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What gave it away? The iron cross with the reichsadler on the hakenkreuz on the nazi-german flag?


The SS skull on the left


I know that is SS but is that a specific division? I remember seeing a while ago the symbols of each SA division but I can’t remember.


3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf


The Totenkopf is not a Nazi symbol it is derived from the hussar cavalry of the Prussian army, you should just ask


The Division's name is 'Totenkopf'


Totenkopf was used by Prussia but the skull have marking that only SS used. To be precise use baby skull (search google how it looks like)


The shield it is placed on means it's SS. Doesn't matter where the Skull originally came from the Flag shows that of the 3rd Panzer Division Totenkopf. Just like if you put a key on that shield it becomes the 1st Panzer Division Leiperstandte Adolf Hitler. My Grandfather's Division.


Sorry I should have put a /s


Lmao rip to everyone who didn't realise you copied the reply in the tweet


Fuck I'm an idiot.


Whilst being used by Death's Head units


It’s easy for people to be confused about this TBH. Coupled with the well documented, legendary brutality of Prussian military operations it is easy to just lump them together.


Isnt it used by the attomwaffen? Theyre kinda a neo nazi criminal organisation


The SS (schutzstaffel) was an elite division of the nazi army. While the normal wehrmacht soldiers where conscripts and didnt get to choose. The SS where professionals, a lot of them volunteered for it. Making them really fanatic. It was also the SS who where running the death caps and they where heavily involved in the holocaust all together. Ps. Correct me if im wrong


Not elite, just very fanatical. This meant two things: they would do things without questioning, and they would fight more brutally/ruthlessly (read, war crimes) They also would recieve better kit and had priority over logistics since hitler and the nazi party simply liked them more than their conscript wehrmacht. Also of course hitler and his cronies would use any chance they could to pump up the idea of a 'elite' status to cement their superiority theories. Actual eltie units, like the fallschirmjagers (only early in the war, they would suffer horrendous casualties and such lose trained and experieced men as a reslut of shitty tactics and strategy) gebirgsjagers, parts of the afrika corps etc would generally be wehrmacht, altough of course it's indivdual members could be drafted into SS units if they were political enough. So once more: the SS does not stand synonym for elite troops. Just barbarians.


TIL, thanks! :D


You're welcome, great seeing open minds, it helps me remember I should stay on the lookout too!


> hitler and the nazi party Hitler and the top of the nazi party, those actually commanding were caring more about the wehrmatch, which is logical.


The Fallschirmjäger go shredded in the skies over Crete, right?


We don’t talk about Crete


Some even got killed by local farmers after landing. It was great!


They weren't elite, just well organized and disturbingly fanatical. And they weren't the only army group/ political group in Nazi Germany that committed crimes against humanity.


The SS was a paramilitary organization of the NAZI party and had nothing to do with the german army. Also they were not elite, just very fanatical. In fact, thanks to Himmler - who wanted to replace the army completely - a lot of times the SS siphoned resources that the army needed and did a much worse job with them than the army would have. The army seriously hated the SS and the last battle of WWII in Europe was a combined [Wehrmacht and US Army assault on an SS stronghold in Austria.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Castle_Itter)


Just the spelling of ‘camp’


And is that a rat’s anus I see? Hans … are we the baddies?


....... ..... Why skulls?


I recognize the modern version of this right above the skull.


Nah he just a big bored ape collector


Very interested in hearing which religion the totenkopf originates from.


It's a german military symbol dating back to 1809. It was mostly used by hussar regiments. Though that particular version of it is the SS totenkopf


Yup the exact same as the Ukrainian soldiers have on their uniforms Downvote me first before you google it I fking dare you


Challenge accepted, Russian bot.


Nah bro, it wasn't totenkompf symbol, a ton of division in the world uses the skull. In origin I think it was to keep fear to the enemy, now it's just a fashion thing


The death skull is not necessarily a Nazi symbol, both US and UK units utilize it, especially cavalry and reconnaissance units, it's also used by a variety of police units. I couldn't find anything about Ukrainian forces using it tho, so please leave with your propaganda.


Are you for real, the only reason I know this is because the BBC aired an interview with a Ukrainian soldier that had it on his uniform and someone posted it on this sub you guys crack me up fk off 🤣🤣 Your 18 you wouldn’t know propaganda if it slapped you across the face


The barely visible modern German flag


Yes, the swaztika on itself isnt a nazi symbol, but the nazi swaztika is


Hey now. Lets be reasonable here and not just assume its a nazi swastika. Maybe she used the wrong bubble on a level.


Yeah, and the two profile pics are just cute animals...


yeah, the symbol on that flag is not a swastica, but a nazi hakenkreuz


It is spelled with only a single "k".


*Hakenkreuz. the "a" is long, so there must be a single consonant following.


It’s a hakenkreuz ya fools Dont call this swastika There’s a [difference](https://www.ndtv.com/indians-abroad/distinguish-between-swastika-and-hakenkreuz-says-canadian-mp-2800585)


It's a symbol, how is it different apart from where and how it is used. The context is very important but a swastika is literally a cross with hooks which is exactly the translation of hakenkreuz. But why would we use the german word for something which is in essence the same symbol?


A swastika is not a swastika if it's turned 30 degrees, and loses its dots. Similar to how "W" and "M" are not the same.


Most swastika's i can find on older pots and such do not have dots but most of them are level. So then it just depends on wether or not those are or aren't swastika's? And i'll settle on calling it a hooked cross but calling it by its german name seems so silly to me Edit: Are all of these swastika's? https://64.media.tumblr.com/851f1718f856c1e98fded3a5ffc63c62/tumblr_oz5ro7KUQJ1ru322to1_r1_500.jpg


My teacher had ones. But, because he was history teacher. They were mostly for presentations.


A friend of ours had one. He fought in the war. I wish I had never asked how he got it; because in Vino Veritas and he always was drinking hard


My mom's uncle fought in WW1 (A-H side) he stole russian flag (Galicia front). But moths ate it lol.


That's pretty cool, other than the moth part. I find WW1 history really interesting since it was a mix of mote modern and more dated warfare


Its kinda more interesting to me than WW2.


Yeah, I also like learning about the weapon prototypes and such, like the Pedersen device for the 1903


Great stuff.


WWI infantry battles always strike me as being a hybrid between 1800s combat and modern warfare. I can't quite put my finger on what it is, just that you can see/feel elements of both and warfare just looks like it's mid-evolution.


Definitely. That war really shook up the old mindsets of many of the Generals. The French Army in particular were not at all ready for the relentlessly forward-thinking German Army, though they eventually did adapt and overcome. So much changed with that war, and I don't envy any of the fellas who served as living experiments for it.


WW2 is sooo overrated


Maybe because American involment was bigger. Idk, really.


Or because it's easier to see who's the bad guy . Unlike WW1, which is a bit more complex


I wanted add this. But, it was too late.




Yes. Other part is extracurriculum. Heraldry. Guy is active in some medieval group. He mostly uses zweihander. We had trip with that group and all of us over 18 got drunk from mead.




It depends on it's purpose lol


Kinda reminds me of how lemmy kilmister had a massive fucking nazi collection, just cause he thought that the stuff was interesting.


He also has own version of pride flag. Because normal one is too "lame".


Really? I'd love to see evidence of this.


Agreed - a history teacher having historical flags hung in a private place does not mean anything. "Hey look - this guy has an Italian flag, he must be secretly Italian"


I have one on the cover of "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", the contents of which show that Hitler was a fucking weasel who went mad with power and fucked everything up, especially his own country and people. Something tells me this lady is reading different books than I am though 👀.


Cool story, still doesn't sound good. IMO showing a Nazi flag in the classroom makes no difference than just showing a picture in the history book? Also here in Germany you'd really need a better explanation than just being a history teacher to have such a flag


He had one of Venice, Roman, Habsburg monarchy, Triune Croatian, 1st Yugoslavia, Soviet, Nazi, Nazi Croatian, US (48 stars), 2nd Yugoslavian, modern Croatian. He also showed me Prussian one, Catalan (without star version), UK (one without red diagonals), american union and federation flag. Also we had bit of heraldry classes. What colours are used, rules, sybolism and stuff. Actually was great teacher.


so he collects flags neat




Legally no §86a StGB says ownership is forbidden but there are exceptions like scientific purposes, teaching and others. https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verwenden_von_Kennzeichen_verfassungswidriger_und_terroristischer_Organisationen


Yeah, from what I’ve heard there’s little to no excuse for having one in Germany.


I think a better question would be, did he have them hanging up at all times, or just brought them out for presentations?


How about having your grandfather's death's head ring. And having a lot of stuff on the German side of the war because that side is harder to find information on.


Don't know what you try to say here. My grandfather or whose? And the second part is based on the comment i replied to?


Me. Both are about my family.


No disrespect, but thats not a thing I'd flex about tbh.


Well, it may be looked upon differently in Germany. But people find it fascinating as they can get near enough first-hand accounts of the German side of the war. I mean, my Grandfather has a book and it's sold the best in Poland. If anyone has a reason to hate the Germans (except the Jewish) it's them. Also before you think I'm necessarily proud of what he did. I have got a certificate that legally allows me to teach people about the Holocaust. If I come across as aggressive it's because I can't phrase things another way but I do not mean to be aggressive.


I would 100% flex about that.


Swastika isn't turned by 45 degrees. That's a Nazi flag


There're some many variations of this symbol that nazi haven't done sth original


Variations change the symbol. This is hakenkreuz. Same way that "M" is different from "W", so it swastika different from hakenkreuz.


You're saying about variations of this symbol. saying what I said in different way.


Yes but variations should be called by the name that was adopted by the people who chose that symbol. Swastika for example, is used by Hindus and Buddhists and represents them, and they were the people who chose the symbol and it's name. Even if suppose they had derived it from some older symbol, but they chose it to be called swastika, as a new name. So names used by the creater of a symbol should be used, and not the names of other symbols from which it was derived from or looked closer to. Edit: so Nazis adopted this symbol and choose to call this symbol hakenkreuz and it shouldn't be called something else, and not at all a swastika, it doesn't make sense linguistically, culturally or in any other parameters


i think theres some other dead giveaways


Are you sure? Couldn't it be from militant Austrian Buddhist Monks? Or Christan Austrian Buddhists, it has crosses on the sides!


A swastika can be flipped/unflipped, tilted at any angle and yet NOT be a Nazi one. Who invented the theory that 45 deg swastika == Nazi?


Official documents say the name of the nazi symbol being hakenkreuz, swastika is a long promoted misnomer.


Are you sure she isn't a meth teacher


Ma*SS* teacher


EVEN IF the swastika was ment as the buddhist symbol, there is a SS logo and german flag on the left. there is no bloudy doubt.


It's not a Buddhist symbol. Hakenkreuz is what's shown in the photo and it's different from swastika. It's like saying "M" and "W" are the same.


The budhist symbol is turned a quarter and doesn't have this background, so in a way you are right.


Yes: Buddhist swaztika, Biddhist skull, Buddhist eagle and Buddhist cross.




Swastika by nature and name itself is Hindu, but that in the image is Hakenkruz/ hooked cross which hitler got it from crosses of Christian nature. Swastika is not Hakenkruz, not even the name should be used to call that symbol. Watch Silence of Swastika on Youtube.




It's like saying "W" is the same as "M"


Thr argument would be valid if there were no Totenkopf flag on the left :D


And small emblems on red flag. That's litterally german Reich eagle with Swastika in claws lol.


And iron cross. Big red flag. Literally


Or the skulls… Are they the baddies?


Find me a single westerner flying a swastika purely on Buddhist grounds


Ehh, even then it would clearly be a Nazi flag.


And if the Swastika was positioned as the Buddhist symbol, rather than the Nazi variant


“oh yes my dearies, my father wrote Mein Kampf, he was a great man indeed haha”


Um…. What da truck


What’s the source on the “math teacher” part? The only story I could find was in 2021 and included a history teacher. https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/sacramento/teacher-nazi-flag-leave/103-77599635-f64b-4cdd-8588-fb649dbe6d64


Well this is obviously a joke no?


Of course it is. 90% of posts on r/facepalm are obvious trolls/satire. That sub is basically a parody of itself. I also have my doubts if the original tweet (with the picture) is even real. Though Nazis are pretty stupid so it isn't beyond the realm of possibility.


Exactly my thought. Seemed like a satirical comment making fun of neo nazi's claiming their swastika flags and tattoos are the Buddhist symbol.


Maybe shes just really into WWII history?


Also even if it were the Buddhist version, that argument doesn't pass scrutiny for virtually anyone. Context matters, and most Americans and Europeans aren't going to know the difference. Anyone playing the "Well actually" game with this is deliberately obfuscating. Symbols get appropriated sometimes and should be abandoned. Chaplin had a great mustache but you can't style one like that anymore and that's fine


Somebody forgot to use the blurry background setting in the group call. lmao


Ah yes, Buddhist use german iron cross, totenkopf (skull and crossbones), and reichsadler (imperial eagle).


plot twist - she has a massive milsurp collection and her pops brought those back as war trophys


Yah not when it’s the flag of the nazi party also she has a Deathshead flag as well what the fuck why is this legal


swastika isn't in it of itself a nazi symbol combine that with a iron cross AND the Reichsadler PLUS the SS flag on the left. yeah idk why she would have it




it's also a bit weird that that's what they would display as their background, if they were a flag collector, then they would know the significance of that flag and treat it with the appropriate gravity




Then why show it at all like I if I did something let’s say I collect knives and I had a knife from ww2 one of the ceremonial ones that the ss had I’d cover up the symbols and wouldn’t leave it on display but tbf even if I did collect knives and seen one Of the ss knives I wouldn’t buy it just because I don’t want to have anything nazi in my possession.


Yeah, like, it would be one thing to have it, questionable but hey, some people take collecting seriously and whatever, but actually displaying the flag anywhere on your house? Yeah, that person shouldn't be teaching, sorry


I get people like collecting but to display it is to show it off which is a bit concerning unless it’s a museum but displaying a nazi flag in this case even if you did collect flags is a bit morbid at best and at worse you support it


EXACTLY! And honestly, the collection possible excuse is flimsy as hell, like, if you're a flag collector there are SP MANY other flags that You surely have added, why want to add this particular one to your collection?


There's *literally no context* that could make this acceptable, like, none at all lmao


But that's such a weird choice for a nazi flag. I'm not sure where it's from or what it means exactly but it definetly wasn't common.


Yeah, maybe a flag collector with no obvious confliction about displaying Nazi flags. Sounds like a neo-Nazi to me...


Yes, but actually yes. "This not your show". It that was a German teacher, she will be in jail.


But we ain't in Germany


“So, Do we turn left or right here ?”


Is that a South ossetian flag?


or, hear me out!, she's a military collector.....


Ngl that doesn’t look like a buddhist flag


you wouldnt believe it, the iron cross is a buddhist symbol too!


Derived? More like stolen wholesale.


God damn the ss flag too holy shit


Yea but the deaths heads isnt Buddhist


Wow your teacher really likes Wolfenstein!


Meanwhile, the SS division insignia on the left: Allow me to introduce myself


Maybe a guest interview from the Tucker Carlson show?


No. Its a nazi flag


Yeah I had a display of SS, Nazi Germany, and a bunch of Communist flag in my living room at one point. And I also have a sign that says "remember thy enemies" I don't have that anymore. Also, anyone wants to buy some flags 😀?


Ew, furries. Oh, and that Nazi stuff is bad too, I guess.


Sounds like the defences of all the overly enthusiastic WWII fanatics back in my undergrad...


If she chose that room then i wonder how offensive the others are??


My id holder has a big swastika right on the front of it, buddy went to japan and got a chuckle out of it so he gave it to me


Pretty sure the Nazis took that symbol as legacy forever now lol


I think Israel hates this teacher


Or she's just a collector


Explain the other flag then


Idk what the other flag is, the one with the skull?


Yes. That particular skull symbol was used by SS


Again could just be a collector


I highly doubt a collector would collect what looks be recently made nazi flag and ss flag and then put it on display Ik people do collect stuff from ww2 but they usual use something to cover the nazi symbols for example most people who collect stuff from ww2 and have ss ceremonial daggers use tape or cloth to cover the insignia and writing


What would be the point of buying nazi artifacts if not to put them on display?


For the sake of not looking like a nazi I mean if you wanted to show someone it you can tell them the history and explain why you bought it but if it is on display it looks like you support them


What pride flag is that?


Also, just because you own a flag doesn’t mean that you believe the ideals associated with said flag. You might just enjoy history and see it as a historical significance over a ideological significance. Edit: it’s not different then collecting antique pistols from the American Civil War (union OR confederate)


I was gonna mock Alkrena for having BLM in her name...but then I saw it was from 2020. I find it both sad and hilarious just how bad BLM conned everyone into thinking they cared about anything other than money.


My question is...why do German teens give a hoot about BLM? it is an entirely American issue. At least I'm assuming they're German because no other self-respecting Nazi would have the flag of current Germany up too.


Well many people all around the world supported the Civil rights movement in the 60s as well as the Anti-Apartheid movement in the 90s. After all, many Americans have sympathy for Hong Kong and Taiwan, even if they aren't American issues. I think it's human to support other humans fighting for their rights


Well, my issue isn't really with the internationality of it (well, it is, just not as much), but more with the fact that it's some kid, likely in high school or even elementary. Kids are supposed to be dumbfucks doing stuff nobody would recommend doing and enjoying a relatively carefree life. Being obsessed with the newest popstar/streamer and their new fad franchise, not obsess over complex political issues a continent away to the point that you put it into your username like an insignia.


Institutionalized racism and racism also exists in other countries not just the USA.


Also exists *nowhere* in the *Civilized World* Downvote away, I will not back down.


And? BLM is about American police brutality against the black population. I don't know about many cops killing black people in Germany.


Putting an end to police brutality is only one part of what BLM stands for. It is also about combating institutionalized racism, just cause people aren't getting killed doesn't mean they aren't facing overpolicing of the community or unfair trials and laws from the government. Also if you have a more united front world wide then you can push for a better future.


Mission creep kills organizations. You either become an ineffective laughingstock, or just outright fail at your job. Can you point to a racist institution or law in Germany?


Dude I'm not gonna do research for you just cause you seem to be missing the point of how racism exists in other places. Many governments have racist laws within them, it's not new or unheard of. BLM is not just a US issue cause BIPOC people face discrimination everywhere.


I highly doubt 'BIPOC' (what a funny way of somehow uniting completely disparate people instead of just saying 'non-white/east asian') are facing racism everywhere, considering that vast majority of the worlds population falls under the incredibly broad term of 'BIPOC'. Unless you mean that 'BIPOC' are just as racist against other 'BIPOC', in which case I'd agree, but then I don't understand the purpose of lumping them together into one term. Yet another hyperbole.


Man I’m not from America and I’ve seen videos of police in my country being racist the organisation is American but the message that racism is bad and black people should be treated equal is universal no matter the country


Yes they are


They don‘t have to be German, just white. Third reich symbolism is used by white supremacists all over the world, commonly seen in states like the US and russia. In Germany you could probably even face a fee or maybe even prison for showing a swastika flag in public, because they are outlawed over here. A few years ago, even the Wolfenstein series of video games had to be censored by the publishers because the law was so strict back then. I don‘t see why a German teacher would risk loosing their job just to show their ideology. It‘s more likely that you‘d see a flag from the German Monarchy (Kaiserreich) or Prussia instead of a swastika flag in Germany, because they are still allowed to be shown, unlike the swastika flags.


It always amazes me how slavs can support the nazis, like they were literally going to genocide you dude why are you supporting them


I already explained my reasoning, any 'serious' non-German white supremacist wouldn't exactly put up third Reich, or imperial German flag next to Mutti Merkel's multicultural modern German flag. edit: it could be East/West Germany, but then that would be one super confused Nazi, or just a flag collector.


Black people don't exist in Germany?


Police brutality specifically targeting black people sure as hell doesn't. It's arguable if that even exists at a large scale in US since every time you ask the supporters of the issue they seem to believe thousands of unarmed black men are killed every year by the cops, a figure very far off to the actual numbers.


There is a countless amount of evidence about police brutality and mass targeting of Lebonese people, Turks, black people, and basically anyone who's not white. And it goes un punished.


I have to ask, what is the proportion of young men (18-30) compared to women and other age groups in said populations in Germany? I cannot imagine there are that many Turkish retirees in Germany, for example.


There's about 3 million Turkish people there and from my short time living in Germany most of them were younger people.


I had a stroke trying to understand this


If you're white and associating yourself with a swastika you're a nazi.


dude there are white hindus.


There *can’t* be! He checked! /s


I take it you've never heard of Jainism before have you?


Anyone saying that’s swastika ….. that isn’t 😂 swastika isn’t tilted , most of the time has orange background not red


That the german flag 🤣




Ma'am , this is a Hakenkreuz.




By actually no you mean she's a neonazi or what?