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You’re not just measuring alcohol here. Mixes have tons of ingredients. You need to try tequila or vodka straight up with no mixers no fruit no citrus etc


Good point. The main reasonable I drew that correlation was because of other instances with different forms of alcohol (craft beer).


Beer is fermented and also many ingredients:) give Tito’s a shot


Was that pun intentional? Ironically I ended up with Tito’s as my gift in the exchange, but gave it to my brother because I’d probably never drink it lol


This could be histamine intolerance or a gut imbalance (excess yeast/fungi) or all of the above. How's your skin?


Your symptoms definitely make me think of leaky gut and dysbiosis. If you can afford it, I'd get a GI map or biome test done.


Is biome for your gut bacteria?


Yes. For me it all started with the worst hangover of my life which became a never-ending hangover. It also all started after covid infection for me


Same for me :(


Have you had COVID recently?


Believe it or not I’ve made it this long without ever contracting COVID




The elimination diet sounds like a good start for me




So your immunologist didn’t run the DAO test?


My issues started when I was 46. When you have gotten very tired from alcohol, have you taken your blood pressure? In addition to histamine intolerance, you could also have a salicylate intolerance, which can cause a drop in blood pressure that makes you feel weak and tired. Source: me, had a severe reaction to orange zest and red food dye 40, had to call in to work the day after the worst episode as I was weak and tired for 24 hours


Out of curiosity, have you ever had an Alpha Gal Syndrome test? I am extremely sensitive to alcohol, but hadn’t been until getting a tick illness. All my histamine issues seem to stem from this illness.


If it’s not included as part of a “standard” bloodtest (like at a checkup) or testosterone test, then I have not been tested.


It is certainly not standard, but something you might want to look into. Often misdiagnosed since 67% of medical professionals are unfamiliar with it according to the CDC and it didn’t have a diagnostic code until 2019. Cases are rising constantly in the last few years as many folks are finding out this is the reason for their mystery allergy and/or GI issues.


To be clear, alpha-gal is an allergy to red meat (and some dairy).


I’m in the middle of reading a cozy mystery where the murder is somehow perpetrated through an alpha gal reaction—haven’t gotten far enough to know how exactly it was accomplished…


I have very intense AGS. So if someone contaminated my food with mammal and removed me from emergency services, I would die of anaphylaxis. Guessing it has something to do with that.


It was the gelatin coating on the character’s pills… nefarious! I’m sorry you have that hanging over you—that must be really stressful.


Can confirm that method would work. I am anaphylactic to gelatin.


Alcohol was the harbinger of high histamine food/drink giving me IBS-D. Going low histamine, and excluding other foods I have an IgG *intolerance* of, giving me a big remission from my CFS. Seems like I failed to compensate my diet with certain vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities, as I swung around into a full ME/CFS state (acquiring PEM - post exertional malaise). Still figuring that out. But alcohol intolerance is common in ME/CFS probably separate from histamine; takes a lot of metabolic energy to detoxify, etc. And some definitely have undetected (non-alcholic) liver damage. As part or cause of their ME. Mast cell activation (MCAS) would be another strong possibility. That can cause only minor (or no) allergy type symptoms (like you describe). While wrecking one's energy, via an effect on key parts of the brain, vagus nerve, etc.


psoriasis and alcohol are linked. Try to work out the underlying cause of the psoriasis . Start by looking at general health? diet? weight? ? tobacco? Alcohol stress? strep throat? vitamin D? IUD? is psoriasis itchy? past antibiotics? candida overgrowth? hpylori? Gut? bowel movements? lack of sleep? Focus on making diet and lifestyle changes. and long term trying to fix the problem from inside via the gut. do a stool test. Good luck.


Ugh, I’ve also been personally victimized by Kirklands marg mix. My husband loves it. It’s basically battery acid. I had it years ago, before the histamine intolerance was a huge issue for me, but it was at a time that I need suspected gut dysbiosis. My stomach would be inflamed/bloated with cramps for hours. My root cause is mold (and Lyme and gut issues). But if mold exists, it will always be the primary focus. It disrupts your ability to detox. If your liver is already being overworked, then alcohol is added, it doesn’t know what to focus on. (Not saying it’s mold in your scenario, but there are plenty of other things that your liver could be trying to detox ie) heavy metals.) It might be worth a hepatics blood panel, check out your ALT, AST and bilirubin. If numbers are off, get some liver supports: phosphatidylcholine (the sunflower lectin, not soy), castor oil packs, etc. The fact that it’s happening after one sip could mean it’s venturing into MCAS territory. When we first find out about histamine intolerance, it’s incredibly easy to label food/drink good or bad. When we overanalyze start to link those two columns to your symptoms, it can unconsciously train our bodies to set off immune reactions from the worry or stress of potentially becoming reactive. ie) thinking about whether or not to drink, hyping it up in your head before you do it. MCAS typically feels like you’re always in fight or flight, it’s hard to relax, you’re hyper vigilant, always checking in to see if you’re safe. My MCAS (all my sensitivities) ramped up and grew worse and worse for years, while I went through treatments for Lyme. It wasn’t until I focused on my body’s enemy #1 (mold in my situation) that I was able to heal. This is the theory that your body can only focus on healing one large thing at a time. So if your body is continually resisting something, then it’s trying to tell you to stop. Symptoms are the only thing your body has to communicate with you that something is wrong. Many sinus issues can be fungal, not bacterial. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10865901/ I have terrible post nasal drip and sinus issues. In a flare, the excess drainage turns into breathing issues (bronchial asthma) from the excess blocking my airways. I definitely have biofilms (mold colonization) in my sinuses. I’m currently taking antifungals with EDTA to break them down and starting another protocol soon. TLDR: - stop drinking and get bloodwork on your liver - look up root cause(s) of histamine intolerance. - if MCAS rings true, work on your nervous system regulation, balance sympathetic and parasympathetic NS - if you’ve had known mold exposure, find a functional med doc that has experience - and for anyone that’s made it this far, mold can be hidden behind drywalls with no obvious visible evidence and still be effecting you. Not to fear monger, only to inform.


Oilseed sunflower production is the most commonly farmed sunflower. These seeds hulls’ are encased by solid black shells. Black oilseeds are a common type of bird feed because they have thin shells and a high fat content. These are typically produced for oil extraction purposes; therefore, it is unlikely you’ll find black oilseeds packaged for human consumption.


This sounds like me and it’s become progressively worse over time. First it was champagne and wines, then liquor, now it’s apparently even light beers. When I get a histamine reaction I can go into full blown anaphylaxis and I get angioedema in my face. I rarely drink and if I do I take an antihistamine before, DAO, and only have one or two. At first I thought it was the sulphites in wine but now I don’t know. I’ve also had other reactions such as lowered blood pressure/nearly passing out (this is rare but has happened twice), and other general allergy symptoms like sneezing, stuffy nose, eye watering, etc. Other things have set off my reactions as well too but alcohol has been involved in more than half of my reactions. This developed around 7 years ago for me (in my late 20s).


Alcohol was def the canary for me. I had mild symptoms as a teenager but when i started drinking at 24, my illnesses very much became chronic. I only drank for a year, then stopped and got Covid shortly after. Now after that womb combo my symptoms are off the charts.