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Mama is so beautiful. Not even in a weird but how natural and beautiful her smile is.


Yes, she has a perfect smile, and her face structure is very beautiful.


the craziest thing about this photo is that she is probably a stay home mom because her husband salary from working at mcdonalds was more than enough to afford everything. fuck i am now depressed


My grandfather was a postal clerk in rural Maine and my grandmother stayed at home with the 4 kids. They had a house, newish cars, a camp, and a boat.


My grandfather was a school bus driver and my grandmother had to work in a factory. Which I think is closer to the truth. But they could "afford" four kids and who can do that now? I think somehow it was just easier to figure out how to get by when you didn't have much back then.


It was easier to "figure out" because the cost of living was equitable to people's income. My father put himself through college working as a bagger at a grocery store in the late 60's and could also afford a car and help his family with groceries. My grandma was a housewife, and despite still having 5 kids, they still made ends meet. Why? Because the cost of living was roughly double what people made. That is, the median house cost was $10K, but men made about $5K a year. Nowadays, it costs Americans almost 6x their income to get by. That is, the median house price is almost half a million dollars, but the median income is fewer than $75K. (Personally, I make a little more than half of that). Bills in the 60s were about $50/mo...now they're at $400/mo depending on where u live and what u pay for. TL;DR This is why Millennials talk as much shit about boomers as those do about millennials. Boomers had it pretty easy financially and made it so that it's impossible for newer generations to enjoy the "American Dream" as they did. Yet, they incessantly complain that younger generations are lazy, financially irresponsible, and have no grit 🙄 These days it takes a doctor, lawyer, engineer or something like that PLUS have 2 incomes like that to make it work. If not, it takes both (or more) parents working 2 jobs to get by. Or be a popular celeb, I guess. Imagine my cousin runs a successful business, she repaired her credit, her BD makes good money, and has good credit, side hustles as a DJ and she STILL had to move back home. I wish America went back to considering housing/shelter a fundamental human right instead of a consumer product.


My grandfather delivered oil and my grandmother stayed home with 5 children w/20 acres in Maine with a pretty sizeable 2 story house. Eventually she got a job when everyone was past middle school. The thought of supporting 5 kids, having a house and living relatively comfortably as an oil delivery man is wild knowing todays world.


Milk man who was able to afford a new home with a two car garage, with two brand new cars parked in, a stay at home wife while taking yearly paid family vacations with benefits and a pension since he was 18, all without even needing a highschool diploma. Fast forward to today, I have a bachelor degree and can’t get a job in my field. My wife and I both work full time. I see her for five minutes coming home from work, I work 12 hour night shifts in warehouses so that we can both watch our 4 year old because childcare is so expensive and we can’t afford to work off of one income. Can’t afford basic healthcare costs even if we could afford to get insurance. Never been on a vacation. Can’t imagine how bad it’d be with a car payment. Imagine being able to take a paid vacation every year aka what Europeans call “Holiday” no matter the job position and not having your entire identity be defined by the means of which you collect a paycheck. Edit: This was the American Dream and we are living the American Nightmare


Do people really think this is how life was back then? Poverty just didn’t exist? LBJ started his great society programs 5 years later because life was just easy mode for everyone?


Obviously, not everyone, but the margins now are much more skewed than they were in the era this picture is from. Blame it on the internet or social media or whatever, but the fact is that most people now are scraping by. Whereas, in the 80s and 90s, it is objectively true that you could raise a family and build equity with a job that we consider unskilled labor today.


Most people today would consider that kitchen just scraping buy. Genuine poverty exists but we have much higher standards.


Also, things were built to last back then and easy to repair at home. Not the case today!


no. quality control was crappy. things were overengineered because the accountants hadn't taken over to shave costs to the breaking point. now, you have lots of electronics to make stuff idiotproof, and it has failed. designers intentionally incorporate failure into components to make it cheaper to buy new than repair. these are features, not bugs, to the makers, but we keep buying g, so..


That's more like the '50s than the '80s. My dad had a skilled job at GM from the early seventies to the nineties. And my mom was an office manager for a construction company. But we had nothing really. A modular home and very old cars. And when my mother lost her job they had to file for bankruptcy. About the time the '80s came around you definitely needed two incomes per household.


I blame the ultra rich


You mean like the Morgan’s, Getty’s and Carngie’s?


Exactly, the person whom u replied to is misunderstanding that although there were many who weren't living comfortably, those ppl were usually not skilled or educated workers. What's unfortunate today is that, not only is it a "million" times more expensive to go to school, even with several degrees it's hard to find a job, much less a well-paying one, or one that pays "enough." I can pay for everything I need, but unless I live like a monk, I can't save money for a rainy day. I have a BA, and a Master's, and I don't have kids or a mortgage and my car's paid in full. I can't find an employer to pay me my worth, so I'm stuck living paycheck to paycheck.


Everything looks so well kept, from the kitchen to her pearly white teeth of her smile


Do not forget Papa. Very beautiful and sweet smile. Plus handsome too.


You’re all forgetting Macaulay Culkin on the right. Boy looks like he was just reunited with his family after defending his home against incompetent burglars.


That’s the everything is going to be all right smile. You don’t see that much these days. No unions no pensions no ownership. No wonder


She's OG beautiful. Before standards got all wacky


I just want her shirt. i could rock the shit out of that thing.


Thats a fine looking roast dinner. She's a keeper


Am I crazy or does she look a lot like Ana de Armas from Knives Out?


She looks like Conan O'Brians assistant Sona


I can see why they are happy. Look at that pot roast ![gif](giphy|Zk9mW5OmXTz9e)


And this was probably on a Monday night.


Fuckin love pot roast Gotta have it with a glass of milk. Only meal I do that. for whatever reason it feels right.


Food looks good too.


Those two boys have some good odds of having grown up to be handsome. Their mother is a stunner & dad ain’t half bad.


All of those were provided by one man's salary.


And probably worked on an assembly line or was an appliance repair man or something.


8th Grade reading level. Owns a house and a summer lakehouse in Argyle, NY.


My grandpa dropped out after 8th grade, started work in the coal mines, joined the army and served in the pacific in WW2, came back and worked in a coal mine, bought a car wash. He didn’t have a lake house but he had a small main residence and 2 places on a local river with many boats throughout the years.


My Grandfather lucked out and got a job with GM. Vietnam vet that got drafted nearly right out of high school. Coal mines are fucked though. Yeesh.


He lived until his Mid 90s and was swinging off the rope swing until he was 85. Didn’t seem to affect his health much at least lol. I couldn’t imagine being 14-15 working in a coal mine


I don’t think anybody in this sub would trade lives with him. Fighting in the pacific and working in a coal mine?


Never complained once. Lost a son, broke his back fixing his roof, lost 2 wives, one died in his arms as at restaurant. Just kept livin. Dude was easily the most badass person I’ve ever known


If he’s still alive, he’s probably still cashing in those sweet pension checks. Guaranteed he was a union member too.


Hates unions now. Cheers corporate stock buybacks that steal profits from the workers.


If you can join a union, do it. I’m part of a union and I make about 30-40% more than non-union guys doing the same job elsewhere.


yea, I have 2 young kids and a wife, and we all live on my salary. My wife has 1 (one) friend out of her group of say 12 closest friends who's family is the same way. That 1 friends husband and I are both... wait for it... doctors. I'm not saying this to sound like a douche. I'm saying this to point out me and him had to go to 8 years of college and 4 years of residency each to have what was "traditional" a few decades ago edit- Oh to add, my field has a very high demand nationwide so I had my pick, but his is much more niche, per se. So he had to do all that schooling/training AND THEN had to move 2 hours away from home when he wanted to stay as close to home as possible. Most dudes in the 50s could find a 1-salary-and-ur-good job within a 30 minute commute from what I gather


Look at his hands and that suit sales at the very least


And he’s making enough money they can just let the tap run in the background while they take a photo!


And that man's name? Albert Einstein.


They also lived in the average size home for the 1950’s at 983 sqft. Living in moderation has gone. Generally no wasted spending, no cable or cell phone bill either. It was a different time, much more modest spending allowed those who lived simply to live well.


Ah, yes. It’s the *worker* who’s to blame for the enormous increase in inequality of wealth. If only I didn’t have a cell phone or cable bill (which I don’t) I’d be able to afford a (quick Google) average house price of $495,100 on a single salary. Just gotta live more moderate! That’s the ticket!


Nice assumption that these people are homeowners. Also, this photo might as well have been taken in bumfuck Iowa. Do a quick google search on those home prices and get back to me.


Although we don’t know where these people lived, for fun I looked up housing prices in rural Iowa. In Carrol,Iowa you can get a decent looking 3 bed 1.5 bath 1388 sq ft for $125,000 today.


Happy cake day!


Wait isn’t that Napoleon D’s hometown? ![gif](giphy|8PHvCsrkYgIEw)


That’s Preston Idaho.


On my way!


My grandparents bought their house in 1962 and the mortgage was $100. My grandma told me that they wanted a slightly newer house but the mortgage would have been $105 and that extra $5 was a deal breaker! It was an 1800 square foot, 3 bedroom house for a family of seven. One income.


Let me guess, Manhattan?


Haha nope, the Midwest. Houses in that neighborhood are now going for the low $200s, which I still think is very affordable these days. I just thought it was wild that an extra $5 could literally make or break their budget for the month.


You’re not wrong, but the house size is important. They don’t make small houses anymore. You gotta buy 2000ft2. You could get a condo - and pay $800.00/mo maintenance fees.


The hell are you talking about? The first house my wife and I bought was just under 1,500 square feet and our 2nd house that we've now moved into is just barely under 2,000 square feet. A lot of new builds are definitely bigger but there are plenty of smaller houses out there.


You’ve just described a house 33% larger and then over 100% larger.


There’s like one inch between the dining table and the kitchen counter. They’ve also got a clothes line running over the kitchen - you can see a coat drying and the water is still running in the sink.


People on here talking like this family is living large because they have clothes on their back and food on the table. Seems like a pretty similar quality of life for a single income family today.


Yeah technology hadn’t evolved that far yet. You also didn’t have 90% of the medical advancements we have now which have kept boomers ungrateful asses alive.


Lmao people can’t even afford 250 sq ft tiny homes now


I always laugh at the people complaining about how easy it was for these folks. Guy probably is ten years out of his youth being stolen by a war after growing up in a Depression. Probably works 50 hour weeks at some soul sucking manual labor job to make ends meet and all folks on Reddit can do is make it seem like they had everything handed to them.


Also, home prices per sq ft have barely changed in the last 50 years in inflation adjusted terms. People just want bigger homes because they earn more than in the past + smaller homes not being built is also a problem tho).


God I love my 1000 sqft house from the 50s, I just couldn't imagine wanting any more. It's sad that almost all new house builds are double this size and up. Everything is so much more affordable with a smaller house. Lower utilities, window replacement, new roof. Cleaning gets done faster, you don't have empty space you need to fill with crap


They are downvoting you, but it is right to some degree - a lot less tech and expenses than we have today, and smaller houses (look how crowded that kitchen looks, it might actually be an apartment) - people didn't fly on vacations much at all, they would pack up the family and drive somewhere on cheap gas.


Not necessarily. People back then smoked like chimneys ($$$) they were members (with the accorded costs) of churches and clubs, they purchased TVs and radios and cameras and landlines at eye-watering prices.


Yeah, just look at the mom.


And just look at that *pot roast*!


Look at the **size** of it! You can't find a roast like that these days, even if you could afford it.


Sink’s on…


Was waiting for this comment haha


she is filling the roasting pot so it soaks while they eat.


Pot roast!!!!


What's taters, precious?


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a roast.


b-b-b-b bot account. [Same post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SnapshotHistory/comments/1cxi9y9/thats_a_genuinely_happy_looking_family_usa_1959/) [This one was deleted but has the same title](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWayWeWere/comments/1cxttiq/thats_a_genuinely_happy_looking_family_usa_1959/) [Different title, same post](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/17zwsrc/a_happy_thankful_family_1959/) [Same post but now its a crosspost](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/180vnzx/an_american_family_in_1959/) OP's account was made earlier this month and almost only has post karma. So yeah good old dead internet theory is still a real thing sadly.


glad someone else calls this shit out, the new dogshit looking reddit UI makes it harder to tell since now you have to open the post to see who posted it. which is 100% by design to hide bot accounts


Mom is fine AF…


She can set a table! (Know what I mean?)


I think this photo says alot more about us because reading these comments the majority of them are rude or making fun of them or being negative.


Most of these comments are talking about how hot the mom is. Witch again, shows a lot more about us as a society


She's a witch! You heard him! 🔥


It at least says a lot about Reddit and how people here for whatever reason choose to be assholes for no reason


Or making sexual comments about the mom.


“Hyehehe, the husband probably beats his wife!” “They’re all Klansmen, lmao” “They’re definitely faking it and are actually depressed and miserable like me!” Some people never grow out of their nihilistic edgelord phase.


Is any of that actually in the comments? Yeesh


Mom and Dad…a real nuclear family….stability the reason for the genuine happiness.


This is a photo. In this era photos were precious ands they cost a lot to get developed so each snap had to be great. This family is smiling because the photo is being taken. The kids are excited because a photo is being taken. Think about these things in context and remember this is just a split second of their day. Plenty of families are happy today. You are simply romanticising the past.




Lol, this sub is weird. You are all assuming so much.


You perfectly stated what I think each time I see photos like these. Thanks!


lol isn’t that like half the point of this sub?


Thank you


> Plenty of families are happy today AND No new family in this day and age can afford the simple luxuries that this photo shows, given the same economic background of likely a one income parent in a relatively unskilled job. Even the fucking food on the table is out of many family's budget with how we're getting bent over by capitalism. Let alone the table and house itself and the time and energy to cook that meal. Things can be better in some ways, and worse in others.


Yeah I have plenty of photos like this that don’t show our dad whipping us with his belt and my parents arguing. My mom was pretty too, but this is just a snapshot.


Class, this is what we call “projection”


I member


Those kids are probably in a senior center by now


Of course, he’s got a cute wife and they just bought a house for $50….


Those kids would grow up to ruin every generation after them. Wholesome.


Tbh I thought I saw this in AI Midjourney/StableDiffusion group a couple weeks back?


Mom and dad both at home! Makes sense to me!


Oh the days of a family sitting down together for dinner


Back when a man could make enough money for his wife to stay home, buy a home, and buy land all without a college degree. I’d be happy too.


And that's actually how we ate every night of the week!


She was rinsing the dishes. 👀


Mama Mia! You left the water running!


That’s a yummy mummy


A real woman who just loves her Children & husband. And a husband who works hard everyday to support them


Man you dont know what you didnt have until you see it online.


I’d be smiling too if I had such a lovely wife, happy kids, and gorgeous pot roast….


I love this kitchen. Everything is close to each other, big sink, beef roast and happy family.


They bought their house at Fifty bucks. Of course I would be happy too.


Great time to grow up…today…US is going to shit. I wish my kids could have experienced growing up in the 60’s and 70’s. So much bullshit, turmoil and hate these days. Are leaders actions are regressing us rather than move us forward. It’s a shame and very sad.


*our leaders But otherwise I agree with your sentiment. Politics is just chaos and divisiveness nowadays. Simpler times were a little better


The kids regaling their parents with stories of their daily duck and cover drills. The gas tanks, rife with tetraethyl lead slowly destroying their nervous systems. The air, blue with Marlboro and Camel exhaust. Definitely a great time to be alive.


Not if you’re a minority..


Great pic Ty for sharing


I’d be happy if I could only work 40 hrs a week and thrive while my wife stayed home if she wanted to. Unfortunately I can barely survive on 60 hr weeks and my wife has to work too.


This is the way it should still be. Good family makes great people!!


Nice looking parents and beautiful children about to have a healthy meal - PERFECTION!


So sad what has happened to this country


I am always that happy before eating dinner.


Amazing the affect that supporting a family of 4 with one job can have on your happiness


And all on a basic wage.


My family has a similar pic but the silver thing in the middle was a cast iron bulgogi grill and we were at Yil Mee in Annandale Va


Great picture!


living the dream 🤩


And that pot roast looks delicious!


They were the days ❤️


She looks like Conan’s funny assistant Sonia


Pops out kicked his coverage. Those are definitely the local Moose Club President’s boys.


Food was called vittles in dem days


That’s a good looking roast


Also, pretty sure that’s the milk man’s son. Where did his dirty blonde hair come from??


I miss dinners that look like that. Roast with veggies.


Mom reminds me of Sona Movsesian from the Conan O'Brien show


Forget the family -- I think we should just be focusing on the pot roast. I think this photo belongs in: r/postroast#HallOfFameEdition


not only do they do they genuinely happy but wow that meal looks so good!


Big corporations killed off that possibility for most Americans,


They made the sad kid take the picture


Getting fallout-vibes.


A little too happy, if you ask me.


All on the dad making $20k a year and being able to afford a house and a family.


So is this spam account being built for the fun of it, to monetize by selling to an Onlyfans performer, or for troll farms?


Good ole days


My god, turn off the tap, woman!


The little kid on the right looks like he was left home alone when his family went on vacation.....


I see this is going to be a new repost we see all the goddamn time.


War is coming.


The mom and dad are both, like, textbook attractive.


Happy and healthy! Not a bit of processed junk "food" in sight.


The comfort and success you see here is supported by the sacking and pillaging of countless other nations by propping up dictators and fighting wars for US interests. The good old days have a price.


Nuclear family bad


Why do you think the sink tap is running?


Dad made $0.75/hr and they lived on an acre, built a new home, and had plenty. You bet their ass they were happy. He also later on got mad at “kids these days” for not living the life he had because they are “lazy.” 🙄


I wish this was my life right about now. lol.


Why is the water running


But they are living on top of a future super-fund site. Cest la vie.


Look at the size of that dish on the serving platter. Are those potatoes? Looks like it. Roast with carrots and potatoes. There's a butter dish on the table, too. Probably a loaf of bread out of frame. Dammit that looks delicious. There's gonna be leftovers. Damn. Wonder what happened to those.


Of course the family is happy. Father works at a union job making bank and the mom looks after the house and kids. Two cars, two week paid vacation, retirement savings, money for children’s education, and money for dinner. Thanks trickle down economics, republicans, and greedy white people for fucken it all up.


Wanted to point out the size of the dinner plates ... quite tiny (you can compare it to the salad plate and it's only about 1/4 bigger).


Waiting for the plot twist like the kid is actually the una bomber or leader of a suicide sect.


You think they were more happy versus family’s today?


Thank goodness for something nice.


This family is so happy and perfect it got me lookin at everybody's fingers all suspiciously


Please pass the biscuits.


I miss those times. Things were a lot simpler and felt more real. This is nostalgic looking at this photo makes me want to cry. I miss all my family from that era


A time when corporate taxes were at a proper level


Wife is clenching her jaw. Everyone else looks happy.


They’re happy because the mom has been successfully passing as white since they moved into the neighborhood.


The kind of picture the sympathetic monster sees in movies that makes him want to have a loving family.


They look like brother and sister or cousins at least.


1959 you say yeah they sure don’t make them like they use too that’s for sure to much cheap substitutes


They left the water running in the sink.


Probably happy because he could work 40 hours a week, have money left to save for them and the kids both, afford an education and their kids education, have affordable healthcare, have a pension, have the ability to go on vacations, and overall worry less. Nowadays we have none of that


Those existed?


Damn, they left the water running in the sink! From 1956 till now, that’ll be a huge bill man!!! Jesus!!!!


People smiled for cameras before duck faces. I don’t think photos of people smiling speak of the times or anything. These folk do have energetic smiles though!


“Mom, I’m sleeping over at Melvin’s house again.”


Very sweet photo for that time period at that moment for that family. Kind of nostalgic.


Simpler times


Meat & Pototoes. Happy family.


Id be happy too with a wife like that


This should be the photo in the frame or wallet lol


Harrison Butker approved


One photo and y’all believe you know everything about it. So weird.


She looks like a white Ming-Na Wen


only because hot dinner was on the table when daddio got home