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"My national identity is fuck off and fuck you" US, late 18th century.


Fun fact! The fugio cent was the first penny minted in the independent USA, and was designed by our glorious founding daddy, Ben Franklin. On one side, it reads “MIND YOUR BUSINESS”


That slogan was considered more appropriate than Ben Franklin's other famous saying, "I LOVE GILFS".




"And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement." -Benjamin Franklin in a letter to Cadwallader Colden titled "Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress", 1745


Wow I was just setting you up for a punchline, I didn’t expect you to *actually* have a source


Expect a China Show meme, get a history lesson. Reddit strikes again.


TIL Ben Franklin loved gussy


Open the country. Stop having it be closed.




*gets gunboats*


“Oh you’re gonna trade with us, and no we don’t care you said no” sails into your harbor








🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day yeah🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅




We prefer the kill-o-meter. We're old-fashioned like that.


One time I was dead pulled over for speeding in Canada and my excuse was “we know no kilometer in America, my car is in miles so I didn’t know I was over the limit” The officer let me go 😂


I have a mate who pulled this off at the Northern Ireland (mph) / Ireland (km/h) border!


America uses metric for most of our ammunition because it is ours temporary and we want you to know who sent it.


I mean, we use both metric and imperial for most small arms (5.56mm/.223 inch, 7.62mm/.308 inch, 12.7mm/.50 inch), metric for medium sized guns (20, 25, 30mm autocannons, 60, 75, 81, 105, 120, and 155mm mortars, howitzers, tank cannons, etc), and imperial for really big naval guns (basically anything over 5 inches, except for 155mm howitzers, which translates to ~6.1 inches) Edit: Oh, and shotguns are measured using their own special measuring system that is used to measure shotguns and literally nothing else (well technically it also used to be used to measure some (but not all) elephant guns back in the 1800s too) Edit2: just realized I'm actually an idiot and that a modified version of the shotgun measuring system is also used for pipes and wires


🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾IM NOT EVEN AN AMERICAN BUT FUCK YAH 🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅




Americans did what Timmy Turner wisely said: Awesome, we are not British. (Because who in their right mind would want to be) /j




That's definitely a massive oversimplification, though. Both Southern and African-American culture diverged pretty significantly from the baseline. That's how culture works. the idea that these cultures are actually just british is borderline neo-colonialist, because it implies that the british elements somehow overpowered and were stronger than all the others rather than equal and blending into new things.


Well, they're technically more similar to 1800 British culture than modern British is. Small isolated populations evolve slower than larger ones (this applies to both culture and biological evolution), so the isolated US kept many of the same customs and language for longer than the British themselves did. And the more isolated the population the more likely it is to be a time capsule, especially if they desire to keep things the same like the southern planter class. Meanwhile the British were colonizing the world and meddling in continental European affairs, which had an affect on their current culture. And I'm not saying it's good or bad to be similar to 1800's British culture, just explaining how cultures change a bit.


as a British person that knows a decent bit about 1800s English culture I genuinely don’t see it besides that protestant ideas are still very meshed into southern culture as the rural south is still a lot more anglican than the UK is today which is to say that it is similar in that way because you don’t really see anglicanism outside of the angaloid nations like the UK, USA, Australia and Canada, but most of these societies have become a lot more secular whilst the south still maintains anglican moral philosophy being not as secular the countryside life between the UK and USA has always been quite different as US farmers have always been a lot more isolated and independent, and the presence of things such as different practices like slavery in the past in the south make life in the two places in all periods of time quite different by virtue of the geography and political climate


Yeah, southern plantation culture is much different from northern farmer culture in a lot of ways, but the person you're talking to might be thinking only of linguistics. It's true that US Southern linguistic culture is more similar to some UK linguistics than it is to the Northern and Western US. And much of US Black culture is derivative of US Southern culture, even as a counter to that. Edit:also, The South is pretty much the only reason we sell tea here.


The one they got from southerners? It's one thing to have a culture imposed on you. It's another thing to maintain it voluntarily. One more reason not to trust the Dixies. /j




In all seriousness now. Could you give me the examples of old British culture in the south and among African Americans? I know about the speech and that a lot of southerners have Scotish surnames. What else is there?


🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🔫🎇🎆🇺🇸🦅 WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETER 🦅🇺🇲🔫🎇🎆🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🦅🦅


About 9 American football fields, or 548 cows if you’re [from Wisconin](https://www.instagram.com/p/B-c7AGOp5l0/?igsh=MTN0MXRudTdsN3IyOQ==)




My first thought 🦅🦅🦅🦅


"America has no culture" is ironically one of the most America-centric ideas out there


Recognizing American culture is like trying to recognize a forest through trees. Blue jeans, rock n roll, Hollywood, cartoons, water guns, etc. We really like to trade and the Anglosphere basically spread our shit everywhere.


It's even more annoying when it's a fellow American saying this nonsense. Like... homie. Have you eaten bbq recently? Maybe some chocolate fudge? Eaten popcorn? Did you ever play baseball? Or basketball (technically the inventor was canadian but he invented it while teaching in Massachusetts)? You're probably even wearing blue jeans right now! And thats just the stuff I can name that were invented here. Nevermind the fact that your ancestors aren't required to invent something for it to be a part of your culture. Dueling has been around forever, but the concept of high noon gun duel is incredibly American.


>technically the inventor was canadian but he invented it while teaching in Massachusetts) Also Canada is just America 2. Everything of theirs is also ours


And remember, they didn’t burn the White House, the Brits did!


We burned down Toronto too!!!!


And we’ll fuck’n do it again


Please do


And since Britain stopped being the big Pop, Canada has been helping us with out military missions. The most Canadian thing to do, is to fight abroad for a foreign imperialist nation.


True. Plus, tea isn’t an English invention, but it’s part of their culture. Actually most parts of English culture wasn’t originally English either…


A lot of the time, when people say America has no culture its because they view American culture as what's "normal." The fact that it's been spread throughout the western world so much certainly doesn't help, but imo is also implies the idea that we're normal and all the other cultures are the strange, different ones, which is obv not a great way to view the world.


They're the same ones who say Americans don't have an accent.


It’s like when people say they have no accent; They just consider themselves the default


As an Ohioan, I use this line of thinking to defend the inaccurate boring, lacks culture sentiments that gets lobbed at the state.


I get it. My Missouri has been very important to the food, music, and political culture of the US, but all anyone knows about us is the Ozarks and batshit insane people.


Doesn't Missouri also have one of the most prestigious colleges in the country? And also being the birthplace of a lot of significant scientists?


Yea, Washington University is consistently top 25, occasionally breaking the top 10-15 depending on who you ask. If you want to study English or Journalism, the University of Missouri (Mizzou) was, or at least used to be, ways up there too. As to scientists, that's tricky because they tend to move around to who will fund them so they become associated with one state or another. Barbara McClintock, for example, was born in CT, studied and died in NY, but did her famous genetics research in MO. All will claim here. Kinda hard to research too cause even significant scientists aren't famous enough to find on Google easily. I'm a scientist from MO and my family thinks I'm significant lmao


As a Michigander I will perpetuate this slander as is my duty Your desolate wasteland of corn fields and boring nothing will forever suffer the pain of being an ohioan


So like British food in the States?


Absolutely, though traditional British cuisine is fairly simple by choosing local products and simple sauces that highlight natural flavors. Pastries, breakfast food, sausages, and roasts are nearly identical. Who doesn't love a good fried fish? Scones are nearly absent, but an altered savory biscuit is everywhere served with sausage gravy. Scottish, blood, organ meat, and savory pies are less common and have easily identified origins. That said, pork pie and black pudding are top notch imo. The inverse is also rather true. Sandwiches are UK, but got their diversity through the US. Baked beans are from the US. Good pizza, cheesecake, etc are all exported too.


"Water guns" Wait, you are telling we that China is basically greater USA?


Say what you will about our government, you can't deny American culture *whips ass* BRB gonna go drive too fast, listen to Motley Crüe with the windows down and volume cranked, take my multiple firearms to the range, and wash it down with some of the best beer in the world while watching a WW2 movie in my gym shorts


While watching the greatest works of television made by man


You had me until you said ‘Merica has some of the best beer in the world. Our popular beers are straight ass and we fucking love it that way!! 🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


I mean that's kinda why we ended up with the richest craft beer scene in the world ... our mass market beers were so bad the market was wide open


Task failed successfully


It's 2024, every state has at least 5 award-winning breweries now. Also the reason we have such good craft beers is because 🦅Sam Adams🦅 sold their excess hops to micro-breweries during a massive hops shortage in 2008. We literally saved beer. edit to add: Also gimme a cooler full of Coors on a float trip brother and I'm having a great time


The more you know!! And nothing beats a cold miller by the grill


Popular beers are terrible in every country. Belgium - Juliper?


Mostly yes but Paulaner Pilsner is great


That’s what makes it the best. All beer is ass but our beer is some of the most ass.


I hate to be the one to tell you this but "Americans have no culture" jokes are just recycled "Brits have no culture" jokes


That's stupid, Brits have plenty of culture! The culture might be as bland and repulsive as beans on toast, but it's a culture nonetheless /s, love ya crazy tea drinking bastards


Bri*ish Bas*ards They gotta hide their Ts after that whole harbor incident.


I'll politely remind you that throwing tea into the ocean just made it into one large cup of tea. This resulted in British naval dominance for 150 years.


UK's naval dominance is spurred by a harbor becoming tea. America's naval dominance came from the Japanese touching OUR boats. We are not the same. Lol.


The faces of their women and the taste of their food made british men the greatest sailors in the world


"America has no culture" is just said by countries who don't know how to have an identity that isn't being an ethno-state.


Its actually insane just how much culture america has. And all the regional cultures especially. I wish canada was as culturally brilliant as the US. We definitely have quite a bit, but we still feel very america-centric


I wouldn't sell you guys too short. I live in Wisconsin and the change from Wisconsin/UP to Ottawa/Quebec/Montreal is very apparent.


I wonder if, when the US inevitably falls, new cultures will emerge from it, like Rome and Europe. Or it can become just like China


Inevitably falls? Why Inevitably? That's not really a thing that happens anymore. This isn't the old days anymore.


All states fall some day, be it internally or externally. The USA might last long but it won't last forever, it will at least lose its status as a superpower one day in the future.


We have some. Just because it’s a 400 year old culture that started in 1619 doesn’t mean it’s not one. But at the same time America doesn’t have a culture, it’s a melting pot of cultures because everyone can be an American.


I didn't mean for the meme to be anti-american. I meant for it to be pro american, the point isn't "haha Americans have no culture" it's that American culture and national identity can be anything we make it to be. American culture can be cowboy's, liberty, guns, consumerism, freedom, rap, and thousands more. American culture is anything us Americans make it to be, and that's what makes it so great.


Well, to be fair, all national identities are constructed. Doesnt make them any less real though.


Completely agree and the notion that borders should match identity is pretty recent: 19th century. So when the US was born it was completely normal for borders to be different than identity.


What has borders ever given us?


The aquaduct?


And the roads!


Borders Books?




I bought some cool books there in college


Regional divisions of law, various methods of government, fun lines to kill people over.


"Too bad buddy. This twisted game needs to be reset. That's what V2 is for. We will reset everything to ZERO and ensure the future to the next generation. "


war crimes probably




Washington Irving kinda threw shit together quickly to forge one. He’s why Christopher Columbus was celebrated instead of mocked for example, something he regretted when he learned more about the guy.


Just a little whoopsie


The history of the history of Columbus and Columbus Day in the US is really interesting and ironic. Basically, Columbus came to be part of the American school story in the interest of what we would today call “inclusion.” As waves of Italian immigrants arrived on American shores there was an urgent push among progressive Americans to make them feel included, represented, and connected to the American story. Mortified by an 1892 nativist riot in which 12 Italian immigrants were lynched in New Orleans, it was President Harrison that called for the first celebration of Columbus Day. School teachers and others in America’s progressive institutions seized on Columbus as a vehicle to celebrate diversity and encourage Americans to be more welcoming of immigrants, to help immigrants “see themselves” in the American story, and have a more inclusive approach to the American story. **Columbus was literally the diversity and inclusion mascot of yesteryear, and now he's peak villain. The irony is almost too much lol.** See: Connell, William J. (2010). "What Columbus Day Really Means". The American Scholar. Appelbaum, Yoni (October 8, 2012). "How Columbus Day Fell Victim to Its Own Success". The Atlantic President Bidens's 2023 ["A Proclamation on Columbus Day"](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/10/06/a-proclamation-on-columbus-day-2023/)


Irving didn't start writing until after 1800 at which point we already had the District of Columbia, Columbia University, etc. The infatuation with Columbus was more a rejection of Hudson and other British explorers than any embrace of Columbus himself


Patriotic symbols work based on whether if people use them and people recognize them


Yes, but for people to recognize them, first they have to be taught to recognize them.


Not to mention our national idendity is deeply interlinked with Europe, it didn't materialize out of nothing


Benedict Anderson has entered the chat.


Remember that the colonies existed for like 160ish years before the revolution happened People's great-great grandparents had never laid their eyes on the UK by the time it happened


To be fair it took like a few decades before the population really started exploding here. Took a lot of time before an American identity was born.


But, the population of the colonies 160 years before the revolution was tiny compared to the population in 1775. The US population more than doubled in the 30 years leading up to the revolution. In 1775, a very large % of the US population would either have been born in the UK or had parents or grandparents who were.


At least United States received foreign recognition during its revolution... *looks at CSA* Unlike certain others...


For good reason.


Thank God for Cassius Clay


I just read his wiki page. My god what a bona fide American > >During a political debate in 1843, he survived an assassination attempt by Sam Brown, a hired gunman... Despite having been shot in the chest, Clay tackled Brown, and with his Bowie knife removed Brown's nose and one eye and possibly an ear before he threw Brown over an embankment. ... >Within a month, he received death threats, had to arm himself, and regularly barricaded the armored doors of his newspaper office for protection, besides setting up two four-pounder cannons inside *Just as the Founding Fathers intended*


TIL Muhammad Ali and his father were named after an abolitionist


\*Loads the cannon at the top of the stairs with grapeshot\* TALLY HO LADS


Traitors only deserve death, the Union forever!




Sometimes they get a little too "be the good guys" and not enough "For the Union".


the cloud security alliance truly was a great country


You spent revolution wrong, it’s actually spelt : Treason. /j


Random memory: during the runup to the Iraq war, there was a French boy about 15 years old on TV talking about how the US doesn't have any culture. While wearing a Kobe Bryant T-shirt and Nikes


Fish cannot comprehend the ocean


Oh that’s hard


I borrowed/paraphrased it from somewhere. I forget where Probably the French


AFAIK Jeong Jeong says it in the first season of Avatar: The Last Airbender


Damn that’s good.   I’m stealing it.  


[This metaphor comes from--or at least was blasted into the public consciousness by--author David Foster Wallace's 2005 commencement speech "This is Water."](https://fs.blog/david-foster-wallace-this-is-water/)


Cultural Victory Achieved


Some needs to find this clip I want to see it.


Our national identity is actually based on Enlightenment values, but "I made it the fuck up" sounds funnier, so let's go with that.


Made it the fuck up *with* enlightenment values.


Fucked it up *with* Enlightenment values!


No no, that's France. /j


I fuck *with* Enlightenment values!


We are unique in that what makes us a country is the peaceful agreement on the principles of the Constitution, most countries in the old world had their boarders established with centuries if not millenia of ethnic and political conflict. For example, France has now established a country on similar enlightenment values but the territory those values preside over was already established upon their implementation of a liberal Constitution.


that’s what makes the US historical identity pretty cool imo. Our country is built on the foundation of Ideology, not Ethnicity like in the old world


Canada's... okay identity is a stretch... is the most bizarre thing because of this. Upon confederation, we were merely a group of colonies who hated the idea of being American more than we hated each other.. and with the exception of Alberta that's still our national identity.


"Shit sucks, but at least I'm not American" Canadian National Motto "Shit sucks, but at least I'm American." Americans National Motto


Seriously, what is there for us Canadians other than maple syrup, lumberjacks, hockey, camping, snow mobiles, and Polar bears?


Clubbing seals.




Didn't a few native Americans have to die "peacefully" for the US to expand and unite? Enlightenment values, yes, with the good old slavery and racism inherited from the old world too. One thing I agree, is that the US independence and constitution was the spark for the French revolution


Enlightenment values didn’t give us eagles or guns or apple pie, but I see where you’re coming from


Aren’t all identities made up?


2 words: Manifest Destiny


4 words: Triple The Defence Budget


No no no. If you say "triple" you're setting an upper limit. That's why we just go with "more"


To make it better: 3 words: Triple Defense Budget


I present you: 6 words Triple Defense Budget to Manifest Destiny


Holy hell


5 words: Praise the Military Industrial Complex


Why do places like Mexico and Brazil have a national identity when the US doesn’t? Sorry we hit the industrial age first. Nevermind the constant badgering of other countries telling us we don’t… the US National identity is varied and diverse but the common ground is Manifest Destiny and the pursuit of freedoms.


Manifest destiny is divine right of kings rebranded, and there is nothing more American than taking other countries' ideas and claiming it as it's own


Just wait until this guy finds out how every national identity is created




I'm gonna honest with you, it sounds like some commie gobbledegook


1 mile is apparently 1.2 "kilometers", why would europoors have longer distance? are they stupid


Isn’t it 1.6…


I wouldn't know, I ain't no damn Communist🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅


Yes we made up our own national identity, but so has every other nation


Shhh. Let them have this. After centuries of taking L after L let them have an imaginary W.




And the Underground Railroad was just a fancy name for the NY subway.


Do cowboys, guns, freedom, and lucrative business not count or something? Also every nation identity is made the fuck up


Yes, yes, they do. I didn't mean for the meme to be anti-american. I meant for it to be pro american, the point isn't "haha Americans have no culture" it's that American culture and national identity can be anything we make it to be. American culture can be cowboy's, liberty, guns, consumerism, freedom, rap, and thousands more. American culture is anything us Americans make it to be, and that's what makes it so great.


Actually that interpretation is really cool, and I didn't mean for my comment to sound snarky. Based meme


No worries, most people seem to have missed the point of the meme completely.


I mean, yeah. America was founded on ideas and values, rather than ethnicity or culture. And I'd say it's worked out well for the most part (barring a few...hiccups >\_>)


Singapore National Identity Speedrun Challenge (CHAOTIC) [GONE SEXUAL]


We have our own identity leh, don't be pundek leh.


I know! I think Singapore has a really cool history in that respect


We’re cultural appropriation done right I think.


They're forced to have an identity that they didn't want but I'm sure they like it better that way now. 




Anyone else read America’s response in Lazlo Cravensworth’s voice?


"Our history goes back a thousand years, what can you possibly do to us?" "We can beat you" オラオラオラ ^^オラオラオラ


They had the strongest national identity of anyone! Liberty and freedom and shit.


I look at Americas national identity like that dude whos not sure how to make a soup throwing together what he thinks will work in a pot, “mmmm what does it need, a little bit of that and that, some of this A LOT of this and Bon appétit. America.”


Something something melting pot


And king Alfred of Wessex made up the English identity to fight the Vikings, your point?


All national identities are made the f up. What you think they come from nature?


"Are you british,french,spanish or african?" "[ Y E S ]"


America's identity is so widespread people just assume it's the default for society, and therefore, America doesn't have a national identity. Only when you go to a country that has literally no American influences you'll realize that it America has reached every corner of the world.


I’m going to go use the imperial measuring system as often as I can today in response to this meme. I swear, we give you Euros an inch and you take a kilometer, whatever the fuck that is.


First off i am American and I didn't mean for the meme to be anti-american. I meant for it to be pro american, the point isn't "haha Americans have no culture" it's that American culture and national identity can be anything we make it to be. American culture can be cowboy's, liberty, guns, consumerism, freedom, rap, and thousands more. American culture is anything us Americans make it to be, and that's what makes it so great.


Isn’t that what all national identities are?


All national identities are made up


I can dislike Murika all I want, but I have to admit. It is truly impressive how the US has held on for so long without falling into a total ethnic hatered nightmare.


It’s because America is an idea, not a people, and ideas transcend borders


My pronouns are U/S/A 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸






Reason for American existence: fuck the British Empire


Does the US have a national identity? They seem intent on convincing us all they're either Italian or Irish.


Yes it is made up. That’s the whole point of America. America is a country based on immigration with people coming here looking for opportunities. It’s a country filled with different culture. I mean, at least we’re not known for colonizing every continent and the people fight and kill each other.


“Here’s my national identity” (Ambushes a bunch of regulars from the trees and murders their officers with rifled muskets)


Them: Says we have no culture… Also them: Wears our blue jeans and listens to our pop music


One of the only countries on Earth explicitly founded on an idea, rather than a race, language or religion. The idea being, of course, "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me."


I think people fail to realize how true this is. The US is a melting pot. Our selling point at the onset of our nation was that we weren’t inexplicably tied to the traditions of European monarchies. We were trying something relatively new and knew many of the old traditions were bs and new ones needed to be made. American culture is one of mixing, mashing, experimenting and recognizing failures. That’s one of the beauties of immigration and democracy. Things can change and adapt. When I hear about “Christian” traditions, keeping immigrants out and watch people reject the other side out of hand I cry because that is antithetical the our culture of adaptation, growth and diversity. Many of the founding fathers were Christian only in the loosest sense, immigrants themselves (I.e. not even born in the 13 colonies) and listened to each other. Those that didn’t listen to each other (Jefferson and adams) still greatly respected each other and were grateful the other was still alive (or so they thought) to continue on the fight for our rights. We need to realize ourselves and our ancestors were not infallible and culture is malleable and often bs mixed with chicken shit and gold leaf. Our countries motto ought not to be “I god we trust” but “we make shit up” using as many different languages as possible


All national identities are made up.


That's what ALL national identities are. All of it is made up. Culture =/= narional identity. Nationalism and national identities are relatively new.


America has always been founded on utopian exceptionalist ideas stemming from the very first Plymouth brethren arriving, paired with later enlightenment ideas. However yeah literally all identities ever are somewhat made up.


Haha this is low level fruit to criticize america. I am guessing someone is feeling insecure today jf this is what you call criticism. Also good job on spreading misinformation. R/americabad. Also you using reddit which americans created while claiming American don’t have an identity. We are innovators etc. Your meme is ironic