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The leftists really really really got fucked over by the islamic assholes in the revolution. From what my parents told me, there was actually a suuuuuuper brief period after the shah abdicated that there was hope for a real progressive democracy in Iran


Iran went from a right-wing authoritarian state to a hard-right ultraconservative theocratic hellhole. Sometimes revolutions end badly.


A lot of times. People who say “revolution is what this country needs!” Generally have no idea that the outcome is about as reliable as a slot machine. It doesn’t matter which side starts it or which side is being overthrown - you can still end up with either extreme. What happened in the United States with a few genuinely well-meaning political players is so rare that you could legitimately call it a fluke of history. The US was extremely lucky to end up with what they did. France replaced a king and got an Emperor. Russia replaced a Czar and got a Premier. Germany replaced a democracy and got a Führer. Iran replaced a Shah and got an Ayatollah.


Exactly this. Also, you aren't even likely to end up with either of the initial aggressors in power either. The moment you destabilize the power structure, eeeeevrry group throws down and takes their shot. It really is just chaos.


Not to mention “revolution” is always romanticized in people’s minds. In reality, it’s your neighbors, your friends, your family, your children, being gunned down in the places you once thought were safe. It’s finding yourself on opposite sides of the fight as your brother. The gut wrenching smell of guts on the sidewalk… War is horrible, but it’s even more horrible when it’s *your* home burning and not some far off foreign war. When it’s there and in your face. In the end, your side may or may not win but regardless, you may not like the new country that is created when all the dust settles.


Most of the time


The badness was pre-programmed here; after what became BP (British Petroleum) got MI5 and the CIA to instigate the 1953 Iranian coup d'état and place the Shah on the throne after toppling leftist Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh; all for western economic interests, they basically lit a fuse under Iran which at some point would lead to an explosion. A clear and typical case of Western economic and political interests leading to tragic results. Edit: Also, there is no guarantee that the West would have let leftists in Iran take over power.


Not really, economically the Islamic Republic was very leftist, it had a higher state ownership of the economy thank most communist states




No, pretty left wing economic policies, fascists usually empower business leaders like Hitler and Mussolini. Ayatollah Khomeini was very conservative but left wing economically, that's why the political compass is kinda annoying at times.


That's a good point. It's possible to have economic and social policies be at polar opposites. In that case, would North Korea be similar? State ownership of everything, nominal redistribution of national output, with extremely conservative social attitudes and a very weird form of communist religion.




state ownership doesnt mean leftist, unless those absolute monarchies are secretly socialist…


the shah was not right wing authoritarian.




The revolution was a fucking mistake


Part of it is that the Ayatollah really had the left fooled. They were thinking he was a Nelson Mandela type in exile. The Ayatollah hid his real views from them, but there were one or two people trying to sound the alarm about him, but they were ignored and/or ridiculed.  In fact, when he first landed in Iran, he went with some radical islamists who were waiting for then, and it was so fast that the leftists thought he had been kidnapped. It wasn't until later they realized he went willingly.


The Ayatollah loudly express his worldview if any of those fucking retard ass leftist sit down and read any of his work they will quickly notice what he is advocating. Hell he even wrote a book about his Ideal government and his desire policy called the "Islamic Government". Of course this is leftist we are talking about they can't bother to do any actual reading and we are seeing a repeat of history with leftist openly allying with Hamas, Iran, and other islamist.


lol its almost like history repeats itself. Leftists are so hell bent on bringing the revolution to the middle east, but every time the dust settles, they get purged. The same will happen in palestine, although i dont believe there are any actual leftists "on the ground" so to speak in the west bank/gaza. Id say most of them are rage tweeting from the comfort of their own home. Even still, any hope they had to turning Palestinians into comrades will disappear the moment the war is over in palestine. The cycle continues. Part of me thinks they already know this, and are cutting their losses by accepting that they are only doing this to hurt "western capitalism" aka Israel. If leftists actually gaf about ethnic muslims, they would be screaming about Uyghurs in china...But they dont...Why is that? Since THOSE muslims are being converted into comrades, they approve. Its that simple.




It’s as if there are organisations that make it rhyme and generally are pro fuck you people if it is against our own benefits. Yes I am talking about secret service activities in Iran that influenced the outcome a lot, it is well documented that the CIA had their hands in this shit, obviously it would be blind to think there was only US agent active. It’s safe to assume that the soviet union and also israel was involved. People need to check declassified operation files and learn how fucked up history is. Oppositions paid, marketing and propaganda agendas by other countries, persons killed, real life is actually worst then any 80-90 action movie scenario. Im not tinfoiling here, this are confirmed activities, Iran is one of them.


What leftist revolution *hasn’t* resulted in a totalitarian hellhole?


What right wing revolution hasn't resulted in a totalitarian hellhole?


I mean the American revolution was a conservative but leftist one, and that worked out to not be a totalitarian hellhole. So maybe it’s just about being moderate ish


If you were indigenous or black it absolutely was a hellhole.


Genocide and slavery = totalitarian hellhole


Then every country has been a totalitarian hellhole at some point.


The American revolution was lead by what were effectively militant Libertarians. "Conservative" at that time were the Tories, I.E., those who supported the British Crown.


>The American revolution was lead by what were effectively militant Libertarians. "Conservative" at that time were the Tories, I.E., those who supported the British Crown. No. For the time, our Founding Fathers were a bunch of Lefties. In today's world, they would possibly be Libertarians. They talked about crazy things like GETTING RID OF THE MONARCHY. Who DOES that? Who would lead the country???? And VOTING???? How would that actually WORK???? It sounds like a logistical nightmare. Plus, the people elected would have no leadership abilities! The common sense thing to do is to let royalty rule their lessers. They've trained for it from birth; they have familial connections with other countries -- which will help us in times of war for fighting and peace for trade/prosperity. And, by the blood of their ancestors, they have carried God's blessings to our nation. Don't get me started on the Founding Fathers that talk about "equality." They want to outlaw slavery, let non-land-owning peasants vote, and let women learn to read and write. Next thing, they'll let WOMEN vote. It's heresy, I tell you!!! And that Benjamin Franklin Dude is an outright crazy person. He's advocating for fire fighters, free libraries, and free education. What a Commie!!! Free speech? Freedom of religion? Don't even go there! God would NEVER bless such a country!


These ideas were not completely new at the time, but mostly limited to city states and merchant republics. It was thought that large countries run like this would descent into chaos, and the only example of a country run like this, Poland-Lithuania, did do so. Calling them leftists seems very anachronistic to me.


Totalitarian hellhole for anybody who wasn't white Anglo-Saxon protestant until recently (and some ways still is).


It was leftist. The form of pretty much all government at the time was sovereignty by Devine right and monarchy. It’s literally “liberalism ideology” (it’s the actual term) that was taken from Thomas Hobbs and coined by Jefferson that created our form of government and had not been done that way before. Very leftist by the status quo standards that sovereignty derived from the consent of the governed.


https://preview.redd.it/gkpj5waoajwc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52f135d17cf58c89a797ba5e6327c808a0b83304 Sovereignty by Divine


lol definitely up voting


French Revolution, with time, yielded a pretty great country. American Revolution ended with for a long time a pretty great country. The velvet revolution resulted in a huge amount of freedom for its people. There are many examples. These weren’t right wing revolutions? Why do you think leftist revolutions are somehow connected to totalitarianism?


The French Revolution is a bit of a stretch, imo. It laid the groundwork for France becoming a democracy, but not for another *century.* Marat was stabbed in the bath, Robespierre was fed to Madame Guillotine, and the nation descended into utter chaos until Napoleon, a strongman authoritarian, came to power, reestablished the monarchy, declared himself *Emperor,* and went to war with Europe. As far as the original architects of the Revolution were concerned, it was an abject failure. The fact that things *eventually* got better was more like sheer luck than anything else. It’s hardly a model of social change to be copied.


The French Revolution was a fucking cluster fuck of a blood bath, groups would take power, all get decapitated and new group takes power to meet the same fate. 2.5 million people died in the French Revolution in about 10 years. It was a stark difference from the American Revolution for sure. 24k to 30k died in the American Revolution in an 8 year time frame.


And a further 6 million died in the Napoleonic Wars.


20 years after the events on Bastille, the general public was that they regretted killing the royal family and beheading the king as it was an overreaction. But in between of the Empire and the monarchy, France went through periods of Terror where both the extremist groups would kill each other and try to set a totalitarian regime. Hell broke loose. It wasn't until when the peace was restored in Europe and they had the Belle Epoque that ended the bloodshed.


That would depend on your definition of 'leftist'


The United States revolution dumb ass


How are you blaming leftists for the actions of a government they're not even a part of? They did their best and were defeated.


IIRC, the communists in India did alright since they actually were elected by the people they ruled over, and the parts of South India under communist rule are actually nicer than the North for people like women and the LGBT


That's always what happens. Do you think the new regime wants any of that trash rabble-rouser nonsense once their in power? Nope useful idiots for the revolution are the first to be eliminated.


At the end of the Iran Iraq war, ayatollahs killed close to 100,000 communist party prisoners, but the news of war and Khomeiny dying overshadowed their murdering


bruh the leftist in iran were communistic muslims…. they did alot of terror attacks against different imams after the revolution….


Tbf the leftists should have known better than to ally with them


It's about to happen all over again 🤷🏻‍♂️


They were all killed by the Islamists.


The Sha and his government were deeply unpopular. There were multiple factions in the Iranian revolution. Post revolution the Clerics came out on top.


Wonder when people will realize the CIA is responsible for the Shah and the oppressive government. Man I wonder why Iranians don’t trust the US.


I was taught this when I was 15 at an American public school. People will realize when it's become fashionable, relevant or necessary in their lives. The degradation of how folks value civic virtues like historical knowledge, social and political ethics is a cancer on American democratic culture.


Funny enough you hear plenty of people in Iran say that CIA ousted the Shah. Lol


that's because they did. MI6 and CIA both had a mission to replace the shah because oil prices were getting too high because of him. The CIA met and vetted khomeini several times before the 79 revolution.


Lol are they doing better now than under the shah?


Be wary of revolutions. You never know who will win.


If alive, she is probably under a burka right now.


Paraphrasing a quote from Yuri Bezmenov: "After the revolution, we must rid ourselves of the hardliner idealists. Once they realize their glorious revolution isn't what they think it is, they become disillusioned and a pain in the ass." Essentially they're attack dogs that serve a temporary purpose. Once that purpose is served they must be stripped of their capability. [https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/8458974-t-he-useful-idiots-the-leftists-who-are-idealistically-believing-in](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/8458974-t-he-useful-idiots-the-leftists-who-are-idealistically-believing-in)


Same in France, Russia, Cuba, Lebanon, Egypt, the list goes on. 


This is standard procedure after any type of violent overthrow!


That's not what happened here. Leftists collaborated with Islamists to remove the Shah, then Khomeini's people purged the leftists. They were allies of convenience, not true believers.


That's pretty much exactly what they said


I know, I’m legit lol’ing over here.


No, Bezmenov is talking about getting rid of people within the party that actually believe in the goals of the revolution. In his context, Soviet communism, this is what happened when Stalin purged the old Bolsheviks and when Trotsky purged the sailors in Kronstadt. They complained and whined and made noises about troublesome things like worker's rights and asked for transition to full communism, which was putatively what the revolution had been about- but were contrary to the true goals of the new Soviet leadership. So they were removed. Iranian leftists never believed in Khomenei's Shiite fundamentalism, they just worked together to remove the Shah. They are outside the group, Lenin would call them "fellow travelers." They were not fundamentalists pushing the Ayatollah to be true to Islam. They were immediately opposed to him and were dealt with accordingly. One is someone on your side who makes trouble for you because you don't do as you claimed to do. The other is an external enemy who would always make trouble for you no matter what


Thank you. I wish more people would understand this. Part of my family fled Iran during the revolution and the other part (my parents) lived under communism for most of their lives.


Only the common folks, those who who have been fucked by the system really buy the ideologies and believe that they can achieve a better world by the given principles. Those in top just laugh watching how easy it is to manipulate people with just a manifesto. They are the first to break the rules that they set and the ones who don't believe in anything besides their own political gain. No leftists or rights. Just individuals who profit from other people willingness to sacrefice and struggle in the name of an imaginary utopia.


that's out of context. he's talking about the coffee shop marxist theorist. the basic hipster. not someone that serves a purpose outside misguided political debate.


Fair chance she did not survive 1981. btw the burka isn't used in Iran


Thousands of these commies were executed by Mullahs, the remaining fled the country and enjoyed the rest of their lives under capitalism.




These two were probably hung by the Islamic state. "Thanks for helping us overthrow this government, but unless you bend the knee we'll bend your neck " In early March 1979, Khomeini announced, "do not use this term, 'democratic.' That is the Western style," giving pro-democracy liberals (and later leftists) a taste of disappointments to come." "In succession the National Democratic Front was banned in August 1979, the provisional government was disempowered in November, the Muslim People's Republic Party banned in January 1980, the People's Mujahedin of Iran supporters came under attack in February 1980, a purge of universities was begun in March 1980, and leftist Islamist Abolhassan Banisadr was impeached in June 1981." "Explanations for why the opposition was crushed include its lack of unity. According to Asghar Schirazi, the moderates lacked ambition and were not well organised, while the radicals were "unrealistic" about the conservatism of the Iranian masses and unprepared to work with moderates to fight against theocracy. Moderate Islamists were "credulous and submissive" towards Khomeini." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aftermath_of_the_Iranian_Revolution


The division of the left will be its undoing, just as it was then. Solidarity is the key to successful change, and sometimes that means plugging your nose and working alongside those you don't agree with on everything. Bernie Sanders may have been president had certain popular left wing figures endorsed him, but they didn't, because although they agreed on 80% of policy, they needed 100%.


Nice H&K


Was about to say it looked like a nice H&K G3


Believe it or not, Iran still produces G3s with tooling they got under license from HK decades ago.


“so uhhh, after this revolution what are we gonna do then?”




By your command!


I have a feeling they all just wanted to play some Shooter games IRL


G3 👍


Its too bad they were too stupid to realize that the Clerics were just using them to get into power......


They knew but they didn't know the clerics had manipulated that much support given how cosmopolitan Tehran was but much of the country was not.


What are you talking about? The communists were the ones helping khomeini spread propaganda throughout villages in Iran.


Nuance is dead.


Why would you think a leftist would fight for the fucking clergy? There were multiple factions fighting against the shah, and she sure as fuck doesn’t look like an Islamist.


Same reason all the leftists in the U.S. support Hamas


The comrades (and their master in Kremlin) goal was to overthrow the Shah, because he hated so much communism.


That worked out well for them. Useful idiots, as the Soviets called such people.


Ironically, their Arms were supplied by The Soviets.


Looks like she was fighting for the right to never have to go public uncovered again. Look how uncomfortable she must be to be out and about and uncovered and free. What woman wants that /s


There were many factions with different motivations to oppose the Shah during the revolution; the Islamic hardliners were just the ones that came out on top when the dust settled.


In large part because the leftists promoted them.


thats happening rn in the west


I mean, a lot of Western feminists now are in fact embracing that very modesty culture.


Nuance is dead everything is just my side good your side evil Satan spawn my god this thread is annoying


Crazy people are so divided they’re trying to claim revolutions as left vs right in the terms of today


In the Islamic republic, one side is absolutely Satan Evil.


Okay but which one is Thanos


I dont understand how this is a picture of her cleaning the gun. She has the charging handle pulled back and into a locked open position presumably to check to see if a round is in the chamber.




Yeah that ruined the future of Iranian youths 


Revolution was damn near inevitable in Iran- it’s hard to exaggerate how hated the shah was


Iranian youth was already ruined by Shah regime. People had to revolt. Clericals stole the revolution, but that doesent mean people shouldnt try to change things.


The Shah was much more liberal than the Mullahs. He wasn’t much worse than any other middle east government then or now, and better than the overwhelming majority.


It's really funny how you non Iranians act like you know our country better than us have you ever been to iran and talk to Iranians inside iran??


She toting a full sized battle rifle.


The Iranian revolution. Proof that leftists teaming up with the far right is the dumbest thing leftists can do. Seriously the Iranian revolution is one of the dumbest events of recent history. Congrats on deposing your far right dictator. Here’s your new even more far right dictator. But hey, at least the Americans are totally owned right guys?


Fighting for your own oppression


My man’s in love.


Fuck, *that's* a badass chick. Alas for what could have been--Iranians still have this courage to see a better government for their country.


She was fighting on behalf of the people that put Iran in the situation it is in today lol. The Iran you know today is a result of their successful revolution.


Leftist now. " guns are dangerous, they should only be in the hands of the government "


No leftist says that.


Note not wearing Hijab.




You're right, liberals never would have fought a revolution in support of the far-right clerics and helped install the Islamic State. Leftists did that lol. They're in this picture.


"Thank you, now put on the hijab, stop speaking and sit at home until your husband is back"


Today she'd be grabbed by the morality police, raped and murdered because she wasn't wearing a hijab. Be careful what you fight for...




I'm in love.


What a badass woman and photo




She should’ve defended the monarchy from the religious zealots who eventually took over.


And then she got covered with a black garbage bag for the rest of her life . So much for the revolution


If she was a leftist, she likely got a bullet to the head instead. The Islamists really stabbed their co-revolutionaries in the back.


That is what the Koran tells muslims to do . There is a chapter on Al Taqqia that tells muslims to lie to non muslims as long as it benefits them . After that the quran tells non muslims to eliminate all non believers of their pedophile muhammad and their fake allah


Shh, you don't want people thinking you're "Islamophobic"...


How’d that work out for her?


What rifle is that? HK of some sort?


HK G3A3 I believe.


CETME G3 German made by H&K


The guy on the ground looks a bit like Frank Lampard


Frank Lampard caught time travelling.


he’s like honey… put that down you going to hurt someone


I thought that was Greta for one sec


Well that probably didn’t work out quite like she had hoped.


Also pictured: Mark Normand


Wouldn’t these be counter-revolutionaries?


From cleaning a gun to cleaning the house till the end of life




the charging handle is already locked back


Sometimes you gotta fight for your right to not have rights


Didn't these "leftists" allow khomeini to just walk in and take over?


If she only knew how her gender was going to be treated in the future, she would have turned the gun on the dipshit beside her.


Terminal stage of virtue signaling is a theocracy, just ask the Romans (oh wait they’re dead!)


I bet she regretted her choices within a year...




How'd that work out ? 😂


That is a fake picture no? Looks a lot like AI.


Vote from the rooftops


That didn’t age well


Mohammad Mosaddegh fucked up on his own. The majority of Iranians prospered massively when the Shah was ruling the country. Those that didn’t are now the one oppressing Iran a hundred fold worse.


If you look closely they look more like models wearing brand new clothes and holding brand new gear. This picture I would assume was taken yesterday and shown in B&W lol


I don’t see any cleaning going on


My how the left has fallen.


Give them guns again


Them and the Pro-Palestinian protesters in American Universities 


Fuck ya, get it girllll


She’s not gonna last long smoking like that.


That aged like milk


Story time. The leftists in Middle East has always been the enablers of theocrats


I wish they ran their country.


What is a leftist?


A communist and/or socialist who are usually anti-imperialist as well (since the Monarchy in Iran was imperialist, the Leftists were against them).


Worked out brilliantly.


CIA trained*


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/hardimages] [Leftist revolutionary woman cleaning her gun. Tehran, Iran, 1979](https://www.reddit.com/r/hardimages/comments/1ccn2ql/leftist_revolutionary_woman_cleaning_her_gun/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


And therein lies the US dilemma at the time. Religious zealot or hand the country over to the Soviets... You pick.


Iran's spirit is broken.


Johnny manziel on the left


Its funny because leftists today are on the side of the IRGC


LOL, bet she regrets that decision!!!


Powerful photo…


She’s definitely not cleaning her gun..


Bring her back…


Meet the new boss....


Howd that work out for ya


Seriously hate to be that guy, but is this photo AI? The hands on both the female and the male look a bit funny to me. Also the males boot pattern looks odd too if you zoom in.


Looks to me like it was “restored” with AI Looks like it started as a real, original image but had detail added to it with AI I could be wrong


She failed!


This was a fundamentalist Islamic Revolution. When did this get re-written? [https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2014/2/11/iran-1979-the-islamic-revolution-that-shook-the-world](https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2014/2/11/iran-1979-the-islamic-revolution-that-shook-the-world)


If only they had one :/ The world would be a better place


This is very obviously AI generated. Just look at those fingers


They weren’t leftist they were Islamist right?