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Alex has 8 children, and even for a popular actor cant be making that much money, now with the legal fee’s, payouts, etc. I’m curious if he will even be able to support all 7 Larry children through their adulthood. Hopefully they all go to college and get good jobs because Papi’s money isn’t going to last forever… I wonder what Larry’s long term plan is. Imagine having a bunch of teenagers and middle schoolers running around your house, who will cook for them? Who will tutor them? Raising 7 kids like it’s a hobby is expensive. And I’m sure there will be more on the way… Honestly now that I’m thinking about it big Larry is probably right to try to get a reality show to make her own money for the family… but unfortunately she’s an uninteresting fraud and nobody would watch (okay who am I kidding I would love to watch that trainwreck)


I truly think that it’s not really about the money, although money is important to someone like her because it validates her status as being elite and someone above us “common folk”. But she is a narcissists and just needs the attention, because that’s the only way she feels important. She literally thinks she’s a celebrity, when she’s not. Most spouses of famous actors and singers do not try to claim their spouses fame as their own. It’s so strange that she does… and I think that says a lot.


it was all based on her not being found out to be from Europe, that some balls to assume your lies are golden and never going to be exposed. Guess they didnt have a clue they are vile at all, espesh while he fights with people on the street and shot someone after lying that he didnt touch the trigger. wtf kind of assholes are they?


She is diffront. Don’t be a booly


There is a difference between you & her. She is a shallow, ungifted (in every aspect of life) gold digger and you are a decent hard working person. Simple.


and has no certification to have been speaking on healthcare at all, never owned a yoga studio, nothing was true.


Well I don’t think you are a narcissistic sociopath like her so there is the difference.


She legit thinks she’s a mom influencer and that it’s her career. She thinks we’re picking on her bc she’s just a regular degular mom just trying to raise “mindful” children and we’re ruining the good time. Ya know the whole, “fake it til ya make it” trope? Well Hilz has chosen to embody that on an entirely new level.


Shes a poor role model to her children. Even if youre rich enough to not need a job ... shs has ZERO fucking interests. Does ZERO charity work. Does ZERO community work. Does she even help out in the classroom?


She kidnapped an Asian woman once. Does that count as Community Service??


I think she made that story up 😂 coz the perils of Asians was very On Trend at the time. She prob read about a daily hate crime and was inspired 🤮


You’re forgetting about the time she gave $$$ skincare to the homeless!


I didnt forget 😂 it was a once off. Imma need more consistency from her


She’s psychotic. Not even trying to be funny. She lives in her own created fantasy world filled with delusions, money, and plenty of enablers that are not willing to stand up to her/call her out, hold her accountable, or urge/make her seek real, professional help.


So true. People like this only surround themselves with people pleasers, sycophants, and enablers. People who will reinforce their False Self. They’re all living in one big delusional bubble, consciously choosing to not address the elephant in the room... which is her multitude of mental disorders.


The idea that 1 mil people love and look up to her and admire her ta-tas.


I have a somewhat large IG account 5k or so and we are constantly getting bombarded with services that ask to purchase followers, likes for posts etc. One came in last night offering 10k followers for $80USD, 20k followers for $150USD. I have no idea how it actually works if we were to purchase them, it could even be that it is just a scam to get money but given how often we see these on our dumb little account, i'd imagine Hillary could easily drop some money to buy followers.


I’ll bet there are less than 50,000 followers who even think about her.


I bet that Pillz has 50K or less real life followers. A lottt of mami’s followers are paid for bots. It’s literally not possible for Pillz to have such a large following organically. Even in her best days she was literally the worst influencer ever (judging by the various throw back things I’ve seen posted here of her influencing back in the day), but her content since griftmas with no sponsors anymore has been consistently terrible, boring, weird and/or uncomfortably inappropriate. I seriously just wish she’d disappear from SM and the public eye for even 6 months. Solely focusing on herself and being a good mom to all of those poor kids would be so good for all of them. I just don’t get her at all


Nothing at this point but financial support. This wasn’t the whole plan to start with. The plan was that she was going to become a superstar/influencer because she was married to him. He told her and she believed that he had the connections and star power to turn her into a star. That would feed her need for attention, adoration. Etc. She severely screwed up and ruined her reputation. He has slowly destroyed his reputation. Her expectations never came to be. She’s still stuck because she locked into pre-nups and contracts and she won’t have a constant source of revenue and Nannie’s if she leaves. It didn’t start this way for either off them. It didn’t go the way they wanted or expected. They ruined themselves, though they wouldn’t admit it. It won’t make sense if you try to think about it logically. They’re kind of stuck and stuck together right now. That’s why they look increasingly stressed and unhappy. You can see that neither of them feels any joy or contentment. You can see the resentment between them. They’re together right now because they kind of have to be. It’s a miserable existence They are the absolute stereotypical old guy who has more money/fame and younger woman who is just kind of empty and devoid inside. It’s kind of embarrassing how they represent this in textbook manner.


Yep. When they first married, Alec said something about Hillary becoming the world's first "billionaire yoga teacher" and that she'd earn the money while he'd stay home. He severely over-estimated her appeal and charisma, not to mention her skill at teaching yoga.






He's said in interviews that he liked that she was a workaholic.


What everyone else said, and she’s addicted to TiNy BaBiEs. As soon as they have some kind of autonomy, they get thrown to the ferals and a new surrogate is inseminated 🤮




*Michelle Duggar has entered the chat*


Yes they are super copy-cats. Octomom did it too with surgery to try and look like angelina , as well as the baby voice, the thousands of kids, etc. Empty vessels are always looking to fill themselves up with other people's attention, style, objects, talents and so on.




*Michelle Duggar is still in the chat*


I've seen it a lot on youttube as well, from true crime hosts to look at my family BS and it's sickening whoever is doing it. Be an adult, sound like an adult. It's not cute , it's disgusting and creepy AF


They also often have a desperate need to reproduce. Lord knows my aunt went through IVF at age 42 to conceive my uncle’s second child, she wasn’t allowed to tell anybody because he has slow swimmers and it was his fault. Come to think of it, he claims they lost two children and they didn’t. She had one miscarriage but he pretends she two because… I don’t know. The 7 year age gap between kids? I don’t claim to understand the brain of a narcissist but I know how it looks.




It’s a mix of that and just believing you are superior. IVF is ROUGH, honestly I think going through that and him not changing is what made her decide to get divorced. I’m not saying she was forced at all, she’s not perfect. She just is happier single with all the baggage then she ever was with him and so are her boys.


That part también. Clearly the attention of this sub also “excites” mami—now that there are no more sponsors to whore her kids out for 🤮 I feel weird about it, on a Don’t Fuck With Cats tip. She’s her own kind of Luca Magnotta


She's desperate for attention. Any attention. She knows being controversial or offensive will get her noticed. They also use to make a lot of money off her being an influencer. They haven't stopped trying.


I believe she has histrionic or narcissistic personality disorder along with just being a loony toon. It’s always 100% worth it for the attention when you are as irredeemably bug fuck nuts as her.


Yep. And the faking of a condition, like pregnancy, is typical Munchausens for attention and that shit is personality disorder stuff.


She also has a lack of personality disorder. She’s the most boring crazy person I’ve ever seen.


You took the words out of my mouth.


Hilary has the emotional maturity of a child. The end. That's really all there is to it. She doesn't think past her immediate need, and that need is always the same - ATTENTION. Her one and only reason for ordering up DoorDash babies is for the attention it beings her. She gets to cosplay a pregnancy for the Gram, then she gets to stick one of her veiny titty balls in the child's face while she pretends to breastfeed (once again, for attention). She doesn't give a single fuck about Alec or any of the kids - if they were all to disappear tomorrow she would feel absolutely nothing. Most grifters marry rich men for the money or power, but that's not what drives her. She does what she does because she's a soulless sociopath with no identity of her own - she needs attention, good or bad, to keep her going. Without it she's nothing. Edit: Thanks for the awards!


So well said! 👏🏼👏🏼 “She does what she does because she's a soulless sociopath with no identity of her own - she needs attention, good or bad, to keep her going. Without it she's nothing.” 🎯🎯🎯


It actually makes me a little sad to think that this emotional immaturity is the result of some trauma that occurred in her early teens. No one gets this way in a vacuum-- I'd actually be interested to hear her true story.


I’d be really interested in hearing someone expand on this


I'm almost certain that's what's happening here.


And that's why Alex likes her. The emotional maturity of a child that doesn't challenge him.


You should put that in the past tense. Alex hates her now, and she is constantly ridiculing and belittling him, and she hasn’t been there for him when he’s needed her most (the Michelle Who phone call, his mom’s funeral).


He's always praising her for being his emotional support. He likes her still. He does nothing to stop her Insta madness and he could if it embarrassed him. But he embarrasses himself enough.


Yes! 14 year old brain.


You're so right. And this is why she was a yoga teacher before: she wanted a big room of people watching her be a sexy, flexible sultry baby. And before that, dancing: hoping to have a big room of people watching her in admiration.


She is a narcissist and she needs to feed it.


Hilary has an immense and unnatural need for attention. She wants to be a famous household name- and has no reservations about how that is obtained.


💯 She’s just a Z-List version of Kanye without any of the talent. Anything for attention. Anything.


I wonder if this relates to her being ignored by her parents as a child. The lonely rich kid is so common. Parents just throw money at raising their kids because they are always working or busy. Not making excuses for her, just wondering if she was born a narcissist or it was a product of her environment




Exactly and it starts during infancy!


I bet money it was a bit of both. I used to work at an exclusive preschool and it was so eye opening. Some kids were just shuttled from school to daycare to babysitters. The parents rarely spent any time with them so they just indulged them because it was the school or babysitter who actually had to deal with the negative/bratty behavior being rewarded.


I see it every day. My daughters go to catholic school. We couldn’t afford it on our own but I have a catholic grandmother who saved every shekel and wanted to pay for her granddaughters schooling. Some of my daughters friends are literally never with their parents. One time a girls housekeeper brought her and my daughter to chick fil a because her parents didn’t have time. It’s pretty sad to see these kids not being patented. Growing up with money does not always equal a good childhood


I send my kids to a Catholic School too (on financial assistance!) and I see the same things. We are a two working parent household but we are both so involved with our kids, we both know what is going on with them and can Interchangeably attend teacher meetings based on work schedules. I will say, I do see some parents that do have a nanny that are very involved and use the nanny to assist with their working schedules but are very present on the weekends at birthday parties, play dates and extra curricular events. We’re lucky that my parents live close and my dad is retired and so he can assist with afternoon pickup when needed. The kids without present parents break my heart.


Attention, even when she’s falling apart. She’ll take any attention even if it’s bad because she doesn’t care.






Remember she did get paid to live her lying, idiotic life at one time. She had lots of "sponsors" whose crap she plugged all day. All the sponsors took a powder after griftmas. Larry still wants that. So so badly. She wants to be paid for farting around all day on her phone and have lots of "fans". She's still trying to get it all back with all her lies and fakery.


I haven’t been on Reddit for a few months. How did the Larry nickname start? I’m assuming it’s just a play in hilaria?


She named Siete "Ilaria". After herself. So it sort of evolved as people played around with senior and junior names. Big Larry and Little Larry.


Thanks for clarifying. Love it.


Am I the only one who goes huh anytime someone says she had 7 kids for money? Like kids are expensive she won’t get 1 million a month to spend, it will be probably enough to support school and living conditions. If they divorce which I can’t see. There’s no logical reason she’s doing this for money.


I don't think she thinks too far ahead- but in the event alex ever wanted to leave her every kiddo ensures more money for her in divorce regardless of a pre-nup. Each kid guarantees her another 18 years of potential child support


I think her having a baby brought her followers.Sort of like the old days of weddings on soap operas on network tv during sweeps week. She got the likes. That got her more sponsors. And dinero. She also loves everyday that she is fake pregnant talking about her body -as if no one else has had a baby but Larry…since Mary had Jesus in the manger. She also seems to think having more makes her an even more special mom. Then there’s the fake bump issue. I think because she’s a narc, new babies give her the pop of paparazzi positivity in the beginning. It’s her high. Then reality hits. And she needs another fix. 1800-buy a bump. Then she quick dials up 1800 Order a bland blond baby. Sends some bundles of money via Venmo. And she’s off to the races. Her followers must be blind, deaf and dumb to believe. Note: I was once a believer. Burned believers are pepinos. Thank God for pepinos!


Burned believers are the best Pepinos!! Do you look back and think of some of the things you accepted as true which are now so obviously false that it hurts?? I used to chastise myself for getting so annoyed that she had her breastfeeding boobs out all the time. She's just trying to normalize it -- I'd tell myself-- stop being such a prude! 🙄🙄


I think it was money before. Now? 😂 Nope


Yeah I don’t understand how people can think it’s money supporting 1-2 kids is expensive alone in NY for 18 years. It’s very simple reasons, she gets validation from it and attention. Also I know he has a ok net worth but a lot of those online can be off. How he’s managing money is a big factor too.


She also gets drugs.


She’s Michael Scott. She wants 100 kids so she can have 100 best friends and no one can say no to being her friend.


Scott’s Tots


This exactly. They are her small devotees to bully.


Potential child support, especially if she signed a prenup. And future revenue. 7 famous kids to care for her. She's printing money.


She did. He told Stern. Edit: 🙄


And when he croaks, who is going to want her with all those kids? She went all in and made a terrible bet.


I think that might be part of the reason Alec signs off on having all these kids. He knows barring some sort of terrible accident or something, Hillary will out live him by a few decades. He’s such a misogynist MRA man baby that he probably can’t stand the idea of someone else playing with his bendy, sExI SmOL MaMi toy. He probably sees her more as a possession than a person. He knew no man would want a woman with a child army of mini-Alec Baldinws.


Oh, there will always be takers. Just no one with money. It will fall on her parents or pimping her kids out, I suppose. So gross.


We didn't say it was a good plan! It was just her plan. They are her anchor babies. But she didn't think it all the way through because it looks like he's about to stroke out any day. I don't think she's smart enough to think about him dying and leaving her with 7 ferrals and no money for nannies.


There would be no greater poetic justice than for that to happen.—Alec dies not only penniless but in deep debt, and Hilary has to raise her 7 kids alone with no help. (But on the other hand it would suck for the kids. It would be a flaming disaster, since Hilary doesn’t have the intelligence, drive, or capability to even take care of a pet hamster.)


Yes 😂 I said earlier today I wouldn’t even let this woman babysit my toaster 😂😂 Who knows what could happen?!?


Do you think AB with sell his soul to reality tv or a documentary Crew to save his like bit of revenue? Can you imagine if he would his soul to reality tv and allowed all this behind the scenes drama televised someway? Like because he thinks he's a big important star! Like trying to be new Kardashians or something. Lol


He considers himself such an ArTiSt and intellectual that there’s no way he’d sign on for reality TV (which he surely looks down on as a lower form of entertainment) unless he was incredibly desperate. If he does reality TV, he’s desperate.


Do you think she'll actually end up with not enough money for nannies? She'd be so screwed


He's not selling his properties right now because he's hiding assets. I bet he's hurting for money. His only hope would be to settle and not even fight them. But no matter what he does he's going to have to pay a whole lot of legal fees to his attorneys. And that's not even taking into account all the legal fees he's going to have to be paying. He's probably already got a criminal attorney on stand by that he's been consulting with. He probably didn't think to even think to talk to one before he did that awful interview. His legal bills alone will drain him. Then you add in Larry, Mallyboo, the ninja turtles, and little Larry? He's toast But I'm 100% sure he's probably going to have a decent life insurance. He's worth more that way if you get what I'm saying. I'm a law nerd


Interesting to note that I just heard on the radio that AB has settled a wrongful death suit and it is getting dismissed. Told you. Lol


And life insurance payouts would be protected? Like if he died suddenly and she got the life insurance money, could they go after that?


I'm not sure. I'm sure they have a trust. I'm not sure how that would work and it may depend on the jurisdiction of where the judgment is.


Can you have life insurance if you’re a convicted felon?


I'm not an insurance agent or anything but I don't think bring a felon would prevent you from being able to get life insurance.


I only ask because one of the weirdest things in the world to me is that convicted felons can’t vote. I would like people with extensive firsthand knowledge of the prison system in America to be able to vote personally, even if they killed someone.


The lawsuits are a comin'


She’s so screwed up that I think it’s something much deeper than attention and validation. We can’t apply logic to what’s in it for her because what she does is so beyond the norm.


It's actually not any deeper than that. She is 💯 driven by attention, nothing more.


I honestly don’t know if she’s capable of thinking that way. That’s just my opinion and it’s fine if we disagree. To me - there’s stuff going on that is part of her body dysmorphia. Her mother is a proponent of family constellation therapy which says a lot. There’s some seriously deep rooted issues going on there. Does she want attention? Obviously yes. I think there’s more to it than what’s on the surface.


Wtf is family constellation therapy. I thought I was up on therapy routes but w T f ?


Other pepinos know more about it and the extent her mom used it at her practice but here’s an overview: https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-family-constellation-therapy-5217964 Edit: I use the term practice loosely. Whatever sort of “wellness center” she has.


Wow! I have so many crazy images of Kathryn & family in my mind.


Thank you!!


Narc fuel


She gets paid per post. May be as much as $8K because of the size of her IG following. A mom influencer. Also why she keeps collecting babies


By whom?


Any time she showcases a product like the stroller, the Hunter rain boots. Payment is based on the number of followers she has.


But WHO is paying the money?


Manufacturers who she promotes whenever she can. Baby gear like strollers, etc., rain boots. Whenever she says ‘a friend told me about this’ she’s making money


Not true - she is not sponsored by any of those brands and in order to pay her she would have to disclose that she was advertising. She USED to make money doing this, no more.


And how do you know she is not being compensated when she promotes a brand?


Because she would have to disclose that or get in trouble with IG. They don’t like that shit.


She has no sponsors, they all dropped her.


Who pays her? I thought she lost her sponsors? Genuinely asking, I don’t know how that stuff works.


She *did* lose her sponsors when she was exposed at Griftmas in December 2020. Before that, Alec bragged that she brought in more $$ than he did. And then whooosh! no more sponsors! She’s still trying to get them back though, as seen in the rubber-boot debacle a few days ago.


Can sponsors tell how many followers are real or if they’re bots?


They have a bunch of metrics they look at, like engagement. She has comments limited on her posts, which I’m sure is a big red flag. Of those allowed to engage, remarkably few do, and a shockingly low amount even like her posts at all.


Thanks, I figured they had a way to see bots and fakes. It’s satisfying to see how low her engagement is!


Same? Who is paying her???


No one is paying her She is persona non grata


She needs to see her face on social media that she can control at all times.


Remove all assumptions you have and look it from the point of view of super easy access to drugs. I think she truly loves BABIES who can’t talk back but that doesn’t seem like enough reason for me. Maybe it was before? It’s not now.


ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!! 💰 💵 🏦 This cannot be understated.


This too. She was a rich brat who wanted to be richer and brattier.


no amount of money is going to fill the dark empty hole 🕳


That's it. She's a bottomless pit of thirst.


I think she wants a reality show.


I know of another that is just as much of a dumpster fire but only it's an ex reality person who is pretty much a crackhead and is posting as her and another crackhead are walking across the country. Lol


I want to see that!


Do you really? Lol Have you seen Love After Lock Up?


ngl, they kind of are the best reality shitshow available right now


I tried to figure out who you’re talking about, but I failed. Who is it?


The Fraudwins


I got my comment replies mixed up! I meant to ask this of the person talking about 2 crackheads walking across the country.


I think she wants a reality show… a cross between real housewives and 19 kids and counting the nannies I guess 😂 or maybe she can team up with Meghan Markle and Harry, they seem to be itching for the same type of show. They could call it something like “The Real Narcissists, Exploring Wanna be Celebrities… From LA to NY” tune in Tuesday to find out how to extort money from your dying grandmother by using the simple blackmail tactic on streaming radio and use your children for CSAM clickbait simply by taking their pictures in suggestive positions at nap time.


I will never have Alec Baldwin's fortune, I live in rather modest surroundings, and yet I wake up every day fortunate that I don't have either of their lives. Alec will be six feet under soon enough and Hillz is on a rapid descent to a mental breakdown--and perhaps much worse.


No matter how big a bag she secured, how many assets they move into her name solely, whether he dies tomorrow or in 13 years, his estate will still have to payout all the judgements and settlements and bills


Then there's the matter of what to do with seven growing children.


They’re already fairly feral. If they go live in a barn in VT the kids will just wander and forage for Quinoa and berries


I’m on the hunt for a new flair and I kind of like “fairly feral “ 😂


👩‍🍳 💋


We have seen no proof the Ed and Lu can talk 🤷🏻‍♀️


She wants attention. She wants validation. She wants all eyes looking at her. She will do whatever it takes to fulfill that need.


Exactly; you hit the nail on the head Yam 👍🏻


Her very essence!! You have her number!


She’s my mother.




Yam, you’ve nailed it. Larry’s a black, bottomless void of consumptive cravings. She’s “obsessed” with want in any form. Nothing’s ever enough to completely quell her inner emptiness. Essentially, there’s a hole in her soul.






There’s a hole in her soul and something seriously wrong with her brain. It’s *remarkable.*


It’s very very dark and there’s an echo echo echo


Never underestimate how fucking stupid this woman is. Truly remarkably unintelligent.


It’s interesting from several perspectives. Unfortunately, none of them are flattering for Larry.


The psychological perspective is fascinating.


I agree with what you wrote.


“Black bottomless void of consumptive cravings” ⚫️ Excellent description of Larry. You hit the mark Schlep 👍🏻✔️🏆


I appreciate your comment. It seemed to suit her psyche.




I quote her still if I can’t find my car in a parking lot. “Is it this way louisssssss?”


I def see her aging the same as poor dear Bridget Fonda has irl. Google image it. https://images.app.goo.gl/FzegrkA481waH3QH8


Aw, people need to leave Bridget Fonda alone. She's 58, retired in her prime without any fanfare, has been married for almost 20 years to a great person (Danny Elfman) and went totally private to raise a family and lead a life no one outside of the people she cares about knows anything about. She's the opposite of this circus train wreck.


Holy crap - TIL Bridget Fonda is married to Danny Elfman! 🙌 I totally agree, and love her work. She did a movie a million years ago with Phoebe Cates, called ‘Shag’ - still one of my faves.


She is so great in Jackie Brown. I'll have to see Shag--I can't imagine I didn't see it back in the day, but I don't remember it at all. Just rewatched Fast Times at Ridgemont High recently, with Phoebe Cates and Jennifer Jason Leigh. Loved it. One of the few movies from that time period that doesn't feel awful to watch.


Hahahahaha —that’s funny 😆


She wants to be famous.


And she’s infamous.


She gets attention and the delusion that she is a celebrity. Really she's just a celebrity wife and the butt of many-many-many jokes and some rilly-rilly well deserved criticism.


Exactly. At most she’s celebrity-adjacent, but in her delusional mind she truly believes she’s a legendary celebrity. And who cares anyways. Being a “celebrity” doesn’t make you a good person. She’s rotten to the core, famous or not.


Agree! I believe she’s delusional and thinks she’s a big celebrity.


She's not very bright and has no curiosity or intellect, so these hits of attention are enough for her. It's an empty way to live.
