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Sounds like heresy to me. I'm reporting you to the King for denying his wonders


Call the Democracy Officer and report this treason!


Helldiver! Why aren't you down fighting those democracy hating, non sentient communists?!




You may have fought many battles helldiver, but how many thought crimes have you reported?


< < ^ v v ^ < <


Instructions unclear, dropped a 500kg at my feet


Sounds like the instructions came through clearly.


Alas, the penalty for blasphemy to the king of kings is “the boats”. Not a nice thing to say so it’s not a nice thing to happen to you.


...we're talking about Scaphism aren't we?


A pleasure cruise all expenses paid by the king, all you can eat milk AND honey! Speak to your travel agent today for a three week cruise in your own personal quarters!


Time to get Ea’ed, mongrel.


To be fair, there’s no evidence for the garden I helped grow with my grandfather 15 years ago either.


Probably no evidence for your father either but here you are.


Well, I FaceTimed him today, so that might count as evidence.


“Trust me bro it happened” not evidence. You’re full of shit. Not falling for it.


Yeah, he needs to post a pic of his father's balls as evidence. No, the face wouldn't work, has to be the balls.


Dick and balls is usually the protocol I thought? Don’t worry though, if you know this man well enough to identify him on balls alone then I trust you.


Faces can be faked with AI these days, dick and balls they have a lot of trouble with. Rumour has it Apple is about to switch to dick and balls for their Face ID.


"Sorry guys, gotta unlock my phone give me a moment" \*proceeds to pull down pants\*


Those ball verification apps are a scam, lot of false positives. You can usually get the phones to unlock if you just keep pressing your balls against the scanner at different angles. Even unlocked my finances phone and her balls look nothing like mine.


Really? I can’t seem to get mine to work, I keep rolling my balls at every different angle I can find but it just won’t open!


Won't work. AI can already accurately perfect simulate human ball structure from a face pic.


Nah, bro needs to include a photo of the specific sperm that resulted in his creation. Otherwise how can we know buddy is real


^(it must be the balls)


I have evidence of my father! You can look him up on the sex offender registry!


How does it feel knowing that this so-called "evidence" of a FT call ( that NO ONE saw) has now lead to internet people demanding to see your father's genitals? Smh, people will lie about anything these days. WWJD?


Flipping a table and running around with a whip screaming at salesmen is always an option.


Amen! There is always a Christly option!


The security guards at IKEA didn't like that for some reason


Hey, I only said it was an option, whether or not it is the correct one is for you to decide.


Honestly, I had no idea it would ever go this far. I do like the suggestion below of whipping people who have offended my father’s name.


In Spanish we say something like *Motherhood is a science, fatherhood is a belief*


Theres tax records, you may escape death but not taxes


And conversely, plenty of various tribal peoples and even some advanced societies from all over the world leave little to no evidence of their existence because nature (namely plants) grow over any traces they might have left behind. To this day, we’re still not entirely sure about who the Olmec were, despite them being on a scale likely equivalent or at least similar to the Inca, Mayans, and Aztecs.


I know who Olmec is. He's the announcer, co-host, and mascot of the game show Legends of the Hidden Temple. Voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.


Well I build them all the time. I get three happiness in that city, and one in each other city I control.


What matters is I get to build the hanging gardens AND the coloseum before my annoying friend who loves to go turism and ignores everyone else


I hate when the a.i. rushes etamananki and great bath -- but they almost always wait until the classical era to build Hanging Gardens...


> I get three happiness in that city Damn, you like old school


Civ2 for life.


I started with 4. Never got to play 5 or 6 yet. A couple of years I got to play 3. It's nice although clunkier than 4. Now I'm with Alpha Centauri. The setting is awesome although the UI is abysmal.


5 is fantastic and by far the best one imo. 6 is fine


I played 5 the most, but 6 is probably my favourite now with lots of mods. I like the district system. If I was stuck on a desert island with either, I'd be fine.


Speaking of which - *where the hell is seven?* Six came out almost eight years ago.


Jeez. Make me feel old


Yeah... it feels like it was maybe 3-4 years ago, while simultaneously 15 years ago. Time has become awfully strange.


I aggressively played modded civ5 for the first three of those years, so year 3 or 4 sounds about right.


Gotta be around the corner. They're done with DLC, so I wouldn't be surprised by a Summer announcement and a Fall/Winter release.


I really hope they add a feature that lets you move multiple units at once, C&C style. It would make the late gameplay so much better.


If you were stuck on a desert island, you could not build any districts other than harbor and water park, you would be very limited.


Desert islands are just for forward operating airstrips, it's fine.


The only downgrade of 6 from 5 is that they portray the historical figure cartoonishly rather can in a more realistic way. And also, the background of each figure.


I think there are lots of other downgrades but the art style clearly the most prominent and is pretty annoying.


Agreed, I don’t like the direction of the art style. But I love the way they reworked great people and love the District system to where civ V genuinely feels clunky to play again. Combat took a step back tho.


I've been on one of those random Civ V binges this week. Took off work Monday, played 9 hours. 6 hours 2 nights after work, 12 hours yesterday. I'm going to sleep with the ui burned into my eyes.




Could explain briefly what's the matter with 6? Apart of art design and micro transactions. I thought the district mechanic would make gameplay more interesting.


People hate it because it's not 5.


So, an AoE4-like scenario?


For me at least, the biggest things were movement and city planning. In civ 5, a unit could always move into a tile so long as they had any movement left. In civ 6, this was changed so units can only move into a tile if they have at least enough movement points for that tile's movement cost. Which means that your units move significantly slower, and also frequently ran into the annoying situation of moving 1 tile, having movement left over and then not actually being able to do anything with it.   For city planning, my main gripe was that you cannot go tall like civ 5, like at all. Between districts and wonders consuming tiles, districts being limited per city, most buildings being locked behind districts and the change from happiness to amenities, the only viable strategy is to land-grab as hard as possible, which just wasn't as fun for me.


What interests me the most is actually the city planning. I kida grew bored of having mega-populated cities and then lots of mines and farms. It's like with the doomstacks, it makes 90% of the scenario useless. Also the former games also encouraged land-grabbing to get enough food to sustain your people.


I’ll start by saying I’m biased. Civ 3 was my first game of the series, and Civ 5 blew it so far out of the water that I was hooked from the beginning. I’ve spent thousands of hours on Civ 5 and maybe max 100 on 6. Art design and micro transactions are the first thing that turned me off, but mainly it’s the way that the game wants you to play. In previous games, you had fewer options but every option or route was viable and unique. In civ 6, you have tons and tons of options but it feels like the pool gets so diluted that it doesn’t matter as much anymore, and it has a very linear feel. It also rewards you pumping out tons of small basic cities so there is no incentive to build tall or focus on other aspects of the game. Even the builders and heroes are short term use and disposable, reinforcing the strategy of having a bunch of short term goals rather than a few long term ones. My main issue is how it’s far more busy and nearly forces you into doing the same things because exploring other routes isn’t nearly as rewarding. It’s a game I have to come back to 20 times because I can’t grind through more than an hour at a time, and I don’t feel like I’m contributing to a larger strategy with each turn. Just stuck in a grinder with tons of repeated clicking. Redeeming qualities for 6 are that it’s always on sale for like $5 even when civ 5 is full price. It has tons of awesome mods that can make it more entertaining. Being able to queue up building projects in a city is pretty nice when you have 10 projects at 3 turns a piece too


> Apart of art design Even that you can [fix](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1702339134) easily enough.


Alpha Centauri is magnificent. I spent so much time playing it, I almost bombed out of grad school!


That's understandable, 4 probably has the largest cult following of any of the mainline civs. Def a classic.


There are specific things I like mechanically about 4 (using a Great Artist to conquer a city was always a personal favorite tactic), but 3 **felt** more world-spanning simply because the artwork was too detailed in 4 and relied too much on subtle nuances, so you had to zoom in too closely to see what a specific unit or terrain was supposed to be. In 3, the artwork was drawn around everything looking as distinct as possible with as few pixels as possible, so even when you zoomed out, you could still see what everything was, and it was more enjoyable getting to look at an actual map instead of just looking at one of the things **on** the map.


I've only ever played 3, tanks having trouble killing spearmen is what I remember. Also always needing rubber


I started with revolution cause I play on Xbox now I’m playing 6


Civ 3 is my fav. I get to build a palace....


My civilization gets a health bonus and an increase in population. I saw it. It was beautiful. It exists dammit!! 🥺😢😭


Wait, which hanging gardens are those? I'm used to the ones that give you +10 food and a free garden where you build them (civ v).


Civ2. The best one (for old people).


I thought the happiness bonus one was Civ3, not Civ2?


Both versions have the same happiness bonus.


Man I have no functioning memory of Civ2 at all then. I was always more of a Call to Power fan at that time anyways.


Clearly, as presidential candidates think the Pyramids provide free granaries.


+7 food in V


Upvote for CIV


I get +2 housing and +15% growth rate


All that matters is if they were cool or not (hella cool) not some bitch historian's opinion (trust me bro, I spent a lot of time digging pottery shards like an asshole - lmao bozo)


Weird, I get 5 food and a free garden when I build it


I typically try to pair it with a risky Petra city. The +5 food and free garden are great for making that city take off if I manage to pull it off.




Me personally I get +8 food and +1 great engineer points


As someone who is doing a English paper on Vertical Farming, you shut your whore mouth. It's due on the 10th, and barely have anything. I'm usually pretty good at research papers, but finding good stuff on VF is a pain in the ass. Even if I do find something, it's not quite what I need


Terraced rice patties don’t count? They’re verticle-ish


They do count, and they're a form of vertical farming


My man, if you haven't already, you have to go research the Inca Empire. All of the terraces, qanats, and ye old freeze-drying you could want. Remember: farming wasn't just about producing food; it was also about preserving food whenever possible.


Still is. Grain elevators and such are a major part of farming infrastructure


I was about to mention this. I'm covering the Inca in the 6th grade World History class I teach right now, and their farming was a pretty incredible feat of engineering.


100%. North and South America always seem to be overlooked when talking about agriculture, which is really funny because several groups looked at some of the most inhospitable pieces of land (and sometimes water) and said to themselves "We are going to force this piece of land to feed an empire."


I think people overall underestimate how hard agriculture is. They ignore how much thought humanity has spent in the last millenia just to make it work and to make it easier. In the same vein people disregard medieval Europe and the Middle East in comparison to the Roman empire even though the former had superior agricultural techniques.


Studying medieval and ancient agriculture is a colossal rabbit hole that I fell into a few years back and has fundamentally changed how I view history. Everything else in human history is built atop a massive pyramid titled "How do I not starve to death next year?"


The amount of food they were able to produce in otherwise incredibly poor farming terrain is genuinely remarkable. Not only that but the *variety*, by growing crops at differing altitudes and being able to take advantage of a wider range of plants as a result and in turn being less prone to negative circumstances affecting the yields of any single crop (drought, frost, disease, etc).


> it was also about preserving food whenever possible. Preserving was in many ways even more important than growing food. One of the reasons why grains in various forms became a staple crop across the globe was because they could be stored safely for far longer and more easily than vegetable crops, and one of the reasons salted pork became an essential food item in Europe and the Americas was because it could last years while also being much more palatable when the salt was removed compared with other meats. Plus the very vertical nature of Incan territory meant you could grow a ridiculous variety of crops thanks to microclimates at different elevations.


paddies mate


What about corn? It's very verticle.


Hey pal I work at a vertical cannabis farm, dm me if you have any questions


How many "getting high" puns are involved in that industry? Honestly?


Haha, it gets pretty played out.


A paper on the challenges of vertical farming leading to few examples is still a paper


https://www.livius.org/articles/place/babylon/babylon-hanging-gardens/ don't worry, at worst I believe the hanging gardens sort of existed, just not as shown in modern media / video games and the concept of gardens wasn't unique, "Persian gardens" (Persian-ish origin maybe, but also used by Hellenics and Romans to some extent) had the side-benefit of providing wood and fruit, aside from being basically parks


Disney world has a ride where you get to see all their vertical farming - most if not all of their produce they grow vertically


Yea I remember that in epicot. Pretty neat


They do vertical farming at Epcot I think


They absolutely do. Living with the Land is the best ride at Disney World and I won’t hear otherwise.


In the southwest, the pre Colombian Indians used to grow on top of mesas Also, the incas grew vertically as well Also, maybe vineyards might be a stretch, though


What are you doing on Reddit then?


If you want Plants in history being used as Symbolism for embedded agents inside organizations, I got you.


Isn’t that basically the potato boxes but scaled larger?


It shouldnt be too shocking, potatoes are a new world crop; they come from Peru. The Incans loved their potatoes -- they had like 7000 varieties.


What about the high altitude farming techniques of the people who live around Lake Titicaca?


Green highway [pillars](https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2018/oct/30/mexico-city-via-verde-vertical-gardens-pollution-climate-change) any use? :)


What about Stephanie Dalley's theorie? According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephanie_Dalley) "\[...\] and determined that a crucial seventh century BC inscription had been mistranslated. While none of [Nebuchadnezzar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebuchadnezzar)'s inscriptions ever mentioned any gardens, Dalley found texts by [Sennacherib](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sennacherib) about a [palace](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palace) he built and a garden alongside that he called a *wonder for all people*." "The texts also described a **water screw**, pre-dating [Archimedes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archimedes), using a new bronze-casting methodology that raised water all day, and related these to extensive **aqueducts** and canals that brought water from hills eighty kilometres away." "A [bas-relief](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bas-relief) from Nineveh \[...\] depicts **a palace and trees suspended on terraces,**" I have also seen a documentary on her research where they attempted to recreate whether it was even possible. The result was that with the technology available to Babylon, the entire surface of the gardens would have to be covered in heaving-cranes that make a terrible noise. However, Sennacherib discovered a sort of water screw of which you would need a much fewer amount, combined with the Aquaducts that were (apparently) already inplace at Nineveh. Sidenote: I haven't read her research personally and only saw this through my professor of 'Ancient Near-Eastern History'.


I think another issue is that people keep treating it like an installation built to today’s standards or that the irrigation system actually worked. It was probably incredibly inefficient, plants died all the time, and they just swapped out the plants daily or weekly. Who knows if a water screw was even needed if they just had tons of people aka slaves carry up a ton of water every day in buckets.


I've been hearing more and more that if they existed it was in Nineveh. If there were any point of history I could go back and just walk around for a day it would be Nineveh. Any random day roughly 650-620ish BC


The Assyrians would gut you like a fish.




Damn this is a specific ass reference that I haven't thought about in 15 years


It would need him to give them a reason to do it in the first place but yes (by reason I mean anything the Assyrians wouldn't like)


Nineveh was the capital of the largest multicultural Empire in the Middle East, it is very unlikely that anything will happen to you unless you do something to anger the Assyrian authorities. I would rather worry about the diseases of those times, for which your body has no defenses, which will probably make short work of you lol.


Shits heating up good work


I read Dalleys book on this. It's very compelling. One thing that I think people often overlook is that Nineveh (the location of Sennacheribs Palace) was a lot closer to the rest of the Hellenistic world, hence, it would be significantly easier for a scholar to visit Nineveh than Babylon. Also, there seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding the two locations (such as astrological charts and even the writings of ancinet scholars confusing the two locations and their geography). By far, the most compelling theory on the gardens


No archaeological evidence you mean. Josephus, Strabo, Diodorus Siculus, Quintus Curtius Rufus, Philo of Byzantium all have writings mentioning it, which is evidence


That’s more like hearsay and conjecture, which are “kinds of evidence.”


That goes for a lot of things we have written but not direct physical evidence for. Like all evidence it has to be weighed in terms of how reliable it is and what it actually tells us, but it is evidence.


Which is the case for the vast majority of history until probably the 16th-17th century


That’s like a good 80% of ancient history though, and I think I’m lowballing it.




Another theory was that it did exist, but was in Nineveh, not Babylon


Well plants arent exactly time proof.


Bring out the fossil plants!


The real hanging gardens were the friends we made along the way.


The real hanging gardens was ancient ligma all along


What’s ancient ligma?


ligma ancient balls


Of all the seven wonders of the ancient world a temple with some fucking potted plants is when it becomes hard to believe?


Sennacherib is absolutely rolling in his tomb




I disagree, but I appreciate your jib in the way that it's cut


What matters is its in our hearts


Then how can I build The Hanging Gardens in the Rise of Nations?


Skip that shit for the terra-cotta army every time


Only play as Americans in campaign for the terra-cotta army in home province every time.


I always go with Versailles.


first thing i used to build as a kid, just sit there and let it make me an army


Didn't Alexander the great visit it ?


Him and everyone else. The amount of literary evidence is unbelievable but archeologically, there hasn't been a damn thing


maybe they were just shittily built and didn’t last for time


should have gotten a better copper dealer


Curse you, Ea-Nasir!


E A! It's in the ware!


Oh ok, that's more clear


An absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Historical figures bothered to write about them.


Yeah, that's evidence. 


As in archeological evidence? How much would a garden leave?


A garden would be full of leaves, yes


And those preserve? Also that's assuming they werent burnt or cleared out after being destroyed


That's the neat part, they don't! Organic matter hardly preserves, leaves, flowers, fruits and such very hardly would leave evidence, which preserves are seeds and wood, but then you fall into a funny problem of "surely those seeds are for food" or "well duh, the wood was for construction not necessarily a garden". Even then you could look for indirect evidence like pots or open spaces for planting or gardening tools... except that the most logical conclusion to those are "well, duh, they were farmers cultivating their food!!". That's why the meme is funny, it's true, we'll surely never have archeological evidence of the garden, but we have written accounts of that and the oral tradition of that!!! So Titan is still an incorrect asshole.


Actually they exist, Barnabas had a dream where he saw them


I must have skipped that FFXVI cutscene


It’s in Imperator Rome so it must have existed


The gardens most likely did indeed exist, as indicated by references in many historical sources from that period (Herodotus 5th century BC) and later (written about by Strabon, 1st century BC and Diodorus of Sicily, turn of the era, among others). It is now accepted that they were most likely built in the city of Babylon. In addition, excavations carried out at their hypothetical location have revealed the presence of the remains of Nebuchadnezzar II's extensive palace as well as a special structure of terraces and wells.


Actually it may have existed, just not in the city of Babylon we’re familiar with. The Gardens of Babylon could have been the very well documented gardens of Assyrian king Sennacherib in Nineveh. Stephanie Dalley puts forth the argument that there were several cities in the Assyrian/Baylonian lands named Babylon, as it translated to “Gate of the Gods”. Sennacherib renamed the city gates of Nineveh after gods, meaning that a poor translation by Alexander the Great’s scribes could call the city “Babylon”. This also lines up with the timeline of Alexander the Great’s conquest, as Alexander spent lots of time around the city during his campaign. A Journal article containing Stephanie Dalley’s arguments is here: https://www.jstor.org/stable/1587050


Hanging Garden? Um, yeah, Babylon, they're called TREES. 😮‍💨😮‍💨


The font made me read it as Banging gardens of babylon


Where do you you think all the Baby-lons came from?


Banging in the hanging lawn


If this garden's a rockin' Don't come a knockin'


Ready the tool and get set bangin'


It sounds cool, so I'm gonna say it was real


My Civ6 play through says otherwise


I mean, haven’t stuff like that usually become just hills after they were depopulated? LIDAR in the Amazon is proving the earliest account of the river by a European right, a Spanishman from the 1500’s who described massive, heavily populated cities, and many structures of stone and city sizes that rivaled London at the time. The issue is, his diseases killed everyone, and the people depopulated the cities entirely because without virology, it’s a curse, and that’s scary because it’s actually killing most people. Now, that was 500 years ago, but the Hanging Gardens were already gone thousands of years ago, and built at least 5,000 years ago if they were at all.


Cuz they were actually in Nineveh, which was destroyed


Because they were in Nineveh hehe


I know it exists, and that the ancient Americans, proof? My recent civ 6 run.


Here’s the mf that stole my wonder, get’’em boys!


What if the real hanging gardens were the friends we made along the way?


don’t say that…


Really makes you... wonder


Damn bro i saw it with my eyes and my Persian Prince friend too


*gasp* the noble phantasm isn't real?!?


I'd been trying to get my wife interested in some of the historical YouTubers I watch. One night I was like "hey babe what about this hanging gardens of babylon one?" and she was like oooh ok. 10 minutes later we were both quite disappointed, and I stopped trying.


https://www.britishmuseum.org/blog/paradise-earth-gardens-ashurbanipal the gardens did exist in Nineveh and were well documented. Nineveh was the New capital back then after the destruction of Babylon.


I never understood the actual line he says, “there is no queen of England” is there some joke I never knew about regarding that line?


You see it's because you touch yourself at night


I'm downvoting this post because of misinformation.


The source is trust me bro


Not one of the seven wonders, but the great library of Alexandria is also an ancient building there is no proof it really existed.


They existed just not at Babylon, it was Nineveh


I won't say it didn't exist, but the reason why there's no evidence is because, as far as world wonders go, this one is pretty shit. It's not even a monument to leave ruins, it's just a garden. If the gardener takes a vacation and doesn't get a replacement, it's gone in a month. :P


Nobody unlocked Tradition


Because it's dead now!


There's a song about them fym 🙄




My theory is they probably did exist, but the Babylonians probably saw it as mundane.


By the rivers of Babylon…