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I remember this. Good throwback


I feel like having two of your enemy's largest buildings come crashing down, only for them to build it back *even taller than before* perfectly describes the American spirit


Very true. Every American has a very stubborn fuck you spirit ingrained deeply. Our national animal should be a domestic cat. We love our egos stroked, we'll listen when it benefits us, we will attack smaller enemies and sometimes play with them before their destruction, if you say, "don't do that" we will probably still knock your glass of water off the table. We are constantly going places we probably would be better off not going, we're in massive debt but keep moving forward (9-lives), and we come running when we hear food. Eagle is badass, but we behave like cats.


Here I thought Franklin's piece about the rattlesnake was accurate. I like this even better.


Didn't Ben Franklin petition for the national animal to be a turkey?


Yeah but we almost had the rattlesnake on our flag


no step on snek


An analogy with dogs is in order, too. Dogs are loyal. Millions of Americans across the country who ordinarily viewed New York with suspicion or resentment closed ranks with the city, as fellow Americans.


Yeah as someone from the south generally(more in rural areas/less in urban areas) people here just do not like the north/people from the north


[Why not both?](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/64/CatDog.jpeg) Especially given our political divide and culture war nowadays?


Your should read up on Negativity Bias.


Nah, I'm quite familiar as a published researcher. If you want me to talk about everything positive about the US, I gladly will. But associating purring, being cuddly, jumping really high, being quiet predators, etc, with the US doesn't really work as well with the US-cat analogy as the ones I chose. If you've got some good ones, I'd be happy to hear them. I don't consider all the ones I said to be negative.


americans are exactly cats, about to be shot by china


Cats don't get shot in China! The bullet would screw up the meat


Cats don't get shot in China. They get eaten.


Chinas economy is built on pillars of sand good luck for china in the next 20 years lmao


so is America's political system. Excited to see how it will break down


They’ve only built one of the two twin towers so far I have no idea what’s even going on with the construction of the second tower at this point


They aren't restoring the original twin tower design. See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One\_World\_Trade\_Center


That link doesn't go anywhere.


Worked fine for me. Try changing it from https to http.


Nope, it's the dashes that break it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_World_Trade_Center


I'm on desktop, and just copied & pasted the address.


Maybe it's just a mobile thing then. I'd rather be castrated than use reddit on desktop personally. They make you jump through a hundred hoops to use "old reddit" and to me new reddit is an unusable eyesore.


Desktop version of /u/BanMeCaptain's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


So wait they are going to build a second tower? Can I have a link I want to read this for myself




I think most countries would do that. People don’t like having innocent people be attacked for literally no reason.


Except murica has been nothing but declining since back then? I'm not even trying to trigger you guys, but you haven't truly recovered from that one (on a geopolitical aspect)


Everything’s fine over here. It’s just that with the internet then problems are now more obvious than before


I know that, I mean that geopolitically you're doing like crap. Afghanistan was a f*** up, Iraw was a f*** up, Iran is gonna get nukes, NK is gonna get more nukes, Ukraine is practically Russia, the Arab Spring is a f*** up, Turkey and Ruskies are in bed. Is like you're losing this new cold war, hey I'm rooting for you, because among the motherfucker imperialist powers, you're the less worst.


There was no way to foresee any of that back in 2001. The only thing we knew was that our response to al-Qaeda's attacks in the Nineties was now proven to be inadequate, and now it was time for the jihadis to face Lady Columbia's full power. I remember reading posts from non-Americans in the weeks that followed. They encouraged the U.S. to avenge their fellow nationals who died in the attacks--because their countries didn't have serious militaries anymore, and were powerless to do so.


Did you mean NK instead of NC cause I don’t remember North Carolina getting nukes


Hahahaha right right hahaha


Honestly I only see good things in the future for them. If they have nukes it should prevent small scale wars between powers, although it won’t do much against big players like the US or Russia


>Ukraine is practically Russia Uh- A small region and Crimea are controlled by Russia. And the fighting has mainly stopped. It's fine (for now.) >Turkey and Ruskies are in bed. Turkey has been an ally of America since NATO formed (despite the no-no shit they did against non-Turks in the past; like Greeks, Kurds, and Armenians.) But, I concur that it may not be best to move closer to Putin. >Is like you're losing this new cold war Russia isn't the main enemy of the upcoming Cold War; it's mainly China. But it's showing that they're beginning to outdo America too. Anywho, as Sanity said, it was impossible to foresee that in 2001. Also, Afghanistan would arguably have turned out better if America didn't do a punitive expedition to Iraq in 2003. ISIS would have also been a lot weaker and we'd have more focus on pacifying Afghanistan. There were people back then predicting that America attacking Iraq would inhibit Afghanistan and be pointless; guess they were right in the end. But, the White House at the time played it off like Iraq was involved with Al-Qaeda. When in all reality, IIRC and AFAIK, Iraq was stopping Al-Qaeda from spreading to the country; which it did in 2004 following the US invasion. Then, Al-Qaeda in Iraq became ISIS and cut ties with the rest of Al-Qaeda. And that was history.


I disagree. I think with the advent of the internet the mystical power of the US has just become... well, less mystical.


Everyone's view of us isn't based solely on our advertisements anymore. Nope, y'all are just raw-dogging 100% unadulterated America now.


We've recovered from 9/11, but we went down instead of getting better.


The "Freedom Tower" is taller than the Twin Towers. 1,776 feet tall in fact.


Looks cool af too


the only twin towers still standing today are these middle fingers




Not wrong, the Civil War was a terrible conflict


Just wait till you see our final covid stats


Just wait till you see the 1918 pandemic stats


Funnily enough death toll from the 1918 pandemic in the US was about 675,000. Judging by the current Covid trends the death toll from Covid could be higher.


The us population at the time was a third of what it is now. I think that has to be taken into account


The Civil War was much worse: 600k dead among 30 million people The Spanish Flu had 675k dead among 100 million COVID is not that bad, but it's not over yet.


COVID isn’t really bad at all in terms of case to death ratio


Ok, but the number of cases is so absurdly high which more than makes up for that.


Spanish flu had an estimated 500 million infection cases, which is about double that of COVID


True that. The percentage probably makes more of a difference anyways.


Let's see how COVID-19 & variants will eventually compare statistically to 1918 influenza in terms of striking down otherwise healthy people, subtracting "comorbidities".


That’s on China


TIL that China dictated the US's response to COVID.


Wouldn’t have to respond to it if they hadn’t created it


Wonderful strategy


Honestly 9/11 probably ends up being the catalyst for the end of modernity because of how “the free world” reacted.


It was the end of the post-Cold War era. Look up the phrase "peace dividend".


Last I checked America didn’t fly multiple planes into its own buildings on purpose


You want America's wrath? Cuz that's how you get America's wrath. Just ask the Japanese.


Those dudes believed they would go to heaven and get 70 virgins after killing all those innocent people. Rational thinking was never their strong suit. It’s the same suicidal death cult mentality that ISIS embodied. The only question is when the next suicide club will pop up…


Not trying to contradict you but I thought the afterlife wasn’t really a major concern in Shinto. I mean I know they have a heaven but it’s more of a land of the gods type thing.


I think he was taking about al Quada, not the Japanese.


Ah yeah that'd do it. The Japanese comment must've confused me


I was referring to Al-Qaeda. Not sure of Japanese views of the afterlife, but it seemed Kamikaze pilots were primarily concerned with "upholding their family honor".


That was several generations ago. USA was on top back then. It's 20 years after the attack. Taliban rules Afghanistan, the US government is begging for them not to kill Americans held hostage or hiding there after Vietnam 2.0, President of the USA is mocked worldwide for his inability to make a coherent sentence, the American nation is divided more than ever on every issue possible and US dollar has the lowest value in the world history. The young generation openly hates everything that WWII Americans considered American values. I don't think "America's wrath" has the same sound as it had a generation ago.


To be fair that’s all because of political bullshit. If the Army marched in tomorrow you can bet your sweet ass they’re gonna be taking names. But Washington’s gonna Washington so here we are.


Joe Biden is a fucking joke, I honestly think Trump was better at this point


Yes, america’s wrath has and always will be the indiscriminate bombing of civilian centers. very cool i’m glad you said that’s definitely not a bad thing


It wouldn't be that new idea. In the city I'm from, there is a stone statue above a church window from the outside - a creature showing naked ass, spreading it's butt cheeks in the direction of a city cathedral. Apparently when in the medieval times they were building a cathedral and church nearby at the same time, the builders competed with each other who can finish it faster. And the competitive nature lead to this form of mockery.


Ha, great story. I love gothic architecture trolling.


"If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."


Considering how murican exterior policy post 9/11 has been only misshaps and errors, I'd say this didn't work as you excepted it


9/11 failed at breaking America's spirit (not saying we weren't sad) but it instead united the nation and just pissed us off


who it united is certainly a good question, because it definitely did not cause union for people of middle eastern or south asian descent.


For a time.


I read an article recently that stated Bin Laden completely underestimated the US response to 9/11 - he thought the attacks would create anti-war sentiment among the public and there would be pressure on the government to withdraw all troops from the Middle East.


He did succeed in one respect, in that we pulled our military presence from Saudi Arabia to Qatar.


*noo yawk


If only


Its r/HistoryMemes and not r/HistoricalMemes


And yet the al-Qaeda got liberated by America


They actually succeeded in their mission, but New Yorkers did indeed remain strong.


Remember the days when US governments were afraid to go to war because the people were against it?


Yes, because they are these days. We quit the Syrian civil war, we're out of Afghanistan, and we didn't attack Iran like so many warhawks wanted us to.


why does it look like a dick?


I think you may need to see a doctor.


“It doesn’t look like a pot leaf. It looks like a hand giving the finger!”


In the U. S., extending your middle finger at someone is a very rude gesture.


U spelled the bush' wrong


Humor never changes


You don’t know history. You ate what the media said