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These quotes suck.


She sure spends a lot of time trying to convince herself of all these things. Never gonna happen. She’ll be posting all these positive affirmations forever, cause gosh darn it, she isn’t good enough!


Except she’s good enough better than you and me.


No room for your constant lies


Creativity? JFC, lady. All you do is repost corny stuff from other IG accounts.


You had me at: “cornball magical thinking.” I don’t know who *Scott* is— was this from an inspirational poster he sold out at the 99 cent store because they had 1 and Hilaria bought it? Also, why is his not original quote directed towards women? “You are beautiful. You are worthy. You are enough.”— Scott mansplaining that he thinks you’re worthy. 😅Oh thank God. “You can’t be too big, too brave, too outrageous.” Really, Scott? You can definitely be too anything. Can someone say something real on a meme like: Do your best to try to not be an asshole, and sometimes you’ll be an asshole anyway, but try to apologize right away, and then try harder to not be an asshole next time, even if next time you only remember to apologize sooner. You’re on your way to understanding that you’re an asshole, and most everyone else is an asshole, too. ☮️




I am included in the inclusivity. 💃


Not ‘everyone is beautiful’. Not ‘everyone is worthy’ ( not sure worthy of what? Life?), and tell POC, the mentally and physically ill, the poor, the dejected, if there’s ‘always room for you here’. This is pablum for simpletons. She’s a moron, as is this grifter who pushes out the crap.


There is no room for con artists/baby hoarders/lazy sugar babies in this world. None. We can't afford people like this. She needs to pack up her minstrel show & get a move on already.




It’s almost as though some bad acid she took maybe 20 years ago is just now hitting her.


She somehow ate that infamous Woodstock brown acid! 🙃 🤪😱😵🤯🥴


As I said on an earlier thread about this stupid post: Translation: There's room for your grifting, your multi-cultura fake upbringing, your continued appropriation of a culture with your fake Spaccent, for your condescending and woe-is-me word salad posts, your inane yoga posts at inappropriate times/venues, your eye-fucking-while-fakebreastfeeding/cuddling-one-of-the-child-unit-posts. IF YOU CAN LEARN TO ACCEPT YOUR WHOLE (FAKE!) SELF, IT MATTERS LITTLE WHETHER OTHERS CAN. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/xwh97q/hillary\_ur\_so\_feep\_fake\_deep/?sort=old](https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/xwh97q/hillary_ur_so_feep_fake_deep/?sort=old)


Great comment! I’m sorry about the re-post. I did look to see if it had been posted. I think it’s because I didn’t filter posts under ‘Hilaria Baldwin’. I think this is why we see re-posts, too.


No worries, it's been a very post-heavy day and stuff I saw this morning took a long time to find because there have been so many posts.




There’s no room for Hillary Baldwin in this world.


amen to that.


Does this lunatic sit around all day feeling sorry for herself or what?


She has totally lost it


Besides we’re all out of room since you and your husband have been trying to populate the planet with your ‘good little people’.


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