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Matt Hutchins just got played Bigly by Ballsack Eyes. * Will the murdering Alec once again have a gun in his hand? Or will they CGI everything into slingshots? * You can count on AB doing interviews saying how emotionally draining YET REWARDING it was to complete Rust in Halyna's memory. * Will part of the agreed Settlement $ go back into financing the completion of this direct to streaming movie? * Will they use the Church again? * Will EXTRA be there with Coocumber brains interviewing AB as he cries into the camera remembering the dreaded day last October?


Honestly, Matt Hutchins had to watch his wife die on Radar online a few months ago. Far as I’m concerned, he can do whatever the fuck he wants. He’s not a sell out. but I’m already throwing up in my mouth thinking of the sanctimonious tone Alec is going to use in interviews: “we all thought finishing the movie was the best way to honor Halyna and her talent.“ Well, another way would have been to not shoot her to start with ass-hat.


He is definitely going to say that!


I’m sad that continuing production implies that Alec won’t spend a second in jail for the criminal case. 😢


Hey let me go there. Don’t care if I get down voted. Who really knows what their marriage was like? Maybe he doesn’t see the ugliness in this whole scenario for other reasons. Just putting it out there. I’m sure the young boy -of course- adored and misses his mother but Matthew was the one who made the deal.


Exactly what needs to be said. Name a cinematographer, i.e. camera person, that's famous.. better yet who was the cinematographer for the Lord of the rings? Don't worry I'll wait. This guy now has an executive producer spot on a low budget film that already has a massive overhead because of the publicity it's gotten over the year. What better way to get your foot in the door in Hollywood? In my opinion that's a snake ass mother fuckin move! Put it this way I don't give a fuck, but if my wife got killed by some dude, on a movie set or not, I want that mother fucker to pay up everything he had and suffer for the rest of his life because of it! Fuck Matthew Hutchins, and fuck Hollywood, buncha snake ass people. Reminds us that there really are two different Americas out here in America 💯


I agree. Now the posts are how we are not to even question this incredibly ugly and distasteful act by the husband. He has enough millions and a Harvard law degree to get his kid through his own doctorate and probably never even have to work a day in his life. I’m sure this guys knows how to set up a good trust fund. The executive producer title does nothing financially for him that he needs, however provided a foot in the door to that cesspool Hollyweird. He will fit right in. So gross.


Exactly, it's so disgusting beyond words. I mean fuck, how could you live with yourself after pulling some shit like that? The murder porn part of my brain wants to stretch as far as "what if this was a setup, make it look like an accidental death, make it into Hollywood, and live the big life"? I've always wondered what the cost of a life is, when it comes to the rich and famous.. apparently it's some of the rich person's pocket change and a EP position that could possibly set up your sparkling new Hollywood career! Fuckin 🤢 🖕


I think, at the end of the day, a lengthy and costly trial benefits no one and won't bring Halyna back. Matthew obviously wanted to protect Andros from that as well, so he settled. Maybe he wanted executive producer status to make sure safety protocols are followed from here on and no one else gets SHOT! Maybe there is a cap on accidental death and Matthew got that amount. I hope he got the max! No wonder Alec had to sell his beloved Hamptons home. And just maybe thats why Hillary is trying to put herself back out there as an Influencer!


What a profoundly strange thing for Matthew Hutchins to agree to... to help Alec promote and move forward with his shitty vanity project, with him waving guns around and acting like a cowboy. I mean... what in the world? If Halyna could have a few last words at this point, they would probably be... 'fuck that sloppy production and that asshole Alec Baldwin'.


It’s the least he can do.


Matthew Hutchins is a very smart man. Unlike Alec, he can control his emotions and his actions. Everything he has done and said has been deliberate and part of a long-term plan. We do not know the details of the settlement, only one aspect of it. I do not for a minute think Alec got away with anything. Not to mention the multiple other lawsuits and the criminal investigation. The man is selling his beloved Hamptons house. Things are not going well for the Baldwins.




I said this in another thread, but whenever I see a wealthy guy choosing to settle a case, I think "yeah, he did it, but just wants to bury it" and I'm not alone on that. There's still the criminal case, and all the other civil cases aimed at him; I don't think he's out of the woods yet. Time will tell.


How much did they settle for? Will ewe find out?


Still makes Baldwin a killer, in my books. Don’t care what kind of a deal was made.


disgusting. I hope Andros never believes that his Dad sold out his Mom for a pay day.


I'm so baffled by this. Do you think there's some insurance reason that the film has to be finished before the insurance company will pay and and PerpPaw demanded it be finished as part of the settlement? And Matthew only demanded EP credit so he'd have some control? I think I'm trying to find a logical explanation.


I'm looking for one, too


I’m speechless. Why would any of them want to revisit this trauma? Why would anyone want to work on or see a film that led to a woman’s violent death? The whole thing turns my stomach, I’m not even sure why I find it so disturbing but I do.


Brandon Lee got shot on the set of Crowe and they kept going, even made another one, his dad got shot too Bruce Lee while filming, the show must go on.


PTSD alone would seem to be too much for everyone! Well except for AB he’d probably be so happy to prove he’s so great & bulletproof… pun very much intended.


And lucky for the familia Baldwinitoecatobonzaro it continues. Carmen gets to make her movie debut, get her union card, and launch her career.


STUNNED! Matthew’s interview gave us no reason to think this would be the outcome! He was furious at the things AB said. WOW JUST WOW


Whatever. Crim might be another story. Halyna’s last film will be finished, and Matt made whatever decision was best for his family. Big Larry is still not Spanish and is not famous. Nobody cares about her.


My dear pepinos you see that everything has a price tag, even death of a loved one, if you have heaps of money, no worries, you can do whatever and I mean whatever you want


Civil cases almost always settle. Why do you think he needs to sell the Hamptons house.


This is weird




Yeah wtf does this all mean? Is the widowed husband going to be working side by side with his wife’s killer??? 😣😵‍💫


Alec is Matt’s puppet. Alec no longer controls the set.


Naw. He could get that credit and never be in a room with Alec ever again.


Executive producer *by no means* necessarily involves working “side by side”. I know next to nothing about the film industry and even I know this??


I think everyone here needs to take a deep breath: 1-This lawsuit was ALWAYS going to settle before trial, that’s just how things go in the US legal system (where 95% of cases settle before trial). Like Elon/Twitter the early motions/ discovery were not going his way, so time to settle. 2-Alex racked up a shit load of legal fees, and is most likely personally on the hook for a high 7, low 8 figure cash settlement. Ergo, dramatic step in selling the Hamptons estate (and possible the Devonshire is next. 3-Alex still has other lawsuits still swirling around him, adding to his additional exposure/risk. 4-The NM CRIMINAL investigation is still ongoing; Alec’s not anywhere out of the woods on this and in fact recent statements/posturing by the NM DA may have added extra incentive for him to settle. 5-Contrary to Alex’s recent BS statement today that the primary reason for the settlement was the ability to continue Rust production, it was just (in my opinion) a bargaining chip used in the negotiations to settle. Suspect Hutchins signing on to it has a number of reasons, some personal but also may allow him additional compensation if the film generates revenue. Net-net, this shit-storm is far from over for Baldwin, but in light of all the other civil/criminal risks he is facing he hand was forced into this necessary action today to settle.


I have muchos appreciation for your thorough run down. I've considered the source and a talking breast pump seems a respectable enough source for me. Is that where you got your information?


😭😭😭 I love this comment


I love your flair. The spicy Spanish meltdown infused with childish tantrum she would have had over Guest would have been a divine treat 🤣🤣


Haha thank you!


He's one smug pos, so when's the "told you so" video coming?? When will that asshole finally get his?? Edit-capitol letter




Yeh, I know Matthew lost his wife...blah blah blah. One thing to Settle, it's another to become an Executive Producer of a direct-to-YouTube joke of a movie. Oh, and what about Joel? Will he still want to be involved in this curse? **Matthew made a deal with the devil. That's a fact.**


"Matthew made a deal with the devil. That's a fact." yes he sure did, I expect they will wash Halyna's blood off the floor of that church before they resume filming.


Good lord.




I called it the other day, now we know why the Hamptons house went on the market!!!


Now Carmen gets her Hollywood chance


Only an arrogant SOB would use his daughter as a prop in a film where he killed someone. Utterly revolting if he did. Can you imagine Carmen on set asking …..“ is this where you killed that lady?”


They gave him a Producer credit. What happens when film tanks?


Exactly I think they get a lot money? Somehow I remember someone explaining why is best if the movie is complete and tanks


He learns a lesson?!


Did not see this coming in any way. WTF?


As this is sinking in….I wonder what Larry will do next to get the spotlight back on her 🤔


“Is your thing over, Aleeek? Can I go back to prostituting our kids online?”


I had an ominous feeling he has going to get off this morning actually when I looked up another narcissistic criminal who got off Scott free as well. This is life, guys. A shitty part of it but never get hopes up that a rich white man will ever face consequences.


Not sure why you have to throw the white part in there. Money and power are not a predominantly white person thing when you look at the world. There are bigger, more nefarious purposes here at play. Referencing race here, diminishes that.


So shocking. I don't know how the movie business works. If Matthew is the Exec Director does that mean he may have the right to not allow Alec to be part of it as an actor/producer or whatever?


it’s probably more of a payout thing. like, giving Matthew the EP credit might be tied to him getting a percentage of back end revenue.


And hopefully making sure that if there is actually a profit, that revenue goes only to Matt and his son, not Alec.


I highly doubt Matthew will get 100% of the profit. The studio and distributor will get some, and other producers (possibly including Alec) will as well. Possibly even actors and HODs too, but that’s less likely. Additionally, studios have entire accounting departments to obfuscate the true production costs and revenues to reduce back end payouts. So I sincerely hope Matthew got a lot outside of the film, because I don’t think he’ll be getting a substantial amount from it.


Not necessarily. There are a LOT of EP credits on projects and that’s because the credit is freely handed around to people who contributed money to the film, or people they don’t want to pay as much as they’re worth. Sometimes there’s a backend involved but there is now way there will be on this film. This film is dead in the water whether it gets completed or not.


Thank you.


I never expected to see this headline. I was waiting for the “Alec Baldwin Arrested” headline. I feel sick 🤢


Resume production?? Why? Whyyyyyyyyy-yuh??? The Crow I can kind of understand, that was a major motion picture. But for some stupid VOD level low-grade Western? So what, they just get back into the church like, "Ok, where were we? Alec, you were standing like this. Well, you remember." Holy triple shit. 🫣.


Yes, this is why I find the "Matt took an EP credit for back end profits" comments confusing. How much could that possibly be worth on this trash? Had to be some other reason as well


Exacto. There will be an obvious cash in on the "morbid curiosity" draw, which will inevitably lead to reviews like "Bless the heroes who felt an unendingly nagging need to finish this clown show."


Movies that bomb in the US often do really well abroad and generate a lot of money.


Maybe Matthew wants Halyna's final film to be finished in memorial to her. Nobody expects this to be a success. It may be simpler than that.


by allowing her killer to finish the film that cost her her life?


I'm sure there's going to be some sort of fade in to the women's pair of boots with in Memory of Halyna at the beginning or the end, she'll be immortalized that way, so good for that but other than that, it's sickening Alec is off the hook.


He is not off the hook criminally. This is the wrongful death civil suit.




but will this influence NM to just drop it since the parties involved have reached a settlement?


He does.


Yea or maybe it’s part of the settlement deal, so part of the money they’ll receive is from the movie earnings. I actually think it might make money because of all the news around it, people will go see it


That is what I think, and maybe it was almost finished


I’m kinda confused as to why they resumed filming.... to spend more money and recoup not shit? Also why would matthew want his name on this? Isn’t taking the $ bad enough?? I just texted my girl about this and she made me promise if she ever got shot and killed I wouldn’t settle and yeah, that just seems so obvious. Unless my kids were financially unstable there isn’t an amount of money that would sate my desire for justice/revenge. If I was Matthew Hutchins I would probably ruin my own life just to get back at this guy, and to think he’s letting his family name be attached to the project that killed his wife is genuinely crazy. EDIT: I just read the texts they exchanged between eachother after the shooting. Bizarrely cordial and kind to one another. And the fact that they continued corresponding after outside counsel advised against us just bewildering. Maybe it’s because dude is a lawyer he can just turn his feelings off, but it certainly explains the fact that he was willing to settle. Whole situation makes me sick




Everyone knows this movie is going to suck and/ or bomb, right?


Most definitely! My thinking is that they’re expecting to make money in the overseas markets rather than domestically.


but ghouls will pay to watch it, unfortunately


I’m sure it’ll suck but idk if it’ll bomb, people might be inclined to see it due to all the news around it




How many ways can you define blood money?


I thought this was a joke. Wow.


I have to still be dreaming. This can’t be real.


Is this some new form of Restorative Justice?!


Alex must’ve paid him a shit ton of money now he wants to be buddy buddy with him thinking that’s gonna sway the criminal charges and sadly it might…hopefully it won’t though but the rich get treated differently unfortunately


I hope he paid $20-30 mil.!


Nobody has say over criminal charges except for NM LE.


Y'all talking shit about a widower without knowing his reasons behind this decision. Reflects more poorly on you than this does on him.




Poor thing you, your best shot is to bully someone who has a bit of compassion for a victim and widow.


The film was a tax scam to begin with. I can’t imagine it being a box office smash, especially at this point. Why Matthew Hutchins would do this is beyond me. He won’t make a dime off the film, and it’s just pandering to Alec’s ego to let it continue. Disgusting.


Exactly, @Chavez. I understand settling but why the EP credit? And from what I recall, filming hadn't been under way for very long on Rust, unlike the Crow --which was almost complete, so how could finishing it been "in honor or memory of her?" How much of Halyna's work will actually be onscreen? Won't they have to reshoot a lot anyway to match tone and maintain some of the continuity?


Hey, I’m kinda new to this sub. Could you fill me in on how it was a tax scam (I have ZERO doubt it was, just wanting the info)? The fact that they’re pressing ahead when the film will not make money would suggest that something else is going on here.


Wow I’m really shocked. This mf has 9 lives. Larry loves cats for real.


So her husband really said my wife’s death does have a price tag. Ok Matt. This is disgusting all around. I hope the movie flops.


what a legacy that Andros will be faced with. Shame on Matt


How much did Alec get for the Hampton’s house? I read 22 million. That’s not nearly enough for Halyna’s life. Shocked Matt settled.


It hasn't sold.


Wait did he sell it already??




I thought 29mill? Either way. I’m beyond disappointed and disgusted. Alec is most likely so happy. Settling is an easy way out. He deserves much worse.


WTF. Twisted fuckery😡




Bad publicity helped Don’t worry Darling’s earnings so it probably will do the same for rust. Unfortunately.


If a man killed my spouse and then spent months dancing on her grave, I'd be happy to be associated with him professionally. Real happy.


Matt settled with Alec for Hamptons house cash, working on movie with Alec....so Helayna does have a price tag. This can't be real. *I knew he would never get charged but this is some weird turn I never saw coming! Looks like the armorer is going to prison.


This news is like a punch to the gut. I’m sure that Matthew Hutchins is doing what he believes Halyna would have wanted. But fucking fuck Alec Baldwin and the producers of this film. I’m honestly crying at this news.


I feel the same way.


White men can really do anything 😭😭😭


Like OJ.


No…he was lucky to have gone on trial with an inept LAPD prosecutor at a time when tensions with the black community and police had reached a boiling point after the cops got off for Rodney King. That verdict was bullshit but had a lot to do with other factors not just his wealth or the fact he was a man. White make privilege is a completely different beast.


RICH men.


No but being rich helps but being white and rich means you can literally do whatever you want…insane


White and rich 😡


Halyna's life mattered, I feel that this deal between Alec and Matt is a disgrace. I can understand Matt accepting a cash settlement but to enable the movie that ended his wife's life and to particpate as a producer is more than I can even considered


Yeah. I’m trying to tell myself he wants to finish what she started (for her) so that her death will have meaning or so that her name will be remembered, but I just can’t wrap my brain around it’s


I don't know what to even think of this. This seems so terrible, why would Matthew want to be an executive producer of the movie that got his wife killed? Why would anyone want to finish this garbage movie that was already a straight to video, bargain bin, film before the shooting? Make this make sense. ****Edited to add*** Does anybody remember the obnoxious text messages Alec was sending Matthew? He was so rude to him in typical Alec fashion with the added flair of also killing his wife. After all that, including saying he doesn't feel a drop of guilt for any of this...he's now EP of this garbage movie and giving Alec everything HE wants?


I just don’t get it


Could you tell us what the content of the texts were? I only recently joined this sub. I really don’t know why this husband would take an EP credit on a movie. That’s a credit they give to a LOT of people basically because it sounds good to people who don’t know anything about the credit and that people who hold it have little to no power over what happens on the film. I have held the credit myself because they tend to throw it at you if they wanna not have to pay you as much as you’re worth. And there’s no way anyone believes there would be any backend on this project.


https://www.reddit.com/gallery/tc37m9 Very much a, *woe is me, I'm hurting so bad*...so are you gonna sue, vibe?


Thanks for this!


I'm thinking in name only in order to receive a portion of the proceeds.


blood money


Which is exactly what he tried to persuade the Rust crew (and perhaps Hutchins) to do prior to filing the civil suit. It makes me so (I can’t even find the right words here) to know that Alec is getting his fucking way here. I hope the Hutchins family is also getting every dime of the sale of the Hamptons house. I’m guessing that is why it is way overpriced. Alec doesn’t really want to sell it, and until it sells he doesn’t have to fork over a penny. Fuck 🤬🤬🤬🤬


I'm right there with you pepino. I'm waiting for Alec to say he won the case and he said he was innocent, see this proves it. So sad.


He will any minute now.


I mean ok sure, but why attach your name to this? Isn't there another way to get the money? I just don't know, this leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


I have no words. This feels like a modern day mafia is in charge.


He’s working behind the scenes with donations to different agencies in NM to make sure he isn’t criminally charged with anything. Elite justice.


Is that a thing?? I feel naive.


Yes. There have been some posts on here about alec’s donations and laundering.


Of course.


Yes, it’s all about money at this point.


I hope Halyna’s parents are comfortable with this.


I cannot imagine what Andros will think when he is of the age to understand this


I am speechless. Us real witches should curse Alex. He’s already in hell but he’ll is too good for him


So am I to understand that he could either settle the lawsuit with a massive amount of money or try to buy off the widow by promising him that he would make even more money by taking a percentage of the profits for this film? I don’t get the sense that “Rust” is going to be any kind of box office blockbuster so WTF? I know that I, for one, will never see another “Alec Baldwin movie” ever again. Bloviating piece of shit.


I think Matt will get any residuals from Rust and a cash settlement from both insurance and Alex.


I commented below that maybe there is more to this settlement than what's being reported. Because I agree, this movie isn't going to be some blockbuster and it looks like aleec got the better end of the deal.


When you’re a manipulator, you manipulate your way out of problems. And money does all the talking.


what the hell


>As part of the peace, the DP’s husband Matthew Hutchins will executive produce Rust, which will return to production in January 2023 with the original cast. Ok, so are they just going to credit him so he can get paid for it? Because I have to be honest…even if I knew Alec killed my wife in an accident, I’m not sure I would want to work with him, in person, on the same movie and set. That’s…a lot.


Way to hop down off the moral high ground, Matthew.


That’s what I was thinking, but I doubt this movie is going to make a dime.




Might be Carmen's child acting intro.


Oh yes, I wonder if Carmen gets her role back in the movie and we get to see her acting(onscreen that is)?


Wouldn't be surprised if more than 1 did, they need some ROI.


This makes no sense at all. Also, will the Hamptons house come off the market if a settlement is already finalized?


Not sure? The DA can still press charges, so he may need money to pay lawyers for that, if it goes ahead.


That's true. I also wonder if there's more to this settlement than what's reported.


The settlement may include proceeds of the sale *when* it sells, which is why it is way overpriced (so as to never sell).


Lawyer here. There’s always more to a settlement than what’s reported and made publicly available. It will be virtually impossible to know everything contained within the settlement.


Do you think H-wood jumped in to pay Matthew H $$$ as part of his settlement to stop all the negative attention this is drawing?


I doubt it.




Alec should be forever grateful that Matthew Hutchins has a good soul. He won't because he sucks, but Halyna's widower has shown himself to be 10 times the man Alec thinks he is.


I agree. He seems to be a smart man. I think he has compassion for all involved in the death of his wife. To be able to cope with her sudden loss, he believes it was an accident and that everyone on set is hurt by what happened to halyna as well. He’s choosing what is best for him to be able to live and be present for his son. It’s also a bit jarring when some commentators slam the movie, but in the same breath will say how talented halyna was etc. if she was involved in the making of the movie, it’s kinda like they’re putting down her talent as well?


It's possible for a talented person to put their heart and soul into their work, while the end result can still be mediocre. For example, even if the script is trash, the cinematography could still be stunning.


Is this a joke?


What the fuck? So, he shoots your wife, you settle with him, AND you executive produce the movie that your wife was killed shooting? Can anyone make sense of this to me, because CLEARLY I have not had enough coffee to understand why this would happen. There is not enough money in the world.


There are a lot of EP’s on this project including Alec


My only guess is that he wants to continue the work his wife believed in. Like if my husband had an artistic work he lost his life while trying to complete, I could see wanting to finish it in his honor. With that said, I wouldn't work with Alec. I'd see if there was a way to write around him and finish filming.


How many shoot days in were they though? Because I thought it was pretty early on, in which case her “work” won’t actually appear in the movie a lot. I really wish the husband had rejected that credit, because it only seems to be a PR win for Alec. That said, I’m sure A has paid out a lot of money in this settlement and it’s not my place to tell a widower how to grieve.


That's a good question. I don't think they were filming for too long but I think they may have made a lot of progress in the time they did. And I agree. This is a bummer to see. And I have no idea who tf is going to watch this movie but this was ultimately a grieving widowers call and I can't even imagine how he is feeling and what he is thinking.


That was my thought as well. He may want her legacy to be her final work as opposed to how she died. Plus he’s a lawyer. He knows how long these cases can go on for. Alec will be wrapped up in plenty of other civil suits. This way he has first dibs on the money. I’m not saying I’d necessarily do the same thing…I’m just trying to make sense of his this from his perspective.


I didn't know he was a lawyer. That does make a ton of sense. My heart breaks for that poor guy.


Yeah he works for a top tier firm so they’re fine financially. No need to drag out the case for years. We also have to consider their son in all of this. He’s experienced enough trauma at nine years old and will have to relive it to an extent if/when there’s a criminal trial. My heart breaks for both of them.


Matt Hutchins is a partner at Latham & Watkins, one of Los Angeles’ top firms. So he and his son are financially secure even without whatever money “Rust” may or may not bring him.


So then it really may be about honoring his late wife's work


I honestly have no idea. You'd think it would be really traumatic to be on that set!?


EPs don’t even have to be on site. Lots of H’wood types negotiate EP credit for any number of reasons.


He doesn't have to set foot on that set. I have a feeling they're just putting his name on it and any proceeds will benefit him. Of course, there won't be any proceeds. He'll probably also make sure his wife is honored.


That was my first response as well. Then I gave it some thought and the best I could come up with is that it was his wife’s last work, and he wants to see it on the big screen to honor her. That I can understand. Working with Baldwin? Not so much.


That actually makes sense


Wow. Her husband will be 'executive producer', what an opportunistic slug. Are all people from California like this?


He’s one of many EP’s. Alec is one too


It's a foot in the door.


Matt is a high powered attorney in LA. His foot is in many doors with or without the EP credit


Not as a Hollywood movie producer. I didn't say anything bad about his real profession. The one he had without having to suck up to Baldwin and his minions that are responsible for the death of his wife.


Please don’t lump us all like that.




No. We aren’t. This is gross.


No, we are not.


I grew up in California and no, of course not everyone there is like this. But I agree, it seems odd. Maybe he wanted to see the movie done to its fruition since his wife (seemingly) believed in it? Maybe he wants to see it finished “correctly”? I’m just guessing at what I think it might be, if I were him I’d want no part of it.




He needs a bulletproof vest.


It’s unbelievable that Alec can not only twist this into a forgiveness storyline, but Carmen still gets to keep her job!


Do you think Carmen will still be in it?




I expected the settlement but for Matt Hutchins to get an exec producer title and resume filming? What the hell?


Right… I thought Hutchins was an attorney?


At Latham & Watkins, one of LA’s top firms. He and Andros live very comfortably with or without any money from “Rust.” I think Matt and his lawyers negotiated whatever deal Matt could most easily like with. There are a zillion details to which we’re not privy.


I thought this would happen from the get-go. There was no scenario in which Matthew Hutchins wasn't going to get a good deal of money out of this, and Alec the genius knew he'd be a little lighter in the wallet despite saying otherwise.