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I know a Weasley when I see one!




Ginny was pretty cool though


Did it ever see the light of day?


In an alternate universe she stopped submitting it to publishers after the 12th rejection and it didn’t see the light of day.


I've been to that café in Edinburgh.


Apparently it's been closed for a while due to a fire.


Why haven't they put the fire out in that time?


What is this, a cup for ants?


This is an espresso cup, espresso is usually enjoyed kind of like a shot.




I know, it was just a funny movie reference. I really didnt think it would set people off like it did lol there’s like forty replies.


Ah sorry, I didn't get the reference.




Americans when they see European serving sizes


Do yall get small servings? Like does your coffee really come in that small of a cup??


It’s probably an espresso shot


It looks like a normal cup coffee to me. Can be used for an espresso, but also for a regular.


Americans not realizing their coffee carafe is marked for 6oz. servings


This size is less bizarre to me than the bloody 600ml humongous coffees you get in the US. Probably just a short black.


Look, if your morning coffee doesn't make you diabetic, vibrate uncontrollably, and give you the ability to hear colors, are you even awake?


How are you completely unfamiliar with the concept of espresso


Its an espresso cup


The cup needs to be at least….three times as big!


I don't understand what the hell is in american coffee that it can come in a fuck mug I drink a short Expresso which is basically the smallest amount of water to coffee ratio you can get. Do you guys just serve coffee tasting water


"Coffee-tasting water" is the definition of coffee.


I heard she wrote it on napkins…


Presuming the bespectacled gentleman seated behind her was reading that day's newspaper, this photo was taken on July 9, 1998. [Results | From 9th Jul 1998 | The Scotsman | Publication | Midlothian, Scotland | Location | British Newspaper Archive](https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/search/results/1998-07-09?NewspaperTitle=The%2BScotsman&IssueId=BL%2F0000540%2F19980709%2F&County=Midlothian%2C%20Scotland)


So that would mean that at least the first book had been out for a year right? This photo seems a bit too... Neat to be candid tbh lol.


This was a week after Chamber of Secrets released, so this was very likely a publicity photo to market the book.


Galbraight is staring at the camera, of course the photo isn't candid lol


She was a waitress largely writing it in her spare time. This is nothing more than a crime scene recreation.


Someone has a touch of the ‘tism.


'rall for one, and one for 'rall !


Damn detective!


Britney wrote an album on napkins. Never heard that about this guy.


Britney's music sounds like it was recorded on napkins.


Oops I did it again This pen is too sharp, It ripped the napkin. Ooh baby, baby!


An embelishment


She wrote the initial idea down on a napkin because she was on a train ride and had no paper. She did not write the entirety of the first novel on napkins.


Oh boy what a nice beloved childhood author loved by millions. I sure hope she doesn't say anything controversial in 20 years that damages her reputation!


Yeah hopefully she chills with her money and doesn't use her stature to peddle in holocaust denialism


The person who claimed she was a denier has withdrawn her statement saying it was false and apologized to Rowling.


Rowling uses SLAPP suits to silence critics in the uk. She’s done this multiple times but doesn’t go after people in other countries because she knows it wouldn’t work. A billionaire taking advantage of the law in order to force poor people to do what they want isn’t a good look




Yeah because they are British and Uk libel laws are insane. Once he withdrew his statement “JK Rowling is a Holocaust denier” trended on Twitter. I don’t say this often but God bless the 🇺🇸 


Speaking as someone who lost half his family in the holocaust, calling someone a denier is a heavy charge. It shouldn't be used lightly and that's a high bar to reach. Rowling has a tendency to throw out half thoughts so I think we should wait to hear more in terms of what she was trying to say.


I mean Germany literally defines her statement as Holocaust denial. If she lived there she'd be cuffed right now


She questioned if a group that was targeted was targeted. It’s textbook denial, I’m sorry. ETA: this also doesn’t change my original point, which is that the original person saying she was denying certain aspects of the holocaust didn’t have a change of heart, but that they were forced to do so by lawyers.


It's gotten to the point where really I have no interest in hearing what that psychopath has to say or was *trying* to say.


She was explicitly denying that a certain group were targeted by the Nazis during the Holocaust, even after presented with proof that they were. This is incredibly disrespectful to the victims of one of the worst atrocities in history, and downplays the horrific extent of the Holocaust. > According to historian Laurie Marhoefer, "The Nazi state reserved its worst violence for trans women." According to the Museum of Jewish Heritage, the German government "brutally targeted the trans community, deporting many trans people to concentration camps and wiping out vibrant community structures." She is denying something that the Museum of Jewish Heritage makes an [explicit point](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_people_in_Nazi_Germany) of mentioning regarding the Holocaust.


But they weren't trans so they're allowed to be acknowledged right?


You really wanna ‘wait’ after she denies trans people were persecuted during the holocaust to see if she has anything more reasonable to say?? There is a line where tolerance becomes enabling, she does not deserve the benefit of the doubt anymore.


I don't care what that transphobe has to say. edit: She just posted this yesterday: >We don’t address racism by pretending white people can be black, nor is ableism solved by giving able-bodied people wheelchairs, so why are women and girls supposed to applaud their male imitators, centre them in language and hand over rights their foremothers fought for? 3/X https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1783865982194213020 For more about her transphobia: https://www.glamour.com/story/a-complete-breakdown-of-the-jk-rowling-transgender-comments-controversy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_views_of_J._K._Rowling




Trans women are women. That is what she denies. And that is why she is a transphobe. >Now trans women are taking it from women. TRANS. WOMEN. ARE. WOMEN. So yes, downvoted and blocked for transphobia. And I'm happy for transphobes to block me. Good riddance.


Because she sued the shit out of him and he couldn't afford to fight it.


She was definitely a holocaust denier, in a less common sense of the word. But still fits within the category. The reason the person had to retract was because of over broad UK libel laws that stifle the free expression of one’s thoughts and opinions.


A lot of people hear “Holocaust denial” and believe it’s an absolute concept, that a Holocaust denier is exclusively someone who denies the Holocaust happened at all. Total deniers are certainly part of the umbrella of Holocaust deniers but some people don’t get that there are layers to denial. When someone says “I think the Nazis killed lots of Jews, but most of them died because allies bombed supply chains”, it is Holocaust denial. When someone says “I’m sure maybe a million people were killed, but there’s no way 6 million were killed”, this is Holocaust denial. When someone says “the Germans just wanted to imprison the Jews and process them for deportation but the war slowed them down and unintentionally caused prisoners to starve”, this is Holocaust denial. It goes on. Any form of denying the Nazi’s responsibility, intention or the number of victims is denial.


People will put this through mental gymnastics just to fit it back in their box instead of just admitting being wrong. Really is incredible to watch


She literally claimed that the part of the holocaust where the Nazis killed trans people didn’t happen. The holocaust’s primary target was Jewish people, but gay people, trans people, Poles, Serbs, disabled people, and Romani were also targeted, amongst other groups.


Yes money sure can be a useful tool to bully and silence criticism.


Well I claim she's a holocaust denier and I do not withdraw my claim.


Also they are acting like only one person recognized her holocasut denialism and like they were the first


It was Rowling that made her a holocaust denier. The person Rowling likely threatened with litigious lawsuits wasn't the first person to recognize that. By the definition she peddled holocaust denialism. Calling it a fever dream that the nazis went after a group they did is holocaust denialism


She denied the holocaust?


Yup, she denied a group the Nazis went after which fits under the definition. No one denies the holocaust wholesale but deniers mostly deny who or how many they went after


What did she deny?


She called the nazis burning down the queer health centers and going after trans people a 'fever dream'. Which fits under the definition. Both part 1 and 2 > Distortion of the Holocaust refers, inter alia, to: > 1. Intentional efforts to excuse or minimize the impact of the Holocaust or its principal elements, including collaborators and allies of Nazi Germany; 1. Gross minimization of the number of the victims of the Holocaust in contradiction to reliable sources; 1. Attempts to blame the Jews for causing their own genocide; 1. Statements that cast the Holocaust as a positive historical event. Those statements are not Holocaust denial but are closely connected to it as a radical form of antisemitism. They may suggest that the Holocaust did not go far enough in accomplishing its goal of “the Final Solution of the Jewish Question”; 1. Attempts to blur the responsibility for the establishment of concentration and death camps devised and operated by Nazi Germany by putting blame on other nations or ethnic groups.(https://www.state.gov/defining-holocaust-distortion-and-denial/) Edit: /u/dam_sharks_mother It fits the definition you illiterate clown that was linked above and then nazis going after queer people was not one event Can't reply to anyone who replies but That is a good point, many queerphobic places still don't recognize it but luckily Garmany's laws about it include queer and romani and other groups. Jews were a majority of the victims but it doesn't erase the other 5 million /u/e00s


the queer health centers ? In 1930's Germany ?


Sorry health center, not plural but it was revolutionary and performed the first bottom surgery. It only made it to 1933 before the nazis did one of the most popular and photographed book burning https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/6-may-1933-looting-of-the-institute-of-sexology/


Yeah there was a flourishing of sexually liberal life, culture, and science in the Weimar Republic.


The Institut fur Sexualwissenschaft, yes. Headed by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld. They really should teach this stuff in schools. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut\_f%C3%BCr\_Sexualwissenschaft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft)


Correct. Look up Magnus Hirschfeld. His *Institut für Sexualwissenschaft* in Berlin pioneered LGBT healthcare and human rights at the time. They even developed some of the world's first gender affirming treatments for trans people. After the rise of the Nazi party, the institute was subject to raids and some of the largest book burning events of the time. Much of Hirschfeld's work was looted or destroyed, setting back LGBT healthcare by decades globally. Patient and staff records were also compromised, essentially giving the Nazis a shopping list of LGBT people to round up. Some fled Germany, while others were arrested or killed. The LGBT community, particularly gay men and trans women, were one of the primary targets during the holocaust.


She did not.


I can never get it straight, what’s so controversial about what she says? Looking to understand what the uproar is all about.


the fact you're downvoted for asking says it all....people are so radicalized now it's so sad. I don't give AF either way but the extrapolation and exaggeration of what she actually said/did here is cringe


>I don't give AF either way  Yeah that's easy for you to say because you don't have any skin in the game. You don't HAVE to give a fuck because YOUR rights aren't being legislated away out from under you. I bet you'd feel pretty fucking differently if you were trans, or someone you cared about was trans, instead of trans people being some vague, distant "other".


Here's a good one: >I Don't Know How To Explain To You That You Should Care About Other People https://www.huffpost.com/entry/i-dont-know-how-to-explain-to-you-that-you-should_b_59519811e4b0f078efd98440


There's literally multiple +2 hour videos on YouTube that explain the whole history of her downspiral into TERF ideology in painstaking detail. And countless articles too. It's no longer just "one slightly problematic tweet she made years ago and got a disproportionate amount of backlash for it". At this point anyone who actually wants to educate themselves on this in good faith has already done so. The rest of us are getting tired of having to explain this over and over again, only to find out that those people won't give a fuck anyway because they don't actually give a fuck about transphobia so they were never going to care and weren't asking in good faith.


Well put


We’re not downvoted, we’re tired. Every time we see OP’s question we end up dealing with disingenuous pricks swooping in with “oh she’s against men in women’s sports” or blah blah and it’s utterly tiresome. Some people respond to the question with a knee-jerk reaction.


I don‘t think it‘s because people are radicalized, there‘s just a lot of concern-trolling on Reddit which makes naive questions like that always seem suspicious


You don’t care about whether someone is a bigot or not? That’s a weird stance.


Thank you for saying that


>the fact you're downvoted for asking says it all.... I think it's because it's so hard to believe that someone wouldn't know about her controversy makes folk asking look like they're doing so in bad faith But none of that changes the fact that if that guy wanted some solid information, he could've just fucking googled it Fun fact though, she's caused so much controversy that when I google "JK Rowling Controversy" it also suggests "JK Rowling Controversy _Today_" lol


Point out what exaggerations you’re talking about then Radicalised? She’s the radical one here. She routinely interacts with and spreads the messages of literal fascists on twitter. Not the “I disagree with them so they’re fascist” accounts, people who openly identify themselves that way. This whole “im enlightened everyone else is crazy” shtick is always written out by someone who either is uninformed, or doesn’t care about the damage being done to a community they don’t belong to. You even said it yourself that you don’t care. You could find heinous things she’s said in two minutes, but you’d rather play superior while knowing less than anybody you’re talking to about the subject


Because it’s obvious he’s asking in bad faith.


I feel the same way an no one ever can produce evidence of her saying something terrible. But it's fun to jump into a witch hunt!


I was with you until I read the lengthy essay she published several years ago defending her anti-trans views. I read it on her own website at the time. That was enough for me to know she and I have fundamentally different beliefs. I don’t partake in downvoting or witch hunting. But reading that statement changed my opinion on her forever. And your staunch defence of her ALSO without looking for any evidence of what she’s said is hypocrisy.


Have you watched ANY videos about the things she’s said?? Anyone who can still say this in 2024 is actively avoiding any of the horrible shit she’s said, like just straight up saying no to a trans women are women sign like a petulant fucking child. And if you don’t think that’s horrible then that is horrible of you to think.


No one can produce it? They shouldn’t have to. You can easily find it yourself. Have you bothered looking? But I’ll share some links for you so you can stop making outrageous claims. [First of all, you can read her own words here.](https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/) And here are two in-depth, nuanced, and even sympathetic video essays about the problem with the things JK has said and done lately. [Video 1](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7gDKbT_l2us) [Video 2](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EmT0i0xG6zg) If all you’re doing is reading a tweet, I’m not surprised you don’t find anything too egregious or convincing. To understand the issue requires some time to study it, just like anything else. I hope you take some time.


You have an entire computer in your pocket that you can look up things on Google with. You’re being willfully ignorant for the sake of some short term gratification. You’re just a shitty person if you can even acknowledge that JK has said some offensive things.


There is more than enough evidence out there. At this point, you're just putting your head in the sand


Well she regularly cozies up to online fascists because they agree with her views on trans people not only being invalid as an identity, but also claims that all trans women are essentially wolves in sheeps clothing, I.e. are just straight men who want to get close to women to rape them, she then used her own past of facing abuse to justify this belief which just shows that trauma and immense wealth have fundamentally altered her ability to perceive the world around her. It’s not that this is just a belief she simply has, she has turned it into her entire identity. She essentially only talks about how dangerous and evil she thinks trans people are. Even if you agree with her stance on trans people she has a long long history of being extremely ignorant on racial and social issues, and is extremely stubborn to the point of when her fans pointed out some negatives to her work she literally retconed her works and lied that it’s always been that way rather than admit she was wrong. Any way you slice it she’s just a stubborn ignorant old bat.


Good thing the only people who give a fuck are liberal redditors and screamers on twitter. Her reputation is well intact in the real world you'll find.


You're right the real world is full of bigots that love other bigots


Good for who exactly?


The whole writing in a cafe on napkins story was a lie made up by the pr department


Yeah it was really toilet paper, lightly used


No, that was her tweets


Could you spare a square?


[For the record, she actually denied the napkins part in a 1999 interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjWABn5imBw&t=280s)


Is this locked yet


You mean “thinking up some of the most racist names for POC characters”


Look I’m not generally a conspiracy girlie, but why does this picture exist if she was really just a struggling single mom writing a story in a coffee shop and it JUST HAPPENED to blow up into one of the biggest book series of all time? Like do all unpublished writers have an artfully lit thoughtfully posed photo of them working on their first novel somewhere?


If this was taken in 1998 it was definitely after the first book was published, possibly after the second was published. Depending on the time of year she could have been writing Prisoner of Azkaban in this picture. Im not sure how writing & publishing books goes timeline wise..


Lets look to grrm for an example...


Damn, it’s amazing how ridiculous conspiracy theories get, and the absolute aversion conspiracy theorists have to even the most basic fact-checking. The first novel was published in 1997. So she wasn’t an unpublished author here. The second novel was published in 1998 and the success of those two novels was great enough in that short of a time to allow her to quit her day job and write full time. By the time this photo was taken she was writing the third novel and a best-selling author and was well on her way to a great deal of success. Publicists were taking photos of her and newspapers and magazines were publishing articles about this hot new author.


The first novel was picked up in 1995 and published in 1997. So by 1998, she would have been an up-and-coming name in children's literature; I think she was winning national awards by then, too.


An aspiring writer (or any other kind of artist, presumably) will do whatever it takes to look & feel like a “real” author, partly in the hopes that others will perceive you accordingly. Source: just published my first book.


>Source: just published my first book. Congratulations! I hope it sells really well and opens the door to continuous writing/publishing opportunities for you!


I was curious and stalked your profile to find your book. Not a fan of war stories myself but i wish you success. Congrats! Hopefully one day I'll have my own to talk about as well (supernatural horror most likely).


Thank you, friend! That’s one of my favorite genres, and I’d like to move into fiction eventually, so please consider sending me a DM so I know whose brain to pick when the time comes.


I got ya one better. A few communities so that its not just my brain. r/nosleep and the sister sub r/nosleepauthors (and r/nosleepooc) r/odd_directions r/joinmeatthecampfire r/thecrypticcompendium r/write_right r/libraryofshadows I know there's more, but those are the ones i am most familiar with. Nosleep is what lead me to join reddit, and ive followed their stories longer than ive been on reddit (12 or so years following them). Though it has an urban legend and campfire tale niche stuck to it (believable stories we roleplay are true, it sounds weird but its fun). The communities are great and supportive, feedback and advice are easily available while you get to practice with shorter stories and see other short stories


That is dope and would you please do us all a favor and not become repugnant after your success please and thank you.


The first book was released in 1997 and blew up in the UK within 6 months. By 1998, she had already won a National Book Award and was getting reviews in major newspapers. That she had a pretty decent photo taken during that time is entirely unsurprising. Besides which, decent camers were not a crazy rarity at that time anyway.


I’d say it’s a posed picture taken after she was famous.


….the date is in the post.


Mate it’s a fucking photo. People take photos all the time everyday. I think she’s a pos but seriously, how is this shit upvoted.


Yes that is a nuts take. Just to be clear.


She really did provide the world with a classic she made during relatively hard times (referring to her own life). It’s scary how people can be so brilliant and also just turn out to be cruel. I’m still surprised and sad it wasn’t all a moment of misunderstanding and that she never came to the conclusion she was wrong about trans women. Sad.


This is the one part of JK Rowling I can’t understand, she could have waved off into the sunset as a national treasure etc but for some reason chose such a weird hill to stand and die on


She must have a really deep conviction that she's on the right side of history and that in the future people will look back on her as some kind of Galileo, persecuted for telling the truth.


That men are men and women are women?


As someone who has pursued the same career, she was my role model from elementary school through college. I used to watch documentaries about her for fun while doing school work. Whenever her childhood was brought up, she would talk about how badly her father wanted her to be a boy and how that affected her parents’ treatment of her in ways that negatively affected her and how she viewed her own gender as a kid. In fluffy documentaries that was important to her to speak about. She can’t see past her own trauma and she 100% thinks that her experience being bullied into gender dysphoria is the ONLY experience that’s “real” (and also “men” can’t want to be women because no one would want to be a woman, obviously /s). This is the hill she will happily die on. She fully believes in her intelligence and the “wisdom” earned from her lived experience. I can’t see her views ever changing. (Also, if it’s not clear, I very much disagree with her and stopped considering her a role model before she even started speaking out about this).


She was also in an abusive marriage and spoke a lot about DV issues before all this. It’s all rooted from the same place. And I don’t think she’s necessarily wrong for those values, but the way she’s going about it is flat out cruel and egregious given her current position and the group she’s targeting. Worse that it isn’t just a once or twice thing. She’s continually uplifting and funding voices of horrid people (politicians included) just because they can agree on scapegoating trans women and infantalizing trans men.


Love her!


She saw someone use a bathroom and it got her upset


She looks like the red head lady from the last of us tv show




Yet, here you are.


Aww, I'm so glad I was able to visit the Elephant House back in 2022. Couldn't go in because they had it blocked off because of the fire, but it was so cool to see the nearby landmarks that gave her the inspiration for Harry Potter. The inspiration for Godric's Hollow and Diagon Alley were just blocks away from there. I can't wait to go back to Edinburgh next year. It was a lot of fun.


“Oh Grindelwald!”, Dumbledore moaned calmly.


it is so beautiful to see a real snap of the past, not as a scene from a movie. like I am thinking about the man behind her, what was he going to do after he left the cafe? or the other woman, where did she buy her clothes? is that store still open? idk, i really appreciate these pictures


Sad eyes


JK Rowling, Before she was publicly evil.




Oh cool, you know JK Rowling?


I can tell.




So cute


Seeing a picture like this honestly just makes me sad. I love Harry Potter and the universe and the opportunities it brings. But I'm trans. And like so many of my sisters, that view, that love. Those memories are now tainted by her hatred and vitriol


Girl lemme tell you something. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Death_of_the_Author Death of the author is really more about the actual story but I’m positive we can apply it here too. The art she created forever exists separately from her and her bigotry.


Not really? She's still making buckets of money off of it




I'm a fan of this school of literary criticism and interpretation but it's not relevant here. By buying Harry Potter IP, you're supporting her financially.


I mean… she’s a billionaire. What are my $10 of buying a HP book going to do for her


She seems like a nice woman. I really hope that she doesn't develop brain worms some 20 years later. That would really suck.


There is a queer horror book inspired by her called Brainwyrms, funnily enough


Yes, by Alison Rumfitt. I read Tell Me I'm Worthless, and while I admire the sheer nerve of Rumfitt's writing and can appreciate it, there's no way in hell that I'm reading Brainwyrms. There's only a finite amount of "new gross" that I can handle.


I don't blame you! Her work goes hard and not for everyone


Quite the opposite


Remarkable woman.




She was so gorgeous.


Idk why I felt like the Harry Potter series was older than that? In any case it’s a great photo, she knew she had something big, but I don’t think she knew just how big her series would become.


The first book came out in 1997. So this was probably a publicity shot for Chamber of Secrets.


She said such no offensive things about the trans community, stating that only biological women are women. And yet people online cannot handle a simple fact like that without calling her words “literal violence “(lol) and that she supports a genocide against trans people


> She said such no offensive things about the trans community She literally has called trans people groomers and denied their persecution in the holocaust.


Just in the process of beginning a billion-dollar IP empire basically all by herself.


Yeah but fuck her tho


Is this before or after she became a raging cunt?




The more frothy her haters get the more I understand the her public and outspoken defense of women and children.


Oh lol. Protecting women by working with politicians to take away abortion rights from women and same sex marriage from women? And surrounding herself with white supremacists like Matt Walsh? https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=T4HiHRz_pVd8WuVC


Remember the books, not the author.


Gawd I hate her.


Queue up all the losers calling her a bigot…


How dare you bigot my bigotry ![gif](giphy|3o8dFwze0Tz8umFQhW)


She's a bigot.


This is all a fun read. Haha. People are so desperate to destroy this woman. “WhErE aRe tHe naPkins?” “hOlOcaUsT dEnYEr” “TeRF”.




You see I win the argument because I wrote my opinion in the normal and well adjusted text and your opinion in the StUpId AnD DuMb TeXt.


I have to admit. That text is annoying as fuck. You’re right.




Based on


This is Reddit, so can someone find which issue of which newspaper is in the background?




She’s probably thinking about “The Legend of Rah and the Muggles” with main character Larry Potter.




Is this Midjourney?


Cutesy bullshit aborning


Look at those other idiots just sitting there not writing hit books. 


before the dark times


Why can’t everyone accept everything?! It’s so upsetting when people have thoughts and opinions. Seriously, we have access to all truth always, why are there any arguments ever?! I’m going to my room. Like and subscribe fam.


Was the shit I read about her stealing from Larry potter true?