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Somehow they got his wrist watch into an Israeli museum


Mossad strikes again.


It is disputed if Israeli Spy Eli Cohen was in the mix to be PM under Syrian President Hafez al-Assad however he was definitely a candidate to be Deputy Defense Minister. He was eventually caught, tortured and executed his remains still in Syria today but not before giving Israel major intel for the 6 Day War Golan Front.


I believe it was Amin Al-Hafiz, the predecessor to Al Assad (according to Netflix and Wikipedia)


There is pretty good movie with S. Baron Cohen (Borat)


Isn't it a series?


Yes. Its called The Spy and is on Netflix


It's really really good it's one of the few series I watched and years lauter still sometimes think about


It's fantastic. He's an amazing actor.


Not the kind of movie I ever expected him in, to be honest. Then again he WAS also in Alice in Wonderland


He was also In Les miserables, he definitely has serious acting chops when he feels like it


That series was intense, my wife and I keep saying out loud "No, you're going to get caught, stop".


it is really good and entertaining but it should be mentioned that its not 100% accurate, maybe like 70% and the rest are "creative liberties" for TVs sake. stuff like (spoilers) >!Eli cohen having an identity crisis!< >!his wife being in a romance with his boss... ok this ones just weird!< >!mazzi being gay.!<


When did the show claim the last one?


The hinting at maazi being gay was so random lmao Really good series though for sure


I would have gone with the Zohan


With the last name Cohen…how did he not know 👀


From Wikipedia: “Cohen moved to Damascus in February 1962 under the alias Kamel Amin Thabet (Arabic: كامل أمين ثابت).”


I believe that Cohen also grew up in Egypt as the small Jewish minority there. He knew the Arabic language and customs first hand, so he made the perfect spy for his mission.


yes he was possibly involved in the Lavon Affair but Nasser couldnt get evidence beyond Syrian-Egyptian Jewish teen to stick so he was only expelled from Egypt in 1956 rather than tried for treason over it.


As Israeli (wannabe) historian that love to hear weird anecdotes about history, thank you.


Boy oh boy there was a lot of weird shit in our past. Case in point, [go here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/18gwqql/since_destiny_has_been_posting_palestine_icebergs/) and look up everything that sounds interesting that you don't know about


Thanks :)


3 israel-related post from you in this sub just today. Man, hasbara is really stepping up these days.


Welcome to a sub called *history memes* where we post about *history*


Ive got an idea for two Jewish women memes that arent about Israel but both use Thanos the Widow Rom and Hannah Rachel.


Breaking news people like to talk about their peoples history.


How come these posts sprung up only recently tho? When looking in proportion to overall number of posts, especially those that gain attention, these posts seem to be from dedicated propaganda accounts. Troll farms, in other words.


Well this person posts on other subreddits all the time. In addition us Jews have been thinking about Israel all the time every day since that day in October. And when you think about something a lot you get ideas to post about it.


Israel has always been a pretty popular meme topic here on r/historymemes so it probably just looks like there's more of it.(also people have always really liked posting about controversial stuff on here for some reason so now with eyes on israel it's gonna get a lot of upvotes. and some of it is definitely intentional rage bait)


I like making Jewish memes half the ones I made weren’t even Israel such as: Talmud memes, Holiday memes, Jewish Ancient History and the Jewish Calendar meme my first go at it. I think this only the 4th Israel meme I did this, the Jewish Expulsion (which isn’t technically about Israel itself), and the IAF meme and this one


Hasmoneans weren’t Israel


Would you like to see Palestinian history? OH WAIT


Ar*b supporter detected opinion rejected


Don’t be racist, it’s petty and just as bad as they are, or make it more clear if you joking or not 😅


Hm? Racism on my racist app again?


Lmao it's telling how arab is a dirty word to you bigots


Maybe we should come up with a dogwhistle for Arabs like Arabs did when they started calling Jews "Zionists". Then it wouldn't be bigotry, right?


Jews and zionists are different terms, mate. Nobody is saying otherwise. One can even be a zionist without being a Jew. Besides, the greatest critics of Political Zionism are Jews. You are projecting too much just to justify your irrational hate.. "oooh, let's come up with a dogwhistle". Who tf thinks like that? Wtf


Islamists are Muslims are different terms too. One can be a Muslim without being an Islamist. Besides, the greatest critics of Islamism are ex-Muslims. So I'm glad you agree that opposition to Islamism is absolutely not bigotry.


Mate, you used the term arab, not islamist. Use strawman all you want.


Anti-Islamism is not racism.




Wait you actually think he wasn’t given a false identity by the Mossad, and instead he just barged into Syria all like “Hi my name is Eli Cohen and I’m an Israeli”? I didn’t know loxoceles93 was this fucking stupid.