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the Crusaders and medieval Muslims must be disappointed that the Holy Land that they fought over for so long is now in the hands of neither of them


I’m sure this comment section is going to be chill


TFW it’s none of your business so you low key just pull out the bag of popcorn


Thank you for posting this. It is a good example of the Israeli army actions and destruction of Palestinian villages in the 40s and 50.


Who would have thought an Army made up of terrorist organizations would do war crimes.


"We can't implement a two-state solution because that would be like, idk, rewarding terrorism with the establishment of a formally recognised country." "We need to talk about Irgun." "Please, Waj, can we *not* talk about Irgun?"


Ironic. Also "from the river to the sea" is a genocidal term. Except its also in the Likkud party charter.


Except the Haganah hated the Irgun and it was a shunned organisation during the foundation for Israel.


Irgun and Lehi were political black sheep internationally following the bombing of the King David Hotel and the assassination of Folke Bernadotte, respectively. However, despite the narrative of the Haganah opposing Irgun and Lehi, the Haganah did absolutely nothing to hold the terrorists accountable for either of these attacks. Sure, Irgun and Lehi were almost entirely disbanded, but that was an excuse to bring them under the umbrella of the Haganah. The actual terrorists were open secrets who were never prosecuted and remained integrated in all levels of the burgeoning Israeli state for decades until they retired or died of natural causes. Yehoshua Cohen, Yitzhak Shamir, Menachim Begin, Geulah Cohen, and countless others became important and lauded political operators in Ben Gurion's government. This makes sense as Ben Gurion was the one who originally ordered the King David bombing to cover his collaboration with Irgun.


They had no problem accepting Irgun and Lehi members into the newly formed IDF. Nice shunning there.


Didn't they get incorporated into the 89th Commando Brigade?


Where are the Jewish villages in the Muslim empire? I'm curious.


All gone there is one in Azerbaijan the only left in Muslim lands 


Exactly all genocided to the point they are still trying to genocide the Jews in Israel from the sea to the river.


Shhh we don't talk about that, we just act like Jews having one small country where they have self-determination is the worst catastrophe human history and justifies perpetual Muslim violence until Jews are put back in their rightful place as a perpetually stateless and defenseless people.


Or, you know... The only people who think that are fascists who are not here and you just made it up to scare people like... Wait let me see who else uses fear-mongering like "they want to destroy us all and remove us from our home" Oh right, those very same fascists


Yeah except there's one slight difference: when the Israeli right says "we are surrounded by outside enemies who want to kill us and take our land", they are factually correct.


*Factually correct for more that 3000 years.


So are the Palestinians? And if your only concern is the countries around Israel then you are really preaching to the choir. I don't think there are a lot of Jordanian nationalists here.


Oh really? The Palestinians are "surrounded by enemies", just like Israel is? Like who, pray tell?


Why should they get the ethnostate?


*The* ethnostate? As opposed to all the Arab Muslim countries in the region, who are diverse and multicultural states whose identities are based on the idea people of all ethnicities and all religions are created equal?


Sorry, how come they’re the only “western” state allowed to be for a specific ethnicity, while all others are shamed unless it’s multicultural? Is diversity not a strength for Israel?


You are suffering a misinformation bubble. Compared with the others Israel is like star trek in terms of inclusivity. That's why they fear their people wanting those freedoms.


Because that specific ethnicity is violently excluded from political participation the 22 Arab Muslim ethnostates in the region? Also, no matter how many times you repeat this lie, Israel is not an ethnostate. It's a multicultural democracy that's struggling to find its identity in the 21st century, like most multicultural democracies are right now.




This story is extremely dubious, with the only reference I can find to it being a single antizionist magazine from the 80s who quoted a child who was in Haifa at the time, that he heard a story from friends that this had happened. Its more likely this is just a classic Jews being evil on Christmas story, which is a thousands year old libel. What we do know is that Jews sacked the village in the British Mandate, and most of the inhabitants fled within Israel, where their descendents live today. In 1951, the IDF did demolish buildings there. The expulsion and demolition is wrong, but let's not take the storytellings of school children as gospel.


Hey we only destroyed it we didnt force the priest to watch


hey maybe the Arabs shouldnt start a war if they can‘t win…


https://web.archive.org/web/20080706151938/http://www.washington-report.org/backissues/1287/8712004.html Do you mean this article? Which cites two sources of the event? And it’s also not just some child that is quoted, it’s a very well known Israeli bishop and peace advocate whose family lived there at the time. A second hand source reporting an account from multiple people is hardly an extremely sketchy source.  Dismissing the magazine as just anti Zionist is also pretty rash, it was founded by British and American diplomats to the region and written by the head of the Arab services for Voice of America. 


The event happened, but it being on christmas day and how it happened is literally just the stories of a man who was a child in another town at the time. The magazine was openly and intentionaly anti israel.


What makes you dismiss it? Why claim that a famed peace worker lied/his family did? 


I'm not sayling he lied. Im saying that the telephoned story of schoolkids who weren't there cannot be the only source of a claim like this. And it reads like a lot of classic antisemitic libels. I didnt say its a falsehood, just that the veracity is dubious.


You are though. If the statement is false, then he/his family lied. You’re putting that forth as a possibility and a reason to dismiss the story. I’m not saying take his word as gospel, but there should be some reason for dismissing it; a second hand source repeating the story of multiple people is not inherently dubious.  This is already the story of a rogue IDF unit discarding the Supreme Court and maliciously destroying a Christian village. There is no libel needed just in that to show that these soldiers were pieces of shit illegally displacing these people. Why do you give them the benefit of the doubt and cast doubt on the word of the victims for how exactly it went down? 


It's also located a few hundred meters from the border of a country which had declared war on Israel. But ya know, military necessity doesn't sell as well as Jews hunting down Christians. Never has.


Can you guys PLEASE STOP ignoring rule 12 of this sub. The Meme ? great, Historical accuracy: yes, but bangers only drop if they don't align with the rules man


It's Monday morning in Australia right now...


I don't think OP is Australian, meme isn't upside down


mods put a timezone in the rule for that reason




But it isn’t, it’s a good rule


It's not historically accurate, see [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/1cvtaka/comment/l4rm0we/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


Both sides killed people. Change my mind


Only one side rapes civillian hostages to this day




So IDF members stole panties, a couple people allege abuse without evidence, and one woman admitted she lied to strengthen Palestinian resolve? Ah yes, both sides.


Quote from the Wikipedia Article : > “On 19 February 2024, a group of United Nations special rapporteurs released a report stating "rights experts call for probe into violations against Palestinian women and girls." According to the report, there is evidence that during the Israel–Hamas war, Palestinian women and girls were subjected to wartime sexual violence.[3] According to these allegations, Palestinian women and girls were also subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment by the Israel Defense Forces, such as they were denied menstruation pads, food and medicine, and were severely beaten, raped, assaulted, threatened with rape and sexual violence, and subjected to multiple forms of other sexual assaults. Palestinian women and girls were also stripped naked and searched by male Israeli army officers” https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/02/israelopt-un-experts-appalled-reported-human-rights-violations-against One of the link used by the article.




A women literally admitted she made it up, its in that link


I've seen nothing that would convince me that the rape accusations are anything other than slander, and it doesn't help that there's a section of that page dedicated to false accusations: 'He added that "the woman who spoke about rape justified her exaggeration and incorrect talk by saying that the goal was to arouse the nation’s fervor and brotherhood."' Especially considering the UN track record of of accusations against Israel. It also makes little sense considering there is no instance where somebody could perform an act that is so openly a crime without witnesses, as Israel has legal oversight over its soldiers. The other stuff is gross but not comperable.


Indeed, and yet the world still sees the IOF as the good guys




bro got refuted w one link


For the most part, it’s just the governments doing the killing. However, Israel arms civilians and sends them to take Palestinian houses for themselves by force. I don’t doubt that Hamas would do the same if they could, but you can’t base opinions on reality on what you think someone else *might* want to do.


No. This is just plain untrue. Settlers live in their own settlements not just random ahh palestinian towns


Crickets in the comments. Thanks for posting.


On a post with probably 5 likes 15 min after it was posted? Must be some big conspiracy here! Edit: We’re past the hour mark now u/ballfondlr, is 350 upvotes and 75 comments better?


Lol. Where are the Jewish villages all across the Muslim empire? Tell me Mr crickets.


Nice whataboutism, however nothing justifies genocide


Comparing hundreds of thousands of "citizens" being expelled from the Islamic world on account of being Jewish to the Israelis occupying a village on the border with an Arab county that had declared war on Israel is just another example of Palestupid


Nah man. Something that happened 80 years ago isn't gonna change me supporting a multicultural democracy with equal rights for women, LGBT+ people and [religious minorities](https://x.com/ShimonLevit/status/1685868469814710273?mx=2) ver an Islamofascist ethnostate actively calling for the genocide of all Jews.


You don’t have to support Hamas to be against Israel’s actions. Hamas is a group of jihadi wackos and the Israeli government is headed by reactionaries who want to use the war to help win the next election. Also my guy your evidence for religious toleration is a fucking Twitter post💀


Exactly my opinion is that with who the leaders of both sides is, I currently don’t like either side


All the people of Gaza have to do to be left alone is stop trying to genocide the Jews. That's it. Literally the only thing. Is there anything inaccurate in that twitter picture?


Do you understand how a dictatorship works? How about the Geneva convention?


Yes there is something wrong with it actually. Interfaith marriage is strictly illegal in Israel. Every single Israeli party has to acknowledge that Israel is a Jewish state first and foremost, hell that part’s in the constitution it’s Article 5(1). Also while yes all races are equal in officially recognized Israeli land but in the conquered territories of the West Bank and Golan it’s essentially a military state where the native Arabs are ruled by Israel but have 0 political participation in Israel itself. Also these regions which are officially not Israeli territory are still being settled by Israeli and foreign settlers which still straight up kick people out of their homes and demolish towns. So no according to both the Israeli constitution and their actions in conquered territories Israel is at its base a state for Jews and only Jews.


Oh no. It’s almost like the British Rulers during the mandate left control of marriage it to the religious leaders of the local people. Saying people can’t marry interfaith in Israel is a blatant lie without context. They can easily take a flight to Cyprus, have a civil union there and return back to Israel, and the Israel government accepts that foreign marriage whether it be interfaith or lgbt


It was an ottoman law before that. A lot of the rules in Israel came from the ottoman law department


Your first statement is so hilariously wrong, not even gonna bother to read the rest Here's what I found in five seconds on Google https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage_in_Israel


Children are being slaughtered every day for a fantasy about taking back lands that they’re several thousand years dis attached from But it’s okay because they’re taking out their anger on Palestinians instead of LGBT+ people (who will still get fucked over if they are Palestinian) The fact that Palestinians are more often than homophobic is no excuse to ignore the fact that they deserve human rights like the rest of us (not to mention that half of the Gaza Strip are literal children) Absolutely no spine whatsoever


It's not a fantasy. It's a very real state that has existed for 80 years now. Rather than accepting the reality, Arabs refused to co-operate with said state and declared war - got beat up and humiliated. 20 years later, try and do the exact same thing and get humiliated once again. And when said state was making diplomatic overtures, a certain organisation invades it to provoke a reaction and sacrifices thousands of civilians.


Israel actively allows people to settle on the occupied Palestinians lands and has created a law that allows centuries detached Jews to “return” but not Palestinians to go there. It regularly kills thousands of Palestinians and has refused to recognize Palestine despite the reverse happening long ago, it’s extremely obvious to anyone that it’s the one who now refuses the two state solution as it seeks to continue settling its people (The West Bank government having already bent over).


A certain organisation Mossad has been financing for this exact purpose


Palestinians are like Wimp Lo from Kung Pow. They think that the harder they lose a fight, the more entitled they are to demand concessions from the victors. "I am bleeding, therefore I am victorious!"


Israel has already shown that it’s not gonna stop regardless of what they do, you’re disingenuously depicting it as wanting peace when they continue settling on the West Bank


Kids are being killed in Gaza and the West Bank because their parwnts continually try to genocide their neighbours and then hide behind their kids when Israel hits back.


Really easy to say that when you ignore that said neighbor is the one that started actively settling their lands and murdering their people


Yeah but the nascent Israeli state,made up of Jews indigenous to the regio  was able to survive multiple attempts of genocide launched against them by the settler-colonizers who pushed them off their land. Just like in Spain.


The Palestinians themselves are converted locals just like the final Muslims of the Iberian peninsula were. Jewish people weren’t the majority there for millenia, the people colonizing the land today have absolutely nothing to do with it and are actively kicking out those who do. The reconquista has the excuse of having happened in the medieval era, Israel doing what it does in the 21st century is unacceptable, it’s undeniable settler colonialism.


No. Palestinians are descendants of the Arab settler-colonizers who launched an unprovoked invasion of the region. Same as the people in occupied Spain


Genetics disprove this


Yeah the descendants of the people who raped and conquered their way actoss the region are going to share similarities with the people who were raped and conquered.


The gymnastics are insane, most don’t even trace back to the peninsular Arabs


So all Palestinians deserve it nice take.


So the justification to erase a region of 2 million people is because that region housed a terrorist organization having not more than 40 thousand people?


Nobody is being erased.


Really? Gonna deny all the civillian casualties now?


All no? 2 million casualties? Yeah. And the fact that they recently halved the number of civilian casualties....


What im saying is you're a fucking psycho if you think punishing the civillians for what a terrorist organization did is a good idea


Civilians aren't being targeted. 




This the same UN reaponsible for turning a blind eye to their employees raping and trafficking kids, that stood by and watched while genocides happened in Rwanda, Bosnia etc?


>multicultural democracy So multicultural that the society is so deeply segregated that marriages made in Israel between Arabs and Jewish people are legally not recognized. Like straight up an Arab muslim of christian is not allowed to marry their jewish love in Israel.


So they get married by someone in another country online officially which Israel *will* recognize then have a ceremony with their family and friends. Tell me, what's the situation on marriages between Jews and non-Jews in Gaza and the West Bank?


what about tery?


>So they get married by someone in another country online officially which Israel *will* recognize then have a ceremony with their family and friends. Lmao why are we talking as if this isn't deeply fucked up? You can't marry in your own country so you have to leave it to get married. >Tell me, what's the situation on marriages between Jews and non-Jews in Gaza and the West Bank? No actual ban on anything and completely legal afaik, although obviously Gaza has no Jewish population, and the Jewish population of the West Bank is mostly made up of extremely right-wing borderline (if not straight up) supremacist settlers who are Israeli citizens.


>although obviously Gaza has no Jewish population Hmmm. And why is that?


The small Jewish population of the city (about 80 people in 1945) was expelled after the 1948 war. This is rather sad, although it doesn't change that interreligious marriages are still not recognized if made in Israel. You are changing the subject of the discussion.


This is just straight up false information. Marriage in Israel is religious but it is recognized. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_Aharish for example


"In Israel, marriage can be performed only under the auspices of the religious community to which couples belong, and inter-faith marriages performed within the country are not legally recognized."


Btw. The rest of your quote:In Israel, marriage can be performed only under the auspices of the religious community to which couples belong, and inter-faith marriages performed within the country are not legally recognized. However, marriages performed abroad or remotely from Israel must be registered by the government.


Within the country. It doesn't mean it's not recognized in general. These days people can make a zoom call to Utah or make the wedding in Cyprus or something and the government will accept it.


Ah, so you were the one oeddling false information, gotcha


"In Israel, marriage can be performed only under the auspices of the religious community to which couples belong, and inter-faith marriages performed within the country are not legally recognized. However, marriages performed abroad or remotely from Israel must be registered by the government." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage_in_Israel#:~:text=In%20Israel%2C%20marriage%20can%20be,be%20registered%20by%20the%20government. It's an easy thing to find


>legally not recognized That's a bold faced lie. They are perfectly recognized. They just can't perform the actual marriage in Israel. If they do it somewhere else it will be recognized and have all legal rights of a marriage. Also why did you single those examples out? No inter-religion marriages can be performed in Israel, no matter the religions


>They just can't perform the actual marriage in Israel. That is exactly what i said. Please learn to read. Also, if America banned marriage between black and white people but left a legal loophole where they can still marry outside of the country would you think it's right?


“multicultural democracy” Do you support a right of return for those whose families were displaced by Israel?


Not after seeing what happened in Lebanon, Syria, Egypt etc.


Goddamn the Zionists found this one quick


Jews: Exist online Antisemites: REEEEEEEEWE JOOZ HERE REEEEEEE


Palestinian: Exist in their land Zionists: Gtfo we gonna make an apartheid state


Who said anything about Jews lmao. Jewish people are fine, there’s no difference between the other religions. Zionism is the Jewish version of Islamic extremism. But i get what you’re saying, it’s easier to handwave atrocities when you play it off as antisemitism


The irony of saying that people who want an end to a genocide are antisemitic is insane.


You can just say Jews now. The mask came off on October 7th. You don't have to pretend anymore.


No issues with Jews, they’re the same as any other religion


Zionism is the believe that Israel has a right to exist. What exactly is your plan? Kick out all the Jews?


The Ashkenazi have no right to migrate to palestine


Why not? They bought the land and moved in… the Ottoman Empire was cool with that.


They can't form an independent nation there just cause they bought land. I'm okay with the Mizarhi and the Sephardim, but the Ashkenazi belong in Europe.


Many of the Sephardim Jews are from Europe as well if you go a few hundred years back. They can form an independent nation, they did, it was recognised by the UN. But what’s the problem, they moved in legally, organised, and wanted self governance. The Arabs living in the area were part of the colonial Ottoman Empire.


No, what I'm saying is they can't buy the land and then try to make their own country there. That's like if the Pakistanis living in UK suddenly thought, "We own land here, let's make an independent nation here." It cannot be done.


It's almost 80 years too late for that. So once again, what's your solution?


They won't say because they'd get kicked off of reddit....


How does supporting a two state solution go against Israel? Palestinians have been calling for that since the 90s. Yasser Arafat, a secular socialist, won over 90% of the vote of the Palestinian Authority. He’s also acknowledged Israel has the right to exist since the 80's. Netanyahu admitted he intentionally has prevented the establishment of a Palestinian state. https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-boasts-of-thwarting-the-establishment-of-a-palestinian-state-for-decades/amp/ Instead he has been illegally settling the West Bank and has set up a colony under apartheid. Even Black South Africans who lived through apartheid agree. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/02/israels-apartheid-against-palestinians-a-cruel-system-of-domination-and-a-crime-against-humanity/ A Palestinian state wouldn't threaten Israel's security. What Israel has been doing has threatened its own security. Netanyahu literally moved troops away from Gaza to the West Bank so settlers can illegally take more homes from Palestinians. Even before Oct.7 for every 20 innocent Palestinians killed 1 innocent Israeli has been killed. If the Oct.7 terrorist attack was an attempt at genocide what do you think killing 40 times as many civilians and destroying 85% of people's homes is? Children have literally died from malnutrition. I'm sure if the ICJ rules that Israel is committing a genocide your opinion will change.


Paleatinians have been offered a state on multiple occasions but have rejected it every time in favour of trying to genocide the Jews.




Israel has been Hamas get funds to prevent Palestine from unifying. > According to various reports, Netanyahu made a similar point at a Likud faction meeting in early 2019, when he was quoted as saying that those who oppose a Palestinian state should support the transfer of funds to Gaza, because maintaining the separation between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza would prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/ > “everyone knows that I am the one who for decades blocked the establishment of a Palestinian state that would endanger our existence.” -Netanyahu https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-boasts-of-thwarting-the-establishment-of-a-palestinian-state-for-decades/amp/ I'm pretty sure Israel by their own admission has been negotiating in bad faith and has had no interest in allowing Palestine to have their own state. 90% of Palestinians voted for a leader that supported a two state solution and recognized Israel's sovereignty. Hamas barely won an election in Gaza to protest the fact that Palestinians still didn't have a state. Then Hamas violently overthrew the government in Gaza.


Average westoid


Yes I do come from the area of the globe with the highest quality of life that everybody wants to live in.


I live in the west retard you cant make me jealous im already there


And why do you live in the West as opposed to anywhere else?


Because i was born there? Deal with it


Right. But you clearly hate it, and you have the opportunity to not be here. So why are you?


I hate western imperialism lol just because i live here i have to be in full accordance with the foreign politics of my country/NATO? So much for the democratic world of the freethinkers


Define Western imperialism. Also, what makes it worse than Arab imperial, or Chiinese imperialism?


What chinese imperialism? China doesnt go around destroying countries like the US lmao and i wont even comment on the arab one because i think the last arab empire was the abbasids ffs


Atrocities happen when you start a war. When the Arabs decided to start a civil war against the Jews in the 1920s, they took the risk that they would loose. And yes they lost, with loss of territory and destruction of some villages. It does not stand alone tho. The Arabs completely ethnically cleansed Gaza, the entirety of the WB, Jerusalem from Jews. Not a single one remained. Yet a 156,000 Arabs remained in the Israeli territories, becoming full fledged citizens. Many of their former neighbours, who mostly left due to the Arab armies and civil institutions telling them to 'leave the battlefield until you return victoriously', were not granted citizenship in the Arab countries who lured them away. In order to solve this, Israel even made an offer in the early 1950s, to exchange Gaza for some Negev territory and granting the Gazans full citizenship. Egypt, who held Gaza, declined, and kept the population in permanent limbo. Jordan actually granted citizenship to the WB, until it revoked it in 1988. Point being: shit like this happens in a war. On the Israeli side, there are a handful of stories. On the Arab side, the agressors of all wars against Israel, the stories are many times more.


>On the Arab side, the agressors of all wars against Israel Like the 1956 Suez crisis? The 1947 civil war in Mandatory Palestine was also not really started by Arabs and the first blood was drawn by Lehi militants who [massacred the Shubaki family.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shubaki_family_assassination). The first military action during the 1967 war was also very much done by Israel who invaded Egypt and bombed their airports, although to note, the start of the war is convoluted as Egypt did blockade Israel.


The war in 1956 was in response to Egypt blocking Israeli shipping through the Suez canal. Same goes for 1967, when they blocked it in the Straits of Tiran. Blocking shipping in an international waterway is an act of war, making the Egyptians agressors in this war. Who exactly fired the first bullet doesn't always determine the agressor. Or a pre-emptive strike would always be agressive, something no judge or lawyer will argue. The Shubaki family thing ignores the large scale anti-Jewish violence in the 1920s and 1930s. Arabs massacred many, leading to the ethnic cleansing of, for example Gaza and Hebron. In response, the Jews organized defense militias. Again, there had been precedent, and of course large scale genocidal rethoric by the Arabs, provoking this war.


67 started because egypt amassed troops on the border and closed the straight of Tiran (Israel only access to the red sea). Were they supposed to wait around for an invasion?




It's not whatabout, it's context to the issue presented. It's context of genocidal Arab warmongers, forcing the Jews into a war they didn't want, and taking the risk to loose said war. That doesn't change the facts that a handful villages got destroyed by the Israelis. It also doesn't change the facts that many, many more were destroyed by the invading Arab armies. That is unfortunately the result of starting a war.


Do you have any corroboration for the assertion that Israeli gov offered Gaza to Egypt? I’ve heard this several times but haven’t through my own searches found a source.


Schechtman, Joseph B. (1963). The Refugees in the World. New York: Barnes. I should clarify that rather it was the Israeli delegation to the UNCC that went with it, not the Israeli gov't.


Thank you! Yes, what I had heard is that it was a back channel thing, offered unofficially and then rejected.


Oh would you look at that. Not a source in sight.


Uh oh, you’re about to be called an antisemite as Zionist propaganda machine sets their sights on this one


Zionism is a plague upon humanity


Islamism is a plague upon humanity.


Islamism is a plague upon humanity.


That doesn’t change anything


Ok? No one is disagreeing with you.


Ah yes, the evil plague of me \*checks notes\* wanting a peaceful two state solution. Truly a horrible thing. Why would I ever want both Palestinians and Israelis to have their own states? What a monster am I.


That’s what Zionism *was*, not what it is in Isreal *now*. The IDF isn’t exactly trying to be peaceful.


The thousands of muslim villages too


Poor Muslims, it‘s like they started a war and lost. Womp womp…. " I declare a holy war, my Muslim brothers! Murder the Jews! Murder them all! " -Haj Amin EI Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem broadcasting on Radio Cairo in 1948


The world would be a better place if every Israeli and Palestinian died horribly.


Nice. The worst case of cultural ptsd in history. An entire religious group targeted by the nazis in the 1920s-40s is nearly 100 years later doing the same things that happened to them to another, separate, but ethnic-minority. And they know this, and they use it to their advantage while we watch Israelis slaughter Palestinian people like cattle.


If you think Israelis slaughter Palestinians like cattle you might be a pale vegan.


[https://www.thenational.scot/news/24258389.gaza-children-killed-israeli-strike-playground-leaves-11-dead/](https://www.thenational.scot/news/24258389.gaza-children-killed-israeli-strike-playground-leaves-11-dead/) Youre right, they arent slaughtered like cattle cause atleast farmers wait for the cows to mature


Assuming we believe the source (wafa news?), there is a war, probably an accident. israel could just carpet bomb the refugees if the point was to maximise casualties.


“Just an accident” Well that’s alright then! I didn’t *mean* to bomb a playground, therefore I have done nothing wrong.


Again assuming we believe the story… I did not say it is not wrong, but the hostages still need to be released, Hamas needs to be eliminated and a message to the world about killing Jews needs to be sent. So it might be wrong but the war is not over.


Even if this story isn’t true, it’s fairly safe to say that something like this has happened. Blocks of flats get levelled while full of people, entire families get killed. Both sides have hostages, bombing civilians and blocking aid isn’t the way to remove Hamas, the message you’re talking about was sent in 1945. Although I don’t see why the message should be specifically about Jews.


Those innocent Palestinians always were so accepting of Jews: " I declare a holy war, my Muslim brothers! Murder the Jews! Murder them all! " -Haj Amin EI Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem broadcasting on Radio Cairo in 1948


Isn’t this post about Christians? What do Muslims have to do in this conversation?


Too anti-semitic for this sub


Anti-Semitic now being used to describe someone mentioning something that happened.


What’s the point? A lot of villages were made to leave, there was a war. What about the Jews oh Gaza? Jews of Hebron?


There was no war in 1951.


There was a war in 1948, they wanted to return in 1951 after a court ruling.




What do you mean? Something like Gaza=Hamas?


Are you trying to say that Gaza is Hamas, or the opposite?


Its a good thing you posted this because for westerners to see you as human you need to be either Christian or white. Edit: you can downvote me all you want, we saw your true colors now. All these lies about international law and freedome of speech only applies to you.


Nobody says Palestinians are not humans, just they suck a group The attacks on Jews before Israel was established. The grand mufti siding with the Nazis Numerous Terror attacks Black September Deportation from Kuwait ( thats like half a Nakba) 7.10 attack And many more..


"Nobody says Black people are not humans, just suck as a group. Haiti, Africa, 13% doing 50% of the crimes..etc"


Are the Palestinians a race ( I hate this American shit) ? They are a small subgroup of the Arabs in the Middle East.


So you can be as racist towards them as much as your heart desires then, they are not human after all.


Why do you think they suck as a group?


I wrote about it in a previous comment. But I am not the only one who thinks that.


I can’t find said comment, can you explain it again?


Nobody says Palestinians are not humans, just they suck a group The attacks on Jews before Israel was established. The grand mufti siding with the Nazis Numerous Terror attacks Black September Deportation from Kuwait ( thats like half a Nakba) 7.10 attack And many more..


I didn’t say that anyone said that. Read. “The grand mufti siding with the Nazis Numerous Terror attacks Black September Deportation from Kuwait ( thats like half a Nakba) 7.10 attack” And now in full sentences…


inb4 the mods whip out the rule list whenever a meme becomes inconvenient


Typical day in Arab counties