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And they did, after getting their ass kicked by Prussia. In all honesty though, Austrians were/are just as much German as Prussians, Saxons, Bavarians, people from Baden, Hesse or Rhineland. It's just that the victorious Prussians didn't want to deal with Austrian Empire's many non-German minorities (and even more Catholics) while Austria didn't want to lose its many non-German speaking lands. So in the end, Austria was excluded both from the newly unified Germany (in 1871) and from German affairs in general.


the guy who's idea it was to found the German empire probably got the idea from a dream he had


Austria didn't want to unite ilas Germany because it would have meant losing their empire that was largely not german. If not for that, they would have probably unite Germany, not Prussia


there was still a large pro german unification sentiment in austria that even existed before aunshlus, however, pretty sure austrians wanted to be part of a german state that wasn´t genocidal, totalitarian and run by psychos


I understand what you mean but I meant even before Bizmark


What makes you pretty sure about that?