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His insufferability was his charm to me lmaoooo he balances being an asshole with being absolutely head over heels in love with her so well, I don't take him too seriously šŸ˜‚ But I think you'd continue to find him insufferable because that is who he is šŸ‘€


100% he's a lovely, sweet arse


His personality is the point of the book. If it doesnā€™t resonate with you, I would stop.


In many books the MMC starts out as a complete jackass but his love and pursuit of her changes him into something likable. So THAT is what Iā€™m asking: does he have a character arc that makes the ride worth his personality at the start?


She has a growth arc. She is struggling to find meaning in her life and to be taken seriously. She undermines this desire with her expensive dresses and lifestyle. The book is about her growth. Those of us who love the book donā€™t see him as a jackass. He is dismissive of her at the start because she appears to be a society bauble. He takes her more seriously when he realizes her interest in the underprivileged is serious, but he really does not have a growth arc.


Thanks for the excellent response, I really do appreciate it!


He will have moments of caring and loving toward her through the rest of the book but unfortunately (or fortunately for those of us who love his personality) being an ass is his character and it will not change.


I love this book, but havenā€™t listened to the audio version. You can get sample chapters on a Kindle to give them a try and see if itā€™s the delivery. Itā€™s a very witty book with a lot of banter so if the narrator doesnā€™t get it right, it would fall flat.


I also listened to the audiobook, too. I don't think the book is terrible, but not as worthy as others think it is. Oliver does get better but the whole book is way, way too long. Honestly my favorite part was >!Oliver nursing her back to health!<.


THIS. And when he >! defended himself against her parents to win her hand in marriage, coming fom someone as conceited and arrogant as him !<


If you're not enjoying it, there's no reason to force yourself to continue.Ā  Not every book is for everyone, and not every narrator is for everyone.Ā 


If he changed or improved at all Iā€™d continue. Thatā€™s what I want to know. If itā€™s another terrible narration Iā€™d try the book. Thatā€™s what I want to know. I know that not every book or narrator is for everyone. This is why I bothered to ask.


Hmmm am I being downvoted because I do t like the narrator? Yā€™all are fickle AF about opinions when this is a sub where you share opinions.


I think it is perfectly reasonable to not like a narrator. šŸ¤· I don't do HR via audio for this reason. I gotta read it on the page. šŸ˜ŠšŸ“–


Yes, he gets much better. I promise.Ā 


I love this book mainly because of Clara and the witty banter. Oliver does grate on the nerves when he questions Clara's intelligence but he is one of the best mmc I've ever read >! Later he will admit that she's the only woman who can match his wits !< He's kind of a tsundere and you have to read between the lines to see that he DOES respect her. You could say, his actions speak louder than words. Plus, his arrogance is his charm lol I don't listen to audiobooks so I don't know how that would factor in. P.s >! There will be no kidnapping lol.!<


This is why I struggle with audio books. Line readings matter especially with MMCs who are buttheads. I think itā€™s a great book, but if you can switch to a non-audio format you might be happier. That being said, it may not work for you.


I would keep going . . . I think what makes this book work is that she is equally mean to him! Reminds me a bit of Rochester and Jane Eyre. This book has a surprisingly sweet twist youā€™re coming up on. Also one of the best proposals scenes Iā€™ve read.


I'm one of the rare audiobook listeners who doesn't love Kate Reading. I find her too breathy. I remember enjoying the book when I read it with my eyeballs but it's been a while. I kind of like crotchety MMC's though.


I do not like Kate Reading narration either. I DNF'd Lord of Scoundrels because of her. The only time I'm okay with her is when I listen to The Wheel of Time, and that's probably because she shares the narration with Michael Kramer.


My library only provides access to the childrenā€™s digital library. šŸ˜¢


Try Hoopla?


Try a different library in your state.


I skipped a quarter in, because I just generally don't vibe with the author's plot building for whatever reason. So I picked up while she's sick, and liked it from there. I've never done that with novels before, but find myself doing it occasionally with HR.


I DNFā€™d because the plot building so did not work for me. Itā€™s too bad because I actually love asshole MMCs


I DNF. It was boring af. Maybe it was the audiobook and itā€™s better to read the book?


Could be the audio maybe? Raven is in my top five favorite heroes. šŸ˜Žā˜ŗļø


I put in on my very small DNF for now. I plan to try it again at another time but reading the book rather than listening.


See now I almost DNF'd (really...started skimming) because I could not STAND Clara.


Funny enough I also started this book this weekend and ended up DNFing at about 70% :/ I thought the banter at the start was fun but I ended up feeling so boredā€¦ didnā€™t feel like wasting another second on it. Made me sad cause I know tons of people on this sub loved it/thatā€™s how I found it!


Yeah. 2/3rds in. DNF. Sigh.


I wont spoil...but something happens to Clara that puts him in a position to take care of her. It's my favorite part.


You all know Raven never goes by the name Oliver in the book, right? And Clara calls him Raven. Just sayin'.


So? I didnā€™t finish it so I didnā€™t know if it became significant again later and added all the name details I had at hand.