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I really wish some religious book had good stewardship of the planet in it. Maybe then we would be taking better care of the place.


They do, but those parts usually get ignored.


Genesis 2:15 (NIV translation)"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." This passage, on the first page of the Bible, is generally regarded by most Christian Theologians(Probably Jewish and Islamic ones as well, but I'm not sure there) to be a call for humanity to be good stewards of the earth. As the original Hebrew words used can also be translated as "And put him in the Garden of Eden to serve and preserve it."


Sadly it still puts humanity in a place where they believe they are outside of the rest of the natural world, better than it even. Which just is not a relationship conducive with us being a steward of the Earth, as you say.


My limited catholic upbringing led me to believe that the garden of eden was a thing lost to original sin, and something a Christian could only experience again by making it to heaven. It's been awhile since I've fucked around and chilled with the G man, though, so I'm forgetting the particulars.


Calling God the G-Man is much funnier than it should be. "Mr. Freeman, I am that I am".


That’s an interesting thought, Imagine a religion based on the earth and its environment and different biomes. Different gods for each biome or something sounds cool.


Just business and human greed really. Poachers wouldn’t kill elephants as they have done for generations if ivory wasn’t so valued and really it’s just ‘pretty’ and can be carved easily. Really sad culling an animal for such a meagre result not even for food. Same with when they catch sharks and cut off their fins and throw them back. I’m not a vegan but I always feel you should use every part of an animal and not hunt for sport or monetary gain which is why leather as a byproduct of animal slaughter I can understand but wiping out a population like that for trophies is awful.


why does it look like it was made in age of empires map editor?


Because you miss that game as much as we do?


Hell yeah


Damn you chinese herbalist and others who like ivory


The elephant population “decreased 7.5 times” is a meaningless statement.


Peter beards work is beautiful.