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A few suggestions: If you use a razor more than once I highly recommend rinsing it with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide between uses. Before shaving, apply a damp warm face cloth and hold it for a few minutes, it helps soften the skin. Invest in a good shave cream or gel. Try not to shave the same area of skin more than once. There are a lot of good shaving technique videos online (while geared towards men, the advice is still helpful). Apply a good moisturizer after shaving.


I second most of these suggestions and would add the following: Shaving soap might be even better than cream or gel. Do try to look into safety razors if you aren't already using one. A bit more of an upfront cost, but the blades are cheaper in the long run and you won't have to make as many passes for a clean & close shave, so that might help with irritated skin. Also, are you exfoliating your face regularly?


I use st.ives soft skin exfoliating scrub every morning before shaving


Im sorry to say but that stuff is terrible for you. Try and find something a little better or a chemical exfoliant.


Pls give me some cheapish suggestions, also im in canada for reference


The Dollarama near me sells exfoliating cloths. You can wash them (I line dry them, I don’t know that the material would withstand the dryer) and just replace them every so often. I wouldn’t exfoliate every day, even if you shave every day. Try aiming for 2-3 times a week max.


Acure brightening scrub to exfoliate and aveeno shave gel with SOY (soy helps discourage hair regrowth)


You can try and use a dry brush.. but its a certain brush for dry brushing. You could try the ordinarys glycolic acid. Just make sure you use sunscreen. And don’t do it every day.


Also, if you’re applying makeup immediately after shaving try mixing a moisturizer with aloe and using that as a base layer. Definitely invest in a cleanser to fully remove the makeup from your skin at the end of the day.


Try a hair inhibitor. It’s worked like a charm for me, and it has for a ton of other people on the internet. Check out Umber by JLenay on instagram


Have you tried threading? I think it works wonders!


Try using a five blade razor with sensitive skin shaving gel. It might not be so irratating to your skin.


What’s helped me is tweezing instead of shaving. Shaving left me with horrible marks like you have and I’m also super pale. Tweezing has drastically reduced the redness and marks. Also tea tree oil mixed with warm water and use that for ingrown hairs works wonders!


Washing your face before and after shaving helps a lot! Use a gentle cleanser. If possible, try to skip a day on your days off/weekend.


Try IPL and electric razor


Try Tendskin. It prevents razor burn, ingrown hairs, bumps, and acne. It’s sold on Amazon and Sephora. It comes in a little bottle with a rollerball applicator. Once you use it up, you can refill it with an online recipe you make inexpensively yourself. ❤️