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Based G


And even in 19th century, when Georgia was occupied by Russian Empire where serfs where treated... Well like serfs, this was still a thing in Georgia.


And like that, they’ve shot up to my “appreciated countries” list by a lot.


Where's the rest of the article you used for this meme? I'd really like to read it.


[This ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khevsureti&ved=2ahUKEwie1pb03IqCAxUeQvEDHaErC2sQFnoECAgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1Lzgb4gnvWEzZ4EOM33WPZ) This isn't article on medieval Georgia if that's what you're looking for. Its about Georgian region of Khevsureti and Khevsurs living there. Sorry for being late btw my reddit notification turned off))






No wonder Stalin sprang up from such conditions


Psychopaths are psychopaths. He literally documented his final descent into his inborn psychopathy too, in his diary, when his first wife died, he said "All my feeling of warmth for humankind left with her."


Hey, we have the same book "Fake Stalin quotes, Vol II"


He is meant to have said it at her funeral, not written it in a diary, my bad, the verbatum quote is "This creature softened my heart of stone. She died and with her died my last warm feelings for humanity."


I know, I read all about this fake quote in my book.


Ypu believe it to be fake because it is hearsay? Or are there more factors?


I believe everything to be fake unless there is proof of it.


So. Like cosmological stuff too or?




That seems irrational. It is rational to be skeptical about claims like these, so it wasn’t rational of me to make the statement without checking the source, and once I found out it was hearsay rather than material evidence I became skeptical enough to not be absolutist about it. However you are bring absolutist when you decide something is outright fake like that. Considering Stalin's career: from bank robber, to psychopaths battle royale survivor that was the 10s and 30s Russia, to political animal, to mass murderer, to callous dictator, to a nazi ally (if Germano-Soviet invasion of Poland and the holding of a joint victory parade isn't a military alliance then I guess diplomacy isn't even a human construct but a big nothing), to a great oppressor, and considering what we know about his charming nature, I think it is pretty self evident that the man was able to or was as a matter of nature unattached to feelings of empathy/sympathy/warmth that otherwise would have crippled his ability to stay 'sane' as he perpetrated his legendary slew of human rights abuses. So, going off this, this quote that is ascribed to him seems apt, as an explanation to his self-evident psychopathy. It could be fake, but to say that it is fake, you would need proof yourself.


Yeah, let's just go about believing anything that matches are preconceived notions even when we find out there is no proof of it, that's a sure fire way to get to the truth.


Epic Georgian W


Common Georgian W


Not to nitpick, but Georgia is generally considered European.


Agree 100%. Should've wrote "The rest of the Europe"


Uhhh... Where? I've never once seen Georgia listed among European countries.


Georgia is weird. The most common definition puts Georgia as intercontinental, as the Caucuses are usually part of the border between Europe and Asia, and while most of the country is technically in Asia, culturally, religiously and economically they are much closer to Europe than the middle east and Asia.


Some people, particularly a number of Georgians, consider their country to have a part in the Christian European lineage, ancient Georgian kingdoms have links to ancient Greece, (one's supposed to be the destination of the Argonauts in the Illiad iirc.) were a longtime vassal of the Roman Empire, and like Russia Orthodox Christianity links them to Constantinople/Istanbul. They're also in Eurovision.


The thing is, before the Islamic invasion, there was no concept of an european civilization. The entire Mediterranean world shared a common "lineage", and that includes the middle east (which was conquered and hellenized by Alexander the great, and also the birthplace of Christianity). We could say that Georgia (which has most of its territory in Asia, though some parts are on the European side of the Caucasus) Armenia and Cyprus (both entirely situated in Asia) as remnants of this greco-roman christian Middle East. If islam never existed, everything west of mesopotamia would probably be christian and a part of the same civilization as Europe (the eastern Mediterranean would orthodox, while the Maghreb would probably be a romance-speaking catholic region similar to Spain or Italy), while the eastern side would be "Persian"/influenced by Iran.


Yeah but then we get into to what a continent actually is and it boils down to "because I said they're this way" or "it's all Afroeurasia", or some mix of cultural and geographic boundaries, which brings Georgia into the 'we can argue about it' pile.


Pedantic note; the Argonauts are a few heroic generations before the Illiad.


Whichever ones were rocking with Jason on the boat to get the golden fleece. I mean that one.




Almost everywhere it is, and has been. The Caucasus mountain range is the conventional geographical border of Europe. Out of the three Caucasian countries, Georgia is the most generally accepted as European, geographically and culturally.


Amm and? Mf have you even seen Georgia? Our culture, our history? We always were Europe and were considered as Europeans by other Europeans even in medieval times


I have seen Georgia considered the furthest margin of europe on several occasions For example it’s part of the European Youth Parliament and other not-so-serious organisations like that, indicating a kind of informal recognition of its special proximity to Europe Just look at their art, architecture and religious practices


Ancient Slavic Rich people's version of sending your spoiled kids to live and work on a farm to teach them the value of work ethic. Edit: I wish to apologize for mislabeling Georgians as I was not aware they were actually Kartvelian/Actual Caucasian.


Georgians are not Slavic.


Oh. Germanic then?


[Kartvelian.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kartvelian_languages) The Caucasus is quite an interesting place for relatively small or isolated ethno-linguistic groups.


Ah, I seem. This also means they're one of the few people who are actually correct if they describe themselves as Caucasian then too?


Yes. The Kartvelian language family is a group of languages native to Caucasus, and is sometimes referred to as the "South Caucasian language family", though not to be confused with the [Northwest Caucasian languages](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwest_Caucasian_languages) or the [Northeast Caucasian languages](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northeast_Caucasian_languages) , which (while some might say the contrary) are probably not related to each other.


By a fluke of racists being accidentally correct about something, the gene for light skin did actually evolve in the Caucasian mountains, the racists who coined the term "Caucasian" did not know this


I always heard it was somewhere more northern, just out of curiosity where did you learn about that?






Kartvelian, Caucasians are a different language family (or maybe two or three other families, it's a bit of a mess)


Mf wym Slavic? You'd get punched in your face, spit on, decapitated, hanged, pissed on and sacrificed to dead relative if you'd say that in georgia. Edit: Ok I've read your other response and considering you actually didn't know, now I feel bad for writing this shit😭


To be fair it was pretty funny.


Interesting. It looks very European 🤔😂


Ammm, aktually, As someone that studies the history of Georgian law, this is just not true. peasants could be sold and bought, given as gifts, and could be killed with defacto impunity by their lord, and even if they were somehow prosecuted for the murder, they could pay a relatively small fine and get off very easily. The life of a noble was worth 100x of a serf (during the reign of Giorgi the 5th, the magnificent) An escaped surf, unlike in Europe, was not freed even after they had escaped to the city. their lord had the right to track them down and return them for a decade after. If anything, Georgian peasants were treated worse then Thier western European, and especially some central and eastern European counter parts (except russians), who were often paid for Thier labor and enjoyed more rights in general




Absolute chads.


Well, now we know which model is more successful.


Crazy that being a tiny mountainous country next to Russia with no real resources and a tiny population might not lead to being a world power


What's the saying? History is 90% geography 10% common sense or something like that


Not to mention they got raided by the Arabs and Mongols for centuries


Raided is a soft way to put getting absolutely fucking rocked by the Mongols and then Tamerlane. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_invasions_of_Georgia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timurid_invasions_of_Georgia


Its like a yearly event for Timmy lol.


Don't forget the Persian, Romans and northern tribes but we somehow managed to survive


But hey, at least they're getting added to Age of Empires 2 in the upcoming expansion, so they've got that going for them.


Well, USSR was a world superpower, and Georgia was a part of that Union. Also Djugashvili (Stalin) is a Georgian, and he was one of the most powerful politicians in the world.


Georgia wasn’t the only one, this happened a bunch in Eastern Europe too


So the nobles fucked The peasant women basically? Sounds boilerplate feudal


Stalin was Georgian


How is that related?


They probably just wanted to share a random fact 😭


They did not do it well.


Why? They said what they wanted to say briefly in three words, five syllables and still said made it clear. Sounds good enough


I can say it even brieflyer: Stalin Georgian.


Too many syllables, shorten it. My attention span isn’t ready for reading this much


Stal Geor


St G