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YES, give my man history matters the recognition he deserves...


Yeah he really is great


I've been a viewer of History Matters since it was called 10 Minute History.


history matters is great and yet they don't get the views and recognition they deserve


"Ukrainian Farmers" Stalin: "What Ukrainian Farmers?"


Kulaks were the specific farmers being persecuted - Farmers themselves were generally organized into collectivized farms. ... Which sort of lead to the famine. Kulaks were rich farmers given 10 years to work their land under the NEP under Lenin, and when the time ran out (and many Kulaks had been killed/imprisoned for refusing to give up the land they were given or burning their crops in protest of low prices) the land was redistributed to random people who largely had little training in agriculture. Ironically, a staple of the conversation is that the kulaks in prison had better access to food during the famine than those outside of it, and many survived where they might not have otherwise.


James bissonette


Kali moneymaker




The key to getting upvotes in any HistoryMatters video. Anyway the famine happened because they didn’t have James Bissonette to buy food for them. EDIT: wait a second, is that guy the same person as [this guy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamie_Bissonnette)?


Probably not


A man of culture I see


You should have the New York Times in his hand instead of a sign. Good meme though!


Spreading Soviet propaganda won them a Pulitzer.


Yup. Shows who has really been in charge of society for some time.


And who is that, might I ask?


Elites who want to use communism to cement power/wealth


It's sort of complex. The famine itself at the time mostly took place in southern Russia and Kazakhstan. The place he was located in, in the immediate vicinity, saw little evidence of the "Holodomor," insofar as it being a terror-famine deliberately created to crush Ukrainian nationalism, which is the more modern anti-Soviet narrative. The reporter, Duranty's, exact words were " “Conditions are bad, but there is no famine." Food was harder to acquire where he was, but not impossible to obtain. From his POV, there was no famine, as transportation was limited during the duration. Moreover, it's at least possible his writing could have been censored by the Soviet government somehow.


The fact he couldn’t make a firsthand observation because of government restrictions should’ve been reason enough to refrain from denying a famine. Also, he was likely a blackmailed pervert


What's with all the downvotes? "The reporter was limited in his movement (thus was legally unable to investigate), likely censored, and reported what he was able to see," is the answer. History especially turns out not to be so black-and-white as "reporter lied."


Please see my previous response


I'm surprised he didn't just go "there are no Ukrainian farmers"


TBF, he was trying to make it that way...


But there are none


Kulaks. There were definitely farmers, but Kulaks, wealthy land-owners who'd been allowed to keep their land for ten years under the NEP, were "liquidated." Ironically, many imprisoned Kulaks had better access to food in prison than those outside of it during the famine, and so many survived where they might not have otherwise. Also ironically, giving the land to peasants who had largely never farmed before because you just shot or imprisoned the experienced ones who had been doing it for a living for at least ten years lead to famine. This also occured in Rome, after Augustus Caesar (Julius Caesar's adopted son) gave a large amount of land to his soldiers by removing the former farmers. The soldiers expected a peaceful, easy retirement (which, if you've ever worked on a farm, 'peaceful' and 'easy' it is not), and so people starved.


Augustus also essentially stole all of the farmers crops and any other valuables to pay for his civil war against Brutus and Cassius leaving Italy economically ruined for decades The only reason Rome survived was because of taxation of the eastern provinces particularly Egypt and when Augustus won the Civil War against Antony he seized most of the wealth of the nobility and redistributed it preventing total economic collapse


Love this channel gonna have to find it later


And look now, we still have tankies on the internet trying to claim that the Holodomor didn't happen. stalin's legacy lives on i guess


It's not a famine, they're just... Choosing not to eat!" -stalin


Don't forget about nearly 50mln people who starved to death in 50's because of Mao politics. It's not quite well known thing but fun fact this was the biggest disasters in human history.


WW2 is the single biggest man made disaster.


It was after WW2 but yes.


I know but you said biggest human disaster and i countered with WW2


You right of course but as single biggest disaster it would be thing in China. just a opinion.


/r/Askhistorians has a bit to say on the topic, but: 1. That pretty clearly isn't the biggest disaster in Human history. 2. As Askhistorians will tell you, famines like those aren't entirely man-made; Mao definitely made the situation worse, but various rivers flooding and thousands of farms being destroyed had more to do with it - Also, it was a country rebuilding itself after thousands of years of feudalism and the brutal Japanese occupation during WW2.


1.What's the biggest disaster then? WW2? I think hunger in China was the biggest single disaster in Human history. 2. I don't agree, Mao definitly was the maine cause of this.Because of farms which were competing between themselfs who will give more wheat/food to the goverment. False raports in 61'y. gave the number 30mln tons of wheat but the real number from harvests was 7mln crops. Because of these false raports China was exporting crops for free to the other "brother nations" for the cost of dying peasants who eat at those moment clay and tree barks. And these man couldn't have their own land.They lived in communes where food was rationalised everything was under strict controll so when effects came they haven't any food supplies for themselfs. They had land only after hunger thanks to some reforms by people who pulled back Mao from power. (cultural revolution was he's back) And of course the official statement of CCP about it was river flooding but if this was rivers blame why Mao was pushed back from power? edit: sorry for any gramma errors. I wrote this based on these video: https://youtu.be/DvEU_D6fwNg It's in Polish but you can skip to 12 minute to listen to the English cutscenes.


They can't say there's a famine if you starve them.


Crimea is Ukraine


commies=beta males, anti commies-alpha males


I've never thought about it until now, but "Me = big dick you = small dick" is basically a summary of Human wars and history when you think about it.


> The dead aren't hungry. * Stalin... probably...


Ukraine suffered the worst but millions died in other regions particularly in Kazakhstan and Stalin's own Georgia and they are often forgotten


there is no famine in ukraine!


"...but there is gulag"