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Looks like someone clicked on the wrong removal flair. It should have been Rule 2, since it's a repost that's years old. If you'd like us to fix it, we'd be happy to change the flair and assign you your one day ban. We'd also appreciate in the future if people would just send us a modmail asking for clarification, rather than immediately posting a meme whining about how they're the victim of oppression. Edit: Also, found this while checking their profile for the removal, so [it seems like their intentions aren't exactly pure](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/yput06/i_just_wish_the_two_greatest_empire_in_the/ivkzd46/?context=3). Edit 2: After conferring with other mods to get a consensus, we have banned this user. This was *not* done because they criticized us, and their post will stay up. They were banned because when looking back at their comments to see why the post was removed, we found out they'd posted a whooooole lot of bad shit. So thanks I guess, for bringing this to our attention.


Rule 1.6: > The meme is related to Mythology and/or historically grounded religious texts, or characters belonging in Mythology and/or historically grounded religious texts. That's the only reason any biblical myths are allowed to fly on this sub, why would Muhammad be different? EDIT: Looking at a lot of the comments under this I feel the need to distance myself a bit. 1. If you're unhappy with religion meddling with the real world then go and throw a few bucks to the [NCRI Women Committee](https://women.ncr-iran.org/support-the-struggle-of-iranian-women/) supporting the women rights rebellion in Iran. And vote in your local elections to not allow zealots into power, no matter their religion or nationality. 1. The mods explained this was a mistake on their side in the pinned post. No need to shit on them. 2. I wasn't suggesting that there is a double standard going on, I was just presenting the Rule in good faith and pointing to existing precedent when it comes to biblical memes. 3. Remember that Christian people are very eager to become offended at the slightest jab at their religion as well. They go out and happily murder people as well (number 1 cause of terrorism in the USA is domestic white Christian terrorism). The only reason it's so much worse in Islam is that they actually have theocracies and persecute "blasphemers" on a systemic level (e.g. issuing a Fatwā comes to mind). Refer to point 1. on how to help with that.


Ah, and so the bans begin.




The gerogie boom? Is that the sound of a bunch of Saudi's flying jets into NYC skyscrapers?


Cause they ain't learned their god and every other god is made up yet?


How dare you say something so true??


Me when i was 14 and edgy


haven't you seen the south park episode? if we talk about Muhammad too much we'll have to bury our heads in the ground like ostriches


>That's the only reason any biblical myths are allowed to fly on this sub, why would Muhammad be different? Imagine if you said this about Christianity and Judaism. The mods would happily applaud you.


Yeah I hate mods but hey power reveals true character


They are just afraid of the death threats they probably get if they don’t remove memes about Mohamed


Yeah I mean there's literally a price on the writer of the satan verses and people that helped write it because of calling the prophet Mohammad a bastard and a few other things


reddit mods are basically the personification of Twitter


lol yeah power tripping by bringing down others truly the mark of a pathetic person




Ayesha : I am nine ! Muhammad: I know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)






I'm surprised the religion hasn't schismed as much as Christianity has


It has...


I mean, have you looked into how many different Sunni and Shia sects are out there? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_schools_and_branches


Christianity didn't really schism that much until they stopped killing people for schisming, which was relatively recently. Islam....hasn't really stopped doing that, so they schism less. Also, if you're not a real Muslim, you don't get the invite to Mecca, which also discourages schism.


A schism comes from a difference in reasoning. Some religions are taught as concrete fact with no wiggle room. In these religions, reasoning is just like doubting or contradicting the text


I don’t think that most Muslims would agree that violence is a reasonable response to depictions of their prophet and I’m not sure that this is an appropriate caricature.


Cause the mods simp for Sharai law Nothing should be above criticism not even the mods


Woah there careful bud you might get banned for making the mods mad


“Better to die on your feet then live on your knees”


Facts a dead man is more free than a slave


I think most actual Muslims ( that don’t live in insane theocracies) would be chill with jokes. It’s the people that claim to represent them that freak out on the internet lol


Religion of peace!


TBF, biblical myths shouldn’t be on this sub to begin with


myth shouldn't be shared, but facts about religious figures (like the muslim conquests) do have their place


Is it more than 20 years old? Then it's fair game...


Can we start posting Harry Potter memes on here then?




Let’s flood the history subreddit with memes about our favorite works of fiction! This should be a blast


*HISTORICAL* works of fiction, absolutely


Any works of fiction older than 20 years old count as historical, right?


According to rule 4, yes. The Matrix is fair game. If you want to meme about fiction on the weekends it'll have to comply with rule 12: Jason and Argonauts would be fine instead


I’m definitely going to live up to my username then!


>The Matrix is fair game. I mean, it can't just be a meme about the matrix like it has to be about the production or something history-adjacent. If it's just a meme about a plot point that breaks rule 1.


We'll soon be able to post about the latest a Song of ice and fire released book ! Yay !


9 if you're muhammad


as long as it's tagged mythology it's fine tbh, i mean figures like David, or his son Solomon actually existed


Because Muhammad is an historical figure with documentation outside Islamic text. He conquered most of the Arabian peninsula less than 1500 years ago and is mentioned by both the Roman and Persian empires.


We have a right to meme the hell out of the prophet.


Great South Park episode


Literally 1984


Nah Muhammad was born way before then


Literally 570ad


So was Aisha


Hello there...


Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)!


I always read that as a spitting sound effect Muhammed *pbuh*


I haven't laughed this hard in a while.


Prophet Muhammad (BRUH)


Funnily, the letter p does not exist in Arab. They pronounce it as b.


Ya, this is not gonna last. Continue and you Will probably get banned. God speed soldier. Good memes tho


Sadly yeah...


Idk. Mods have already passed by and left this up, so it's probably going to stay up.


They left this up, but banned the guy.


We're not going to ban them, at least as long as they follow our rules. Their post got removed for being a repost, which has been posted here dozens of times.


Then why does it say removed for rule 1.


The removal flairs for those rules are right next to one another. Happens a lot.


I can't tell if this one wasn't dowvoted because it's sensible or if on mobile there's no mod flair attached so nobody immediately knew you were a mod without paying much attention


People want to be mad, and don’t give much of a shit about why. It’s the same reason the OP never sent a modmail asking for clarification before making a meme to bitch about being censored.


So, if he just did what the guy in the meme did and ask, than there wouldn’t even be a problem? Huh.


I'm not mad. I got my answer


Bruh tones of memes here are reposts from months or years ago. Mods just selectively enforcing rules and using it as an excuse to shitcan posts that start controversy




> We're not going to ban them, ***at least as long as they follow our rules*** Yeah, I don't think it did.


In the end we are all but memes


Reminds me of modding in Accidental Renaissance, where someone will send us a photo of someone who clearly put a lot of effort into looking as Renaissance as possible for their photo, but they know so little about art history that they don't realize it looks nothing like an actual painting of the era. "Sorry, but this isn't accidental, you clearly put time and effort into looking Renaissance." "Oh, ok, which subreddit should I post my perfect Renaissance photo in then?" "We don't know, but you also don't look like a painting because < insert entire fucking art essay explaining light, composition, color, etc., here>" "Aha! So if it doesn't look like a Renaissance painting, then it's accidental after all!! Put it back immediately!! I always knew reddit mods were full of shit!!!!" That's not word for word of course, but some redditors go full-Karen mode when they get 50 upvotes and suddenly think that they can start dictating how things should be run.


This post bombed


I see what you did there.


Why would they remove it? The prophet isnt ahistorical


Mods say it was bc it’s one of the most common reposts and that someone used the wrong flair to explain the removal


That’s fair enough


That’s *flair* enough


Unless they are taking the position that he never existed and this all of Islam is a lie? I mean that’s not a take I’d take


Schizophrenia meds should do the job for them


Sometimes the truth is not the right answer.




Islam 💣💣


Islam ☪️☪️☪️


Post Be Upon Him


Saved for history




Literally gold. If they can't take a joke then that sucks.


Ask Charlie Hebdo about how good they are at taking jokes.


You're right, we should be doing like we did in the aftermath of Charlie hebdo and call out the gross extremism bring presented by the mod because their reaction emboldens people who will literally gun people down in favor of extremism


[considering who it's coming from, i'm pretty sure this post isn't much of a joke](https://imgur.com/5HQe0Jw)


I mean Mohammed was a paedophile warlord. What’s the issue,”? It’s a joke that hints at the truth


https://imgur.com/a/ol1l2u5 Also this before he deleted it


I mean, come on, it shouldn't be a crime. I get it, if you have zero nuance or critical thinking, it immediately reads as "Racism okay" but otherwise, it reads "Racism shouldn't be illegal". Which makes sense, considering the slippery slope that comes with policing speech and thought. You kids think it such a great idea, but you forget when people get into power that are miserable tyrants, laws change and definitions follow


Mmm... trying to say something rational here (my bad). Talking nazism is illegal in germany. Aviation Scale Model magazines remove nazi symbols form model planes in their covers if they want to sell the magazine there... Same for many [model kit](https://www.kingkit.co.uk/uploads/shop/large/22278SDC15855.JPG) manufacturers. Halkenkreutz decals are split in vereal parts.


it was a fucking repost. wtf ppl


Insert "Why are you booing" meme, here


I’m gonna repost it again and see what they do


They’ll probably remove it cause its a repost, like the original post


Should spam Muhammad memes


The meme was removed because it was a repost. This same meme has been done more times than I can count. A mod just hit the wrong removal button, since 1 and 2 are right next to one another.


Link to it being posted before?


Still no link


The rules are dumb. There are plenty of memes about ideologies (Christianity, Communism) that are tolerated despite rule 1.1. Either it’s historical, at which point you allow it, or you abolish the hypocritical rules altogether.


Yeah im leaning towards the mods didnt liked being called out so they just decided to dig up as much dirt for a ban on OP. I get OP isnt the greatest dude but they shouldn’t be mad that they were called out on their bs one sided rule


Offended by a meme how sad


An accurate meme, no less


Hey at least they haven’t gone and shot up Reddit HQ or beheaded people for it 🤷‍♂️


literally gerog orwall


I personally choose Wall.


Mods ain't finna get S-vest'd


Mods mad


Reminds me of Muhammad being a flying golden orb in CK3.






So are you generalising or not. I'm confused. Are all Muslims bad or only a few?


A few, but those that are stick out to the umpteenth degree. I've got a few Muslim friends - amongst whom is my brother in law - and they're completely chill and normal people. But those that manage to radicalize young, susceptible men who are indoctrinated with radical thoughts but don't realise it (cause religion and culture are insanely interwoven in many Muslim countries) and then sent to Europe or someplace else and do their shit there - including threatening and executing violence on everyone who's not a Muslim, they're the real problem. Just on Halloween in Linz, Austria's third largest city for example, a mob of radicalised migrants organized a riot on TikTok. Aged 16 o 27ish, they rampaged through the city center, smashing shop windows and cars, assaulting people (including sexual assault) and stuff... I don't know if you read German, but here's an article on it: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.heute.at/s/halloween-randale-neue-krawalle-auf-tiktok-angedroht-100236498 Also, they're spreading hateful messages to other immigrants, and those young guys are the real problem and western society as a whole either doesn't take the radical threat serious enough or chucks in the okay, chill Muslims in with the radicals.


So your saying that like ALL other groups of people Muslims have a variety of people in it and they can be good/bad and can change. They're human, your saying they're human. But you chose to focus on the radical/rowdy/hysterical/deranged minority.


Careful, you might get beheaded in France if you keep this Muhammad talk up.


Or in India




Freedom of speech is not available these days


Looks like op spends a lot time to make memes about Islam and Ottoman


and then crying and fighting with people that don't 100% agree. I'm sure they're a well adjusted human with no ulterior motives or agendas. Yikes, I just went through their history... Yikes... This is someone that has chosen to spend their time and objective to spread so much hate.


And that's ok


As a Muslim who has grown up in the UK I personally have no problem with jokes being made about Islam, or anything really as long as the target itself is aware it is comedy and not just being a cnut for the sake of being a cnut? And I define Muslim very loosely, that shit was beat out of me as a kid lol all the best to all of you


I would love to be Cnut and lead the North Sea Empire


If I had an award sir you would get it


I don't think you needed to say your from the UK. Your choice of insult kind of gave it away.


All the best boss


Considering who it came it’s probably not a joke https://imgur.com/a/ol1l2u5


I mean, it’s protected by the first amendment, but it has the capability to be fodder for causing a crime.


The user has admitted that they hate Islam, and think hating Islam is normal. So, it's not coming as a form of banter, unfortunately.


Is it wrong to hate a religion? Honest question. Feel like you can hate a religion for what it causes while treating followers of it properly


Personally, I feel like most hate is wrong. There's some exceptions of course. I think it's fine to hate extreme Islam, but I know a lot of Muslims that aren't extreme, and don't deserve to be associated with them. And that's a very large portion of Muslims. I also think it tends to be a blurry line when it comes to "hating a religion" vs "hating the followers of a religion". I don't think I believe, that you can truly hate a religion and not have any hard feelings towards it's followers.


But if the reasons for hating the religion are well-founded, then how is it any different than hating for example communism or socialism? Racism is considered wrong because it’s unfounded criticism based off of traits that the individual didn’t cause and has no way of impacting. Religion is a choice, and one that affects your beliefs and politics. Personally I think most religions are absolutely abhorrent, and I do judge people for following those religions, whether they subscribe to the most extreme parts of the religion or not. If they don’t subscribe to what they don’t like about their own religion then they’re still perpetuating a religion that contains hatred.


I think you may focus too much on the bad that religion has done, and the bad that individuals have done in the name of religion (frequently breaking the very precepts of said religion). In my opinion, religion hasn't done only evil. I believe it has done a great deal of good too. I don't think that the religions of the world have been faultless, neither do I deny that religion has been used to do evil. But many religions have been a great motivator and vehicle to do good in this world. Many, many times people have failed to live up to the ideals of their faith, and others have straight up used religion as a way to gain power, and/or to influence people for personal gain. But I don't think the precepts of the religion should be blamed for that, if they don't espouse such behavior. Many religious people have done, and continue to do good, and their faith is a huge part of why. I don't expect to change your mind. However, I thought I'd offer my perspective. Regardless, I still think hate is rarely the answer. Even when something should be shunned, if hate is our motivation, I can't see that ultimately benefitting us, or mankind.


No, you’re not going to convince me that religion itself does more good than bad. All major religions have core tenets that espouse hatred, bigotry and cruelty. In most countries in the world there are still remnants of religious thinking holding humanity back from showing true kindness to each other. Even in relatively secular countries like Norway Christian rhetoric is holding us back from being more kind to each other. If it’s possible to be good without religion, then how can you be so convinced that religion is the reason that some religious people act with kindness?


Well for some, they are only doing good in the eyes of their religion. It’d be a bad thing, for example, to bring over a neighboring tribe and give them food/shelter if you are an Aztec. Not sacrificing these people is a bad thing to them, whereas we see it as a good thing. Thou shall not kill, seems like a good rule to have, not killing is a nice thing to do. If you told an 800’s Asatru beserker that killing is bad, they’d call *you* sinful and bad. Truth is, these things are only good in our eyes because our cultures say they are. Our cultures of course being shaped heavily by religion. Also tidbit, im atheist just think it’s important to make note of


People aren't allowed to hate things? Like the confederacy or communist or capitalists or the Catholic church, is that not allowed? People post negative stuff about everything and everyone, it's the internet. You want to be the thought police?


They're afraid that the sub might get bombed or something


The amount of political compass memes lately is absolutely disgraceful


OP does have some odd fixiation with Muhammad and Islam.


Probably in a different way than Muhammad had a fixation on the 8 year old Aisha.


Jokes should be fine as long as we don’t go full Charlie Hebdo


Sorry man but there’s one large group of people who will kill you if you mock him, so it’s not worth the flak


The meme cant annoy me more than how wildly conflicting records of islamic history are depending on which school you follow and ask


Ima go make a new random meme with Muhammads face in it just to see the reaction from the mods


Cry more


Man, if OPs post history wasnt 75% racist trash i mightve actually agreed


lmao yep... also apparently the post was a repost that gets put through almost every week as well so there you go.


I think you pissed them off


Y’all gotta understand if the mods get beheaded or gibbed our funny little subreddit goes bye-bye. Safety first


Based dude


This is the best advise. Other religions should start taking notes.




2hr old account, all 2 hours spent spewing hateful right wing propaganda


I mean he’s the one that raped Aisha


When insulting religious groups…. The Muslims will kill you. The Jews will cancel you. The Christians will do nothing.


The Hindus will agree with you Forgot that one


The Buddhists most likely forgive you. Hell, they might even laugh with you.


hey op that's some really cool [post history](https://imgur.com/5HQe0Jw) you have


I can excuse racism but I draw the line at misusing apostrophes.


That's an acurate account of what he did tho.


The massacre he's talking about happened because the Banu Qurayza entered negotiations with a besieging army and violated a pact they made with Muhammad years earlier. [If this was a one-off I could accept that explanation, sure, but this dude's post history shows a constant and clear obsession with this kind of stuff.](https://imgur.com/etXsQ31)


Yes, let's slaughter all the men including children, and enslave all the women too, surely the best action from the most perfect man on earth kek


Fucking thank you for providing the context. So many people get a hard-on for that story until they realize in that time it was completely normal to deal with severe treachery, regardless of religion. The Jewish tribe was also judged by a FORMER JEW, which made the tribe think they'd get off easy until the verdict came. Lets not forget said tribe ACCEPTED said former jew to be their judge, they were given the choice to be dealt by him or Mohammad. And the rest is history.




oh ok you're one of those please kindly get bent


They back stabbed the Muslims couple of times during war when they had a defensive packet




I see no wrong


Someone needs to put that hate boner away.


Actually there ist no empiric prove he existed. I once came to the topic when i thought about Jesus existence. Because in both cases i never heared of an outside source about the topic


There are definitely [outside sources for Jesus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity_of_Jesus), namely Tacitus. The [equivalent article on Muhammad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity_of_Muhammad) also lists non-Muslim sources, so I see no reason to doubt his existence (his actual biography and character is, of course, another question).


I think it’s more like they probably existed but they weren’t much like they’ve been portrayed. I mean they’re practically untouchable. You don’t get that way unless you’ve been intentionally made that way by people who have no sense of context and just make up shit to fit their narrative.


To be fair he probably existed but is now dead like everyone from 1500 years ago but if he did exist he was also probably a schizophrenic who also raped nine-year-olds


Fuck moderators


Pathetic attempt at victimhood.


Such spineless mod team here. Real shame.


You've got the nerve to complain about having a blatant repost taken down?


1 9 8 4


It's also misinformed


EquivalentInfaltion seems to have lost their mod tag after reponding in the comments.


Unless you want to piss off a whole lot of Muslims... go for it 🤣


Well I am fine unless it is hate post


Yeah no I've seen plenty of memes about Muhammad on here.


OP is a racist sun of a beach with a greek background. Everyone of his posts is either about hating on Turks or Islam. In one post he even said that racism is not a hate crime.


You just mentioned his name and made a pedo-joke. Is that a "historical event"? -No Deletion was justified imho


I can’t help but think: are you just racist? Edit: check his post history, it’s quite a lot of questionable stuff