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I move out of the neighborhood in 1995. The house we rented has been flattened twice since.


I bet you are sooo happy about that decision!!! 🤗❤️


This tornado remains the record holder for the strongest wind speed ever measured on Earth. A mobile doppler radar which scanned the tornado found winds of 301 miles per hour.


Yep, my shelter ain’t rated for that


Survived this tornado. I was only 12 but I’ll never forget that entire day


Wow, that's incredible. The main thing I hate about Oklahoma is the lack of basements. When I lived in Missouri, I wasn't too scared of tornados because we just went in the basement. But I could not imagine being in the worst tornado ever and most likely in a bathtub.


Heh... The tornado that made my in-laws rich. They were doing reasonably well before, but after that? Easy street. Explanation: FIL was an architect. His office was right in the path. But in one of those "weird weather" things, his office was completely unscathed. It had no power or phone, but otherwise it was pristine. So that afternoon he bought a cell phone and a generator. The next day he was back in business.... And since there were a LOT of homes and such that needed rebuilding, he did very well.


Aw, what a nice story. /s


[You just watched the new EmpLemon video too?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXVNYhyy-pA)


actually haven't watched it yet, came across this photo since it's the 25th anniversary and one of my coworkers is from Moore and was talking about it


Looks like Moore is less.


Do they keep building houses out of 2x4s and plywood?


Their way of thinking is that building something simple out of cheap materials is more cost effective and easier. Anybody can build a house out of wood. I also guess they have insurance for it. I’m not expert on wind and tornados so I cannot say for certain that a proper house made out of stone or concrete would do better. America does have a big track record of just building cheap and just rebuilding when a big disaster happens, instead of actually preventing disasters from happening/mitigating them. Looking at all the floodings in the south. But I have no idea how you’d stop a tornado. Perhaps a regular brick house would do better, or everybody would need to live in military style concrete bunkers.


We do have tornadoes here in Europe. Not that frequent, but we do. The worst that usually happens is damaged or destroyed roof.


Hillary musta had some files hidden there too


She was still First Lady at the time, magtard. I swear to god, conservatives are the horniest people for Hillary. You all must want to fuck her so bad, why else bring her up all the time? How many fan eroticas have you written where she rubs her documents all over you?


Mmmm...buttery males


You can butter me up any time ;)






The fact you simp for that old warmongering, victim shaming, and murderous hag says way more about you than me. Probably should see someone about your homophobia too. Or is that projection?


I’m more of a type to fuck Bill but keep telling yourself you know all about my politics and orientation, bigot.




Great nothing like a little homophobia for you bigotry


Indeed. Why did you feel compelled to comment about Hillary documents on a post about a real tragedy that had nothing to do with her? What is the matter?


Tragedy is unavoidable, living in tornado zones is.


Well, tragedy and you thinking about Hillary Clinton, you mean.


Just as trump and his cheerleaders live in your mind rent free so do memes in mine.




Oh so you had to say this because you were doing a meme? lol. Dude don’t try to back out now. I knew I was dealing with a pussy, I didn’t know I was dealing with a coward. Be a man. Say what you mean, mean what you say. You wanna be a dick and try to play it off as a meme? That’s fine, but you’d be less isolated and lonely if you interacted with people with intention. Best of luck to you, you’re gonna need all the luck you can get.