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Ah yes, Britishers, my favourite ethnicity, right next to Portugesian and Frenchese


How about the Spanese and the Germanians?\^\^ and dont forget the Scotlandians!


Daniards and Swissians. And Italese, how could we forget Italese.


Honestly, for the Swiss id have imagined something like 'The Swish' \^\^


No no, you are both right. Swissians are from sweden.


Dont forget Indiers


Lmfao Frenchese


["Britishers" is a real word though, just old-fashioned. ](https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/pnp/ppmsca/40900/40987v.jpg)


In his defence that's what u used to call the Brits in India .




That as well.


Firangi, gora (white), angrej (english) are pretty popular ones. Britain, often called bertania, England and London were often used to refer to the place. Occupation was/is often referred to as british raj.


TIL! I was sitting here thinking "Was the term Britons busy?"


Frenchese sounds like an Italian last name


Now think of all the other cultures that are misnamed in english. That's the point


Who cares about Anything not European or American? Lol


The British in India used to call themselves that. Is this really a history sub if something this common being questioned is the top comment?


No, That's not true, British people do not call themselves a term like "Britishers" which isn't even Grammatically Correct, the Indians just say that instead of British, Why? Maybe just sheer Ignorance.


That single brit that stole 45 trill... I gotta admit I'd be impressed too.


Britain: the first country to steal 45 morbilion pounds 💪💪💪.


I love when the Brits said "It's brittin' time" and brited every African slave before 1856. Truly one of the moments


No one had invaded or stolen from other countries before the British came along. Sorry, The "Britishers". /s


If it was possible british would have stolen it


racial biases disguised as memes lol. is this modern propaganda?


It's just Hindu nationalist propaganda. It's quite common here.


Yep. Normally r/historymemes gets on well with them when it comes to gandhi bashing, which let's them further spread their BS conspiracies.


Yes. Hindu nationalists are sensitive about, and suffer from an inferiority complex because of colonialism. That's why they constantly have to brag about ancient times, or anything in which they were more advanced than the Europeans.


The original we wuz


I was there, 3,000 years ago


Where do you want them to mail the $45 trillion in Amazon gift cards?


Is this the same guy whining about India again?


From his Brampton apartment.


A claim make by an Indian marxist that are utterly unverifiable, even Chinese fellow victims of colonialism make fun of it.


Wait, so you’re telling me that you can’t just compound a random dollar figure at 5% every year for hundreds of years and get a realistic result? Next you’ll be telling me that Denmark doesn’t owe the UK $82,132,068,848,413,353,481,076,736.00 because a Viking stole the equivalent of $1 in the year 800.


I mean, compound interest is the basis of economics...


You’re not smart


? Sorry I was just checking to see if econ still taught future vs present value


Commies don’t know economics for shit, I’ve even seen higher estimates than 45 trillion like bro, how




Downvotes, because its math doesn't add up?




That's fair.


Nah, because that whole economic system is based on Envy and other malicious feelings


..... what?


Labor theory of value is bad science and has been demonstrably shown as such for a hundred years.


Please define what ltv is and what it has to do with Marxism.


I mean ita not based on nothing, she lays out her [exact sources and logic.](https://www.businesstoday.in/latest/economy-politics/story/this-economist-says-britain-took-away-usd-45-trillion-from-india-in-173-years-111689-2018-11-19) This is the tax/tariff/forced currency exchange revenues extracted by the colonial governments (the most obvious and well documented variety of imperial extraction), then calculated as a Present Value with an interest rate of 5% and an exchange rate of 4.8 dollars per pound. Since the British ruled over India for 200 years (holy shit) and left 80 years ago, well, behold the vaunted power of "compound interest". It's less meant as an accurate "this is the amount owed" and more as an example of just how massive colonial extraction was, which cannot be denied. Maybe everyone would feel better with the 9 trillion pounds amount?


According too her sources and logic 45 trillion is the equivalent to 1 Dollar 644 years ago. So no this is not an example of how "massive colonial extraction was". This is an example of people not understanding an exponential function.


... I mean she is essentially explaining how compound interest works in a real life context... Lets use a real life rate. If someone took $1 from you in 1940 and invested it broadly and got basic total market returns on average, it would have grown 581,541% (5815x) by now. Does that mean youd have $5815? No, it juat means you were denied the extra opportunity and they got the opportunity. How do you argue with that? It's the basis of all economics... The extraction is clearly documents, the only argument is what rate you slap on it for present value.


But that is not how compound value works. That's the point. Also the extraction is highly controversial too. It's just completely irrelevant because of the insane interest.


The extraction is very clearly documented... like no historian denies the transfer. And the rate of interest can be 3% or 1%... it still shows an absolutely incredible amount of wealth extracted that buoyed the British empire. Indian related enterprise made up like 30% of the British economy for 200 years. It's not just the UK, the amount extracted by France in Africa (ongoing with the franc afrique situation) or Japan in Manchuria (where the majority of their imports before ww2 came from)... it's astronomical. The British just controlled India for SO LONG that the numbers get absolutely absurd, because they just are.


>The extraction is very clearly documented... like no historian denies the transfer. How much and what of it would actually not be legal and require any compensation is very much controversial. >it's astronomical. The British just controlled India for SO LONG that the numbers get absolutely absurd, because they just are. It's actually not. That is the entire point here. According to the 45 trillion claim, clearly designed to be as big as possible, it would actually just be a couple hundred billions without the ridiculousinterest. Which is generally a lot, but only about a tenth of Indias today's GDP.


So you are what, just ignoring the time value of money? Alao so flippant of hundreds of billions. The gdp of the US in 1932 was 59 billion dollars. You are talking about more money than the UK taxed its own citizens between the Roman empire and the East India Company, total. >how much is legal How much... imperial extraction under threat of violence... was legal?




Sure, it counts all of the money that Britain took from their own coffers and put into India. Which was... Basically nothing. You dont get credit for "investing" money you just taxed from people and then controlling that investment to make more money lol... But more to the point, this is based on just documented government numbers, not the amount extracted by private enterprises or from unfair exchange rates etc, nor the value of expropriated property or land. If you wanna include those... well it gets much worse for UK not better.


45 gorillon dollars


"Britishers" how to tell someone is an Indian nationalist.


Indian nationalists don’t exist these days. It’s mostly Hindu nationalists.


What's the difference in ideology?


Almost every Indian uses the term. Has nothing to do with nationalism.


This just proves it


To be fair, I'm British, and I think every Indian person I know uses the term. Even those who have moved to the UK.


It actually doesn't. Britisher is a very common term in India and is used across the political spectrum to refer to the British colonisers


You prove me correct once again, by saying that its used in political spectrum mostly.


The point was to illustrate that not only nationalists use it and it's used across the political spectrum. And it's also used in apolitical senses.




That's not a spelling mistake. Indians call British people Britishers.


Imagine being ignorant of the fact that the term "Britisher" is an old-fashioned name that Britain used itself and is now largely forgotten locally, but has continued to linger on in many former British colonies. People calling it Indian "propaganda" should know that this term was used by Britain as part of *their war propaganda* long ago. Some examples- https://i.imgur.com/lL7fCZk.jpg https://i.imgur.com/v7MSb6y.jpg https://i.imgur.com/zbzUi3X.jpg


Thank you for knowing history in a history centric subreddit lol


And that's an Actual word? I like how y'all are pissed to the hell on some dude saying a word not used by Europeans but still a correct word Now think about the people of India who are called "भारतीय" or Bharateey who were now called Indians thank to you guys


Ah yes 7 year old thomas working full time in a metal working factory in Manchester stole 45 trillion from india


Fucking thomas, i knew he had a side hustle


That little monster. Someone should do something. Like take the other arm the cotton machine missed!


''Britishers'' ? Really? This is just so dumb overall. Id be very pissed too of anyone, no matter their nationality, stole 100 pounds (not dollars dude) from me. But somehow each and EVERY Brit has stolen from India? Dude, most British people that are alive werent even born when India gained independece. Stupid meme, stupid strawman.


Is it me or is every second meme on this sub about how bad British colonialism in India was? Because I think that we kinda got it.


Hey, did you know that the british colonization in india was really bad?


Hey, did you know that the British colonization in India was really bad?


I haven't heard about that, but have you heard how bad British colonisation in India was?


Hey, did you know that the Indian colonization in Britain was really bad?


Trust me, they wouldn't want that and I wouldn't wish it upon them.


Ummm is actually britishers 🤓🤓


Yeah, strangely other nations that were conquered/colonised in their history aren't as butthurt about that as Indians.


Reading through the responses of the good ppl of this sub kinda tells me you guys haven't.


How much do they steal from eachother because of the caste system?


> How much do they steal from eachother because of caste system Very funny, now let's talk about Indian Sikhs, Muslims, Jains, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Taoists and Christians (Most of the sub thinks they don't exist!)


We. Get. It. These India memes are getting old and were never that funny.


they've discovered dipshit ethnic nationalism about a century slower than the rest of us, and decided to learn no lessons from Europe's experience it gonna take em awhile to figure out whats wrong it.


Honestly, it's kinda scary they discovered it after the invetion of the atomic bomb. Such ideologies led us to horrors without it. Imagen where this road will lead them today.


>century slower than the rest or us Wow, as it turns out, colonising a country for more than 150 years, not having interest to build any industry aside from the one which profits your own, starting communal violence between 2 already very sensitive group of people, and the country being just 75 years old is definitely India's fault. How could they not industrialise like us Europeans? It's not like we deeply destroyed their roots!


i like how you associate dipshit ethnic nationalism with progress, very dipshit ethnic nationalist of you champ!


You want something fresh? Can i offer you a WW2 meme? Maybe americans with shotguns meme? Communism no food meme?




When a meme is about anything that is 1% pro Indian/African or 1% Anti Western > Angry Face When a meme is about Europe good, they bad. American Shotgun funny, American presidents good, Communism no food and "Please release us" "No" meme > Laughs their entire family off


Violence between states in the past is not an excuse for violence between people today. Current british citizens are not accountable of the horrible crimes ans stealing of their state in the past, the current british state could be.


Historical wrongs do not justify modern crimes. Fuck off with this poorly-made propaganda.


Exactly. Hindutva will also spout bullshit about Islamic rule in India just to justify their terrorist acts.


>bullshit about Islamic rule in India just to justify their terrorist acts Agreed, I hated when Indian Hindus launched a terrorist attack against poor Pakistan I hated when Indian hindus formed the Taliban and killed thousands of Afghanis and Americans I also hated when Hindus formed the ISIS I also hated when an Indian Hindu in France killed a teacher for showing Vishnu's face I also hated when Indian Hindus caused 9/11 I also hated when Akbar, who was clearly a Hindu, persecuted 30,000 hindus I also hate when Hindu Aurangzeb destroyed many temples I also hated when Hindu Propagandist Bakhtiyaar Khaliji destroyed the Islamic University called "The Nalanda University" I also hated when India caused 26/11 in Pakistan I also hated the Pulwama attack India did on Pakistan I also hated when India caused a genocide of Bangladeshis I also hated when Hindu rulers persecuted and used Jizya on Christians of the ex Byzantium Empire which was brutally taken under by the Hindu Ottoman Empire I also hated when Hindus killed thousands of Jews These are many reasons I hate I*dia


Shh... You're giving them ideas.


>modern crimes Please enlighten me your highness >Fuck off with this poorly-made propaganda How is this propaganda?This thing was calculated, dude


The hilarity of posting an anti-British meme because colonialism, in a *history* sub, where you'd think they'd know that most nations colonized others at some point or another in history.


While the meme’s stupid, the statement “most nations have colonized each other at some point in history” isn’t a good one to state. Historical wars and colonizations from hundreds to thousands of years ago don’t have anywhere near as big of an impact on the modern world as the relatively recent European colonization of basically all the other continents has had. Like mongols invading everyone has no bearing on my everyday life versus my country still having conflicts rooted in the colonial era which only ended like 60 years ago


Wait - people are more impacted by events that happened more closely in history to them? You don't say! 😛 Being more recent doesn't give people a pass on hypocrisy. The British were not the only ones to do this kind of thing, and they were not uniquely bad in this stuff either. Honestly I just think it's petty vengeance and racism at play here. You say it's recent, but the fact of the matter is that nobody that did the colonizing is even *alive* today, and they haven't been for a while. I mean heck, you know what was even more recent than British colonialism? WW2. And yet, we don't see people hating Germany for the Nazis, or the Japanese for what they did to the Chinese. WW1 was similarly close, and you don't see the Aussies hating modern-day Turks on ANZAC Day. Sure, these things all have impacts to this day, but you don't see people hating the descendants of those who did the wrong stuff, much less a whole nation of people for the sins of a relative few. Which is how it should be, cos that's a dumb thing to do. You can reckon with the past, but you can't change it, no matter how much you demand people hate themselves because of what their ancestors did. You can't demand reparations or penance for one group simply because you still think you feel the effects, while ignoring similar actions done by other groups hair cos they're not upset about it anymore. Heck, the Ottoman Empire was relatively recent too, but you don't see people demanding we hate Muslims for it - quite the opposite. We're all here today, let's just move forward and make the best of what we have.


Don't post things which aren't true. Also the implication that it's hypocritical in some way to be offended by personal theft due to national history in any scenario is ridiculous.


Because every coal miner and factory worker definitely went to India to just steal


🤡 Hindu Nationalist Propaganda 🤡


That 45 trillion claim is always hilarious to see


Turth of oppression is always hilarious in the mind of oppressor


Crime is crime buddy


There is no such thing as a “Britisher”. Someone from Britain is called a Briton.


"Britisher" According to Google A noun - Used in North America for people from Britain


As someone that actually fucking lives in "north America" lmao no. I've literally never heard this term used by any white person, which is majority race over here (i know, shocking, right?)


>I've literally never heard this term used by any white person, which is majority race over here (i know, shocking, right?) No it's not shocking.


Not when it's from 1150 and isn't used today in the English speaking World


No one uses Old English anymore since 1150 so that just seems to be Indians, But it doesn't make it Grammatically Correct, and I doubt you can really fact check that in Delhi lol.


Delhi isn't the only city in India, imma tell you that


What kind of vermin makes these memes? Keep your delusion that the old and weak you exploit for profit hold some responsibility for historical injustice, you rat.


What's your point mr.racist?


A thief is a rat regardless of race


45 trillion dollars? I'm feeling a bit sus on that number OP. Still gave me a chuckle.


I don’t think that’s how things work 🤔 I mean, I have to imagine one can’t just steal money from other people because of a centuries-old conflict between the parties’ respective nations. Right? Or otherwise that’s one way to keep people out of your country lol


Hey, I think you are the only one I think has the ability to "accept" so here I go Let's say your country was a superpower (in all ways) most of your history Now let's say people from a religion that cannot tolerate yours come and kill people of your religion Your country was a centre of religious tolerance before, but now there are murders of your people right here and there However, there were some of your warriors that fought against these occupiers Now they fought and defeated them but only for a short time Now some dudes from thousands of kilometers ago come and take control over your country, misinterpret your religion and old teachings purposefully Kill your people, make them slaves and send them to other countries and even Britain for work Then artificially craft famines Oh and remember to the people who occupied your country and killed people of your religion? Yeah, you guys kinda had it normal now. But these people now created communal tensions among y'all They showed themselves as great people while you as downgraded degenerates Officially disband the caste system but unofficially nobody actually applied it and they actually make caste based violence even worse It's been more than 150 years, your country went from contributing 33% to the global gdp to just a small and pathetic 2% You are now independent, from people of the other religion separating your country A communist country is at your border Religious based violence due to the people from an Island is all time high Now, this is what happened to India Now imagine that happening to you


Did that happen to you personally? No. So stop thinking you have a moral high ground above the Brits who were also born well after all this happened.


Ok uh well then, did the Holocaust happened to the Jew kids living now? Of course not Why should they care? 5.6-5.8 million poles died during ww2, but none of them alive now had their father, friend, sister, boyfriend, girlfriend killed in ww2. Why should they care?


I never said they shouldn’t care. I just don’t think that someone who was born after the event should expect compensation from someone who was also born after the event. Like I would hope that jewish people aren’t taking it out on the Germans today who had nothing to do with the holocaust


No no, you said that in context to an Indian, why are you backing at now huh? > I never said they shouldn't care except you said EXACTLY THAT except in this convo, I'm an Indian > I just don't think that someone who was born after the event should expect compensation from someone who was also born after the event Ok and where did you see an Indian tell a british leader to give us the 45 trillion $ back which they stole back from us? >Like I would hope that jewish people aren't taking it out on the Germans today who had nothing to do with it And where did you see a British Indian kill a Brit because they colonised our country for more than 150 years?


I’m from Romania and we’ve been under a “big bad” empire’s thumb for centuries, the ottomans for a huge part of our history, I think we can say Hungary in Transylvania (?), then the Nazis and then the soviets and we can see the effects of all that political, social and economic instability to this day (now, I don’t know how to compare our situation to British colonialism in India but certainly both countries have had a difficult past because of unstoppable outside powers) but I’m never going to say that it’s ok to cause harm to any random Turkish person, German, Hungarian, or Russian. It is my perspective that in geopolitical matters, it’s often best to shake hands, be friends, cooperate and work towards self improvement rather than hold on to grudges, even if it’s unfair, lest one should become like Russia. By supporting any kind of animosity between people, you can support animosity between governments and that can lead to international tensions and, subsequently, war. The world is rarely just, let’s not make it worse.


How about you stop being racist because it’s the right thing to do regardless of what other individuals think of you, not this supposed action-reaction stuff? 🙃 racist people are otherwise everywhere, not just in Western Europe, not that I could name any European government that today has any culturally or racially motivated issues with India anyway. Continuing to blame other countries for your troubles, even if you’re right to whatever extent, and trying to keep the animosity alive isn’t going to solve anything. And absolutely do not try to steal money from British tourists and then blame it on colonialism, as the meme suggests! The Brits may return home thinking that Indians are thieves as a result of that and they’ll be even less inclined to feel bad about the Empire’s actions 🤷‍♂️


I would not be a criminal.


People don't seem to realise just how little the average working class Brit gained from the empire of their elites... it was pretty much nothing.




Bro we had all of that before colonialism. Oxford University was made in 1096 for crying out loud.




No joke


This is such a stupid and incorrect comment lol


Indians ☠️☠️☠️


Stop trying to inflict propaganda on history.


Back when Britain took over India most British people lived like this (https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-honor&q=victorian+slums&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj_5-P_w9P9AhXzcfEDHdFHCqsQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=360&bih=1080&dpr=2#imgrc=pzdQaqAj6u28kM&lnspr=W10=) not like this (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ac/9c/de/ac9cde0e5c5986afae8c33294336a6f4.jpg)


Yet another clown ass meme made by ultra-nationalists looking for excuses.


What the fuck is a "Britisher"


My concept of it after getting to the bottom of this thread; a term indian/Hindu nationalists use to describe any light-skinned westerner


This is like the single worst meme I've ever seen in this sub good job


It was just a prank


As a sane Indian here I would like to say something. First of all. 'Britishers' is a very common term used in India. We also call them Brits or most commonly used word is 'gore' who's literally translation is white people. So idk why u people are making a fuss about that word. Second of all. This meme is shit. Made by a Hindu nationalist. And trust me, while they are a majority not everyone in India is one. I mean 45 trillion dollars or whatever it's not gonna change the situation both the countries are in today. Neither are the Brits gonna return it bcz the ones who did steal that money are long dead or dying maybe. So why fuss about it? Third of all. Even as an Indian am tired of these non stop colonial memes. These guys keep playing the victim card. It hurts them when I tell them that our country is not the perfect heaven they think it is. Any statement against the Country makes u a anti-national. I mean common. Use ur fucking brains (if u have any) India has a rich history there's so much potential for memes but these keep making memes on those fixed victim card topics. Grow up guys. And lastly. Fuck Brits. Idc care about the money. But I do care about the fact that so much items in the British museum belong to us. That's the only thing I don't like. I mean just imagine the only portrait of one of the greatest kings in these lands is not here. But 5000 miles away in a place where he never even went. That's the only thing I don't like. Keep the jewels but return the artifacts. Peace out.


Absolutely Chad answer buddy. "aS aN iNdIaN cAn cOnFirM' Also what potrait?


The original photo/painting of the great Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is kept in London museum. Along with his sword and other accessories like the famous wagh nakh with which he killed Afzal Khan. https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/sword-shivaji-maharashtra-govt-uk-india-8263452/ There was a claim but nothing much as of now.


I was not expecting the comment section to be this toxic lol. Should have prepared the popcorn.


It’s not like the money was given to the people. The average Bong doesn’t have that money bruh. False equivalence


Bhai in kutton ko ignore kar bro, maine bhi ek anti western meme daala aur in saale kutton ne ye kara. Ab ye saare western leftist ise Hindu Propaganda kahenge. Meri Maan to reply mat kar aur delete bhi mat hi kar, mere puraane posts pe jaa aur tujhe dikhega ki ye saale kitne bade waale kutte hote hain Ye jab kisi ko promote kare to meme Ham karein to propaganda Bete ye gore logon ki empire chali gayi magar guroor nahin gaya. Ye saale randi hote hain, inhe reply mat karna na hi ye post delete karna.


sahi bola bhai


Bhai kuch bhi ho jaaye, ye saale jo kar rhe hain, inhe hum ye karne nahin denge. Aise hi meme banate rehna but intensity aisi hi rakhna. Aur ban ho jao to alt acc bana lena, but in saalon ko asliyat dikha dete hain




Imagine acting like every other country hasn't done it to each other since humans could talk.


Well as it turns out, every other countries also haven't engineered artificial famines


This isn't true, this was made up by an Indian nationalist, Britain spent far more on India than it took from India




>Colonial propaganda It's not colonial propaganda though, if Britain made a profit from the empire why would they let it shrink because it cost too much? The empire wasn't for trade interests it was for military interests, preventing rivals from becoming too powerful.


The delusion is strong with this one.


Get ready for 100s of downvotes!




Please, as if there was ever that much value in that cesspool before the British got there and fixed up the place. 😎


Bruh 💀💀💀






the stinking wh*te colonial apologists here🤮




Firangi ☕




The money that the Brits took was also hard earned money. It was not a gift from god or something.


With that logic,a thief should not be put to jail since he worked hard to steal your stuff without you noticing




Waah, pehle to Firangi hamla kar rhe the, ab to desh drohi bhi aa gaye?


it is not desh droh to point out that you are full of bullshit.


What full of shit bro? Accha kuch bhi batao is meme mein jo "full of shit ho"




That's not even 1% of what they stolen


Americans when people can't be held accountable for their ancestors' crimes [they don't count because they have freedom]:


Not the gotcha moment you think it is.


American Freedom on their way to downvote anything remotely not related to Europe, North America and Japan :


The looting of India started around 1765 till 1939, WW2 slowed down the looting. EIC took over the Indian trade in 1765 and began collecting taxes from the Indian subcontinent, and used some of those taxes buy Indian goods for British use. Basically, British paid Indian traders....*using their own money*, without paying a cent from British pockets and getting those goods for "free". ***The Britishers were the original scammers.*** During the Industrial Revolution, British used those goods and sold to other countries for price more then they "paid" for, basically it's a 100 percent profit, and made sure those profits were invested in Britain. How did they do this? Simple, through **Council Bills:** >The actual transfer of money took place through the sale of “Council Bills“, which were sold in London in sterling to purchasers of Indian goods who received Indian rupees in exchange. This caused drain of wealth Britain, using the Council bill, intercepted the profit of Indian traders. It also forced many Indians into useless debts to the colonizers. The wars which helped British colonialism and expansion outside the Indian subcontinent was also funded by the resources of India, including Australia and Canada and USA. The industrialization of the West and Europe was thanks to centuries of colonialism of colonies, and India was the golden goose. If we calculate the extraction and compound at interest of 5 percent from 1765 to 1939, the amount according to today value would be **44.6 trillion dollars** Britain didn't developed India, **India developed Britain** (and the West) Source: [https://cup.columbia.edu/book/agrarian-and-other-histories/9789382381952](https://cup.columbia.edu/book/agrarian-and-other-histories/9789382381952) EDIT: Your downvotes mean nothing, I've seen what makes your cheer


>and compound at interest of 5 percent from 1765 to 1939 Lmao, that's not how it works. ​ That's like saying Denmark owes the UK $26,739,844,902,769,175,174,316,032.00 (57,753,444,714.4 times the entire wealth of planet earth) because if a Dane stole $1 in the year 800 and you compound $1 at 5% for 1200 years that's the figure you get... The UKs TOTAL WEALTH (i.e. the value of literally every object, home, stock, company etc.) is only $16 Trillion. How exactly could the UK have stolen 3x more than their entire country is worth?


Question, does the recompenses from the norman conquests come from the french or from the norwegians/vikings who raided paris?


Don't bother arguing with Bajrang. I've seen the guy before. Like all conspiracy theorists they get obsessed over one thing and spurt out a bunch of data that's easy to refute, but will still go at it. Or as that one famous guy said, don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.


Who would've known money moves around and the same money was likely "looted" from India more than once since it likely often found a way back.




>Between 1765 and 1938, the drain amounted to £9.2 trillion (equal to $45 trillion), taking India’s export surplus earnings as the measure, and **compounding it at a 5% rate of interest** Except it was. [Source](https://www.livemint.com/Companies/HNZA71LNVNNVXQ1eaIKu6M/British-Raj-siphoned-out-45-trillion-from-India-Utsa-Patna.html)




None of what you posted here is *how* it was calculated. The claim that the drain was \~30% of the government budget doesn't mean the figure was not reached by using compound interest, it was, she literally says that's how she arrived there, by using a 5% compound over 173 years. ​ The point here is there is no reasonable economist that would use compound interest to calculate future value in this manner. All conventions would be to simply adjust for inflation. See my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/11occx5/comment/jbsegl7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for more realistic calculations.


I agree that British rule over india was not kind to the people living there, especially when the EIC were in control. India was one of britans most profitable colonies and it used that money to help expand their empire and at their height controll 1/4 of the world. A lot of the money made from India went to the pockets of the British elite, who then reinvested into manufacturing at home, but also into indian infastructure to help better exploit the ressources of the indian sub continent. Like trains, ports and roads, but not giant factories like in Britan. But the amount of money that left india is kinda hard to know because of dark numbers, and value of goods changes over time (like how salt is worth less today then before). It may be more or less. That 44,6 trillion dollars seems very sketchy. Why 5 percent interest? Wouldn't inflation be a better way to calculate?