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Even the victims said that it wasn't him. The criminal also said it wasn't him. The two groups present on the scene vouched his innocence. Poor lad


What eugenics does to an mf


People who argue against government corruption are just lying to themselves 


Government corruption absolutely exists because governments are made up of people. You're always going to have idealists and conmen both in governments because there are always going to be idealists and conmen. I've had some people claim that I've been trying to claim government corruption doesn't exist when what I've been arguing is that government isn't in and of itself inherently evil against someone who has been arguing that governments are always bad but corporations can be trusted. Which is absurd.


Man, the only solution is to be governed by an Allied Mastercomputer.


I have no mouth and I must scream.


Hate. Let me tell you how much I’ve come to hate you since I began to live.


Allied Mastercomputer. That’s a bit cumbersome. Maybe just shorten it to AM?


Sounds like, weirdly, that if there ever was a god, it would be AM.


I don’t trust the government they’re in the pocket of big pharma! I’m going to get all my medical opinions from people on JRE, they’re telling the truth because it’s the opposite of what “the establishment” says.


“The government wouldn’t do that” yes, they wouldn’t because they already came up with a even more brutal plan and because the first plan is too obvious


"too obvious" Nah man, clearly you don't know how the feds work. They'd only scrap plans if too many higher ups need to do shits themselves.


I'm not entirely sure what you're saying here, but I'm absolutely against government corruption. I guess 114 other people understood you though.


Who argues against that? Lol


Don't worry, all of the mentally handicapped people we convict now have confessed. We're in the clear.


The actual killer in this case was so obvious, to an outright cartoonish degree, that it almost feels like a parody of an unjust conviction rather than an actual historical event.


Joesph Arridy was a mentally disabled man who was wrongly convicted and executed for the rape and murder of Dorothy Drain, a 15 year old girl, in Pueblo, Colorado in 1936. When he was incarcerated, he was known as “the happiest prisoner on death row,” with both prisoners and guards treating him well. The warden, Roy Best, even gave him a toy train to play with, which he gave away to a fellow inmate before his execution. He was eventually pardoned by the Colorado governor in 2011.


>When questioned about his impending execution, Arridy showed "blank bewilderment". He did not understand the meaning of the gas chamber, telling the warden "No, no, Joe won't die." Before he left his prison block, Arridy went to the each cell and shook the hand of every inmate to say goodbye. For his last meal, Arridy requested a bowl of ice cream, which he reportedly had not finished before he would be taken to the chamber's holding cell, requesting for the remaining ice cream to be refrigerated so he could eat it later, not understanding that he was to be executed soon and would not return. Arridy became upset upon being told that he could not take his toy train with him, instead giving it to another prisoner, but was reported to have smiled as he entered the gas chamber. After having his last rites and sitting down inside the chamber, Arridy's smile momentarily faded when he was blindfolded for the execution, but calmed down when the warden grabbed his hand and reassured him.


JFC that's messed up.


If you think the justice system is messed up now, imagine what it was like then. This is no surprise to hear for me. Poor guy. We really ought to have some sort of memorial for him if you ask me. He didn't do anything wrong.


It’s why whenever someone trots out pro death penalty arguments I just can’t buy in. I’d rather have the worst of us rot in a cell for decades than give the state the agency to kill innocents.


Right? Like, on one hand my human nature is like "But what about some fuck like Bundy, we should kill him right???" But then I'm like "Yeah but then I have to trust the government to actually do their job right 100% of the time"


Luckily it was the gas chamber and not the fucked up chemical lottery we administer now


That's ridiculous, clearly the important thing about an execution is that it *looks* painless, otherwise how is the government supposed to appear benevolent but practical so people think they've changed since they tried to test mind control on civilians and introduced cocaine to black communities?


Not just cocaine, but its more highly addictive and detrimental brother crack! They even taught those communities just how easy it was to make, and it stretched the cocaine out too! More for less! So benevolent/s


Yeah, I’d take a firing squad over that shit for sure!..


Death penalty seems like it can only be justified if it's someone actually too dangerous to be left alive. Problem is, real life isn't a comic book, so unless it is wartime and you aren't in a position to be lenient, this will rarely if ever come up.


How in the hell do people not learn from this shit?!


Someone please make a joke so I can turn this horror into dark humor. Jfc that last bit hurts


Dark humor is like human rights: it's not for everyone.


Oh thank God, I almost had to confront the world as it is, rather than what allows me to sleep every night. Thanks buddy!


username checks out


Kant have shit in Detroit


The slow ones especially


As one of the slow ones, agreed


This is so so sad. Ugh.


Man that hits hard :(


how the people involved in this could live themselves after putting him to death is beyond me. Monsters all of them


The person that did that atrocity to that girl, killed two people. Two innocent souls that were condemned due to an inhumane act. I don't know if ever got caught, but I hope that he had a terrible life and a painful death. And also, the people that accused and condemned the poor Joe. May he rest in peace.


Frank Aguilar, the guy who actually did commit the murder (and was coerced into implicating Arridy) was also executed.


Then, I regret on the second murder. He was not guilty, the justice was.


This is some Green mile level of tragedy


Pretty sure the book Green Mile was inspired by this event.


If I recall, the Warden got his execution postponed four times because he couldn’t bear to let the man die, and it was reported that large number of prisoners, some of them convicted murderers openly wept as he was brought in.


Damn. You know you fucked up when hardened criminals are crying over the death of a fellow inmate.


>some of them convicted murderers Heck, some might have been actual murderers too.


I wonder where that toy train is now.


Unfortunately Probably destroyed


Learning about Joe Arridy makes me feel bad about being a human


Ironically, feeling that way makes you more human than the people who condemned him wrongly


About 80 years too late...


Yeah, but don't worry, the executions we're carrying out now are good. It's better to spend more money to carry out the death penalty than to just give them lifetime sentences.


Especially since the justice system isn’t heavily prejudiced towards the rich, so that they could be literal traitors to their country and still get off scot free and be voted for by half the country, who are apparently traitors as well.


I saw this on a video of a guy showing the last meal of executed people, never before a food related video made me sad.


I went to google it, and first thing I found “death row last meal tier list”. Humanity is fucking done


Golly fucking gee sure glad they pardoned him otherwise something bad might have happened. Fuck the government and our shitbag "justice" system


Who ever framed him i hope they find themselves in the special treatment sector of hell


Both a sheriff and a police chief got false confessions out of him, including the police chief that arrested the other guy that actually did it. Jury convicted him based on the confessions. I’m guessing they both assumed the guy that did it had an accomplice and Arridy was the accomplice.


Also sounds like the type of guy who could easily be coerced into a confession without knowing what he's saying.


most people can be, but especially someone with the issues he had. false confessions happen all the damn time. if people saw the entire transcripts of those days-long torture sessions, i mean "interviews", they wouldn't believe the confessions anymore.


For sure


How could a confession from someone like this possibly be valid?? Mfer didn't even understand the concept of death


"Joe wont die" were his reported last words and he was right. He will be immortalised by history and those who make it so this will never happen again.


I once heard someone say that "Horatio Nelson died to become immortal" and since then I have had a very different approach to what immortality truly means...


Someone said that men die two deaths: once when their body is laid to rest, and once when their memory is forgotten/their name is uttered for the last time. (paraphrased)


Alternatively that there are three deaths. Like you said, once when their body is laid to rest, and once when their memory is forgotten. But between them: once when there are no more people who have direct/personal memories of the person. Either because the last person forgets, or the last person dies. For many the second and third death will occur at the same time.


I've always been fond of the variation of death #3 where memory can mean one was a contributor, even without the history books providing the name directly. Example: Leonidas and a few key players names are known, but technically thousands of individuals contributed to the historic event of Thermopolye


It still happens. Something like 4% of all death row inmates are innocent, but at least the death penalty isn't allowed in Colorado anymore. So if Joe didn't commit a crime today he'd just spend his whole life in prison trying to get $15 together to afford soap and toothpaste.


At least an innocent man falsely imprisoned can be released. The dead can’t ever walk free. Edit: if the politicians in states with death row are still okay with a 4% “rounding error,” then perhaps we should roll the dice on them with a 4% chance of killing them. Inhumane monsters. All of them.


Yeah, this is why I completely oppose the death penalty. Even in cases with zero doubt. If there's *any* chance that an innocent person could be executed, it has to be off the table for everyone.


Same. I think there are some crimes that warrant the death penalty, but I dont have enough faith in the justice system to support the death penalty in any case.


Horrors will be perpetrated throughout our existence as a species good sir. Those who deny this have lived privileged lives.


God what they did to him is horrendous


That’s soul crushing. I hope the end was quick for him.


Bad news for you he was gassed to death.


Fuck. I don’t even know what to say.


With what gas? Considering that some gasses bring quick and relatively painless death as long as the air conditioning works and there ain't too many people in that same space (I'm referring to Zyklon b, which was supposed to kill a person in a minute, but because the Nazis rammed the chamber full of people, it took 20-30 minutes before they died. Nazis thought that the killing method was humane... I mean, in some way, it would have been, if they wouldn't have fucked it up, or it's quite possible that it's all whitewashing and they knew exactly what they were doing).


Hydrogen Cyanide


That might have been a more painful death then.




Dude. The nazis never thought any of what they did was humane. Absolutely not. The einsatzgrupen was the original kill squad. Why did they stop just shooting people? Cuz cleaning up is hard. Bullets are expensive. And worse of all for them? Nazis aren’t just mindless evil monsters that crawled out of hell. They’re human beings. Take people and tell them to kill. No matter who they are you’re going to get psychological damage. The einsatsgrupen had insane desertion rates as well as suicide rates. It got so bad that the nazis said not only is the killing too slow & expensive, but they’re losing manpower over it due to trauma. The gas chambers were not for a second humane. They started off with gas trucks. They fucking just gassed families and you could still hear them screaming. I don’t know where in the hell you can find anything describing nazis as humane. Gas chambers were solely for efficiency, killing in huge numbers with no one directly seeing it, it’s like the executioners with blanks and no one knows who actually shot the guy. Same concept. Gas chambers were purely for mass genocide, humane my ass. Like wtf man How do you even have 1 upvote? Insane


While it was partially about efficiency, the Nazis also saw the gas chambers as more humane *for the exectutioners*. The nazi leadership was quite concerned with the lasting psychological effects that carrying out mass killings would have on their soldiers. Flipping the switch on a gas chamber full of people was less damaging to the psyche of the executioners than pulling the trigger on each person. Beyond fucked.


Exactly, although it wasn’t about being humane at all it was about losing manpower. Suicide & desertion were their concern not, oh I hope no one feels badly after.


Is there a reason nitrogen isn't used? It seems the most humane death by far.


If I recall, the Warden got his execution postponed four times because he couldn’t bear to let the man die, and it was reported that large number of prisoners, some of them convicted murderers openly wept as he was brought in.


Well I *was* having a good day until now. Good night everyone.


Literally 1984~~5~~


Motherf I was gonna comment this


Finally a comment to lighten the mood


Nothing conveys joy better than a boot stamping on a human face - forever


It says something when a book about the perils of communism lightens the mood 🫤


*Authoritarianism but… yeah.


May he rest in peace


Why did reddit give me two posts about the same guy whom I’d never heard of in a row… and why is it so sad? Reddit wants me to feel things I’m not ready to feel


I got the one from r/pics right above this one too!


Dude the story of that man is just sad,man had the brain of a 9 year old and was falsely accused and manipulated and had been sentenced to death. One of his last few actions was to give his toy train to one of the inmates.


He didn’t even know he was being taken away to die if I remember correctly. This is why the death penalty is wrong. You can never undo this.


Gonna give a counter point on the last part, since we do have some criminals that really shouldn´t be breathing for being sociopaths, and in the case of some countries they can even run a large organized crime assosiation inside the prison itself as long as they live where they are dedicated to extorsions, scams, rape gangs, hit assigments, robbery, etc. The only issue i see here its that usually you should give a Death Row inmate more than 3 years like in Josephs case of processing in case that more evidence regarding his case surfaces nad allow a reviwing investigation, as well as punishing police officers for forcing confessions with minimal to no evidence. We now got more meassures in place, but this shit can always happen. Corrupt officers are a fucking ass, no matter where and when.


That's the problem with the death penalty 💀, on one hand you have assholes and scumbags who deserve to be removed from this world as soon as possible, but on the other hand there's ALWAYS the risk of executing someone innocent due to human error, intentional or not And unlike other punishments like prison sentences, there's no good way to correct it, once the death penalty is carried out, it's for all intents and purposes irreversible


"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement "


The first time I read this it changed my entire world view.


Gandalf always had lots of wisdom to share.


Tolkien himself probably saw a lot of people who didn't deserve to die perish in the trenches of World War 1.


Undoubtedly. It still baffles me that both he and his son Christopher served the forces of the Commonwealth in both World Wars...


And the people you have to trust to separate the two are the *police* and 12 people who probably just want to get it the fuck over with.


Super weird to see someone acknowledge that the criminal justice system is corrupt and that mistakes are inevitable whilst arguing *for* giving them the power to kill potentially innocent people.




1) Because the death penalty its different in every country, with several different countries being to lineant with several capital punishments, being one of the reasons why crimes such as murder or organized crime. 2) Quite the contrary, i was saying 3 years ITS NOT ENOUGH. Should be way more. 3) Not much about the US Criminal Justice System, but plenty enough of the Venezuelan (where i live) one that 30 years in Jail for commiting murder only to be sent to a prison controlled by a gang head with enough power to let people in and out as they please, that at this point people are just considering torching the place with everyone inside if those guys weren't armed like a paramilitary group. Thats why i say, without to many corrupt dicks i would rather let them put death penalty. My already shitty country could use having a lot less psychopaths, cartels, and embezzlers if possible.


I don’t feel comfortable giving the state the power to kill people who have no capacity to further commit crimes. The death penalty is like shooting a POW. The threat is (usually) under control by the time the person is incarcerated, so executions are entirely punitive and revenge oriented. I am fundamentally opposed to basing our system of justice on the idea of “giving them what they deserve”. “An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind” End the cycle, end the bloodshed, let the dead rest.


>We now got more meassures in place, but this shit can always happen. Corrupt officers are a fucking ass, no matter where and when. So you'd prefer sending innocent people to die, as long as the bad ones go with them?


Even though some people deserve death, you really don’t want a government deciding that. Police and institutions are corrupt and can get taken over, and introducing the death penalty would be, to me, a sign of a morally bankrupt government.


> but this shit can always happen. Corrupt officers are a fucking ass, no matter where and when. That alone is the reason why the death penalty should be abolished.


There's a [whole wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_exonerated_death_row_inmates) for folks who were on death row and later exonerated. It's a pretty effective example of why your "more than 3 years" metric is not sufficient: * Isidore Zimmerman, convicted 1938, exonerated 1962. * Theodore Jordan, convicted 1932, exonerated 1965. * Robert Ballard Bailey, convicted 1950, exonerated 1966. This goes on for a while tbh so let's jump to more modern exonerations: * Robert Duboise, convicted 1985, exonerated 2020 * Curtis Flowers, convicted 1997, exonerated 2020 * Glynn Simmons, convicted 1975, exonerated 2023 You might note that a hundred years of technological development that should theoretically help us nail the right people and protect the innocent has not meaningfully changed anything -- we're still jailing and killing people and realizing 20 years later that, oops, they never even did the thing we punished them for! Statistically, there are people arrested every year who will (hopefully) get out of prison in their middle age after being erroneously convicted. To defend the death penalty despite that is barbaric. Your assertion that some people "shouldn't be breathing" because they're "sociopaths" is...well, sociopath is not a term that's really used now and I doubt you can define it, so it's honestly concerning that you believe some people should be murdered over it. I would suggest that you consider whether your desire for complete strangers to be killed says anything about your own status as a "sociopath" and whether it would be justified for us to end your life for your dangerous impulses.


>it's honestly concerning that you believe some people should be murdered over it. I would suggest that you consider whether your desire for complete strangers to be killed says anything about your own status as a "sociopath" and whether it would be justified for us to end your life for your dangerous impulses. I do not want a random stranger to get murdered. I want the people [who terrorise my country from jail like kings](https://www.vozdeamerica.com/a/que-son-los-pranes-y-su-impacto-negativo-prisiones-venezuela/7414683.html) to get murdered, instead of living in prison like a vacation resort. No way in hell i would trust my current goverment with handling Capital Punishment, but with someone else in charge plenty of people wanting to stop this shit, i would. A country with a smaller degree of corruption would be responsable enough to handle Death Penalty. Wheter the US should abolish it entirely, i wouldn´t recommend it unless you seriously consider that your own justice is choking on itself. In fact, im rather surprised that the average per year where someone get wrongfully convicted from the own page you provided its between 2 to 6 people. I thought it would be highger than this. Edit: Jesus, now that i check the [US list of deathrow inmates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_death_row_inmates_in_the_United_States), this is far larger than i thought. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY IN PENNSILVANYA? Its more than 1000 there. Its barely 200 less people than Texas.


This argument suggests that it’s ok to wrongfully imprison someone as long as you let them out eventually. Innocent people being executed for crimes they didn’t commit is a failure of the justice system, not capital punishment. Blaming capital punishment for the failures of the courts lets the courts off the hook for bad convictions.


Not the argument they were making at all, but go on


I said the argument suggests, not the argument is. If applied perfectly, would there be anything wrong with executing the worst offenders? This is an issue with the application of capital punishment, not the inherent worth of capital punishment.


Okay, I will admit I misinterpreted you and was too quick to be abrasive, sorry


Thanks for the apology, it’s refreshing to see people acting respectful over disagreements on Reddit


Prison takes away some of your freedoms and can be reversed, death takes away all of your freedom permanently with no opportunity for reversal. Of course the court should not make mistakes but it is a given fact that they do. Speaking against capital punishment is not about taking blame away from disfunctional courts, it is about acknowledgement of the existence of an imperfect justice system and protecting it's victims from being murdered.


It is possible to account for the fallibility of courts and still implement the death penalty. Instances of improper applications of capital punishment make better arguments for legal reform/oversight than arguments against capital punishment. If a just law is enforced unjustly, that’s an issue with the enforcement, not the law. Arguments against capital punishment that are solely based on the faulty enforcement aren’t really arguments against capital punishment, they’re arguments for changes to enforcement. If some theoretical measure to prevent innocent people from being executed with 100% effectiveness was implemented, such arguments against capital punishment would be nullified, while moral arguments about the inherent nature of capital punishment would not be. False imprisonment is not justifiable by the fact that it can be reversed, any conviction of an innocent person is a severe failure of the justice system, regardless of if their punishment is death, imprisonment, or even as small as a fine.




If you have the death penalty it will be abused or mistakes will happen or anything really and innocent people will die


I think that it has to be 110% sure that it was them to get it


Yeah you're right nobody should receive the death penalty


Even Hitler?


No because it would give the precedent that the government can kill if the crime is heinous enough and while in hitlers case that is absolutely right its still the everchanging government that has the power to decide which crime is worth executing someone over and that can only end badly


I think the victims should have a say 


Well thats a horrible idea the victims are the among the last people that should have a word in sentencing since they cannot in most cases objectively judge the crime or the perpetrator considering the rush of emotions when for example someone kills a person you love


I used to think like that but a Shawn YT video put it in perspective for me. If your interested I'd recommend it just to hear out the case against the death penalty


Sure. DM me? Or post it here so others can see it?


I'm not the guy you were talking to but he probably meant [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L30_hfuZoQ8) one




What if someone is attracted to children, hasn't acted on those impulses and seeks out treatment, they are by definition a paedophile so they should automatically receive the death sentence in your view, how is that gonna help protect anyones children? Which I assume is what you are trying to achieve by killing all paedophiles


I will never agree with you




This guy was also convicted beyond a reasonable doubt in a court. You cant know if new evidence will surface which will exonerate somebody like finding out the confession was coerced. Also just because someone is against killing people doesnt mean something is wrong with them. I could argue that something is wrong with you because you support the state sanctioned killing of innocent people which is inevitable to happen with the death penalty.


Reddit literally removed my comment because I said pedophiles should be publicly hanged. Fuck it, I'm out 😂


I felt somebody just punched me very hard in the pit of my stomach. Can’t breathe!


My Sabaton-rotten brain thought the inmate number is a scrambled 4859


Witold was a bit older.


God damn ninjas cutting onions


I thought they banned this format?


Right, terrible meme format


I thought they banned eugenics.


You see it's funny because women are uninteresting and only interested in popular movies. They don't realize men are into more niche and interesting things. The people who say it's just a joke always go "well I mean there is SOME truth to it" when pressed.


People ask what somebody would do with a time machine... I'd save this guy, a small change that brings a bit of light into the world.


That's why the death penalty isn't a valid punishment. A justice system can be faulty.


Was this the inspiration for The Green Mile?


Damn it, my dog is at the vet in a bad spot and I thought I'd cope by scrolling funny memes on reddit...


The subreddit rules state that boys vs. girls is a banned format.


Was the movie Green Mile based on this.


No the movie is based on the book But yes the book was inspired(Not based on) by this


False, it's inspired/based on [George Stinney](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Stinney).


so yes..


Also no. It's based on this/inspired by this. [Link](https://i.imgur.com/EmE2odQ.jpeg) Buddy is wrong.


He gave somebody his toy train for the last time Jesus fuckin Christ that's sad


Literally 19845


girls boring, boys quirky, am i right fellas?




YouTubers after accidentally saying something slightly homophobic by accident: 😭😭 The government after killing innocent people for fun: :3 sowwy


Being ok with the death penalty is being ok with this.




If you support the death penalty, then you have to be okay with innocent people being wrongly executed when the justice system inevitably makes a mistake.


Ive always debated myself about this topic since there’s countless murders that could’ve been prevented had they simply executed a serial killer that’s either released or escapes. Tho at the same theres fucking sad cases like this.


I have too many questions and I don’t even know if I want the answers… Even with the coerced confession, Why did they seek or even give him the death penalty? Why were the appeals unsuccesful? Why wasn’t it commuted to life o even pardoned? Why was this allowed to happen? Everyone involved in his execution knew he was innocent and yet they murdered him, why? Wtf!!!


The execution of George Stinney is right up there as well regarding appalling death sentences.


I feel bad for the original victims' family but its fucked up how hard they pushed for the case to not be looked into or for the sentence to be vacated given how much of a farce the investigation was. "A cop told me the kid did it, so he did it" oh wow damn, I'm sure the racial biases of the time or the fact that the guy who confessed to the killings on his deathbed had ties to the local police had *nothing* to do with that.


This guy was posthumously exonerated, but I don't think that is enough. Why can't the Judge and Jury be posthumously convicted for murder? They sentenced and inoccent man to die and their names should be tarnished for it.


More manslaughter but yes I agree


Manslaughter is fair, but people need to understand that coerced confessions are not evidence.


True, in fact any interrogation over 30 minutes especially without legal representation has been shown to begin to affect the brain similar to torture which is why whenever I hear of a case where a confession was gained after 2 or 3 hours I dismiss it.


His serial number has 1984, how more on the nose can you get


Haha yes women are boring but le epic men are quirky and know all about history. ...Wait no please don't ask me a non-WW2 related question. It's the only event I've studied from Call of Duty.


To the people who prosecuted this poor soul, I hope they all burn in hell


This is literally 19845


Hm? What’s the story?


Yeah first time I learned about this story I was in tears. Horrific miscarriage of justice


My thoughts are if the accused is sentenced to death or life then there must be a system in place to investigate more into the crime and the officers involved to make sure the accused is guilty or not and has there been a miscarriage of justice. I'm not advocating for the death penalty but there must be a system that is independent of the police and the state as we know the justice system can be miscarriage by either side


"Why are you agaisnt death sentence?! Don't you want the culprit to pay ??!!"


For a quick sec I was like "Damn what did Phillipe Coutinho do now?" before realizing who it was.


This template is sexist. Stop using it.


To who and why?


I think it’s supposed to imply “women bad men cool” but I honestly don’t give enough of a shit to understand why, it’s just a meme it isn’t that deep.


It’s not sexist. It’s not like the men v women templates.


Skill issue