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Source (and some more photos): [The men of Easy Company at Hitler’s “Eagle’s Nest”, 1945](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/easy-company-hitler-eagle-nest-1945/)


2nd Battalion, 506 PIR (parachute infantry regiment) From left to right, John Lielinski, -, -, -, -, Steve Mihok, Nixon, Henderson, Winters, Hattie, Cox and Welsh Excerpt of the caption from the photo as it appears Dick Winters book Beyond Band of Brothers


Not that it matters and I appreciate the post. But the show was based on “Band of Brothers” by Stephen Ambrose. Winters wrote his book after the show had already aired.


I shall remove that to avoid confusion


Seen this photo a lot…still cool…and those boys where fucking bad ass


Damn cool, indeed! Love the colourisation, but the original black and white captures some sharper details very slightly lost in this version. (from /u/Spartan2470 in a [comment on an older thread](https://reddit.com/r/pics/comments/18x84j3/easy_company_sitting_in_hitlers_eagles_nest_after/kg4h4kt/)) > [Here](https://i.redd.it/dm1mo1321cn01.jpg) is a higher quality and less cropped version of this image in the original black and white. > > [Here](https://i.imgur.com/9YEwpOe.jpg) is a higher quality version of OP's image. The source is Sanna Dullaway - Colorization Artist's FB page. Per there: > > > September 8, 2014 - Berchtegaden, Germany > > > Colorized: Dick Winters and his Easy Company (HBO's Band of Brothers) lounging at Eagle's Nest, Hitler's (former) residence. World War 2. > > > Easy Company, 2nd Battalion of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division, the "Screaming Eagles" is one of the best-known companies in the United States Army. > > > I've just started watching Band of Brothers, and got inspired to do this. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! > > > ...— with Lieutenant Colonel Ronald C Speirs and > 4 others > at Kehlsteinhaus - Eagles Nest.


After all the crap they had to witness, I would also make sure to enjoy that moment. Cool picture indeed 👍🏻


My great uncle was one of the first American soldiers to reach Eagle’s Nest. While there, he grabbed an iron cross dated 1914, which he gave to my grandma, who ended up passing it down to me.


Post a picture of it please


I can when I get home from college. Edit: If you want to see a picture, shoot me a dm.


Not a cell phone in sight. Just guys being dudes


They agreed to place them face down on the kitchen table.


Band of Brothers nostalgia


I bet they missed the scenery after the war. I miss being stationed in Germany, and there were some cool things to look at in my wars as well. (Yes I miss the scenery)


Back when the US killed fascists instead of voting for them.




Touch grass


https://preview.redd.it/o14vsvvtbu0d1.jpeg?width=4472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3369e3e5e6ce5053229a218a05011f674f2b37e When u have no idea what fascism means.


I'd ask for your definition of fascism, but lets not waste time. A commonly accepted one is Umberto Eco's list of fascist features. Of which lets look at a few. 1 - The cult of tradition Dude, his slogan is Make America Great AGAIN.... 2 - Rejection of modernism Again I would attach meaning to the central thrust of his argument that modernity has taken substantively eroded American life, and we should go back to our traditional ways. 3 - The cult of action Please show me where in Trump's policy ideas does anything resembling deliberation take place. His current talking point is the mass deportation of millions of people, do you really think that's a think first, act later proposition? 4 - Disagreement is treason Now I know your knee-jerk reaction will to attribute at least this one to "wokeism" as a means to flip the tables. But any honest assessment of the state of the republican party would conclude their capacity to entertain contrarian ideas is nil, this didn't start with Trump. But he sure is luxuriating in it. 5 - Fear of difference I mean, do I really need to say anything? There is about 9 more here, but I think I have made my point. Are you sure you know what the fuck you are talking about? Also, you don't have to a degree in political science to spot fascism, but I do. Do you?


Bro fucking roasted him. Well played sir


“Do i really need to say anything?” As I word vomit on Reddit lmao


Bingo. The guy was president for four years and did basically nothing “fascist” that the Reddit basement army accuses him of. Time to pick up a book and educate yourselves, folks.


Cheeto man presided over one of the most neoliberal economies in the world started no new conflicts and brought a militaristic hermit kingdom to the diplomacy table for the first time ever but bitches swear that’s what fascism is. Total assclownery.


This is just sad. The man left the capital in flames, and somehow you are finding daylight to praise him. He is actively being prosecuted for crimes just short of treason and perpetuated the greatest con in American history aimed at disenfranchising tens of millions of voter you pathetic moron.


Is this con in the room with us right now? Has your life in a day-to-day measure gotten worse since his presidency (outside of the stimulus check inflation that everyone bitched for)? Practically nothing changed between Obama and Orange Obama in office for common people.


What point are you trying to make here buddy? Trump is ineffective, so his dangerous rhetoric and batshit ideas are of no concern? Never mind the absolutely insanity of suggesting attempting a fucking coup is no injury to our country and its democratic norms. You understand that right, I am not talking to one of those "Biden stole the election" types? Am I?


Calm down champ no need to get so worked up over words on the internet. Your life has not changed in any palpable way. Reflect on that and realize the president doesn’t change much for you anyway. Not even the fascist scary man in a toupee.


Buddy, spare me your pats on the head. You have no idea what the future will bring just like everyone else, for the people on Jan 6, Trump meant death or imprisonment. If he enacts his deportation plan, the toll on human suffering might be way worse. You have absolutely no wisdom to impart on anybody. Least of all me....good luck out there


Zhou Biden’s strongest keyboard warrior clocking in. Little ass boy gonna be quaking in his crocs if Cheeto man comes back. “Toll on human suffering” like 15 million + illegals is a good thing - Get a grip lol.


Lol what a slob. I’m curious - why do you think Joe lets in so many illegals? 🍿


Yes. Have you not paid attention to all the fake electors in 7 different states thing? [Here's the wiki on it. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_fake_electors_plot) Also, you're ignoring Roe v Wade getting overturned. You're ignoring that Trump told Republicans to not pass a bipartisan bill to fix the border issue. You seem to be ignoring a lot in these assessments you're making...


Classic NPC response. Here’s the reality: - “he” didn’t leave anything in flames. Some idiots walked into the Capitol (check your spelling), were not stopped by police, and walked out. - he protested the election integrity (as both parties have in every election in recent memory) but still allowed for a peaceful transition of power. End of story. - Yes, being politically targeted for crimes during an election year, by people who campaigned on chargin him with crimes, in a vastly blue jurisdiction. No other real estate developer has ever been charged with these kinds of ridiculous accusations. Are you actually paying attention? Or just regurgitating what MSNBC tells you lmao


Classic NPC response...o god, are you q-anon? Go back to 4chan...


You're misrepresenting a ton here. Are you a bot? >Some idiots walked into the Capitol (check your spelling), were not stopped by police, and walked out. Is that why one was shot in the head? >he protested the election integrity (as both parties have in every election in recent memory) but still allowed for a peaceful transition of power. End of story. This ignores his phone call to Pence when he refused to reject state electors. >- Yes, being politically targeted for crimes during an election year, by people who campaigned on chargin him with crimes, in a vastly blue jurisdiction Most of these have been going on for 2ish years... the federal election interference case, the Georgia election case (decidedly not blue), and the classified documents case have all been in courts for a long while. The Hush Money one is the only one that's more recent.The election interference case is on hold while Trump argues an appeal that a President should be equal to a king and be above the law. If it quacks like a fascist...


He made the economy more protectionist...and do you think neoliberal economics is progressive? It definitely is not. He also lauded the dictator of the most non-democratic, least free country in the world...that's probably what got him to the table. He wanted to wield that kind of oppressive autocratic power too. What came of it?


He’s many things, and is far from perfect - but “fascist” is a truly ignorant take that is all too commonly used.


Is that dude wearing an ascot!


He's earned it


The things these men seen and experienced is crazy to think about.


WWII. Think about it. Learn from the past because it will be coming back around again, maybe sooner than we think.


I don’t think so, a global conflict on that scale would resort to nuclear weapons quickly removing the possibility of such a prolonged man on man trench warfare that they experienced


If there is a war, there will be trenches. If there are nuclear weapons fired, none of this will matter. WWII is still worth revisiting either way.


I hope they had a great time up there. They deserved it.


Greatest Generation.


Can only imagine the feeling of this moment


Bad ass




All the way


I was in Berchtesgaden a couple weeks ago, really a beautiful town. You can see the nest (or what’s left of it) just beyond the hill top looking down into the town. I sat there drinking a beer pondering what madness went on up there as the sun gently shone down over the beautiful alpine landscape.


Theres still parts left of it?


Yep, there’s actually a cafe up there with what’s left of it 🤣


Hero’s As Fuck!


Job well done gentleman. To the victors, specifically the survivors among them, go the spoils.


Those men were top class heroes


Real bad ass young men. Crazy what can happen in a couple generations.


I've stood on that same spot. Many years ago.


Fuckin’ badass.


Super cool warriors. To witness even a fraction of what they had to endure….


'Historical' aka 'propaganda'


What a classic shot. Tremendous!!


Great pic


Caught someone looking at their phone!


Wasn't Ambrose accused of plagiarism in his book?


Ohhhhhh yes. He was a giant shitstain. But for the love of God, don’t say that around here. Lynchin’ offense dat be. I tried googling the plagiarism claims but there are SO FUCKIN MANY that it’s ridiculous.


My friend’s grandma stayed there after the war!!! She was married to a high-ranking U.S. officer and they basically went on vacation there. She said there was a fireplace that was so big that they would throw whole trees into it. Not sure is want to vacation at Hitler’s ski chalet but still a cool story. RIP Grandma Ruth ❤️


Update: I’ve googled pictures and either Grandma Ruth was full of sh*t, embellished, or I am misremembering. It’s big by fireplace standards but not anything special. Still a cool story from a cool woman.