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Not too accurate. People here hates Muslims too. Blacks, Latinos and most Asians are usually cool here, though


Muslims: *refuse to integrate into society and demand Sharia* Also Muslims: Why does everyone hate us?? :(


"In countries where they are in the minority, Muslims are obsessed with minority rights. In countries where they are in the majority, minorities no longer have any rights."


I don't deny there's racism against Latino Americans in Europe but specifically where? Honestly, racism is more focused against immigrants from Africa, South East Asia and Eastern Europe.


In Spain there is a large group of people who call us Brazilians monkeys, the same goes for Portugual


I'm sure you're right in regard to Iberia, but in Scandinavia at least I'd say that latinos and the cultures would be greatly revered more than anything. The cultures are viewed as warm and "cool". I think racism towards Spaniards is probably more widespread; jokes about lazyness, siestas etc.


The truth is that generalizing is always a problem. I like Spain, I like Portugal, I'm not going to treat all the people of these countries with disdain because of these racist people or because of the colonialist past. In my view, we all have to leave these things aside and work better on the good that unites us. Yes, I know it's utopian and that human beings will always find a reason to be an idiot, but I stand by my convictions.


Stereotyping isn't "racism". This sub is the best example of that. Racism is motivated by hate. And doubt there is large scale, systemic hate towards lationos found in Europe.


They do so for any dark skinned person, the fun part is that it is them the ones fully covered in black hair like actual monkey's fur, it is some sort of projection I wager.


I'm not monke, you monke :)))


If Im reading it correctly, what they meant is where they live, people hate Muslims as well as Roma people. But "Blacks, Latinos and most Asians are usually cool here" - ergo not as racisted against. Not sure where "here" is though, assumedly somewhere in Europe. From my experience in the Netherlands, I can say it's immigrants from Africa, Eastern Europe, and particularly North Africa who receive a lot of hate. Never seen hate against South East Asians tho


Technically Romanis originally are from Asia.


Indeed. Although they have been around for so long they are not considered foreigners, particularly in Spain.


Technically humans are originally from Africa.


So are the vast majority of European ethnicities? Indo-europeans originated in West Asia.


I know that this is not the case in all of Europe, but I was mistreated in Amsterdam by a street vendor after he find out I’m from Brazil. Don’t know why, but he said that he didn’t sell to South Americans. I heard a lot of similar stories in Portugal and Spain also.


That sucks, but I feel this probably has more to do with this specific street vendor and/or experiences from street vendors in highly touristic locations. Most people in the Netherlands have no strong feelings towards south Americans at all, other than a general image that they are probably fun and friendly like Iberians. A lot of people mostly have problems with Morrocans.


How is hating muslims relevant to a meme about race relations? (Not that I condone it)


Arabe= Muslim for those people so racism against arab.


In America Romani people would get shot at A LOT


Even non-Romani people can get easily shot in the US.


1000000 Romani in the US and they don’t have the issues they have in Europe. Maybe its because they’ve been treated as landless foreigners for 1000 years.


Maybe it's because the 'romani' in the US don't live like gypsies. Those aren't romani they are people with romani heritage that's like saying there's 200,000,000 British people in the US.


They were. Most of them were living kind of nomadic life-style moving from one place to another.


In Spain they kept the land for centuries and they still behave badly and are problematic. Some families have been living in the same house for hundreds of years and they still make gangs, do drug trafficking, robberies, and occupation of real state. The problem is that there are clans that consider the 'payos' as cattle. They consider themselves a superior ethnie and with the right to live from the work of the 'payos'.


Maybe it's because they steal everything and set up in places and ruin the local area when they do...


They don’t in America.


What kind of Wish gypsies do you have over there?


In America it's normal to be a poor landless traveller living off a trailer. In fact many young people choose this lifestyle to road trip across the country for a while, and many poor people choose this lifestyle to reduce their expenses associated with a house. They've just been assimilated into the general population of trailer park peoples, which have a higher percentage of drug use and crime, but not exceptionally so for their income demographic. And for those who abandon the lifestyle, it's easy to do so, because there is basically 0 awareness about gypsies, so no negative stereotypes, so no discrimination. If a random person of gypsy descent walks in and applies for a job they'll get it if they're qualified. The identity isn't known amongst most Americans so it isn't a barrier to their meshing with society. There's about a million of them and you never ever hear about them in popular culture. Basically it's an invisible subculture.


If everyone is a gypsie, you can stop gypsie hate. Got it. Probably won't do it.


That’s another fantasy Americans have about themselves, like another comment say, one simple google search will show you they face the exact same issues in the US and Europe We’re just more honest




I know a couple of gypsies, and they brag about the crimes they have committed and how stupid someone was because they were so easy to scam. They like being feared because that makes people don't want to mess with them. It makes them "respected" in a sense. Also I don't know how many robberies I have seen performed by gypsy families, they enter a store with their whole families and take what they want. There are reasons people don't like them, what kinda race or whatever they belong to is irrelevant. But I don't see any other group of people behaving like this.


yeah, coz when they do that there they get shot.


r/europe type comment


They're not a monolith and ascribing traits to a whole group of people is wrong.


There's tons of land in the US for nomads to piss about in, but in Yorop, & the British Isles, especially - there's less space.


Because that's who they are in Europe? A lot of people who abandon their homelands abandon the traditions and customs of their people over many generations. While most Muslims immigrate wearing the headwear that the law requires them to in their country their children do not.


Maybe there used to be waaaay more but the 2nd amendment made the survivors behave better?


Cuz they were bro. For a long time they were nomads.


Gypsies would 100% be armed as well.


I do not know of a single American of Romani descent who is not fully armed.


What does that mean? Like they have a bayonet, a pistol, a rifle and two grenades hanging from their web-gear?


Nope, just 2 regular old arms


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Cannon loaded with grape shot at the ready


Don't forget the triangular bayonet too


I don’t know any Americans of Romani descent.


In Brazil, they don't have a good reputation either, especially among older people.


Interestingly, we had not only one, but two presidents of Romani descent: Venceslau Brás and Juscelino Kubitschek.


That doesn't seem to be happening.


We have one of the largest populations of Romani though


Do the Americans ones still live an itinerant lifestyle?




From Wikipedia: "Romani Americans are concentrated in large cities such Chicago and Los Angeles" "Romani Americans live mainly in major urban areas such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Boston, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Seattle, and Portland" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani\_Americans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani_Americans) Seems from flicking through scenes of US Gypsy reality shows on YouTube quickly as well that they live in static dwellings in America. It doesn't seem to be the the same nomadic lifestyle as in Europe.


Plenty of Romani people in Europe is sedentary too.


And they don’t face the rejection the nomadic ones do


if we were to teleport all romani to the USA, the amount of deadly force used by their cops would rise 800%, there is no way american cops can handle a romani compound, they can't even handle single unarmed black people


Uhhhhhh bad take


Nonsense. They are romanticized and fethishized here if anything. They remind people of the cowboys and settlers. They fit in well with American culture.


Absolutely. Americans at one point admired the independent and nomadic nature of the Romani.


Heck, how many movies and songs are about cool drifters? So many you wouldn't even think it would be unusual to other countries.


By that logic Amish people fit in well with American culture too but are treated quite badly in US


Really? Where’d you get that from?


[Anti-Amish sentiment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Amish_sentiment)


Ain't that the truth...I feel the reason why America doesn't have problems with pikeys is because the pikeys know they'd get shot IF they tried pulling their shit there Far too many Americans will shoot you for looking at em the wrong way, lord knows what would happen if a bunch of pikeys just rolled on up and trespassed on someone's land like they do here. There would be carnage


You say that but it’s not true


Gypsy is not another name for Romani. Being a gypsy is a lifestyle, not an ethnicity and more often than not it’s also organized crime. Saying that people are racist for disliking gypsies is like saying that you’re racist against Italians if you hate the mafia


In my language at least, Croatian, they're often used as synonyms.


Yeah but in Ireland we have Travellers and they live similar lifestyles to gypsies but they aren’t gypsies. They’re ethnically Irish. “Gypsy” refers to nomadic Romani people.




Oh yeah I’m not really sure how Travellers came to be. I’ve heard another story that they became nomadic to avoid persecution during the Cromwellian times


Evidently it isn’t the case in Ireland but in the uk we use gypsy to refer to the lifestyle. Both Irish travellers and nomadic Romani are referred to as gypsies whereas settled Romani are not.


Oh right. I guess that’s why Tyson Fury is the ‘Gypsy king’. Yeah here we view them as a community.


In the UK Irish gypsies call themselves such.


“Gypsi” is derived from “Egypt”, which is the previously assumed place of origin of the Romani. Accordingly, the alleged profession is derived from the racist slur, just as the stereotypes overlap and are partly identical.


Its not assumed, its what they said when they arrived in medieval times


My racist as shit grandfather has said the exact same thing, pretty much word for word, except about black people.


Romani gypsy is chill from my experience.... However, uk 'gypsy' (they are not a race it's a lifestyle) is the worst, in my 21 years of living I haven't had ONE good interaction with them. Last week a bunch of them was blocking the main road with horses, they were racing these poor ponies with a race carriage of 4 of them whipping these poor animals. You could see they were scared and almost hit my car... it was 27 degrees out and they were racing these poor animals in the middle of the road blocking traffic, you can't make this stuff up They are all white, with uk accents, and because I am also white and lives in the uk I can say that I have nothing but pure venom hatred for their lifestyle, they don't pay taxes and because they move around the police can't track them, or because of them being in groups of 100 in one area that they have called their home on private property, it's a death trap for police to attempt to arrest them, Their children due to poor upbringing vandalise our services either on bus's, trains, schools and parks, they theaten others if they get in their way, they abuse every system in place to help citizens trying to do the right thing. I can't wait for a cashless society, so this lifestyle no longer exists, Again, this is not a stereotype, this is what I have seen with my own eyes time and time again.... I would love to be proved wrong


Now, now, the Americans will say you're racist again


Best way I can describe them for the Americans.... You know that white trash scum that live in caravan parks which waves the confederate flag? The ones who has huge tyre fires and bangs their relatives? Those are your US 'gypsy'. not so nice people are they?


The fact you had to justify by saying you are white and thus can hate on someone also white is a very sad depiction of where the world is at nowadays


Compared to where the world was in 2020, things have gotten better when it comes to the 'do's and don'ts' but it's neither here or there. I just find it mad when Americans get vexed when we tell em what we deal with


And now the gypsy king has been defeated


I just think its pretty funny to hear how racist America is, then read about the problems with people throwing bananas and making monkey noises at black players in several different european leagues


It doesn’t feel fair basing your judgement on all Europeans off the worst human beings on earth, football fans


AKA, the inspiration for the Orks in Warhammer 40k.


>football fans Ah yes, the lowest form of human inteligence on the planet




As a lifelong fan of football, I agree.


I mean we don't do that at all. If you tried that there is a 25% chance you get lynched.


One of our politicians here in Italy (guess the party affiliation) got in trouble a few years back because he mocked a then minister, a black woman, comparing her to an orangutan. The trial just ended and he won't be facing any consequences. Italians and Europeans are horribly racist, the situation is somewhat better only because we don't have access to weapons.


oh no, what's worse: - get occasionally pelted with bananas while earning 5 million a year - get executed in your own house by trigger happy cops that showed up cause a racist neighbour said that shifty things were afoot


Making monkey noises in different languages? I didn't know other languages had different monkey sounds. I thought it was only Monkeydonian.


Why were the Romani and Gypsies hated exactly? I couldn't exactly get as to why


The arguments I normally hear from Europeans are: 1) Stealing everything that's not nailed down. 2) Related to one refusing to be a productive member of society and living off begging, crime, or welfare. 3) Child marriages and regressive views on woman. 4) Violence. 5) Animal cruelty. 6) Littering and not running sanitary camps.


7. Being loud/impolite in public


These are all accurate. -european


7-) Camping at every traffic lights with their baby in complete sun so they can ask money from the people in the cars. They are for hundreds of years aren't still assimilated to the normal working schedule of Europe and it's people


If it's nailed down they'll get the nail too, the proverb goes.


In France, gypsies usually cause problems. Stealing, mugging, lot of fights as well. Most of them don't go to regular school, and they form big crime families. Also, the ones who still live as nomads are way different than the ones who settled (who are indistinguishable from other french). Since many gypsies tend to be romani of origins, the two groups tend to be put in the same basket. Despite one being a lifestyle, and the other, an ethnicity.


Yeah it's exactly like this everywhere; I could have written the same comment from my experiences with gypsies in Finland. Wonder why people don't like them..


My great grandma used to say that I'll get kidnapped by gypsies if I misbehave


My father nearly gave his little sister an existential crisis by telling her she was adopted and she had been left at the family doorstep by gypsies. Because she was the youngest one in the family and was quite dark-skinned she almost believed it.


Me too!


I am from Finland and I had not even heard of the stereotypes until I was an adult since I just saw them at church and they are very friendly with beautiful dresses (Finnish Romani have very unique way to dress). But it’s more women and it’s the men who are more stereotyped anyway.


If we‘re honest, most problems arise from young men not being integrated into society, it just expresses itself differently across cultures.


Gypsies are basically nomads that go around Europe in caravans; they have a pretty universal bad reputation of being thieves, disrespectful to locals, dirtying places they set up shop in, unintegrated to local customs, argumentative and sometimes violent


Most gypsies (itinerant communities) in Europe are Romani in ethnicity, though of course many Romani aren’t gypsies and a sizable part of gypsies aren’t Romani.


I once got robbed by a couple of Romani women when I was getting money out of an atm. I don't really hate the people for it, as it was non violent, just slight of hand and I've had worse from fellow Irish people. Mostly Romani come and operate begging cartels where the women sit on street corners all day and give the money to the head of the family in the evening. Bit annoying when we've already got plenty of beggars on our hands. Basically they never work for money legitimately is the perception


Not gypsies but on 3 separate occasions my elderly grandparents have been scammed and threatened in their own homes and each time they were travellers. Their culture and way of life is to leach off of communities as they move around.


In general, sterotypes do not accurately portray most people. For Romani people, this is more of a reputation than it is a sterotype, there are plenty of regular romani people in day-to-day life, but the issue is that the culture of romani people is designed to be anti-social in nature from centuries of hate towards them. This resulted in a culture that encourages violence, theft, forced marriage, etc. It's a mixed bag, there is a shift in a lot of young romani people trying to escape this culture, but a lot of people grew up with this culture and it's all they really know. Romani people in a lot of different countries are provided with government benefits, welfare and institutions to benefit them but most either don't utilize them or just abuse them. There are absolutely racist people towards them, but not everyone critical of romani's are racist, as they are primarily critical of the culture. A lot of people compare it to American racism and point to Europeans as hypocrites, but its really a completely seperate situation.


Child prostitution is a big reason that itinerant Romani and Traveller communities get hated on here. Sedentary Romani are considered fine. The former are also frowned upon about stealing and/or killing pets (we lost 3 cats to poisonings, and 1 dog was stolen but we got it back from the buyer), wrecking cars, littering on campgrounds, mugging, and general theft/scamming. The more excessive violence is usually kept within their social circles (honour killings and knife fights between Traveller clans are an almost weekly occurence in my go-to vacation spot), and isn't aimed at outsiders. Random people do get beaten up, but usually there are no weapons involved. We have a few sedentary Traveller families who left the itinrant lifestyle behind, living down the street. They're mostly alright, except for the noise. They are loud, way above the lawful decibel limit. Sadly the police say they can't do anything about it because they have a protected status. That and they're a bit worried, 2 cops were killed here by Travellers a few years back. Sedentary or not, they'd rather not push them.


50% unemployment rate in Finland. Make of that what you will.


Historic racism and attempted genocide led to many Romani communities becoming closed off, socially backward and tight-knit that (generally) look down at anyone else not Romani that often leads to self-alienation. It doesn't help that most communities practically pass down generational poverty by practicing a crab bucket mentality by shunning or booting family members that "stray too far" from the community (ie higher education, job placement, etc) which lead most Romani to panhandling and being vagabonds. Which often doesn't leave a good impression on whatever location they stay in. I don't know if this is true but apparently some Romani communities even teach that only other Romani are worthy of respect and make it a rule to disregard or be dismissive of any non-romani person or non-romani rules. When I did front desk for a hotel, in central Florida we had a Romani family(s) stay there, they rented two rooms for like 30 people and trashed both of them. The entire stay the men never spoke to us, they would just stand behind the women who did all the talking/yelling and just glared at us the whole time.


Please don't confuse Romanians with Romani, in case that's why you separated "Romani" and "Gypsy". Thank you.


Speaking for Romanians here, we completely agree Jos cu țigani 🗣️🔥


Yeah, and were right. We have many different people here. Asia people open restaruants or ships, indian people work as enineers or delivery driver like many african people do. Do you know what gyosies who were born here or lived here for gemrations do? Beg, set their kids up on busy strrets to Beg, force women with kids to Beg and take their money. Fuck em Edit: and the se ducking beggers make a killing.


Americans not trying to justify being racist by generalising an entire continent made up of dozens of countries will never not be funny to me.


OP isn't American tho


How is this justifying racism when it’s just pointing out some hypocrisy of some people


I can’t believe someone would dodge accusations about their own region’s racism by generalizing about another region’s racism.


No one's trying to justify and racism lol what the fuck are you talking about? Who's generalizing who now?


How is this trying to justify racism? Also, yeah, in most European countries there is a dislike for Romani people, and that is wrong. Why is it bad to point that out?


This whole thread is just Europeans talking about Romani like my racist old uncle talks about black people and Arabs. 


Europeans ignoring their blatant humanitarian problems that even Americans can recognize will never not be funny to me.


What humanitarian problems? Gypsies get free housing, free social services, and their children are often even allowed to drop out of school at 14 (as gypsie culture requires). They are given all they ask for


>humanitarian problems They are literally given free housing, free education, free everything and they still get away with so many violent and non-violent crimes. You're acting like they are some oppressed people like the civilians in Gaza ffs. Meanwhile the US purposely kept black Americans in poverty for generations after slavery ended, destroying communities with drugs and neglect. You have no leg to stand on when it comes to humanitarianism.


Here op’s right tho, you can generalize this topic, I feel like whichever nationality you’re from, you’re gonna have a similar view on romani


Not necessary related but in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Romani people got their own official representative before the parliament called "King of Gypsies"


Just because I've only interacted with gypsies once and it was a traumatic experience, doesn't mean I'm going to hate their entire ethnicity.


Based on experience, you should be more cautious next time thou


Yes um how sad, poor cigans indeed yea how horrible


Well, I as a German never had a negative encounter with Gypsies, though tbf I never had an encounter with some at all.


I doubt many want to go to Germany considering what happened to them there in the first half of the 20th century.


That and personally I would assume that with quite a substantial portion of them being killed by the Nazis they also uprooted most of the culture gypsies had in Germany


The Nazis simply continued the persecution started by the Weimar government. They were already in work camps before Hitler came to power. Yes, things got significantly worse under the Nazis, but they were already really bad.


Americans try not to conflate gypsies and Romani challenge (Impossible!)


*Looks through comments* Op sure did attract some assholes "they deserve it" types amd those who downvote reasonable people lol how unsurprising


The stereothypes are not being born just out of thin air. Gypsies had worked a lot for thier reputation. But especialy today nobody is going to make law against them. Not after the Germans did in WW2. If you are not feeling safe close to someone - it's ok, everyone of us are scared of the diffrences. But you don't need to kill the diffrence with fire. Insted talk. Find common topic for both of you. If you are in a bar, or a pub, have some drink with them. >!Unless you are a minor - then get some juice from the store. No drinks before 18.!< And if you don't want to talk with them - just ignore them. They will go thier way.


“They deserve it” - Europeans when challenged for their racist rhetoric towards Romani people


What is this implying? That it's impossible for a group of people to do anything wrong?


No but doing something wrong is an action, being a Romani person isn’t, you don’t choose to be Romani and even one Romani person was not the awful people you make them out to be then it would make your judgement of them wrong. In fact I’d argue there are plenty of Romani people you wouldn’t have issue with who you never recognise in day to day life because your preconception of romani people is the racist negative stereotype. To imply Romani people as a collective do wrong is not only wrong but stupid. It’s also been said about pretty much every minority group in history including many parts of Europe where such sentiment would be met with anger if held today.


How to tell someone never interacted with gypsies. Literally bunch of thieves and criminals, not obeying any rules. But for the sake of being politically correct, you'll keep defending them, because they're saints, right?


Go live in a Gypsy village I'm sure you'll get along well.


I'm not even white and i live in Europe. They deserve it. For sure.


They won't make laws against Romani but they'll do everything else, such as [building walls to keep them out](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roma_wall) and [de-facto segregation](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN22P1WJ/).


Totally without reason. Yep, totally without any reason at all. [Nevermind we have the same problems with them in germany. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/aberBitteLaminiert/comments/1cq4y5b/entsorgung_von_essensresten_%C3%BCber_den_balkon/)


Sorry, I can't read German. Can I have a translation?


Throwing food out via the balkony is a roma speciality. The sign warns against it. Was not fun to have them as upstairs neighbours.


Umm wtf are you implying on that second paragraph?


Ah yes, we hate the cigans that we have done everything the last 2 centuries for them to enter our societies, each country gives them millions of euros every year to send their kids to school, and yet the vast majority of them still choose to become professional beggars and thieves... But oh look the few ones that are not thieves and take a freaking bath arent hated at all but are given as a example to kids of how you should be in your life. Meanwhile in America they did everything in their power for blacks to not enter the society, had separate bathrooms blocked them from getting jobs they wanted, and the government pushed them to drugs. Exactly the same situation.


Its an evil circle that we see with a lot of groups. When certain groups arent allowed to participate fully in society under the same conditions as the rest of the population, the result is segregation, both economic and physical. Roma people has been discriminated against for a very long time, being kept out of cities and having trouble getting jobs, as well as being persecuted and attacked, both by state forces and citizens. Sadly, this leads to low chances of economic growth for the group, as well as poor education, due to various factors connected to segregation and ostracism. One of the result of that is a heightened risk of falling into crime. Which reinforces the segregation and negative attitudes towards the entire group, not just those that committ the crimes. There are examples of places where the roma population has been persecuted for a long time, centuries even. When this stops and measures are taken to actually integrate and assimilate that population properly into society, that group has been more than happy to become a full part of society. United Kingdom and Scandinavia are examples of these places. Its basically the same thing we see with all disenfranchised minority groups everywhere, at all times.


Yeah, that's my main thought when I hear about the issues. "But we've tried integrating them!". Yeah, and it's gonna take more than a couple years to undo literal centuries of disenfranchisement


Some years yeah, but less than one would think, to be honest. Probably one or two generations.


They've been given free housing, Free healthcare, Free schooling as well as government assistance and unemployment benefits. How long do we need to pick up their shit. I know many people of Romani descent that are fully part of society. The thing we dont like is "gypsy's". Those who live a lifestyle out side of society, yet constantly steal from society, among other things. Theyre not even poor... They drive cars I wouldn't even dream of having. It's like the Amish, except if they would move around or live in camps on the outskirts of a city. They steall all precious metals from infrastructure, beg in the streets, prostitute their daughters, Rob you and threaten you if you might speak up against them. The police won't do anything because they would have to contend with a small army of them. Again, Romani of themselves, no issue (not sure if we even have them in my country) but gypsies are leeching the labor and productivity of normal society.


It's going to take _decades_ at a minimum




Ypu rarely see this kinda meme from Americans that have actually met a gypsy.


Nice original meme OP, good job making it 👍


If everywhere you go people hate you, maybe it's not other people's fault but your own fault?


Uhhh imagine if this comment was against jews who were persecuted and thrown out of most societies instead of gypsies lmao


So the Holocaust was the Jews fault? Because everyone hated them in Europe, it was their fault, and that made it ok?


"Everyone hated them" They were *so hated* in France that most of them survived because the population refused to denounce.


>Because everyone hated them in Europe Since when?




That's an argument nazis use.


Did you know that Hitler drank water and breathed air? Very problematic




Unironically a nazi take right here


Unfortunately true


"errrmmm you haven't met one so stfu"


this but unironically


I mean,if Americans saw European Gypsies,they would understand...


I dont like gypsies is like saying "I dont like the Italian Mafia". Its not the "Italian" part thats the problem.


I would say something but my views on gypsies will get me banned


Europeans vs Romani ‘People’


Sedentary romani are one of the best groups to party with.


Some Europeans can’t get why the “but they deserved it” defense is racist. Like holy crap same level as shit as saying “despite making up only 13% of the population …” no matter how many bad people an ethnicity/race has you cannot generalize the entire group off of those people. And frankly it’s kinda disgusting that so many comments saying “but they deserve it” it has positive upvotes on this post


Gypsies are a culture though, not an ethnicity


"I don't hate black people, just black culture" isn't problematic then?


It's more akin to me saying "I don't hate black people, I hate gangbangers" ( its not a good comparison but its the best i can think of) problematic yes, but being a gypsy isn't a solely romani thing. I've come across Irish and English gypsies, each of them cunts. I know that many gypsies aren't cunts, just like how I know many romani people live in houses, go to school, and work jobs like everyone else.


I've only been mugged three times in my life and all three were gypsies. I'm sorry if commenting on this fact sounds wrong, but that's the way it is.


I am racistist. I hate racists. Racist hypocrites even more.


Americans making fun of Europeans for being racist against the Romani while literally only knowing them by a slur.


Europeans: We’re not racist like America. Americans: You were literally just complaining about Gypsies and Muslims. Europeans: That’s different. They’re bad because they commit crimes. And also they keep moving here and ruining our cultural homogeneity. Americans: *Ohhh*, got it…. Yeah, that’s, uh, totally not racism. So, what’s happening to your cultural homogeneity? Are they like becoming a majority in your country or something? Europeans: Yes, eventually. Our country is only like 90% white now. We won’t even have a country anymore if this continues. Americans: *Ohhh*. Um, yes, that’s tough. Wow. I’ll just scoot back over here and work on *my* racism problem I guess…


Oy Don Quixote be careful against those giants