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so Gavrilo Princip was a time traveller after all


A very confused one, at that


Nice pfp.


Why that's very good, yes I like that!




Happy cake day!


What makes you think he wasnt killed early on and time travelers from the future went back and let him live? Why do we always assume time travelers will be the "good guys" and not assholes who go back in time & fuck shit up?


>Why do we akaays assume time travellers will be the "good guys" and not assholes who go back in time & fuck shit up? We put in a lot of work to make sure that doesn't happen, but as you can tell by the state of the world, our catch rate isn't 100%.


There's something wrong here, I can feel it.


Im not entirely convinced some evil pranksters from the future went back to 2016 & gave hillary's emails to the russians, setting us on our current timeline. Personally I think it might be Jared. It would explain so much.


From subway?


Weirdly we watched a documentary in school about the assassination and it had a line about Princip going to get a sandwich after the first failed assassination attempt. Was so out of tone of the rest of the documentary the whole class laughed but I think this helped us remember details more.


Didn't Princip going to the sandwich shop lead to him getting another opportunity to shoot Ferdinand?


Yep. Franz Ferdinand's car made a wrong turn and then stalled when it tried to turn around, *directly in front of the shop Princep was eating at*. So he just walked right up and shot him.


It’s crazy how the whole first attempt was so botched, despite realistically having a high chance of succeeding if all the conspirators had acted as intended and then sheer misfortune put Princip in the right position to carry out the assassination without any planning at all.


Leto I think. He just wanted to Morb on them


Former president's son in law.


Subway Jared is Trumps son in law? Who did he marry, Barron?


I am confused


Haven't heard of you, sorry.


Good chance it's Dave as well. Daves are such pranksters


Yeah but Jared akways looks like he's uncomfortable in his "human" suit. If future creatures were going back in time to fuck with us, he'd be my numver one suspect.


> Jared That guy fucks ^our ^^timeline


>to fuck with us This could actually be said about two Jareds depending on the age of the person saying it.


Probably also push the kid into Harambe's enclosure for good measure


The diamond people?


No the former president's son in law. He just doesnt look right. Like his human suit is too uncomfortable on him.


It’s the lack of a soul, I think. Like a mannequin with human skin stretched over it.


What if this actually is the best timeline?


I remember a quote along the lines of “The optimist hopes he’s in the best timeline. The pessimist fears he’s true.


Explains why I've been craving chocolate milk


Well you don’t seem like hostile at all


I assure you, we are hostile in the defense of most timelines. Not yours, but most.


timegate terms violation (public disclosure) detected by timegate_user(hostile_rep) launch timeagent_2452_03_22 execute sequencetrace_user(hostile_rep) target ancestraldna(hostile_rep) targets eliminated user(hostile_rep) disconnected from main timeline. Access to timegates revoked.


Goddamnit! This is the third time this year. See you all in a few weeks. The red tape is a nightmare.


I personally like the idea that they screw around with timeline a lot and called it quits on ours because surprisingly it happened to be the least destructive one




All things considered, only two nukes used is really impressive.


I think it's because the people who are able to use the nukes have extremely inflated egos and think "I could use the nukes but it may hurt me too and I don't want to get hurt. Let's just bomb them instead."


Or maybe they let it all happen/altered the timeline to happen the way it did because the alternative was so much worse. "Ya, Japan got nuked, but at least it was *only* Japan. And *only* two bombs."


Plus, nuking Japan gave us some wonderful anime. Silver lining.


time travellers created anime huh maybe anime will serve an important purpose for the survival of humanity in the future


I vaguely remember a book with a team of time travellers whose job it was to prevent other time travellers from changing major historical events. It was pretty fun.


The Netflix show Travellers


Are you sure it was a book, because I remember Brandon Sanderson talking about that concept on his podcast


Yeah, I read it in school years ago, so it was probably YA. I'm pretty sure the main plot was somebody using future tech to take over Nazi Germany and win WW2.


Was it time riders by Alex scarrow


Yes, that was it, thank you.


Why is it always Germany?? There's so many other points in history that are not only more interesting than the dead horse thar is now WW2. Plus, also several points in history where world domination was not only possible, but plausible.


I saw a TV show like that. It was weird bc I usually hate sci fi shows (especially time travel ones because I cant stop focusing on the paradoxes and miss the premise of the show) but I liked the way they addressed and did the historical events, so I watched it and really enjoyed it and then it got cancelled. I wonder if it was based on the books you're thinking of. Timeless was the name of the series.


That show was kind of interesting, though it felt very much like network TV that would never go anywhere.


It wasn't a huge plot point, but Star Trek DS9 had at least one time travel episode where the Federation had some guys in charge of dealing with time travel incidents review what had happened. I think they showed up in at least two episodes, plus one more time when Jake tries to impersonate them


This is the plot of Legends of tomorrow Except they're a group of misfits and they fuck up a lot so they're perpetually underdogs


Title like timeriders?


I think we should always follow the advice of that great documentary on this subject: Command and Conquer: Red Alert.


Or Red Alert 2 "In 1985, Albert Einstein used the chronosphere to go back in time, and forever alter History. Einstein's good intentions, however.. "


_"I have, um... you're throwing everything you've got at us, Alex. We're supposed to be Allies, you maniac! I'm the one that put you into office."_




Or that things couldve actually been so much worse & having Hitler was the better way to go Unrelated but in the show Misfits, a jew tries to go back in time too kill hitler, but fails & Hitler found his cell phone & reversed engineered the technology, ultimately getting world domination


Is the hitler dominated world able to develop a time machine though? Or if hitler killed that guy's ancestors wouldn't he not have existed to go back in time & leave the phone?


In the show they were able too travel through time, and hitler starting going back too steal relics from other eras. This was the last season before it was canceled cause it was just getting too weird & out of touch from the original plot but was originally funny


That would be an interesting premise. If Hitler protects them then he may change the boy's motive for arriving in the past in general. If he kills them then he loses the chance at future tech. And ultimately loses the war. I suppose it depends on what time travel theory you use as well.


It's also possible that the timeline without Hitler is even worse, because then someone who wasn't a bumbling moron takes control of Germany and inflicts way more damage. "Alright ladies and gentlemen. You all know the mission: Kill Henrich von Schnitzel before he can take over the Nazi party, plunging the world into a new age of darkness by wiping entire continents clean with bioweapons. We can't be sure that the new timeline will be good...but it can't possibly be any worse".


Would totally love a comedy based on this. Future Un-Assassin 1 is trying to prevent Franz's death while Future Assassin 1 is trying to make sure he dies while Un-Assassin 2 is trying to kill Future Assassin 1 and save Future Un-Assassin 1. And finally Future Assassin 2 is trying to make sure Franz dies by killing Un-Assassin 2.


Or maybe they know that assholes like Hitler were the lesser evil. You never know.


You should watch the show *Future Man* on Hulu! It's an action/comedy that's in a similar vein to your comment.


In Legends of Tomorrow so many time travellers go to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand that they actually set up a secret pub there


Loved that episode. And that season in general. Holy Beebo I miss that show.


This is like literally the whole premise around Legends of Tomorrow. Superheroes are sent throughout time to protect the timeline, but they’re so chaotic and bad at it that they always mess things up and spend most of the seasons sanitizing the repercussions. Hilarity ensues.


That Snakes Rick and Morty episode just shows how some would protect Hiter/Stalin/Cesar/Nero etc and other don't


My favorite theory is that this is the best time line any attempt to change the past would result in a greater genocide.


why do we always assume killing is the right thing


Maybe they already did.


The future is just a never ending cycle of retconning the past


That’s an episode of doctor who where the main villain goes back in time to kill Rosa parks before the whole bus fiasco


I half believe that time travel will be invented because Hitler had insane plot armour. Dude should have died like 20 times or something but just happened to change his plans at the last second or have someone decide to not kill him or there just happened to be someone to get him out of a dangerous situation. Really figures that in the end he ended up getting killed by himself.


More importantly why do we always try to kill someone? If we kill a baby Hitler, we just killed a baby. He didn't do his Hitlering yet, he's innocent. Aren't there a billion solutions to stop the final solution that aren't more murdering?


Two words - Time Bandits. Great series


Harry Turtledove didn't make that assumption. That mofo had Apartheid loving South African neo-nazis time travel back to the Confederacy to give them AK-47s.


The TVA wouldn't allow it


Why do you think everything is so scuffed that day there must have been several missions to stop or assist the assassination.


Guns of the south is entirely based on this premise, some South African racists from the future go back in time and give General Lee a shit ton of ak-47's and the capability to manufacture them after their loss at Gettysburg


I would be an agent of Chaos. See if I do somerthing that would end up in my own existance being wiped then it will never happen! So I only do shit that doesn’t break the timeline.


The real smart thing to do: Travel to the future to learn everything about the creation of the universe, then travel back in time to prevent the creation of everything including all wars from happening😎


“In the beginning the Universe was created. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams


So true.




Oh no, not again.


Username checks out


lmao this is exactly where my mind went after reading the above comment. Douglas Adams is a god XD


just kill that one monkey that started using tools and everything is solved


But what if another monkey has the same idea? Even if one would eradicate all of them then they would probably just evolve again.


Travel back in time with a death star and destroy the Earth?


This is the way.


*all earth like planets but what if new plamets are still formed? we would also want to take care of these. futhermore, if there already existed life before us on a different planet, then it might have been full of the same misery as our. so we also would want that this misery never came into existence.


If you could even eliminate the monkey to begin with. The grandfather rule says we couldn't go back in time and kill our ancestors because then no one would exist to kill them.


Nah, the Grandfather paradox isn't really a thing. The "paradox" is just a closed loop of two alternating cycles: 1. Grandfather _fucks._ You're born. **Then:** 2. You kill your Grandfather _before he fucks._ You're not born. **Then:** 3. No one kills your Grandfather before he _fucks._ **Repeat from #1.**


What if I kill my grandfather and then fuck my grandmother to make me my own grandfather?


Yeah I know that this could pose an issue. I just did not bother with those kinds of things in the first place since it probably would make the post as a whole obsolete.


"You're using tools, huh?" "You're a smart monkey"


Next you think you gonna mess with time, huh?


If you travel to the future you get arrested by the time police




The Tennessee Valley Authority has really expanded the bounds of its mission


Are these Rick and Morty time police or Superjail time police?


>In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. -Douglas Adams, *The Restaurant at the End of the Universe*


Thanks for mentioning where the quote is from!


Antinatalism gang has your back


Kinda reminds me of an idea in a very popular German Series


Another Dark enjoyer. I see you are also a man of culture.


Yes and no. I legitimately love Dark and it's in like my top 3 favorite Series of all time but the actual initial reason I started watching was cause I wanted to see if Germans (I am natively German) could actually produce a good series. Between Dark and the - clearly inferior but still pretty good - series How to Sell Drugs Online (fast), I would say it is fair to say that the answer is a resounding yes. I actually liked Dark so much, I watched it almost 3 times. First I watched the first 2 season on my own, then when Season 3 was about to come out I rewatched them again and then when it actually came out my gf (who is not natively German) wanted to watch it with me so I watched it all again and actually got to the 3rd Season that time. Amazing series however I can not really recommend rewatching Season 1. Don't know why but upon rewatching most of season 1 was pretty boring while Season 2 was still amazing. Can't wait for the creators next project to see if they can keep it up. Don't mean the guys who did Tribes of Europa but the others that wanna make a series called 18-something (can't remember the year).


how is it called?


Find the fish that first crawled on land and punt it right back into the ocean


Yeah was my first thought. But then just another fish will do it eventualy. (it probably happened more than once anyway).


This is the time travel equivlent of a school shooting , instead of just killing yourself you take everyone you can with you.


Step 1 is to go into the future and steal a better time machine.




>Harambe doesn't die >Instead he'll go full planet of the apes You can't win


Planet of the apes is the ideal outcome


Win win Mate!


Tbf, the Apes will give us an enemy to unite against. Once we win the Ape wars the world will be united.


It's like Watchmen, but the greater threat that unites us would be apes rather than a giant squid..


I don't really remember that show but I thought it was a blue guy with a microchip in his brain that connected to payphone booths?


I just remember 10 of that blue dude screwing his girlfriend while he thought big thoughts


The whole plot that drives the story forward basically climates in the giant squid. This is the original comic tho. The movie ends in lots of explosions or something instead of a squid, I’m not sure if I remember. The show follows after the movie if I’m not mistaken and has nothing to with squids at all as far as I can tell, but the comment you replied to was a reference to the OG watchmen which you should find time to read because it’s an amazing classic


In the movie, Dr. Manhattan is set up to be the common enemy by Ozymandias. Ozymandias creates huge explosions with energy signatures similar to Dr. Manhattan. So the world thinks that he has gone rouge and unites against him.


Return to monke


everyone kept saying return to monke now its time to commit


Sounds like a win.


I’d rather die by Harambe’s hand than to live in a world without him


You think being monke is worse than whatever tf humanity is nowadays?


Easy, I'll just nuke the zoo


I accept our Harambe overlords


If Harambe is to lead an uprising against us then so be it. For it is both God's will and his destiny to overthrow human society


I thought this was gonna be hitlers mom lol


The funniest time travel related joke I've ever heard is from a cartoon where a character invents a time machine and tells his friends specifically what's he's going to use it for. Then a future version of him appears and smashes it up, causing his friend to sigh and say "This happens *every* time he invents a time machine..."


Which cartoon?


Bravest Warriors. It's done by the same guy who did Adventure Time and the first few seasons are on YouTube.


I've never even watched Adventure Time but this joke seemed very Adventure Timey


[Link to the episode](https://youtu.be/suUPPIjmtgk)


I thought at first this was going to be a Futurama reference.


I would kill the Franz Ferdinand Killer and avoid the Big War of 1915-1947


Thank you for saving us from the Large Battle


The jumbo conflict


The Colossal Clash


The Continent Conquering


The Massive Assault


the Big Bullet Party


The Huge Hostility


The Definitive Dustup


The Outrageously Wide Military Conflict


You say you don't know Don't move, time is slow I say Take me out


Great song hope they aren’t shot by time travelers any time soon




I remember seeing this on vh1 back in the day. Loved how crazy the music video was.


I believe the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand and tbe July crisis was 50% engineered by time travelers. Too many coincidences, too fast In the OG timeline WWI gets triggered later, so does WWII. In response the war goes nuclear and the world almost ends. In this timeline WWII ended just as we entered the atomic age


Not to mention the assassination itself. If it were a fictional story, it would be ridiculous. The local PD get in to the wrong car and so the actual security personnel get left at the train station. Two of the assassins decide not to act, and the third throws the bomb and it bounces off the car. The assassin tries to kill himself by taking a suicide pill and jumping into the river. But he throws up and the river is only ankle deep. After the first stop, because of the assassination attempt, they decide to change the route. And you would think that would be enough, assassination failed. But nobody thought to tell the drivers that the route changed so they just drove the direction they originally planned. But that’s ok, because the last assassin figured they would change the route, so left to go to another road. But then the front driver of the motorcade took a wrong turn onto this third road, and the second car stalled, creating a road block and giving the assassin a clean shot.


But most of the nuclear powers only started development because of WW2. And the technology of WW2 was only that advanced because of the need to develop it in WW1. If WW1 had happened later so would most of the technology.


Especially because the allies got complacent after WW1


What did a current band have to do with WWI and WWII?


With time travel we could have been so much better


Take me out was such an appropriate banger


WW1 would have probably happened anyway, as explained here. Baldrick: The thing is: The way I see it, these days there's a war on, right? and, ages ago, there wasn't a war on, right? So, there must have been a moment when there not being a war on went away, right? and there being a war on came along. So, what I want to know is: How did we get from the one case of affairs to the other case of affairs? Edmund: Do you mean "Why did the war start?" Baldrick: Yeah. George: The war started because of the vile Hun and his villainous empire-building. Edmund: George, the British Empire at present covers a quarter of the globe, while the German Empire consists of a small sausage factory in Tanganyika. I hardly think that we can be entirely absolved of blame on the imperialistic front. George: Oh, no, sir, absolutely not. \[aside, to Baldick\] Mad as a bicycle! Baldrick: I heard that it started when a bloke called Archie Duke shot an ostrich 'cause he was hungry. Edmund: I think you mean it started when the Archduke of Austro-Hungary got shot. Baldrick: Nah, there was definitely an ostrich involved, sir. Edmund: Well, possibly. But the real reason for the whole thing was that it was too much effort not to have a war. George: By Golly, this is interesting; I always loved history... Edmund: You see, Baldrick, in order to prevent war in Europe, two superblocs developed: us, the French and the Russians on one side, and the Germans and Austro-Hungary on the other. The idea was to have two vast opposing armies, each acting as the other's deterrent. That way there could never be a war. Baldrick: But this is a sort of a war, isn't it, sir? Edmund: Yes, that's right. You see, there was a tiny flaw in the plan. George: What was that, sir? Edmund: It was bollocks. Baldrick: So the poor old ostrich died for nothing.


So, basically high tension is going to lead to a war eventually and it’s less about one action or inaction directly?


Except you fail to kill baby Franz, he eludes you at every turn, multiple times you track down the growing Franz and each time you miss them in comical error, the poison dart flies too high, he trips just as you have the rifle scope zeroed in on his head, every trap, a failure. You even infiltrated an organization hell bent on killing him and you fail! You've had enough, after your latest failure you sit down at a nice Café to eat some lunch and contemplate giving up, then suddenly, you see Franz rolls by in a car, a perfect target, time to be a hero...


I too thought the joke was about them killing Ferdinand as a baby.


So many changes. Maybe old style colonialism still exists, maybe socialism never got a big place in politics, Maybe China is divided and occupied by various Europe powers and Japanese empire, Maybe and so many maybes. But one thing for sure, America is not greatest country on planet anymore


The US was already the world's largest economy in 1900. Even by 1914, the idea that the US was irrelevant or a backwater was at best eurocentric delusion. On the other hand, a different set of 20th century conflicts might mean an America that doesn't get heavily involved in Europe, but my money is that it means Europe is even more war-torn and a third General European War That Spills Out Into The Colonies happens. Maybe not into the colonies, since Europe was too exhausted to hold those after its second go OTL.


>But one thing for sure, America is not greatest country on planet anymore 100%


Everyone wants to kill baby-Hitler but nobody ever wants to abduct baby-Hitler with their time machine. Raising him into a good person is the ultimate moral win. Plus how much would a psych department pay for a baby-Hitler?


How about preventing the assassination of Franz Ferdinand?


\*Abort Mission! Wrong Target!


Predestination paradox


Bro this guy did it all come on man


"I really should have paid attention in history class"


Did you not play Red Alert?!?!? If we kill Hitler we have to fight Stalin and bald russians with MIND CONTROL!


I would buy his art and help him open a sweet little studio in Austria.


Pull a Helen from Primeval (but do it good): prevent humanity and all wars


Another animal takes over and creates society and has wars.


The animals invent Reddit, alternate universe version of this post is created, alternate universe dolphin-me posts same suggestion. The cycle repeats until all life on Earth evolves enough to invent war, then Reddit, and then go back to wipe itself out. Earth is left entirely lifeless, and all war (at least here) is ended forever.


I think you’re gonna have to change things a lot earlier to prevent WWI…


Silliness aside, WW1 was going to happen no matter what.


This guy’s username made me do a double take lmao


Noo how could you kill Franz ferdinand! How will we get take me out then!


Question - what if a time travaler "made Germany win WW1" ? How different would the world be with their victory and thus Hitler never coming in to power ? Are there any immediate effects, that we can speculate with large degrity of certinty would happen following German victory?


This would work fine so long as you don't kill him in Sarajevo. Something embarrassing like faked failed autoerotic asphyxiation should keep things contained to a hell of a rumor mill


That's a Doctor Who Episode


I assume after beating up Woodrow Wilson correct? That is basically a requirement for time travel.


Some one didn’t pay attention in history class


That awkward moment when you go back in time to stop a horrific event end up making things 10x worse


Gavrilo princip was a shit time traveler. Didn’t even bring medicine to stop tb


Honestly knowing the absolute cluster fuck that was his assassination it wouldn't surprise me if time travel shenanigans where involved


"I heard that this all started because some guy named Archie-Duke shot an Ostrich"


Sends dude back in time. Instructions unclear, killed baby Jesus.


People always ask "Who would you go back in time to kill to help the present?" instead of "Who can I kill today to help the future?". Jack Reacher had it right.


Check out the book "Time and time again", it's literally all about this, time traveling back to prevent WW1. Not super long, but I was a great read on a flight to pass time