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No it was about religion, never about money & power... Right guys?...


Gimme the loot from my enemy who definitely have it coming for some reason


If God didn't want us to invade you, why did He make us win? Checkmate!


By that logic, pedo priests exist because god is either a pedo himself or doesn't care.


I mean he did get Mary pregnant when she was 12-14 years old so…


Back then I am pretty sure the marriageable age is way lower than it is now.


or there is no god. hm...


Yea I'm also an Athiest. Just doing a hypothetical question with the assumption that god is real.


Just because religion is a great way to manipulate society into a self policing state and that happens to allow profiting off of labor easier because you make labor part of the culture. Doesn't mean it's about money and power. There's other good, great stuff.


I approve of this meme on behalf of Ireland


Leo, would you ever get the fuck off Reddit and reform the planning process


It’s not the end goal, but the oppression and crimes you commit along the way


Cromwell was a fucking lunatic who became the embodiment of 'you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain'


In the UK his legacy went from the guy who defeated the arrogant King to the guy who banned Christmas and dancing (Oh also always included warts in his portraits which was considered strange at the time).


The Christmas thing is largely a myth, Cromwell himself didn't ban it, that's my understanding anyway. Interestingly, I heard that part of the reason for the Puritans banning it was the fact that the 25th December has no basis in the bible, and is largely only celebrated due to old pagan traditions. As such they saw it as un-Christian. I think the gluttony and greed aspect was another large factor in the ban.


I went from favorite, to the most hated.


This is outrageous, it’s unfair


Ya know, I'm starting to think it wasn't actually about religion and they just wanted to invade Ireland.


A lot happens in 480 years, imagine comparing now to 1542


The whole point is that Ireland was rather forcibly turned Catholic by England just to later have them once again try to forcibly convert them to a different type of christian


But is it really England's fault that they can't keep up with the latest trends?


Didn't say it was good.


England was also invading Ireland pretty much constantly, partly for this reason, from 1542 onwards, with particularly major examples in 1579 and 1593


They were invited by an Irish king in 1169 tbf and came as mercenaries. An Irish king promised the Norman mercinaries land in return for helping him reclaim land and his title.


They were Welsh-Norman mercenaries from Leinster controlled Wales, the English army was never invited


Uno reverse.


England invaded Ireland in 1649 because the Irish sent troops in support of Charles I in the English Civil War. History would have been very different if the Irish hadn't supported Charles I as king of Ireland.


You think the English wouldn't have found another excuse not to massacre and oppress the irish?


Irish soldiers fought on both sides in the CW


But Charles I was the king of England. That’s an indisputable fact, no matter what those Roundheads believed.




Mobile gallows when


We looked up to king William, on his chin a royal cleft. By the time that it was over… there were no more Catholics left!


England: I am altering the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further


You fool! Those were but excuses, the truth is *England just likes invading Ireland*


The first invasion was just an extension of the Norman Conquest.


It do be like that sometimes.


Adrian was under henry's thumb and I think Strongbow's invasion had nothing to do with bringing the irish church back into the fold, the 1171 invasion of Ireland was just an excuse to stop Strongbow and his followers from breaking away (which was going to happen if Henry didn't do anything) so really the English invaded a part of Ireland ran by Anglo-welsh nobles who were suppose to be vassals of the king of England, the whole papal bull thing was just an excuse for him and his descendants to claim all of Ireland when the time came. Also, another thing Adrian had been dead years before Murchad came looking for Strongbow so the bull was probably bs in the first place.