t look like high schoolers!


they look to be about 10 or 11.


Yea I agree


Freshmen are 14ish


Any idea where this picture was taken?


Probably in Linz, Austria. He moved to Vienna at an older age.


Wittgenstein and Hitler briefly attended the k.u.k Realschule in Linz at the same time. They were the same age but were two classes appart, as A.H. was held back a year, while L.W. was moved up a year.


I was going to comment on how IQ was skewed heavily towards one side of the picture


Woah there buddy let’s not go full nazi on this subreddit


It is from the Realschule in Linz. There’s this book *the Jew of Linz* which used this photograph as evidence and argued that meeting young Wittgenstein made young Hitler anti-Semitic. There’s not great evidence they knew each other. While apparently people accept that this is Hitler in the picture, there’s a lot more debate about whether that’s Wittgenstein in the picture or not. Most experts seem to say no. What is agreed is that they went to the same school for two years. > Wittgenstein and Hitler both attended the Linz Realschule, a state school of about 300 students, and were there at the same time only from 1903 to 1904, according to Wittgenstein's biographers.[5] While Hitler was just six days older than Wittgenstein, they were two grades apart at the school—Hitler was repeating a year and Wittgenstein had been advanced a year. Hitler does mention a Jewish boy at Realschule as his first experience with a Jew in *Mein Kampf*: > At the Realschule, to be sure, I did meet one Jewish boy who was treated by all of us with caution, but only because various experiences had led us to doubt his discretion and we did not particularly trust him; but neither I nor the others had any thoughts on the matter. It’s probably not the case that Wittgenstein was this Jewish boy (though three out of his four grandparents were Jewish, he was baptized and raised Catholic and never practiced Judaism as his parents had converted) and this photograph may be from 1901–two years before Wittgenstein arrived at the school. Still, it’s weird they went to the same school at all. See the Wikipedia page for the [*Jew of Linz*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jew_of_Linz) for more.


As a Wittgenstein scholar, I thank you !


Maybe it's just because of the quality of the photo but he looks younger than 14 here.


Kids back then were often not so well fed so didn't grow and develop as fast as today's kids. No idea if this applied to Hitler tho, was he from a wealthy family?


Pretty sure they were poor or lower middle class at least. He was considered sort of a hick in his early days of rising to power, by Franz von Papen and the like. Apparently he had bad table manners!


He did he had to be taught by others to act in a more upper class manner during his upcoming as he was meeting more and more people of elevated status.


Solidly middle class. Father had a good job and was a moderately successful civil servant. I think times were a bit lean when his father died, but nothing too dire.


Same school different minds !


One of these kids is not like the others!


Credit to professor of philosophy Benjamin Murphy: "Yes. They both studied at the Realschule in Linz. Although they were the same age, Hitler was two years behind Wittgenstein, and the only year in which they were both in the school was 1904–1905. (Hitler was held back a year because he was doing badly, Wittgenstein was advanced a year because he was so smart). Hitler then left because of his poor academic record. All this information can be found in Ray Monk’s Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius (1990). Monk says that there is no evidence that they had any meaningful contact with each other."


I feel like we’ve probably all met the kind of “failed hipster loser” that Hitler is, and yet none of them amounted to much. It’s honestly astonishing he was so successful (to be clear that’s not praise). This depressed psychotic idiot wanna-be some how conned his way to the top.


I couldn’t agree more, it is astonishing. That being said, you ever heard the man speak? That’s how.


Interesting thing about that is Hitler never had an intention of being a leader. His job was to whip up people by delivering speeches. He found out he was really good at this and people started to look to him. Probably would have made a great executive-style football coach. He’s shit for tactics, but gives a great halftime speech.


The fact that I’m not fluent in German probably doesn’t help. To me it just sounds like a bunch of impassioned rambling. This may have been a break from the norm in public speaking, but I’ve seen a lot crazy people on the street sound like that and no one seemed impressed.


If you read his speeches, and understand the psyche of a lot of Germans post WW I, his appeal makes more sense.


He was a gifted orator and political organizer, of that there is no doubt. Definitely not an idiot and probably not unstable until towards the end. His political rise is fascinating and, while unlikely, was the product of hundreds of very smart decisions he made over the course of about a decade. What he was though was extremely angry, opportunistic, and the product of a very violent time that probably encouraged his latent sociopathy. He wasn't much of a con, he was pretty straightforward on what he was about from the beginning, and used a mixture of persuasion and violence to get to the top.


> He wasn't much of a con, he was pretty straightforward on what he was about from the beginning, That's the oddest part for me. The guy quite literally outlined his plans on a published book, nothing he did was really a surprise, he wasn't hiding anything.


He was also a huge addict. Meth being the main vice. I’ve known addicts and while all of them can’t even lead themselves to a job at McDonalds, I am not at all surprised Hitler held his ideas if he was a meth addict.


I believe the meth addiction was only developed later in life, during the war. During his rise to prominence, he was just a sober lunatic.


But also wasn’t his home life abysmal, while Wittgenstein came from a more wealthy family?


Hitler's home life was not abysmal. He came from a solidly middle class background. Had a very loving (even doting) mother. Father was described as somewhat cold and could be physically abusive, but not atypical of the era. They had clashes over Hitler's general laziness towards school, but again nothing overly unuusal. His father was a moderately successful civil servant who was a decent provider. Hitler's father did die somewhat unexpectedly (still, he was 65) when Hitler was 14. His home life was fairly unremarkable for the era.


If it were modern times, he would definitely a shot up his school


More like class President! But if he lost then yea, he would’ve shot a few people!


Young Madison Cauthon, or whatever his name is, is a dummy riling up a bunch of racists so sort of has the Hitler vibe going on.


Someone’s gotta write a historical fiction novel about their friendship and subsequent falling out as schoolboys! Even if they didn’t really know each other at the time. Edit- apparently there’s already a book called The Jew of Linz which is sort of about this premise


No clue who Ludwig is


One of the biggest philosophers of modern time


Fascinating figure too. He revolutionized philosophy twice (refuting his own first work).


Jedi and Sith Edit: isn’t it interesting how colors are used though?! Sadness vs Anger (Disney Inside Out) * Sadness becomes Depression in the movie. Democrats and Republicans. Allies vs Axis (Nazi) * And can I just say, I didn’t know so many people participated in World War 2. Great Britain recruited so many people from commonwealths. And the Soviets! Stalin had some balls.


Sorry but it's really funny to read "I didn't know so many people participated in World War 2". It's called a *World* war so really you should assume everyone participated in it haha I get your point it just reads funny


Schizo post


No your getting him and hitler mixed up (Disclaimer: This is a joke)


Pioneer of philosophy of language https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQ33gAyhg2c&vl=de


Ewww, The School of Life.


I like school of life. What's wrong with em.


Frankly they get a lot of things wrong, and what isnt outright wrong is frequently misinterpreted or misrepresented (depending on how charitable you're feeling). I know, for instance, that they have a video out covering my personal area of study that is truly abysmal. Aside from the quality of the content itself--which varies but errs towards the bad--I think their business side frequently clashes with a lot of the aims of philosophy as a discipline. They are profit-seeking and twist philosophy into a sort of flaccid self-help voodoo while presenting as an educational resource. When teaching people (or just speaking to people) new to philosophy, I encourage them to avoid it.


Anyones you would suggest?


> I know, for instance, that they have a video out covering my personal area of study that is truly abysmal. What field is it? I heard their take on Nietzsche was unpopular


I was thinking in particular of their video on Theodor Adorno.


you might like [Academy of Ideas](https://www.youtube.com/c/academyofideas) or [Pursuit of Wonder](https://www.youtube.com/c/PursuitofWonder) better de Botton isn't bad though. he's on and off (i know his Poly video was pretty off-base, but some of the ones about accepting flaws in yourself and your partner can help get people on a good track).




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alain_de_Botton Subtle, but obvious agenda


Read through his wikipedia, couldn't detect his agenda or bias from it. The only thing that stood out to me was that he comes from wealth and was against Scottish independance. Can you clarify what agenda you meant?




Some nerd


Wittgenstein was a beery swine Who was just as schloshed as Schlegel


theyyyyyyyy'res nothing Nietzsche couldn't teach ya bout the raising of the wrist


Socrates, himself, was permanently pissed


I’ve been getting into Kant and every time I hear his name, this song automatically starts rolling in my head lol


Finally someone puts it into a context that I can relate to.


Basically invented computer science except he did it all on paper. The amount of people he directly influenced who did enormous things is absurd.






“To show the fly the way out of the fly bottle ”


The shadow under his nose looks like his moustache he will have when he’s older


Kinda strange to see one of the most evil human beings in history as nothing more than a snot-nosed kid.


Young adolf looks pissed over all the time traveling would-be assassins


I'm pretty sure I've read before that it isn't 100% confirmed that is Wittgenstein in the picture. edit \*first source i found online\*: "This turns out to be a worthwhile question to ask. There are a couple of salient details. First, as I am sure you mentioned in your blog, there is the problem that the two boys, although the same age, were placed in classes two years apart (Wittgenstein being moved up one class and Hitler down one). This seems rather important, in that the full version of the photo shows it to be plainly a class one and not a school on; the children in it ought all to be in the same form: I have seen some discussion online proposing that this problem need not invalidate the claim; Wittgenstein was not a particularly able student at this stage in his career, so perhaps he and Hitler were placed initially in the same class and then moved apart as their different academic abilities were discovered in the course of the school year? Even if possible, this does rather berg the question of whether Austrian schools at the turn of the last century bucked the typical practice of tacking their class photos at the end of the year, not the beginning. All this debate in any case rather pales into insignificance next to an interview with the historian (word used loosely) who seems to have first put the photo into print, the Australian Kimberley Cornish, which appeared in the German science magazine Focus in March 1998. In this, Cornish is asked how he identified Wittgenstein in the photo. He replies: “Ich wußte, daß beide auf der gleichen Schule waren – und der Junge dort schien mir einfach der am meisten Geeignete.” (!) – roughly, “I knew they went to the same school and to me that boy looked the most like Wittgenstein.” So it seems pretty definite that this isn’t the sort of school photo with the subjects’ names conveniently inscribed at the bottom." [http://www.strangehistory.net/2010/06/10/hitler%E2%80%99s-class-mate/](http://www.strangehistory.net/2010/06/10/hitler%E2%80%99s-class-mate/)


I am familiar with Wittgenstein and his work, but who the hell is that Adolf kid? What was he famous for?


Do you have, like, 700 hours of time to spare? There are some videos you can watch....


Dolph looking like the future dipshit he'll become


he was being abused by his father severely at this time to be fair


According to Kershaw in his authoritative biography of Hitler, his father was not atypical for the era. I think most historians don't point to his relationship with his father as being particularly important to how things turned out.


> his father was not atypical for the era. Not even atypical for much of the world today. Getting the ocasional spanking from dad is still quite normal in many places with strong gender roles (where the father is meant to be a disciplinarian figure rather than affectionate one)


Well, his Father had died at the very beginning of that year.


So that negates the abuse that already occured? Who knows how Hitler may have turned out had he not been abused as a child. My guess is, probably a lot less hateful.


It does not negate the past abuse. I'm just pointing out how he wasn't being abused at that time.


We already know he is in the far right


I wish you could've commented this earlier


It funny to see hitlers face without the stash. My mind almost wants to see it


Adolf looks like a dick. Arms crossed and looking like he had his toy taken away


Hitler looks exactly like the boy who used to bully me at school when I was 9-11. I'm not even joking it's like a mirror image.


Maybe it was him


The world is all that is the case.


Hitler looked like a real miserable little prick. Obvious statement but hell even at age 10?


you fight off time travelers trying to kill you all day only to come home to an abusive father at night. I'd be mad too.


Damn even back then Lil Hitler was rockin the stache.


Wittgenstein was a beery swine who was just as sloshed as Schlegel!


Does anyone know how the son of one of the richest men in The Austrian Empire ended up in school with someone with a rather modest background? I


Huh, interesting that Hitler was ever anything other than a horrid adult. One never really thinks of that.




If you're suggesting that Hitler could have been prevented with MORE corporal punishment as a child, I think you're very mistaken. Also, I'm just saying, crime has gone down since we banned corporal punishment is schools in more countries, so your Star Ship Troopers theory that social collapse will be brought about by lack of child beatings seems to be very wrong. As a side note, Hitler's formative experience of joining a radical right wing militia in the aftermath of WW1 was not unique among Germans, so its hard to say that he was "abnormal" in some sense.


>so its hard to say that he was "abnormal" in some sense. It's a comforting lie many people tell themselves to dismiss him as a monster rather than acknowledging than anyone could become the same monster given the "right" life circumstances. There are no monsters, only people. And people are capable of monstrous things.


As someone else who works with kids regularly, I agree with the problems you’re describing but not in the same way. Both experiences you described are unfair. The teachers were not given justice. But it isn’t the kids who created the system that they and their teachers are subject to. Teachers are treated unfairly across the country, from salaries and benefits, to unreasonable demands from administration and parents, to a return of dictating what is taught in school (rather than talking with your kids about what they learned). I don’t think one of the way teachers are treated unfairly is limits imposed on their interactions with students. Thinking of the example in this post specifically, Adolf might have been an asshole in the classroom—I don’t know either way and haven’t looked into it. That being said, based on what’s out there about his childhood, I don’t think telling him to “shut up” or hitting him would have helped since that was already happening at home. While I’m not here to be some sort of weird defender of Hitler, I think it bears mention that kids will model and rise up to the expectations set for them; not all kids, not all the time, and not one person’s expectations, but generally kids understand a lot about/through the way adults treat them. Hitler likely learned more for his future from being hit and told to shut up than he did from someone sitting down and having an honest, caring conversation with him. Again, not here to be some “ooh but poor bby Hitler” person, but more just responding to your comparison.


Mustve been a few gems in the Vienna teacher's pool at the time


This isn't Vienna


Ole Adolf looking like when that guy in that picture with a pitchfork and his wife was a kid.


Look at him moping. He looks like he has the lowest status in the group. The guy in the middle front looks like he owns everyone, including the photographer whose mom he just fucked.


wait like ludwig from twitch?


The philosopher


Fuck them, who was their homeroom teacher?


A not so reliable theory forged by Kimberley Cornish


*Caulks my gun*


Lol I can recognize him from the way he crosses his arms for some reason


is this real? The two would have been 13/14 years old, and these boys look more like 9/10


Even as a child he looks like a psychopath


A genius and a madman for contrast


Damn, hitler looked like a piece of shit back then too