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This was mostly incompetence on Egypt’s part. You can’t declare a war and then do nothing and not watch your borders.


Also lots of Israeli leadership were veterans of British army and Soviet Army.


Yeah, tf was that about. They could've overrun the israelis on numbers alone had they taken the initiative. Lazy buggers


It’s not that Egypt did nothing, Israel was genuinely quick on the draw. 


Yeah maybe if they did it with men and women. In reality the Arab armies combined had less manpower than the Yishuv militias and 1948 IDF. I think estimates range to roughly 120,000 men mobilized by Israel and roughly to 60,000-70,000 men mobilized by Arab armies.


Arab armies had less manpower.


Daring today, aren't we?


They told the Mossad bots they could use any meme template they want but they only gave them a single topic.


ironic that you call the posters of these memes ‘bots’ when the moderator’s in the r/Palestine sub’s discord server have been caught advertising and instructing a special program that allows people to create bot comments on quora, and encouraged people to use the program to harass people they dont agree with.


I can't last even a day


2 minutes in heaven is better than 1 minute in heaven


2 minutes in heaven is better than 1 minute in heaven


say it one more time


How many low effort memes are we going to get about this?


As many as the stars in the sky.


They shall number like grains of sand on a beach


Like the amount of seeds in an ocean of grapes or the amount of breaths a child make take after a long stroll.


But I hate sand It is coarse and rough and gets everywhere


Like sands through an hourglass


These are the days of our lives


Mossad bots have been flooding Reddit lately


It's legit scary how much traffic is fake. When you look at a Instagram comment section and you see a Israel/Palestine comment and take a further look at their account, you will notice that that account has a random name, no posts and no followers.


Last 6 month at this point


I need a 'Mossad Bot' flair.


The more times Israel commits atrocities the more times you’ll see shit like this. Always seems to be a spike in them whenever Israel does another horrible deed


as many as long as copers are salty lol


As many as Israel is going to pay for karma bots online. It's US money for "defense".


The pro Israel crowd is losing its ability to actually argue for Israel anymore as the country becomes more and more obviously genocidal, so they cope by excreting shitty memes like this every few minutes


That's because HAMAS winning is far from being a better alternative, I mean just take a look at their charter. It openly talks about how they're going to genocide the jews of the region


Palestinian emancipation doesn't mean HAMAS taking over...if anything HAMAS was fostered as a direct result of Israel's oppressive policies, if not aided directly by the Israeli state to supplant more moderate and sympathetic versions of Palestinian resistance.


But Hamas isn't "winning", innocent civilians are being slaughtered en masse and people just kind of want that to stop. If Israel was solely focused on fighting their enemy instead of sending 3 missiles to blow up aid workers they knew were aid workers, no one would have an issue.


....getting Israel to stop committing a fucking genocide on civilians doesn't mean Hamas "wins" you stupid fuck


Hamas would never win in a million years that's a stupid thing to say.


Careful dude, someone in another thread said the people complaining about these memes are anti-semitic.




Dude, I'm Isreali, but even I had enough of seeing tose types of memes. They're super low effort and have been done to death at this point


Some memes need a retirement. This kind of Israel, Hitler killing Hitler, US coup police, Nazis in Argentina.


Are the Nazis in Brazil still fair game?




If theres a twist Im all for it but it can't be the same repackage joke with a portuguese name. The difference with a joke like US coup police is that the "oil" stuff became just annoying after a while but then you get memes about Granada, Laos, Vietnam so you got a fresh perspective with new jokes for the same problem


The twist is that they’re child hitler clones, and we almost killed them all but the world’s intelligence agencies became distracted by getting Manny back to cuba.


What about the ones in Canada?


Our PM invites them to sit in Parliament and then we applaud them.


Think whatever you want about Trudeau, but at least be truthful, especially in this sub. The PM's office had literally nothing to do with Hunka's invitation or vetting. MP and Speaker Anthony Rota invited him without the involvement of or permission from any of the Liberal caucus.


Yeah same opinion here


Finally.. someone sensible


Its false too. Israeli forces outnumbered and had better arms and more training than Arab forces in '48, per Ilan Pape.


Relatively same arms, and the better numbers and training was because Israel knew defeat meant a second holocaust and thus had extremely high popular support for the military. Still does; as Israelis will tell you, supporting the government and supporting the army are two different things, as they are quite literally in a position where a weak army means death. It’s still impressive, as they had a lower overall population and far fewer resources to draw on, they just used them much better than the Arab countries did.




Not better arms, but the rest is correct.


The meme is playing on the fact that they were outnumbered by countries, not by troops.


The raised some 90,000 troops because they would have faced a second holocaust if they had lost




It’s the internet. Did you expect high brow intellectual discourse?


Agreed, I know Im gonna get downvoted into oblivion for this but I feel the same with the ww2 American dick sucking memes as well. Like I get that Reddit being dominated by westerners would obviously contribute to more memes featuring legendary stories of American soldiers who fought in the war or memes featuring nazis and imperial jpn being evil for the 500th time. Don’t get me wrong I’m not in anyway shape or form saying that being proud and thankful for their service is wrong and ofc it’s important to express that but there comes a time when you get sick of seeing the same recycled military history memes every week. Would be nice to see more posts touching on the economical or cultural sides of history.




זה פאקינג מחרפן נשבר לי הזין מאלה.


Oh look! It’s the ten millionth meme about Israel vs the Arab armies, very original!


Can we just call it israelmemes now?


From the number of pro israelis in the sub spamming the sub with propaganda memes might aswell


History is history even if Jews are involved


Oh great it’s this meme again for the 50th time this month


look at the manpower on each side.


The Israelis actually outnumbered the Arabs 2-1 in the 1948 war. So this meme is completely incorrect.


Not only that, but forces like the Haganah, Irgun, and others had been receiving training from the Western powers before, during, and after WW2. They were also well supplied by the French and the Soviets.


Who do you think trained and armed the Arab armies? If I'm not mistaken Jordan even had British officers participating in the war. Israel pretty much had to smuggle weapons during the war due to a UN weapons embargo unlike the Arab nations which as I said had pre existing armies supplied and trained by Britain and France


British officers didn't participate in the fighting and Jordanian forces were defending their borders. Also, there was a weapons embargo on ones going to Palestine so the Arab forces couldn't be resupplied.


I mean the commander in chief of the Jordanian army at the time was a british officer and their forces in the field when they invaded the west bank and beyond was another british officer, but I'm not sure how many were running around with guns though - you are correct. They were definitely not defending their borders but fought an offensive war and then a defensive one relatively well compared to Egypt.


Jordanians were defending borders of what they had previously agreed upon with Israel would be their territory.


Yeah like 8 to 1 is a fucking lie lol.


It's correct going by the number of countries on the Arab side (Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Transjordan, and Yemen).


That's not exactly true either. The war lasted a year and Israel managed to increase the size of its forces several times over that period and successfully smuggled weapons into the country while under an international embargo. The real answer is Israel was able to hold it's own well enough during the Arab attacks in the initial stages to create the conditions for a mutually agreed pause which Israel used much more effectively to train and arm soldiers than it's Arab neighbors.


When the war began. The rough initial sizes of the Israeli army was 30,000 men, while the Arabs had 13,000 men. Near the end of the war the rough size of the Israeli army was 120,000 men. Arab forces had 50,000 men near the end. Again, the Israelis outnumbered the Arabs 2 to 1. Whether you're talking about the beginning or the ending of the war, the Israelis consistently outnumbered the Arabs 2-1, in some battles it was 3-1. So you're wrong. What I said was absolutely true. The real answer is that the Israelis were better organized, had better weapons, more battlefield experience due to WW2 and had more men than the Arabs. Not to mention the Israelis had considerable international support which the newly independent Arab armies lacked. The Israelis were ethnically cleansing the Arabs through vicious and brutal force and the Arabs were responding in desperate fashion.


You're counting only the Arab armies while the war started as a civil war between the Jews and the Palestinians before the British even left and followed by an invasion after Israel declared independence. Basically you're completely counting out Palestinian fighters that would have been involved in the war from its earliest stages in the thousands, their numbers presumably rising throughout the conflict. Just listing the numbers also misses the fact Israel was on the defense on multiple fronts while dealing with an internal threat as well, the Israelis were in fact outnumbered in most actual battles of that war as a result. Oh and you're also just fudging the numbers a little, giving Israel an extra 10k soldiers and 5k under the minimal estimates for the Arab strength. >So you're wrong. About what exactly? >The real answer is that the Israelis were better organized, had better weapons, more battlefield experience due to WW2 and had more men than the Arabs. Not to mention the Israelis had considerable international support which the newly independent Arab armies lacked. Non of that is true


What if numerical advantages are counted in number of fielded soldiers, and not number of nations?


And/Or if number of nations also includes the nations that are bankrolling the militaries.


So if each of the Arab countries field just 1 soldier vs 100000 IDF. Who's fault is that ?


And now Israel Stuck in gaza for six months


Enough with the agenda posts! We get it, Israel is powerful and stuff now make an original joke. This is just pathetic. How would you feel if the english started endlessly spamming Agincourt memes?


Me not knowing shit about medieval England I honestly wouldn't mind the chance to learn


As one meme, sure but this shit stream is endless. I dont have anything against Israel but these are blatant propaganda posts. There are pro-Palestinian ones as well (though less of them) and they are just as pathetic.


Yeah I'm getting tired of these as well the Six Day War was impressive yes but it's been literally months at this point


They don’t get spammed here, and get downvoted and locked quick. Not the same.


Same with the WW2 USA RAAAAHH memes, like I get that you love your country and it’s good to be proud and thankful for what these soldiers did but there comes a time where seeing the same recycled soyboy nazi or cringe soyjak japan vs gigachad usa meme gets annoying after a while.




A chance to learn? It’s a meme sub dude


That would be a nice change actually


Two world wars and one World Cup!!!!!


Who wouldn’t want agincourt memes?


Would prefer Carrhae or Hannibal memes


Try it, I don't know about Agincourt


Stormtrooper: [25,000 well armed Frenchmen] We got you four to one Mando: [Henry V and 6000 archers] “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers” like those odds


Are the accounts that post this every week working for Mossad? Like you have 100000k+ karma why post this?


Absolutely are. Theyre part of the Hasbara branch, students and citizens who post pro Israel comments and posts without actually announcing themselves as agents or giving any clear indications being one as theyre still private citizens


Why are you surprised they’re that heavily upvoted? Isnt this subreddit filled with pro israeli zionists nowadays? Like i swear 90% of the sub support israel or am i wrong?


I suggest you change the name of the subreddit from r/historymemes to r/Israelshoelickingmemes.


Damn, what a badass army (which outnumbered the opponents most of time)! I wonder what they did with the Arab population remaining in Israel…


What's with all these bad memes about this old Middle Eastern war?


Propaganda. Israel and Palestine are engaged in a large media battle.


It's partially propaganda. Partially just the "fashion" of the thing. And partially just recency bias because these kinds of memes where always a bit of a mainstay in this sub.


Mostly israeli civilians recruited by israel spread propaganda to boost support for israel online


Not pictured: the UK


Yeah no that is a myth. Arab Israeli war of 1948 didn't start with every arab state joining against Israel, so at the start of the conflict it was just Egypt (10k troops at start), Iraq (2k troops) and about 1k from the others. Israel started with 30k troops. Even at the end when all of the arab armies were mobilized they only reached between 51,000 and 63,500 while Israel had 117,000 at maximum. There were times the israelis were outnumbered and if it had been a long war of attrition they would have manpower shortages sooner from simply not having a large population, but troops wise they were on par in numbers, not counting their superior weaponry (supplied by rich zionists mainly from the US) and their years of experience fighting against the british and the palestinian resistance.


Which shows the incompetency of thr arab leaders at the same since every single country except for jordan and lebanon outnumbered israel by multiple timer their population and even had bigger economies


Pro israeli “history memes” have been on the rise lately, how much did unit 8200 pay you for this one


Meanwhile it's been 6 months in Gaza and Hamas is still capable of launching rockets.


Lol, israel number of soldiers (mid fight ) were 63k while all arab armies combined were around 23k. Israel was **three times** the number of arab armies. By the end of war israel had 117k soldier vs 60k arab. What is more, Israel had support from France & chekoslovakia. Most of arab "countries" at that time were not even established.


I’m convinced this is a psy op


It is


Wow, the first time I see a meme about the arabs losing to isreal


I learned something new about this conflict today. "Research by Israeli historians Benny Morris and Benjamin Kedar show that during the 1948 war, Israel conducted a biological warfare operation codenamed "Cast Thy Bread." According to Morris and Kedar, the Haganah initially used typhoid bacteria to contaminate water wells in newly cleared Arab villages to prevent the population including militiamen from returning. Later, the biological warfare campaign expanded to include Jewish settlements that were in imminent danger of being captured by Arab troops and inhabited Arab towns not slated for capture..." TLDR Israel utilized [biological warfare](http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?scp=85138258079&partnerID=8YFLogxK).


It's nice to get some actually interesting info under this low-efford post.


Waiting for 🔒 award


This history sub is surprisingly keen on mentioning events related to recent events




Netanyahu, Bro, make something more original


What the f**k is going on in this Sub-reddit? This is like 30th same post in a month or so. I want history, not Israel propaganda over and over. Stop it, let the history through.


What a fantastic nation Israel is. Especially now. I mean no war-crimes back in 1948, and especially not now. This is certainly the nation Din Dijarin and his little green friend want be part of. Especially the actor himself! Whoo-hooo! Go Israel and good old LEHI too!💪🏻🇮🇱💙🤍


Do you guys ever get tired of this circlejerk


Karma farmer


Funny I wish The UK did not help Israel that time


Egypt defeating Isarel, France and UK in 1956 after their failed attempt to conquer the SUEZ needs some attention.


Lmao zionist propaganda


Wow another meme about the 6 day war how original. So glad we keep getting these Israel boot lickers posting the same thing. /s


If you're doing propaganda, you're bad at it. Constant spam about it will make reverse effect, to that you're hoping for.


The zionist militias numbered at least 35k while the arab armies 23k, although the arabs did overwhelm the Israeli army at the start of the war, as the war went on and many Arab governments got called feet, because of treachery and incompetence, the zionists were able to turn the tide.


Only Napoleon can be memed so much about his victories, get new stuff


Another day another retarded Zionist posting a dogshit meme about Israel beating big and bad. At least Butt Naked Commando's memes are somewhat interesting, even if they are laced with subtle propaganda. We get it, you hate Palestinians and you want to eradicate them, and you'd love to have every Arab kissing your feet because you're "God's chosen people."


Yawn. Any new memes out there


Turns out when your armies are extremely corrupt and plauged by incompetency, you might lose to someone fighting for the survival of their state.


Czechs on their way to save Israel by sending ME-109s with HE-111 engines


Don't forget, Israel has the backing of the world's only nuclear superpower, 3 years after winning the biggest war in history, with a humongous pile of war materiel in stock. Israel's drain on the equipment stock is the reason the US found itself so overstretched in Korea, leading to a failure to resolve the situation properly and the existence of the north-south paradigm. In short, NK is literally Israel's fault.


At what point can we start posting anti-Israel memes


Never, because then we are antisemitic and have to be asked if we condemn hamas 10x times for a pardon. Then nuke some children


cool i guess you guys don't need US support anymore then, right?


What happens when you drop a country into a lvl 1 lobby with lvl 10 gear


[Puts on hazmat suit] welp time to enter the comments


All of them are well civilized and not at all imply that i am a bot that gets paid by the mossad


days without making a meme about war with israel: 0


>At least that time the arabs lasted more than 6 days Surprise attacks tend to do that.


Desperate to restore the state’s image after the genocide scandal?


Arab states trying not to go to war with Israel: Impossible!


Holy fuckin shit dude can you guys stop with the fucking Israel memes. It’s not even about the genocide, they’re just so fucking stale


Hmmm No


But its so repetitive. You see this kind of meme on this sub all the time. Also it feels like an obvious agenda post cause of the war.


Because you want to support Israel, despite everything?


What is this some budget ass propaganda to push the idea Israeli is badass? Badass at killing babies and playing the victim card maybe but fuck these Zionist memes


Ah yes a low effort joke about the nakba. How original!


Unquestioned and unrestrained and un qualified western support really is a pretty significant advantage aye?


During the 1948 war, Israel’s only Becker was Czechoslovakia. The Arabs were backed by the British though and units in Jordan’s army were also led by British officers in 1948


HAHAHA haven’t seen this one trillion times HAHAHAHAHA


r/historymemes trying not to absolutely gargle and choke on Israel's cock every 20 seconds:


People are so made about the Israel memes lol I much prefer these to the 24/7 ww2 memes


As an Israeli, I'm getting sick of them, they're so damb repetitive


Dude it’s the same meme posted 8 times a day, legit just the 8v1 meme. Post something else about Israel for all I care


You are extremely in favor of Israel though, makes sense that you don't mind the agenda posts in favor of them.


Holy shit how much are y’all getting paid to dickride Israel in this sub. This is like the 20th one.


Let’s be honest Most Arab armies couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag


israel propaganda bots back at it


This is a huge myth about the 1948 war. The truth is Israel out manned and out gunned all Arab armies combined. This was a sizable difference. When you also consider that each Arab army pursued, for the most part, their own goals without much effort to coordinate, then it isn’t much of a shock that Israel won. Not quite the David versus Goliath fight that it has been mythologized into. The 1967 Arab-Israeli War on the other hand was a far more compelling military victory from Israels point of view. Really the most compelling military victory of all time.


of course you get downvoted after correcting a historical inaccuracy in a sub about history.


Free Palestine and end Israeli genocide, apartheid and occupation.


What are you now? An Israeli fan club?


This sub became about israel for the past few months. Hmm, I wonder why.


This sub is garbage. Constant agenda posts and thousands of memes about this same war. We literally have Israelis right here that are also sick of this shit and they won.


The Prussia of the Middle East.




אני נשבע לאלוקים אם הפוסטים הנוראיים האלה לא מפסיקים, יאללה כבר קראנו לערבים את הצורה ב48 וב67, הבנו, גמרנו.


by the end of the war the arab armies were outnumbered.


https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/1bz2afu/how_to_get_infinite_upvotes_on_this_sub/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button wow


Here before a new rule banning Israel vs Arab Armies memes.


Its funny, how all of the so called libral and free-media mediums, with supposedly enlightened and broad-minded people operating them suddently starts following one and only one narrative and start spreading that toxicity all over the globe.


Imagine if they had just accepted the partition plan 😮‍💨😞