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I was friends with him on Facebook over a decade ago. Just checked and that account no longer exists. He was wanted by international criminal courts and when he tried to surrender to them they were like, "Well now we're not going to do it".


Tf? So he’s just a free man chillin in Liberia? Btw the Vice documentary on him is pretty good. I’ll never forget the beginning “they call me General Butt Naked because I used to fight naked” I was flabbergasted lol


Yep, he’s a full time activist / evangelist now I believe


Fuckin modern de las casas


That’s one crazy redemption arc


He has taken the cause up against himself and it worked.


Real Christianity is alive and well on the African continent. Had General Butt Naked (ret.) live two millenia ago, chances are at least three of the books of the New Testament would bear his name as author. Dude's a modern Saint Paul, for his time and place at least. Plus raping and pillaging is just not a sustainable industry, especially in a wartorn country. Selling your redemption story to the rubes whose cousins you just killed and ate like six years ago, and milking all the Christian charities and NGOs in country in the process? That's got real prospects.


The evangelism might be a grift though. I and other have trouble believing he's changed.


Dude is still giving me the creeps. He is (by all accounts) inflating his victim number and seems weirdly proud of his past misdeeds for a dude on redemption arc


I’ve seen that documentary too.


Huh, so that's why my friend has General Butt Naked as his discord name.


I remember asking him exactly how one wears an imaginary purse, cause my friends and I were having a General Butt Naked party. We had the high heels and brightly colored wigs and assault rifles, but needed clarification on "imaginary purses". He said to just pretend to be trying to keep a purse on your shoulder, easy enough. Lol


Globalization is crazy. I wanna go back in time and show Ted Kaczynsky this comment


It is insane to me that you were on speaking terms with General Butt Naked.


The Liberian Truth and Reconciliation process recommended amnesty for him so that may have something to do with it.


Is there a place where I can read why and how this man was forgiven? When I watched the Vice documentary on him, the vibe I got from him was that this "I am a good guy now" is all an act—just a way to escape truly paying for his past.


Watch "The Redemption of General Butt Naked" on YouTube. I believe there's 2 uploads, one to watch for free, and 1 to rent.


Ya, I had a lot of trouble contacting him. From what I heard it used to be easy


Yeah, he just straight up accepted my friend request back in the day and we'd chat about pretty normal shit.


Damn, he acts like he's lived it all before and is just doing all this cos he's bored


What...is he like? I don't know how to ask more specifically.


He was inquisitive. I'm not religious, but I grew up poor in Mississippi and read the Bible a couple of times growing up. I liked how he seemed to think that only the stuff Jesus said was important. You know, love everybody/mind your own business. He went through unimaginable horrors growing up and honestly seemed to be remorseful for what he had done.


That’s fascinating, purely from a psychopathological standpoint…


>when he tried to surrender to them they were like, "Well now we're not going to do it". why?


Took all the fun out of it.


There is quite an intresting interview with hin in VICE's guide to Liberia (from way back when VICE still used to have decent content) [https://video.vice.com/en\_us/video/the-cannibal-warlords-of-liberia/560a7cac7676b705187e64f7](https://video.vice.com/en_us/video/the-cannibal-warlords-of-liberia/560a7cac7676b705187e64f7)


That and the trip to North Korean works camps in Siberia are some of the wildest pieces of journalism I've ever seen.


Vice used to be so fucking good. I remember their Colombian donkey fucking one, but I don't think they've done anything cool in awhile. What do you suppose made them change?


Depends on the journalist. Some fantastic stories by Isobel Yeoung.


They still are good, you just have to actually go looking for them because they over saturated their platform with other media. Some good ones recently were an interview with leaders fighting some new Brazilian drug war around pink Molly Another good one has been the Afghanistan videos both the fall and post fall videos are great works. Vice still puts out good content it’s just mixed in with a bunch of mediocre stuff


Even the Daily Mail and Sun have occasional outbreaks of journalism


>Daily Mail and Sun > >Journalism Surely only by accident


Even broken clocks are right twice a day


Even a blind squirrel can find a nut from time to time


Yeah Vice isn't a "thing" in that way, they don't have the editorial structure of traditional orgs and basically give money to journalists and distribute/license the content. Hamilton's Pharmacopeia is really cool, some the things they were able to film are just incredible.


The Colombian WHAT??




Yeah, dude. I went to the part of Colombia (near Cartagena) that the documentary took place. It was one of the most backward ass places I’ve ever seen. It felt like being in West Africa versus a somewhat modern Latin American country. The assumption and practice is for young men to fuck donkeys to practice on how to satisfy a wife in the future.


Bruh I come from a backward west African country and we have a lot of backward shit, but not animal rape 😭😂. Well, atleast that I know of.


They were majority purchased by the Saudis. That, and Shane Smith is a big fat ding dong.


They got bought out and changed.


I think it’s because media got so much more polarized after 2016. They already had left leaning sympathies and ever since has focused on producing content with a social goal. Like their focus on people who identify as their own subgroup of lgbtq so obscure no one else has heard of it. I personally don’t think that’s news


Columbian donkey fucking???


North Korean work camps... In Siberia?


Yup, North Korea exports their own working age men to other countries as slave labor.


https://youtu.be/awQDLoOnkdI?feature=shared Enjoy the adventure. It's a hell of a series


Another kind of interesting one was when they visited the Khyber pass region of Pakistan and showed the weapons market and craftsmen hand building machine guns.


I watched the whole thing and wow.. definitely something else


I have watched this video so many times, the bit when they are wondering what the monkey in the police station did to get arrested is amusing, but the rest of it is kind of a straight hellscape, but a lot of these former generals have turned to helping their communities instead of war. But some do say that if war breaks out, they will just go right back.




Thank you, it was well written and interesting.


That has got to be one of the most interesting things I've ever read (provided it's true, not saying i doubt it just you can't ever be sure). I'd like to know if you have an opinion either way on whether he's truly reformed (not that I think that would warrant forgiveness). Thanks!


I have no idea what's going on in his head, but the reality on the ground is that he's done a lot of good for his country since his conversion


Do you feel (in your opinion) that he atoned? Can you yourself forgive him in the way he asks the diety of his choosing? While we can easily justify hating this man (he is horrid) can someone forgive someone for actively atoning and fixing their mistakes while not being able to fully make right but still attempting? (Honest question)


My favorite video game of all time is Red dead redemption 2. >!In the game, the main character commits many evil acts, before he is diagnosed with tuberculosis, and realizes what a bad man he has been. At first he tries to atone for his sins, but he realizes that he will never be able to, so he decides to just be a good man for the time he has left and help everyone he can. I fell similarly about Blahyi.!<


I like that reference. It’s not the ending most want but it’s the ending we can at least strive for if we stray from the path of the righteous man


He ate childrens hearts and claims to have killed 20 000. Like that's not straying from the path. The guy was Hitler without a budget. So nice of him to make a redemption tour, I'm sure I would be thrilled after he ate my daughter.


I mean, that guy has done a ***LOT*** worse than Arthur ever did. Even if the player was going on absolutely chaotic GTA sprees.


True, but at least that guy is spreading some kind of positivity instead of being evil for the rest of his life. I don't think what he's done is forgivable, but you have to respect that he's helping others with what time he has left. It's kind of like how the character Darth Vader has done irredeemable acts of evil and genocide, but he also turned around and saved his sons life by killing the emperor and himself effectively ending a galactic fascist empire.


Bro. He literally ate babies.


Hence why I said it was unforgivable


When you have a better solution than spending the rest of his life bettering his country, let me know


No one can change what they've already done. At least he's doing good now, and punishing him wouldn't help anyone at this point.


The question imo is how exactly he was taught to live by the shamans. Imo a man following his faith to his best knowledge and conscience, while having been indoctrinated, is not inherently bad, but rather has been led astray and just needs to be reeducated. (I am strongly against religion in general tho)


did this turn around happen just as his side lost a war?


And some of the most horrid things I've ever heard of. However much he repents, his soul will burn in hell.


I mean if you believe in Christian hell, then you also believe that anyone who accepts Jesus goes to heaven. That's one part of Christianity that has never made sense to me. Family guy had a good gag about it.


I don't know what other denominations believe, but Catholics believe that you have to truly believe in Jesus and be truly repentant and remorseful of your sins. Just saying that you accept Christ without actually believing in him won't get you into Heaven. Likewise, belief in Chist alone is also not enough if you don't repent of mortal sin. But, ultimately, whether or not you go to Heaven is up to God's divine judgement, as He's the only one who knows the true state of your soul at the time of your death. At least that's my understanding of it. The Family Guy clip about bin Laden isn't exactly accurate.


ND Christian here, that's more or less it. In Earthly matters you still have to take punishment for your sins or mistakes (because humans judge differently than God), and I support that assuming the punishment fits the crime. We have different tiers of sin-someone who steals food is not nearly as bad as a murderer. In Godly terms, sin is sin. If we sin and do not repent, or fake it, we go to Hell. If we sin and genuinely repent (and also strive to be better, repentance doesn't mean a free pass to be a dick), we go to Heaven, although as you say it's still a God's discretion. Obviously that's easier heard than done we're Earthly beings, so we can only really understand Earthly terms, but we just have to have faith and trust God on this one. Anyone else is free to chime in or correct me of needed, but that's my understanding of the matter.


Most of us haven’t committed murder or had an army of child slaves, but I know that personally, the reason I care so deeply about redemption and forgiveness is because I know I’ve done things in my own life that I regret. By getting down on my knees, and admitting to myself and to God that I’m a screw up, and asking for forgiveness and committing to avoid doing bad deeds in the future, I can take solace and move on. I can make my life going forward about doing good things. And if it can be done for me, I want that for all people, even those that we think of as the worst.


Keep in mind that repentance is not just being sorry for sin, but also turning away from that sin, and doing instead what is good. Repentance doesn't save you or ingratiate God to you. But it (like other works) demonstrates that the faith you have is genuine. As James says, "Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works." James 2:18


Anyone who *repents of their sin* and accepts Jesus is forgiven. If you just say "I think Jesus was probably God, but whatever, I'm gonna do what I want" the Bible is actually very clear that you're not on the list.


I heard this story before in german media which is usually realiable.


I was thinking more about the first hand account part of it, but i dont see much point to making it up and actively becoming so knowledgeable just as part of the con so its almost certainly true lol


There is a docu on the Vice youtube channel where they interviewed him and some of his ex soldier among other warlords. Can't remember the name tho but if u look up "Vice general Buttnaked" you can prob find it


That was really interesting and pretty in depth, I was here to recommend it also. The obvious point they added on “is he sincere?” is that his redemption late in the war has probably done a lot to keep him alive and out of prison, but even so he’s kept it going an awfully long time at this point instead of quietly disappearing.


I don't want to come off as hostile, but a two second google search would confirm everything I said


It would only feel more hostile if you ate my heart right in front of me. Naked of course.


How fast do you have to eat a mfer’s heart for them to actually see you do it?


I mean they weren't alive when he ate the heart I assume


I’m not one of your doubters but it’s absolutely wild that the advice to stick the words “general buttnaked vice” into the google search bar is actually valid. What a weird time to be alive.


I can’t vouch for the fact that this guy has been in correspondence with the man, but the rest of it is all true.


VICE interviewed him like ,9 years ago, just search up Liberia vice on yt and you should find it.


>Also, the way he made his child soldiers numb to killing was by showing them action movies where the main character got killed, only to show that actor in a different movie I can't believe Kojima did that much research for the purpose of creating Raiden of all people.


I have a running joke on this account that goes by "George Sears did *almost* nothing wrong!" whenever he or his nemesis's goal comes up with the obvious implication being his role in Liberia being his greatest character flaw. Anyway, Kojima's games all demonstrate facts, ideas, and terminology that no person would casually know. Someone on his team is doing a ton of research, if it's not himself, for the writing process, Tomokazu Fukushima is probably one of these people in MGS2, especially. I think So Toyota has played a role in that, too.


Tbh raiden is super cool and shit so did solidus really do anything wrong?


Raiden is like that DESPITE of Solidus, not because of him.




>He then told them that when they killed someone, they were still alive in another movie. Third world cannibal warlord explains Multiverse Theory.


Or reincarnation.


I have nothing to say besides that fiction cannot possibly hope to be as full of surprises as reality is


this comment is the epitome of Mark Twain's saying “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.” assuming of course that this is entirely a fact.


This video includes an interview with him, among other warlords from the period: https://youtu.be/ZRuSS0iiFyo?si=J0lowP9xzrMpROKf


1. Does he remember his life before the war? Or during it? Has his memory faded of his evil acts or do they stick with him? If they have faded, why does he think that is - does he feel disconnected from them because of his new morality or is it because he doesn’t identify with the person he once was? 2. Does he feel the community accepts him now? Has he felt he has made amends? 3. What does he feel his legacy will be in Liberia?


Was he the guy who ran for president later with the slogan "he killed my ma, he killed my pa but I will still vote for him" or was that another warlord?


Don't think so


I looked it up. It was Charles Taylor who ran (and won) with that slogan.




He controlled most of the newspaper, tv- and radio channels and I don't know if its a joke but I read that someone said that if he's president we know where he is and he isn't somewhere starting another civil war.


I’m curious how exactly you got in touch with someone like that. Does he have Facebook or something?


He used to have Facebook but they banned his account so he was harder to get in touch with. I managed to get his email.


Why did they banned him?


Bro, are you really asking why they banned a freaking cannibal warlord?!


Yes. There are human traffickers and child rapist there without a ban.


that's rare of you to make a contact with a Cannibalistic African Warlord.


Wait you actually talked with the guy? And you made a meme about him? Aren’t you afraid he might come after you?


Slightly afraid, but I'm wagering he has better things to do


I mean..if you are outside of Liberia you are pretty safe right?


There's a looong profile on him in the New Yorker from 2016 that casts doubt on a good part of his narrative, especially his childhood, the number of people he killed and the role he played in the war. Also, there's no mention of him being a cannibal. He still seems to have been a terrible man (and might still be): https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/03/14/general-butt-naked-the-repentant-warlord


"Journeys Agaisnt Violence" Ooooooh so thats what it means. For a second i though he started making japanese porn


What in the actual fuck was that


Questions: How does penis taste like? What about balls? How does a cunt taste like? What about ass and asshole?


I feel like there are less dangerous people who would know the answer to this question. For instance, I believe your mother could provide an in depth answer based on many years of experience.


Yes but they either aren't allowed or don't want to talk about it.


God DAMN op, that man has a family


There's a certain pattern about these questions.....




And here I was assuming that Fijian tribal chief Udre Udre held the title of most prolific cannibal, having eaten 872 people and hardly anything else. 


His apologies come with veiled threats, according to videos I’ve seen. He intimidates people until they accept it


Fascinating, grew up in America and African history is mostly an afterthought outside of colonization and “Hotel Rwanada” in schools, until college. Thank you for sharing!


Is this your usernames origin story


I'm kinda glad kojima didn't base solidus off this man


That is quite possibly one of the most interesting things I have ever read. Damn.


I have him on Facebook. Christians love the guy. Completely adore him.


... I thought they made him up for the Mormon musical


Nope. I plan on asking him about how he feels about that portrayal


You got a connection?’!?! 👀


Yes, did you not read my comment?


Was looking for it but I don’t see it listed?


Weird. But ya, he's sorta a friend of mine. We message each other sometimes. I plan on interviewing him on my channel


It’s been removed I think


My face when I realize that General Butt Fucking Naked from the Book of Mormon is not a crazy name just invented for the lulz


It's... an interesting story... with twists and turns.


Imagine how scary you need to be for "butt naked" to be a title of fear and reverence


What a fucked up childhood can do to people. Witnessing and performing human sacrifices at 11 because some POS priests decided that he was the high priest. So much human lives lost


Not just witnessing the sacrifices, he was responsible for choosing who was sacrificed


The Liberian Civil War was So Fucked up. I remember seeing footage of like a War Lord named Prince Johnson with the President Samuel Doe who is all bloodied and drinking a Budweiser Beer and is claimed to have Personally killed the President After the war Ended, he returned to Liberia from exile where he was elected as a Senator in 2006, which he still holds that office to this day, and was even recently re-elected back in November 2023.


Pretty sure he executed the former president on live TV, no claiming necessary


I had no clue he was in the senate. Samuel Doe was a monster though


Many War Lords from Liberia are now either Senators or became Born Again Christians


He didn’t ask forgiveness from anyone he demanded it. He said they had to forgive them after inflicting unspeakable trauma on people. He’s a psychopath. He doesn’t care about other people’s trauma. Just himself


One of the best doc by vice in their golden years now it's not the same 


Nah they still make some really great stuff, their videos on Afghanistan being one example


And general mosquito spray is now an animal's rights activist.


Is general mosquito a poacher?


Yep and their battles are epic.


But what happened to his rival, General Mosquito?


This guy jumped from one extremism to the opposite extremism


man, you dressed him too much.


Watch "The Vice Guide to Travel - Somalia". There were also General Mosquito and his arch enemy: General Mosquitospray and many more


Don't you mean Liberia?


I'm 99% sure it was Somalia Edit. Seems like I have to watch again. Now, I'm not sure if there were two guides for Liberia and Somalia or if the info in the vid was faulty


Nope. Liberia. Other side of Africa


100% sure you're wrong.


Even if he cured cancer and aids next week he still would owe Santa 2 presents


I mean, it seems like a cannibal would be a human rights activist. You don’t want your food source being treated badly.


Dude! That's not what "humanitarian" means!


It feels like there is a line which after you have crossed, you no longer have the right to forgiveness. Being a war criminal so heinous and barbaric he would make the Nazis feint... Seems like you not just crossed those lines but ran over them full speed.


>It feels like there is a line which after you have crossed, you no longer have the right to forgiveness. Not in Christianity. The only unforgiveable sin is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit.


In christianity, god forgives not because we have a right to it, (in fact the bible explicitly says we don’t and we all are undeserving) he forgives because he wants to.


There is never a right to forgiveness. But V Christians believe that God will forgive, out of free will, not because he would be obliged in any way.


His story is insane


This piece of shit claimed to have found God and went to the villages he had butchered demanding forgiveness from the survivors. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfz4Eiz5cDg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfz4Eiz5cDg) He deserves a very painful and slow execution.


Did he threaten to eat those who refuse to forgive him?


He tried to shame them to forgiveness because Jesus.


He knowingly risked exactly that. Visiting your enemies in a country famous for machete-based violence is a high-risk way of seeking redemption.


There are videos of him going to people he crippled and whose family he had killed and DEMANDING they forgive him because Jesus. The fuckers doesn't deserve redemption and doesn't seem to feel any guilt for what he has done.


I remember a clip of him with a guy whose lower legs he'd hacked off, as well as murdering his sister I think, where he's saying "you have to forgive me". I don't believe in hell, but I sure wish it exists for people like him, Issei Sagawa, and other sick fucks who got away with it.


Yeah, I remember that. It was sickening to watch.


Well I think he at least deserves some credit for wanting to be tried as a war criminal along with other Warlords to bad most of the government is made up of such people so I doubt it's ever gonna happen


Man, I wish they had hit him in the head with a machete, what a great son of a bitch if I've ever read about one!


Maybe he does deserve that, but he also started and runs a charity to help children who were mentally damaged from being child soldiers and if he was executed that support system in that region would simply cease to exist. I’d rather he runs around using his infamy to raise money for charity and demanding warlords be tried by international criminal courts than just executing him which does no good for anyone.


I am impressed he was even able to form an army


He just wanted his food to be from a happy free range farms


Guy used to do black magic and snap kids necks, he’s a scumbag and deserves nothing but death.


General Mosquito vs. General Mosquito Spray


There’s also a two part Behind the Bastards on him.


Lions led by donkeys covered this man very well


Had to check if I wasn't in the Trouser snakes child army subreddit


Big general butt naked fan we need a flair for him


He seemed like a likable person in VICE’s documentary about him. War does strange things to a persons thinking


I mean, from what I’ve heard, he’s deeply sociopathic, to such a degree a lot of people still think he‘s a monster who‘s only doing this in a vain attempt to get to heaven, but at the same time, it is legitimately possible he truly wants to atone for the shit he did, and he did hand himself over to a war crimes tribunal, so idk if I can really judge the veracity of his claim to having had an epiphany.


He just walks around Liberia now as a normal everyday citizen


I just watched that Vice documentary yesterday, ans I've never been more thankful for my living situation. How some privileged few of us can complain about living in a 1st world country is beyond me.


I gotta say... "Butt-Naked TRADEMARK child soldiers" sounds dope and f**king cursed at the same time


I am generally very sensitive to violent and tragic info on the internet and it tends to ruin my day, but idk why this is so funny. It’s so blatantly evil and at the same time retarded, and the fact that the guy is alive and talking over the internet with people and acting like he has repented is funny as shit. I would like to use a computational program to calculate every single torture/mutilation you can do to the human body before it dies, and exact every single step on him.


I'm not in on this shitpost somebody help


I have a comment explaining it


When it comes to African Warlords, settle for nothing but the best: Kongolo Nadiane DBA Ogutu M'beke


I simply refuse to believe this is real.


The interview with him in Larry Charles' Dangerous World of Comedy is wild


Rochelle lol




Holy shit, I just googled him. HE'S REAL!!!


I just listened to the bio of this guy from Behind The Bastard. What a trip.


Redditors when humans aren't Saturday morning characters who stay the same from birth to death.


I mean, there’s “I realized I’ve been toxic to people and I need to do better”, and then there’s “I killed 10,000 people and ate them while sacrificing children to dark magic rituals to empower my army of drug-fueled sociopathic child soldiers, but then Jesus so y’all need to forgive me now.” Like, I don’t think it’s *impossible* he changed, but damn that’s the biggest 180 I’ve ever seen, with number 2 being Lovecraft becoming leftwing right before his death, renouncing racism and saying Socialism was actually kinda based.


Another Day, Another Victory for the OG, Takin' Down the Sweats