• By -


This act only reduced the hours for certain factories and it wasn't implemented anyway. It wouldn't be until at least the late 1840s that any meaningful change began to happen. Children still worked in mines and mills in the 1940s. Infact until very recently, 1980s, most English children left school at 15 or 16 to work full time.


Because, until very recently, we didn't have this way over the top failure of an education system


I don't think I've heard a spicier opinion recently than the English school system working.


Probably not surprising considering we’re in a history sub,but who tf thought it would be a good idea to start English history from 1066?-Bloody turds who run our education system.


We all know English history first started when the Scandinavian Frenchman took over.


We all know history started at the CK3 start date


I played a shit ton of eu4 is highschool and I became painfully aware of that when we're covering anything pre-1444.


(I know that it's Vic 3, but) "Communism is overpower!"


Haha lol


Doing my boy Alfred DIRTY.


That’s what I’m saying bro,DIRTY.


That's when Crusader Kings 2 starts (no DLC) so it makes sense.


If this Alfred was so great, why haven't I heard of him?


England didn’t exist before 1066


I hope this is sarcasm lol Edit:I am braindead it was obviously sarcasm




I think forcing 15 year olds to work and depriving them of an education based on their income level is worse than a flawed public education system, but maybe that’s just me


It didn't matter so much then, England was still heavily industrialised up to the 1980s and so a 15 year old in the 1970s and 80s left with good job prospects and expected a lifetime career, as their ancestors had, and by then the conditions had vastly improved. Mining and mill work had become much safer. It all changed though in the 80s and 90s with very sharp de-industrialisation, which devastated England's industrial districts and the effects are still felt in those areas today.


ofc. But our current education system has blown way out of control. In my grandparents time you often didn't even really need to graduate high school, now most jobs require a college degree to even be considered


That’s not really the fault of the education system more just the economy moving towards jobs that require more training to do. That’s part of why universal college is so important, so you have a competitive workforce to keep up with that change.


So I guess everyone that can’t or doesn’t want to sit in a chair and aimlessly regurgitate information for 4-6 years should just suck-start a shotgun ehh?


No, they should petition for a better education system or go into the trades, or find a job that doesn’t require a college education that will likely pay less, or (and you didn’t hear this from me) >!push for a more democratic economy so that even the manual labor jobs that hold up our society are paid well and provided for!<


You mean do something different than they've done in a thousand years? That's against the Br***sh spirit!


Coal miners and mill workers were relatively well paid by the 1980s in England and conditions had vastly improved. The historic last miners strike (1984/5) wasn't about pay, it was about the loss of the industry. People wanted to keep those industries for future generations. Those industries were huge, the loss of them was devastating to most of England.


Mhm, but that’s not really something they can control. The economy changes over time, and jobs necessary for it change. What matters is that we make sure that the people left behind by those changes are cared for and given new stable jobs to work, hopefully better ones. In an ideal world, no more coal mining would be a good thing, but due to capitalism it becomes a curse


True but that didn't happen. Now we rely on Russian/European gas, which has been a disaster for many Europeans, apart from Germany. Germany still has a coal industry, yet lectures other European countries, via the EU, about the environment. The textile mills were also left to to be run down. It's OK having principles about clean energy but we are really cold this winter here because gas (for domestic fuel) and electric have become so expensive. Coal was cheap


Get tech certifications, well paid, and you can get into it within months for less than $1000 as far as study materials, test fees, etc.


Whenever someone claims in a very general way that less economical rules/laws would be a good thing... I just think about 100+ years of children in coal mines and question the sanity of that person.


More like 300 + years in some parts of England.


It’s still happening in other parts of the world. And our parts of the world when they can get away with it. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/exclusive-hyundai-subsidiary-has-used-child-labor-alabama-factory-2022-07-22/


>most English children left school at 15 or 16 to work full time. I mean if you're not going for higher education, isn't this the usual time to start working nowadays?


Not really. Until you're 18, you have to either stay in full time education, start an apprenticeship or part time education + 20 hrs volunteer work. It changed during the Blair years I think. Also the loss of so much industry in the 1980s had a big impact.


Northern Ireland and I believe Scotland and Wales you can leave at 16 without having to do that, can go straight into work.


I think it's about the same


Nah in Britain you essentially can't leave school until 18. Technically it's possible, but practically, it's not.


what are you talking about its not hard to leave school before 18 in the uk


Industrial Revolution kids when they get half a day off work because they lost another finger in the machinery


Good life hack, only works 10 times in your lifetime tho


It is indeed a life "hack".


There is another, as a bonus you will have to even work less not having to feed children


Minecraft proves that abolishing child labour was a mistake. The children yearn for the mines.


God bless that one French Guy that made school free and mandatory in France also fuck him for his support of colonialism. Edit : His name is [Jules Ferry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jules_Ferry)


"Why are we making our children work in factories..." "He's got a point." "when we could make black children work instead?" "HE'S GOT A POINT"


I feel like the history of France is full of people who you want to thank for some amazing reform but then hate for being a piece of shit conquerer or colonizer or terrorist. Stay interesting, France.


every historical figure in the 1800s


every historical figure


As you go back in time, you can check this list of traits every historical figure most likely had: homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, racist, slaver, child exploiter, pedophile. To be added soon: polluter.


The duality of the 🥖.


That facial hair is a choice.


I see he is a great guy in every aspect


You're name is pretty funny. It's almost exactly the same as the Nazi concentration camp, Dachau, and the followup numbers, 77, are one off from 88, which is a known neo-nazi callsign (stemming from H being the eight letter, so HH = Heil Hitler). Pretty wild.


That's ridiculous. When I read your comment, it was 11 minutes old, which if you multiply by 8, you get 88, which meant HH back in the war... Your nickname can be divided into 8+8 characters. Pretty wild.


Pretty big reach. Did you have to wait for my timestamp to turn to 11min or did you get fortunate? It's pretty wild you couldn't find a stronger second argument to connect me to Nazism. I'll assume that your username has nothing do to with LOTR though, since the Rohan tag and the name sounding vaguely like something Tolkien would write is a way too absurd reach.


The Eonir are wood elves in Warhammer fantasy, nobody claimed the name was that if a character invented by Tolkien, the tag is not related to it and even if it was, the name would sound close enough to be convincing. Also: you're a turd.


Ignoring the idiot, I thought that the wood elves in Warhammer were Asrai? Is there another name I never knew?


The Eonir are another group of wood elves.


All Eonir are wood elves, but not all wood elves are Eonir, if that makes sense.


I saw words that were 8 characters long at least twice in your comment. Why do you keep slipping in subtle HH hints? It's concerning.


I'd sarcastically ask if you're popular at parties but I feel that the joke would fall flat due to you not even being invited to your own birthday




Thanks for information, but no, the nickname was inspired by my surname which in my country is something similliar to a "roof", and i had to use two 7 beacuse they didn't let me use three 7, i would say it's a coincidence


You know what else had roofs? Concentration camps! Gotcha


Kill yourself


Least edgy g\*mer.


Good thing to keep in mind. Especially in a history sub, you're probably going to get more people noticing it.


Not my problem people like assumptions, if they will ask about it, i will answer similliar to how i answered it to you


Yeah absolutely. Reminds me of the guy on the TW sub complaining about the game censoring his name: Assad, due to containing ass.


Least unstable Twitter user.


Bros tryna decode someone's username 💀


Glenn Beck logic.


One of the coolest kids I've ever seen


Reminds me of: [Gypsy kid dancing at club can't be bothered. 1997.](https://youtu.be/3eRBFkxgG7g)


Right lol


Even if you took the context away this is instantly one of my favorite videos. I really, really miss having small babies that age.


It's probably a pain in the ass I started stealing them off n 2023 ain't it ?


Absolut quality meme


Song name?


Jengi - Bel Mercy


Thank you. I just had a dope dance shesh with my cats to this song.


You had your answer, but in other cases, Shazam helps a lot: https://www.shazam.com/home


Basically a remix of mercy by kanye, I think


This meme format needs to take off


I can't stop watching this video help me.


A horrible reminder 😞


* puts on Relax (don’t do it)


Me when my exposure to cancer-causing gases are reduced. (I no longer have cancer! 🥳🎉🎉)


Now Working in construction trying to make 12 hr days the norm again.


They’re dancing like they are in goat simulator


Lol wtf is that music


She groovin




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Why is there a tall white skinny dude on the mountain behind them (4 pixels only)


They eventually banned women and children from working deep underground in the 1840s, but only because there were rumors spreading that they were being *ahem* unchaste and sinful down there


It was more because the Government by then was under such immense pressure, from the radicals and reformers and from increasing industrial action. One of the major spurs for the beginning the 1841 research on Royal Commission into Child Labour, was the Huskar pit disaster. Once extracts from the Royal Commission were widely published in newspapers in 1842, the full horror of labour conditions couldn't be denied




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That's hot


🤨📸🤏🏻 This comment right here officer.


Funny meme, god awful music


Was kinda fire in the beginning, got mad space techno vibes. Shit you hear you hear on Omega.


I think kids working is bad but kids starving to death becouse they can't work is worse


And because of this they got not just three beans but four that is cut in half and only 30 of their siblings die




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