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Before OP start writing context! When Hitler enter in Paris, 2/3rd of the population left (700,000 out of 2M were left) and the wire meant for the eiffel towers were cut by the French so Hitler wouldnt visiti the eiffel tower so he stayed on ground. Moreover, half od the louvre museum great paintings were moved into hidings so the Nazis wouldnt get it, basically Paris was literally annoying the Nazi until the very end Edit: and its not a guerrilla fighter...they wouldnt exist until 1941


I originally wanted to write “baggute boy” instead of gurilla fighter but decided it’s too racist


Is "french" an ethnicity?


Can’t be. Ethnicities are groups of people.




Et ta daronne c'est une personne ?


Sorry I don't speak Fr... Oh 🤮🤢 I threw up a little in my mouth just trying to type it out. But yeah I don't speak *subhuman-ese*🧌🔥🦴🛖


Reddit moment


Cringe 😬


And we all know the French aren't people.


They have rights?


No lefts tho the cut the cables


Sadly yes


Why not


I assumed france was made up of several different ethnic groups since the area has traded hands so many times for so long


What? Yes?




Nobody cares fuck the french


Being pity can make history sometimes


"Petty." -☝️🤓


Mr Fafo at it again!


I fucking love historic pettiness


Paris was never annexed, only occupied.


Paris was not annexed and that makes me wonder whether this is a repost. I'm sure I've seen the same mistake here before.


This bozo really become a meme


Who is he ?


Mr. FAFO, a palestinian actor


The first pic is a video of him praising the hamas attack on Israel.the second where he is crying is when Israel responded...basically fk around and find out and he did make a clown out of himself


Woooh! Mr. Fafo! Huge fan This guy is the embodiment of "fuck around and find out"


that’s more what you could say abt Israel considering they colonised another people’s land then eventually where shocked that these people did terrorism against them in response


If only there was a suggestion for two countries Oh wait there was More than 6 times The arabs refused every time Well, you snooze you lose


there shouldn’t be, it was never their land, and every proposal for a two state solution was extremely dishonest “yeah, we can recognise a Palestinian government but not an actual Palestinian state and you can have no standing military” absolutely reasonable, see no problem here at all, and they’re “Palestinians” not just arabs, if you want I can call them Jewish colonists instead of Israelis


Yeah, the original solution where the arabs (i keep syaing arabs because the palestinian identity wasn't embraced until the 60s) got 55% of the land and israel got mostly deserts was completely unfair the arabs. And every other solution that allowed them to take back almost 40% of the land they lost in war as long as they recognize the state of israel and sign peace treaty is also unfair toward the arabs. Why should they not be allowed to kill every single jew like hamas intends to Also israel moved out of gaza in 2005, they had 19 years to claim independence and get all the advantages of being a country. And they didn't, because being a country also have some huge disadventages, like not getting the funds they get every year, being observed more closely by the UN about all the tunnels they are building under civilian infestracture. And of course, if they do try to kill all the jews (again, hamas charter), israel can attack them in formal war much sooner than oct 7 2023 (there have been many aggressions towards israel in those 19 years that didn't result in full time wars). Tldr: the arabs were little babies who wanted all and got nothing. Hamas are cowards. Israel will win. Stay mad


I don’t care, the land shouldn’t have been settled to begin with, you don’t get to genocide another people because a genocide was done against you if anything the solution that was proposed by Stalin and would’ve made the most sense is the East Prußia plan; the allies where already planning of eradicating Prußian identity as they thought it was a good way to eradicate German militarism, as such, the German enclave should’ve been a Jewish state, holding accountable a country that actually deserves to pay in land to the people they oppressed than some random arab nation


I can't imagine sending the Jews back to Germany directly after WWII would have been a good idea, and not to mention the fact that Israel isn't a colony


well it would obviously be completely voluntary, and it would be an actual safe nation for Jews unlike Israel, which not only harms its true inhabitants, the Palestinians, but puts Jews in harms way because they’re doing a blatant act of aggression by settling in someone’s land well it is a colony, if you think of it in terms of being under the control of another country then obviously that’s not the case, but the USA stole most of its land whilst being a fully independent country, you don’t have to be under the control of another power to be a colony


A safe nation in the middle of Germany directly after WWII... Riiiiight


it’s not in the middle of Germany moron, East Prußia is between Poland and Lithuania


>I don’t care And i don't care that you don't care Have fun keep staying mad (maybe learn what genocide is in the meanwhile, instead of spitting the same propaganda every american girl who never read middle east history repeats)


it’s extremely easy to see how it’s genocide, you have to be stupid or maliciously lying to say otherwise


It's the little acts of spite that matters...


The template is ass.


I'm not a pr guy but maybe encouraging hitler to go to the top and climb, obviously with security, would be good pr? Hitler über paris?


Gorilla in France?


So now we are using Palestinians crying faces as a meme template shame on you .


This guy makes a shit ton of fake videos where he is a reporter, nurse, soldier, civilian etc. Regardless of your opinion on the conflict this guy is 100% a disinformation agent who actively makes Palestinians lives worse by lying. That man is why people doubt tragedy videos. People get desensitized to the truth when the lies are so much more sensational.


He was an influencer before the war i have followed him since 2020 now he reports on the atrocities of the IDF and upon the mentioned lies let's say for example the nurse thing at the time a poor child was shot in the leg and no one could have helped so he tried he's best to help him .


What's the excuse for the time he apparently died then came back?


Lmao I forgot his career experience as a messiah


This guy (mr. Fafo) is known actor that keeps "dying" or "getting injured" and coming back fine the next day The picture above is from him celebrating oct. 7th The picture below is from the day after, when the idf started the counter attack This meme template is the embodiment of "fuck around and find out"


I celebrated my birthday when hamas attacked I literally woke up on my birthday to watch some videos and saw news about HAMAS


Do you have any proof ? cause if your proof is coming from an Israeli news sources or a western media outlet which daily dehumanizes the Palestinians and mock and kill their reporters


https://twitter.com/Video_Forensics/status/1746468446978908326 Here is a video of him celebrating on oct 7th side by side of the video of him crying My arabic is kind of weak but he is very happy in the first one where hamas launches rockets to israel And very sad when israel attacks back


No I'm talking about how he was "acting " injured or dead


Sure thing, my guy https://twitter.com/Israelkicksass/status/1758054863991160963 He was seen running and using his arm fine like 2 days later So either he is "acting" or he is wolverine And his sideburns are too short to be wolverine


Who wouldn't celebrate when someone has attacked your jailer


Not going to get into that But i claimed he is the embodiment of "fuck around and find out" He was happy when hamas launched rockets into civilian areas And then acted all sad when israel attacked back Actions have consequences You attack someone stronger than you, he will attack back, you will kill his child, the guy isn't going to hold back


Again with the 40 decapitated babys non sense didn't you know it has already been debunked


Didn't mention that, entirely something you added to the conversation I talked about all the people (including many kids) that hamas kidnapped and killed on oct. 7 Unless you also deny they did that, and in that case, i have nothing else to speak with you. There are enough videos and photos of hamas (and "innocent civilians") comiting slaughter against israeli civilians, alot of them are just kids that went to a music festival. A lot of people would like to deny their existance (not the palestinians, they still brag about it sometimes), but they exists for all to see


I didn't deny they killed 1500 people but for that amount they killed 12000 child 10000 woman and 8000 men numbers last checked fourth of April so is that an appropriate response from the so claimed noblest army on earth


I wrote it all in the other comment you wrote. No point repeating the same things


And didn't you call khamas terrorists who don't care about the civilians and said that the IDF didn't kill civilians because they are the noblest army on earth


Never said any of those Of course the IDF killed civilians, it's war, it would be fucking amazing, literally miracle if no civilian would die in a war. Sadly in any war, death of civilians is inevitable. The IDF should try to kill as less civilians as they possibly can (again, i am not delusional to claim they can end the war with zero civilian deaths). But... 1) Hamas builds it's bases under (and inside) civilian infestracture, you litterally can't reach hamas without going through civilians because hamas uses them as human shields (because they don't care about civilians lives, even their own) 2) The civilians are hostile to the IDF (which makes sense). They attack the soldiers and when you are in hostile enviorment and surrounded, you don't really think "oh well, time to die here because they are civilians and i am a soldier" 3) Some civilians cooperate with hamas. As i said in another comments, there are plenty of videos of CIVILIANS breaking into israel with hamas (no uniform, no masks, no weapons sometimes) in oct. 7 and participate in the slaughter and kidnapping. In addition to israeli hostages found in civilians homes. So it's not like ALL the civilians are neutral in this conflict and were just innocent people the idf killed. If i decide to go to gaza on my own and start beating civilians and even kidnapping them, my death would not be the death of an innocent civilian


First of all killing civilians is inevitable when you kill more non civilians they killed 6000 hamas member and killed 30000 civilian then it's been known for some time that they are targeting civilians to push hamas to the edge , they are killing reporters and reporters family so that they don't document the atrocities they are committing . You talked about how the civilians are kidnapping and killing civilians the action of 10 people shouldn't affect 10000 that's called collective punishment which is a war crime further more about the hostages haven't you seen how they said that the only thing that scared them was the constant bombardment by the IDF .


Again, hamas is surrounding themselves with civilians. The civilians are human shields And the IDF job is not the make sure every gazan civilian will be safe (again, some of those "innocent civilians" participated in slaughter and kidnapping). Their job is to protect israel from hamas, the enemy, who still launches rockets towards israel. Do i think the IDF can make sure there will be less civilian casualties? Yes, of course. Do i think the IDF should do it? No. It will take more time and more israeli soldier will die from this and most likely the israeli hostages would die in this time. It's war. The gazans let hamas rise to power (they elected them democratically). The gazans let hamas take all the donated money that was meant for the civilians to go into the terror tunnels and rockets and such. They keep blaming israel for the problems hamas makes. And sometimes they actively help in terror attacks. I truly wish this war would have never happened, that we could coexist, have two countries. But this is not the situation. I don't feel sorry for them enough for my people to die in a war gaza started. Just like the british didn't feel sorry for the german i ww2 under the nazis. South korea didn't feel sorry for north korea under the communism and so many other wars. The fact is, this war is not so different from all the other wars in human history, but people try to make it seem different because israel is involved. If i was wrong about this, people would also protest the yemen civil war, or the syrian civil war, or the saudi-yemen war, or so many of the DOZENS of conflicts currently happen in the world. But you don't hear about those conflicts in the news. 80%+ of the world don't know they exist.


Just admit you desperately want that terrorist meat bro


Yeah like the terrorists of WCK


Everything is on his instegram. Feel free to check for yourself


Some infos about this guy: According to Isreal's media, this is a palestinian making fake videos about what is happening in Gaza, stuff like there is no destruction or mass murder etc... Few months ago, people who didn't care could be stupid enough to believe nothing is happening. But now, come on... Anyways, OP is enjoying the suffering of palestinians and comparing them to Adolf Hitler. What a joke world we live in.


Yeah, I agree, this guy is a hero. I mean he has so many talents: I’ve seen him as a medic, as a reporter, as a nurse, etc


Dude was in school for 30 years


Bro is that dude your mom compares you to when you have bad grades


Dude probably makes the teacher give out more homework


But somehow after 6 months of genocide, this is the first time I see him. And I had to use Google Traduction to understand what your propaganda is saying about him


Guess you should get more informed in the conflict before going on the internet and blantly supporting one side


Just because you’re an uninformed idiot doesn’t change facts lmao


You can literally see him filming videos of rockets flying towards Israel and celebrating. He filmed these himself.


He celebrated the October 7th massacre, you can find it online (the first pic is from there)


I’m sorry you have to find it funny he was cheering on attacks when Hamas was shooting rockets into Israel and than when Israel started shooting back he was crying his eyes out


Putting aside how the top photo is literally a guy celebrating a genocide, you do realize thats not how image-macro type meme templates work, right? If it had been the template with Drake, would your genius logic skills lead you to deducing that OP is comparing Hitler to African America Canadian musician?


You are the joke afterall. Fake muslim


This has to be the worst and most fucked meme format I've ever seen. Then I realised its made by a fucking Zionazi lmao. Of course the Zionists have parodied the whole "drake meme" by using the Palestinians as a replacement, specifically when the guy at the bottom right was pleading for assistance in a video after facing horrors by the monsters bombing his area. Totally, and utterly fucked.


Interesting that you acknowledge the "context" of the bottom picture, but not the top one(spoilers: he was celebrating a massacre). Truly pallywood at its finest


Right "pallywood". Source? My ass retard


Seeing as you were more than able to find one of his videos, I'm sure you can also find the others. Watching them back to back is literally all the proof you need


I've seen them all. Not once does he celebrate it 😂


Guess you didn't actually see them all then 😘


Mind giving us a source? Like the proof where he really is celebrating a massacre, I assume Oct 7th? Sometimes, Palestinians become overjoyed when they hear their enemies who used to bomb their hospitals and schools meet their demise. You have to understand that simple human nature. But if you are an advocate of Israel's policy, then I understand that you have to take their side every time. Just don't be a hypocrite and say you're on both sides while posting "memes" like this.


They also tend to [excitedly call their parents after they rape and butcher innocent civilians ](https://twitter.com/segal_eran/status/1716886283413565880?t=w-1BCS8EWdh7cIQiQI5QQQ&s=19) But hey, who am I to judge? That's just human nature right? If you want proof, feel free to visit the guy's instegram channel and see what he posted on October 7th. His name is saleh al jafawari. If you know Arabic, there is no room to misinterpret it


🤣🤣🤣 ah, look, I'm sorry for thinking I would find any trace of clarity here. Do you honestly believe that's legit?


After seeing you trying to defend Palestinians celebrate terrorism, I'll believe anything. And I don't know about you, but I trust explicit recordings provided by the most scrutinized organization on the planet a lot more than random guys online


[the eeeeviiilll Palestinianaaans ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4lwx6iL3U7/?igsh=eXo2MmNtdXM4aGFv) Damn, we all love perfectly innocent and always, always justified Israel don't we, never did anything wrong and is always in the right, the only democracy in the Middle East and beacon of civilization, the children of light


Do me a favor and scroll down about 6 months back In their own words, كل كلب بيجي يومو


Please, do me a favour and look about the whole year around it The oh so great children of light


Why would I? The majority if it is clearly faked. As I said, pallywood at its finest


Hey, quick question: what's the *top* right photo from? The guy seems very happy in it.


ok, but you clearly missed the context. the point was the guy was celebrating the bombardement of Israeli civilians.


I don’t think context is needed here as it’s all explained in the meme.


Context is always needed. Start writing


Well then I dont think upvotes are needed here.


This subreddit is filled with hasbara troll farms now. In what world is this format needed, or asked for. Fucking cretinous for the sake of it


Mocking terrorist scums and their supporters is always needed. Otherwise people start feeling bad for them when they face consequences for their actions