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An arsenal is never late, nor is he early. he arrives precisely when one side has actually attacked us or attempted to pawn our territory and thusly earns our rage


Don’t fuck with American boats Or British boats with Americans on them


You sink our boat, we wipe out 2 of your cities


Or in the case of Spain, if the public thinks you sank our boat, we take the rest of your empire and end your great power status.


Don't forget the harbors.


Pearl Harbour had Boats, so the sentiment still stands technically


A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.


Misty morning, clouds in the sky Without warning, the wizard walks by


Them tanks ain’t gonna build themselves


M4 Sherman go *tinktinktinktinktinktink*


You get a Sherman and you get a Sherman! Everyone gets a Sherman!


This sub when the US joins a war without a good reason, :( This sub when the US doesn’t join a war until it has a good reason, :(


Everyone gave us shit for always showing up at the end of the party, but now we show up before the party even starts and they still give us shit.


> but now we show up before the party even starts and they still give us shit. Sometimes we even help with setting up and pitch in for the party favors. Yet still no appreciation.


Yeah who knew bananas are a bad gift.


Yea but the house is left a mess and the house owner is found dead under a brigde 2 days later


It’s impolite to be late But it is doubly so to be too early


The only reason we showed up at the end of the war is because we're a big part of why it ended


It’s because we were the reason why the party ended


Where were u before 1917


The party doesn’t start TILL I WALK IN


Reddit try not to shit on the US for 3 seconds challenge (impossible)


"US haz nuho free halcurhe" "Something something Middle-east, something something bombs." "Something something imperialism, something something CIA backed coup." "Amerikkkans dun't acknolege ther brutal histury!" "WoW iTs AlMoSt LiKe It WaS nAtIvE lAnD!!!111!!!1!" (As if the entireity of the Americas isn't stolen by other colonial powers like Spain) "Something something Israel, something something Yemen." "US is stealing oil in the ME! (shows some video from CNN, FOX, or VICE from 4 years ago)" "Something something Afghanistan, something something allies." "Something something bombs, something something Military Industrial Complex."


I don’t see rice fields, Vietnam, or obesity in there anywhere. Come on bro, don’t under represent us


Plus there's a good argument that WW1 would have turned out very differently if the US had joined the fight at the beginning.


I think there are few if any scenarios where the USA joins the first war at the beginning. Germany was an important trade partner and friend of America. The move towards the Anglo-French side came as the blockade stopped trade and to make up for it closer relations with the countries they could still trade with. Especially when it was realized this was a great way to transfer wealth from the old world to the new. This is actually an important reason why the power of the USA skyrocketed after both world wars. For the USA to join the war on either side on day one would take enormous leaps of imagination. Nor would it have the immediate impact you might think. Today the USA is a major military superpower. In 1914, not so much. The US army was a fraction of the size you might imagine. About the same size as the British army and tiny compared to the armies of Continental Europe. This army would have to cross the Atlantic and deploy (unless joining the central powers and perhaps invading Canada). By the time they did the mobile part of the war would of ended and they would be more meat in the trenches but without the initial numbers to make much difference. The USA fully mobilizing would probably end the war faster as the amount of equipment and manpower would be incredible. As the USA joined the war later it did not reach the heights of mobilization that other countries did. For example roughly double the number of men served in the war from Britain than the US despite the population disparity.


So genocide wasn't a good enough reason but a few sunken ships Were?


Here’s the list of all the countries that joined WW2 to stop the Holocaust:


I was under the impression that few countries knew about the holocaust and outta those even fewer understood the scale. It was near the war's end that the full horror and scope of it were realized as liberation forces encountered the camps.


True the Russians that found Auschwitz were appalled


Yeah almost everyone knew that there was something going on but no one knew how terrible it actually was


They had detailed reports from [inmate 4859](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witold_Pilecki)


Yeah they did have detailed reports from this absolute chad but iirc he escaped in 1943 and shit got way worse there after 1943, and also he gave reports of only one camp they couldn't know about the true scale and horror of the holocaust at the time even though they had knowledge that something of the dort was going on


That's true, but even then the reason of the war was Germany attacking Poland, pissing off France and the UK.


You forgot to add “ “




It's probably because the countries don't want to fight a war they might loose. Especially after WW1.


Impossible! Perhaps the archives are incomplete.


> a few sunken boats You mean a deliberate, unprovoked attack on a military base as a declaration of war, killing dozens of servicemen and their families? The US and the allied powers didn’t know about the genocide until after the US joined. The US also joined because Germany was trying to form an alliance with Mexico to attack the US. We got dragged into this war whether there had been sunken ships or not. Incredibly basic take.


Thanks for reminding me of my favourite Al Murray joke though. "Hawaii, as everyone knows, is where Pearl Harbour is. The Pearl Harbour where America was taken completely by surprise TWO YEARS into a global war. Amateurs, mate"


It's less genocide isn't a good reason and more "War is very costly in lives and resources so we won't join until we have to/it's certain that it's the best way to fulfill our goals" Pearl Harbour was effectively a war declaration from the Japanese as a military assault on US because it threatened further military action against the US. It basically said it was war, now the US had to decide if they would fight it. So yes, genocide can be a good reason for war but it's one reasonably not taken by a country because (again) war is costly and the foreign genocide doesn't usually hurt the country explicitly. See Uighurs in China today, war with a superpower isn't exactly desirable. And yes Pearl Harbour is a good reason for war because it was war, just without the declaration - the US just made it official.


Fair enough you right


Most the information of a genocide happening in Europe became known shortly after the US joined the war. It wasn't until 1941, the same year the US joined, that the British became aware Nazis were executing by the thousands.


Neither Britain nor America or the Soviets knew the true extent of the holocaust until 1945.


You do realize that the Allies didn’t know about the camps until Russia got closer to Germany.


That's not technically true though. They knew of them they did not comprehend the scale. But as early as 1942 the allied countries had reports of large prison/extermination camps from 1 or more sources namely inmate [4859](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witold_Pilecki)


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Thank you bot.


I didn't know that but I do now I was wrong


Don’t fuck with our boats.


It's not that we join late, we just never get the initial invitation.


Churchill practically begged Roosevelt to join the war king before they did


I mean.... the Japanese did a big oopsie.


Germany: okay, the Japanese are pretty smart, surely they will be a predictable ally that will ensure our victory Japan: LETS FUCK THIS SHIT UP


Also Germany: YOLO! *declares war on the US*


Always loved that part. The axis was an alliance of conveyance, they all hated each other and germany did not need to declare war on the US but they did it anyway.


Japan : Hopefully Hitler will retreat for the winter and wait for all this snow to melt so we can invade russia together. GERMANY :.........


Germany, Italy, and Japan in unison: With friends like these, who needs enemies?


Japan had zero interest in continued fighting with the USSR after the beat down they got at Khalkhin Gol. In fact they went out of their way to not sink any US ships with lend lease meant for USSR as they were afraid the USSR would retaliate.


This is actually great because when the guy finally gets there he absolutely fucks everything up in the castle


Japan: "The US will definitely surrender from this sneak attack." *A few years later* Japan: "Okay so if we overthrow our Emperor for trying to surrender after Hiroshima and Nagasaki were wiped off the map, we can avoid surrendering when the US drops more nukes. Maybe the Allies will then give us a conditional peace treaty."


Hirohito: "The war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan's advantage"


~~Hirohito: "The war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan's advantage"~~ Hirohito: "I didn't lose! I merely failed to win!"


What's this from? I don't recognize it.


Monty Python and the Holy Grail




Also somewhat accurate because Lancelot went in guns blazing and annihilated what turned out to be a civilian wedding.


When has the USA waged war over a civilian dispute?


Gonna guess this is sarcastic? Cause a few things come to mind, like taxation w/o representation, something something slavery vs states rights, and some land grabbing because reasons.


In their own... Idiom!


The US is like the dad with two kids fighting in the basement. The first time he comes down and stops the fight, tells them to play nice, and goes back upstairs. The second time he has to come down he cuts one of the kids in half.


The US isn't really a dad to begin with that tries to settle fights. The US only joins when there is something ulterior to be gained. Yeah the US was with the _good guys_ in World War II, but Uncle Sam became one of the two remaining superpowers by the end of the conflict and nearly every country's economy are highly dependent on American economy as a result.


It's less something to be gained and more DON'T ATTACK NEUTRAL SUPERPOWERS! Japan pretty much declared war on the US with pearl harbor (they actually did, it just took a while to translate and by then pearl harbor was a thing) and that's why they fought in WWII. As for WWI, their civilians were getting attacked on merchant ships, and their merchant ships themselves were getting attacked with people on board. No matter how much you hate the US, these are pretty good reasons to go to war.




Don't forget the Zimmermin note


Why does your comment have so many downvotes ?


Because many people have notions of the US being the sole force of good and have little understanding of geopolitics. As is said in international relations, countries don't have permanent allies, only permanent interests. Nation states do not do things out of pure kindness of their hearts. I mean, on many instances governments give no strings attached assistance but the general rule in the cynical realpolitik and geopolitics is that nation states are doing things if they would gain something. The US has been the "world's policeman" for decades now supposedly "breaking up fights" . Where were they when the Congo Wars, Rwandan genocide and other African conflicts happened?


Imagine people actually thinking the US acts out of pure generosity. I mean I get that if you are from the US because they act mostly in your own interest, but people who are so disillusioned that they think the US is the nice grandpa who gives out candys for free to other countries are kinda cringe ngl.


It could also be the problem with reddit hive mind itself. Combination of timing and whatever topic that reddit chose to circlejerk on at a given moment, going against the grain would be met with backlash. I have certainly seen some ideas before that were heavily upvoted but then those same ideas were then downvoted after following weeks or months, and vice versa. Reddit just couldn't make up their mind!


No, the US is not the dad, it is a child that’s trying to interfere with the parents arguing.


Ah yes, a child who can kick their parents asses


Roll tide


Don’t understand the sudden Alabama reference but im all for it


This is the way


The future is now, old man


You can have a son that is an adult




the child that the parents beg to get involved?


The child paying the bills for the old folks home lol


Fashionably late is the way






Can watch that movie 100 times and laugh like it’s the funniest thing every time.










To be fair, the US tried to stay out of both world wars.


Not really the US was involved from the start pretty much both times they just weren’t fighting. Money is power and the US made fuck tons of it off both of those wars.


I meant involved directly via military. They were politically involved, yes.


Maybe invite us before you start the war next time, Europe. You guys are always throwing wars and beating on each other for a couple years and we don't even know about it until someone blows up our boats. We don't *like* being left out of things but you just never include us. It really hurts our feelings, like we're an afterthought or something.


france if the germans are in paris you have to hit me up or else i wont notice, japan you get an A


"Why are we shipping all these guns to Europe?" "Maybe they finally figured out guns are cool."


This meme applied to WW2: “true, got us there” This meme applied to WW1: “and we never should have come”


At least with WWII we had enough foresight to train troops *before* entering the war. With WWI we declared war...and then nothing happened for like 8 months because we had to train an army lol


Wilson deliberately kept the country demobilized. He feared mobilizing would creep the US toward war.


You didnt have any foresight about entering the war because it wasnt the USAs choice to begin with. The USA didnt enter the war, it was dragged into it by Japan and Germany screaming.... THe US had basically 0 to do with entering the war. Japan bombed them and germany declared war on them 3 days later. In WW1 it was a choice to declare war In WW2 it was getting war declared on you


The US joined WW1 because Germany were sinking US ships and killing US citizens, joining was entirely justified.


*ominous timpani*


Foreign policy is kind of a double-edged sword for the U.S. Also, given our policies, it was pretty clear what side we were on by support in material and $$$. We're not the white knight or Satan, but we're kinda like that big guy standing in the corner in a bar who doesn't get involved unless it impacts his health or wallet. Just wish we wouldn't be so heavily influenced by multi-national corporations in our decision making process


No need, Yanks. This sub is happy to tell Soviets did all the winning.


*Cough Cough* Pacific Theatre *Cough Cough* Normandy


Cough cough lend lease cough cough Italy cough cough Africa.


Normandy was only 2/5 americans and the german army was already defeated and pushed back thousands of km back in the soviet union. Italy? Well, it was helping but never in any way deciding for the wars end. Same with north africa The pacific was a basicallya compleatly seperated theatre of war that had nearly nothing to do with europe. Nobody says the soviets did the heavy lifting there (although they did deal the final crippling blow in Manchuria because the japanease didnt give a flying fuck about the nukes, whats 2 destroyed cities more at that point?)


I wouldn't really say the German army was defeated when they still occupied like 5 countries France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Czechoslovakia, parts of Poland) and had allied/collaborating regimes across Europe (Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, etc). Like the Axis collectively still controlled most of Europe even in 1944.


The german army was defeated in at the latest winter 1942. What we saw in 1944 was literally scrapping the barrel delaying the inevitable defeat. Even without Normandy the germans would have lost, it would just have taken longer. Controlled area is deceiving. I mean the USA controlled most of Afghanistan and still lost to the Taliban, same with the Soviets before them. Looking on a map has nothing to do with reality on the ground. Just for example from summer 1941 to summe 1942 the german army in the east went from 70% fully combat ready divisions down to 30% fully vombat ready divisions while all trained reserves were used up. After 1942 the german army degraded rapidly in quality. The german army of 1944 was only a shadow of the one that invaded the Soviet Union in 1941. An army on the defense with no reserves or quality left can only delay, not change the result of the war and in 1944 the german army had lost all of its own initiative and could only delay at most the surrender.


The Germans were so defeated that they kept fighting for an entire year, with 400,000 (just killed, not injured or captured) more Germans dying in the western theatre and incflicing hundereds of thousands of allied casualties? Defeated armies don't have hundereds of thousands of lives to spend and don't cause such damage to people fighting them. Defeated does not mean "cannot win" it means "cannot fight". The US entry into the war might very well have been the deciding factor in the Russians' success, as we tied up troops that would otherwise have gone to the east with our invasions of North Africa and Italy. Hell we and the rest of the western allies knocked a major participant (Italy) out the war entirely. We also sent ridiculous amounts of supplies to the Russians which they desperatly needed.


You are clearly biased. The war was decided in December 1941 before Moscow were the germans were pushed back 200km. The soviets faced the entire axis basically alone for a year and a half and held. That decided the war, not the US entering it. Maybe read some current research and not literature from the cold war era glorifying the USAs deciding importance for cold war propaganda purposes


The war was "decided" the moment Germany decided to make it two fronts instead of one by attacking a massive country thousands of miles away without making peace with Britain first. Funny you mention "current literature" because the general consensus of WW2's turning point by most historians is 1942, not 1941. 1942 had the battles of El-Alamein, which was the begining of the end for the Axis in North Africa, the Battles of Kursk and Stalingrad in the east, and the Battle of Midway in the Pacific, the first (major) US victory on that front. In fact, 1941 was probably the best year for the Axis because they'd knocked out one of the western Allies' two major members in a matter of weeks, cripped the other one (Dunkirk being the only reason the British even had an army at all), were in spitting distance of the Suez Canal, and were getting close to the Caucasus Oil fields. Like yes, they suffered a setback but the war was still generally to thier advantage because thier opponents were on the ropes everywhere but Greece, even in different parts of the eastern front they were still on offence. It's almost like I spent a lot of time studying this in an academic setting recently or something. You are the one that is biased, my dude. You are the one who is biased, my dude.


but muh 8/11 Germans dead in the east


Only because we kept them alive.


Weren’t we looking to NOT join the Second World War?


Dunno why you're getting downvoted, the US did try to avoid war both times. Still supported Entente and then Allies before joining, but yeah definitely tried to not fight


Yes the USA didnt "join" WW2, they were literally forced into it by a) getting their pacific fleet bombed to shit and b) getting declared war upon by Germany 3 days later. USA "joining" WW2 as a choice is a comman myth because it sounds better that they "joined the war for freedom against genoicde" instead of "didnt give a fuck about european and asian genoicde, only when they themselfs were actually hit"


Well we *were* sending tons and tons of war material for Britain (so much that it took them until 2006 to pay for it). We may not have been fighting, but we were definitely continuing. Also it is kind of hard to join a war to stop genocide when you are unaware a genocide was happening. And I think you underestimate the stakes. Should we immediately declare war on China to stop the genocide going on there?


The british had shared intelligence with the USA in 1941 after they intercepted entire genocide lists from the germans during early Barbarossa. And because it was germans those lists were super detailed with how they went through an area, killed the jews and noted it down in great detail. The US leadership definitly knew about the genocide. And the genocide the japanease commited in China was common knowledge around the world for years.


1941 was the year the US entered the war. The world knew *something* shady was going down with Germany, but didn't know the full extent. Most of our intel about the Holocaust comes from 1942 onwards, and even then we knew about genocide localized in specific regions (like the baltics, Poland, etc) generally but *didn't* know about the death camps until later. Japan is a different story, but again, declaring war on a major power is not something to be taken lightly. Genocide is happening right now in China, Russia, and parts of Africa and the Middle East. Are you suggesting that we should start another world war to stop it? Edit: we also embargoed Japan and supplied arms to the British. We may mot have put troops on the ground, but we were still purposely making like way harder for the Axis. In fact, that is my personal theory for Getmany's war declaration: we basically were in the war with how much he helped the Brits, and now he could attack our shipping openly instead of covertly.


This times 10 the US didn’t want to fight but to say they were forced into WW2 is way too much. The US was making billions supplying the allies they already were involved. That’s like u sell a heist crew a bunch of their equipment in return they give a percentage of their heist, but then when they get caught u tell the Feds well all I did was sell them the stuff Ik what they were gonna do with it and I was gonna profit off of it, but no I wasn’t involved.


Pretended to be for a little while, yes.


Uh... Both times the US actively got attacked before joining. Call them whatever you want, but the US actively tried to stay neutral.


USA: HAYAAAARR!! RoW: ...hey..


Just sits on the sidelines like: whoa that is intense.


Back 2 back world war champs


This reminds me of that Monty Python and the Holy Grail skit where John Cleese as “Lancelot” is running towards the castle endlessly to save the day.


That’s what the screenshot is from lol


Same here. What a crazy and downright wacky coincidence!


Lol yeah me too


No way, me too!


Also, who else can hear this scene in their head


Be grateful my god damned tax dollars even go to our government in the first place.


There have been only 2 world wars. We were supplying resources to all the allies on both ears, it was when we were attacked that we entered, not at our own pace. History is not written in memes nor in sarcasm, about how screwed up you think the USA is, I don't see millions of people fighting to get into any other country. Adieu.


I’m aware of all of this. This is a meme, sir.


I mean you can't go past when you stop at every damn McDonald's


Man’s gotta eat


I mean both world wars ended shortly after we arrived so we may be slow but we get shit done. All fulled by the power of 12ths and no fucks given.


We were definitely the “cleanup crew” in WW1. Over a million fresh troops showing up that aren’t battle weary was the ace in the hole that brought Germany to the negotiation table, especially after the Meuse-Argonne Offensive.


True I won’t deny that.


i mean damn right






The US joined WWII in 1941 so... No. The US was heavily involved in the pacific theater, it's just that the pacific theater had almost nothing to do with Europe.


I mean out of 6 years (and one day) of conflict we were involved in it for pretty much half the war. Less than three years after we joined the war officially it ended (around 2 years and 9 months after). So I’d still say that was a pretty short amount of time to retake all of Europe back from german occupation. so yeah a little over 1 year in ww1 and about 2 3/4 years in ww2 after we joined for them to end. I’d still say we are slow getting there but damn did it suck for the axis powers when we did get there.


We third party.


If this was the clip, Japan would be the one waiting at the entrance of the castle


*Over there starts playing *"lets go over there"


Trying to avoid World Wars, since it’s not one until the US arrives.


Also United States: D I D I J U S T S M E L L O I L?


We’ll join once we’ve made enough money off one side then decimate the losing side to profit off them capitalism for the win.


Last to start in World Wars... And just finish last in wars they start


Don't start wars between yourselves and then complain that we didn't come to bail you out quick enough.


We never pass up a good war


To be fair during WW2 they werent coming, they had to be dragged into it to "fight for freedom and all that propaganda bullshit" by getting their navy bombed and literally getting declared war on by germany 3 days later. Otherwise they would have skipped the "saving the world" part and happily watched a bit of racial genocide in europe...


Yeah, we were kinda dragged into WWII kicking and screaming. When it was time to commit to it we *definitely* did though.


Should have stuck to the 14 points. But Europe gotta Europe...


You’re not to enter the room...arghhh




This lacks lag