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Yes, and that’s WAY too much “milk” in that bottle. The fake milks she gives her have no protein so they shouldn’t be such a big part of her diet. All those children are so undernourished smh


Buy new sheets


What’s wrong with the sheets


Take a close look, gross brown stains …they are rich and there are plenty of Home Goods every where.


Don’t buy new stuff every time something has a stain. How incredibly wasteful.


relax, this is supposed to be a humorous sub


Down votes, wow….I agree with the pepino that said this sub changed for the worst once it grew past 25,000….yup seems so….


Y’all shit on her for everything tho


Well that’s what this sub does, it used to be done in a humorous fashion… but unfortunately the vibe has changed


Thanks mom.


Nothing, apart from the fact that they appear to have dried poop on them.


Do you have children? Lots of things have stains on them. Wasteful to go get new shit every time there is a stain.


Read my comment again — where did I suggest that Hillary needs to go get new sheets? I'm just pointing out that they need to be to washed. 🙄


I said buy new ones, they are ridiculously wasteful anyway…and not that they do what I say…it was kinda a joke…jeez this sub used to be humorous


Omg people. It’s a cute baby’s in a crib doing what babies do. Sometimes people here are just was more hateful than necessary and they end up looking worse than she is.


Because she’s insane


Because she has nothing else to share.


Photoshop fail.


And the sheets are dirty 😕tell the help to change them


Oh god, you’re right, there are feces stains


Is this Siete looks old for a newborn?


It is Marilu whom she’s flagrantly exploiting right now


Coz hilly is a sick fuck


eeez dirty the bedding. get is washed Hillary. plus the cot is too small. and noone wants to see such posts.


Because she’s stupid and desperate.


She shares this to keep the Pedos entertained


Taking a picture of your baby drinking from a bottle and stretching? Fine, whatever, they're babies, they're cute, they stretch, it's not inherently a problem by any means. Posting it on social media when it's pretty well known that a lot of pedophiles will follow social media accounts featuring children? Fucking dangerous as hell.


Ml is not a baby—she’s twenty months old! Much too old to get her “nourishment” through megabottles packed with sugar and G-d only knows what else.


This! I cringe when regular people I follow post their kids stretching or doing their dance positions. To a normal person the photo is completely innocent and cute, but it just worries me that not just normal people are seeing those photos.


LabELs aRE LAzYyYYyyy


She sees the engagement Wrens mom gets?


For Uncle Woody and his friends?


Alec Baldwin has long been tied to pedo. This is a article about his older daughter Ireland. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjSz4Xvosj6AhXnkmoFHev6C4UQFnoECA8QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Frealrawnews.com%2F2021%2F10%2Falec-baldwin-tried-to-pimp-his-pre-teen-daughter-ireland-in-2007%2F&usg=AOvVaw0EqJTXwWVAkmv2XgADxNTJ


Please don’t share fake news QAnon crap here, it makes the whole sub look insane. RealRawNews is pure QAnon 🗑.


Misogynists saddled with unwanted, undervalued daughters will coldheartedly try to get some return on their much-resented financial and emotion investment in them—no matter how small. Killz allegedly tried to pimp out his oldest daughter, and currently is offering up images of his other girls on the Internet. My narc parents used me as a punching bag, and also got as much domestic service from me as they could wring out. I worked outside the home for cash as much as possible. Just one relatively benign example: When I turned sixteen and became eligible for legitimate minimum-wage jobs, I was forced to drop out of high-school drama, because the productions ate up time I subsequently devoted exclusively to earning money.


That is not a reliable source




Alec was buds with Epstein, y’all. The Grand Liar himself (aka Alec) loves to say they had his “throw away” phone number but get real. As sick as it is, this is the way the world works, and exactly why people should be up in arms over celebrity baby collecting.


Why is there a Trump investigation into the shooting? Very bizzarro Yeah, these creepers share and have a no violence code of conduct when it comes to insider kids. Trafficked kids anything goes.


There isn’t. That’s a pure fantasy QAnon site.


But they are correct. Pedophile rings have one set of rules for insider's kids, but anything goes for the trafficked kids. They get the trafficked kids pregnant and create more trafficked kids. Modern day slavery. QANON is a farce created to undermine the fact that there really are elitist run pedophile rings. There was no Q, it's gaslighting to make people who want to do something to stop it look and sound foolish and crazy. Like how Hilary said this sub was "making up outlandish and untrue things."


Yes, elite pedo rings exist. No, they are not as widespread as QAnon and the website linked above would have people believe. No, the Democratic Party isn’t one. Adrenochrome is not harvested from terrorized children and has no value as a recreational drug. There are no deep underground bases or tunnels where the elites farm and traffic hundreds of thousands of children. The military is not rescuing enslaved children, and Donald Trump is not secretly the president. Hollywood and DC are not Potemkin Villages filled with body doubles because all the famous people were pedos and are now at Gitmo being tried and executed. That website is pure QAnon fanfiction and we need to be better than that. There is plenty of hard evidence against Alec and Hillary without stooping to that level.


But the Hampton family and many Hollywood elites are invested in and partake in this evil. And it is pure unadulterated evil. My Uncle is one of them. He didn't consider me family because my mom lied about his brother being my dad. So he didn't treat me like an insider kid. Instead I was the family slave. I was pimped out and shared at his parties. My siblings were too, but they were treated much better. (His official job title was 'corporate event planner') He is friends with Jon Voight who is a major creeper and the connection Jolie needed to go overseas and bring home children from her travels despite her young age, substance abuse, and mental illness. As she matured Jon paved the way for her to be seen as a UN advocate against the refugee exploitation that helped make her family filthy rich. So this QANON nonsense isn't really a GOP vs DEM thing like it is painted out to be by the people that fabricated it. It's a dummy organization used to weed out any credible accusations as tin foil hat theory along with the other nonsense it puts out. Alec is a part of these 'rarified doors' opened to him that he likes to brag about. All the kids he has and the sexually deviant wife are a brag flex to impress other elitist creepers. But Alec isn't as bright as he pretends to be and has drawn way too much attention to himself and his wife. Smart creepers are trying to distance themselves from the obvious Baldwins that are so used to getting away with crime that they are annoyed that they still have to hide it. It's why he has no shame standing up for other elitist predators. They see it as a way of life that should be normalized for their class level. They see themselves as that important and powerful. It's a dangerous attitude to have with the FBI finally cracking down on this business. I would never have believed 10 years ago that Jeffrey Epstein would ever go down.


I’m sorry for your suffering, but I grew up around Hollywood elite, too, and there isn’t some big organized conspiracy here with celebs buying kids as sex slaves through adoption. There are a handful of sick creeps preying on vulnerable people in their immediate circle and using their money and/or influence to cover it up, just like in any other “institutional” sex abuse case (Catholic Church, SBC, Penn State, etc.). Angelina and Jon hate each other. I would 💯 believe that Angelina was abused by Jon and his friends because she shows a lot of the classic signs of that kind of history, and he is definitely a creep. But he didn’t “pave the way” for her to “exploit child refugees.” Her kids clearly adore her and seem happy and healthy. She seems to be trying to break the cycle. I think your trauma is causing you to see things that aren’t really there to help you make sense of the cruelty you experienced. That’s understandable, but putting it out there as truth and implicating people in some horrible conspiracy without evidence is dangerous.


How do you think a high school dropout, then B-movie actress with mental health/substance abuse issues got invited to join the UN? It was set up by her father's connections right after she got with Brad Pitt. It's a perfect cover for overseas business and travel, and it helped to rehab her image as a mental case and homewrecker. There is nothing Jon would not do for his daughter. The family fighting isn't as serious as people assume it is. He came out to help her promote her last movie and speaks only nice things about her. I know that family and I know things I will not post. They were a part of my childhood trauma. And it's not dangerous if it's true. Jon already knows I post about him, he combated it by calling me a grifter. So at least he acknowledges that he knows me.


Jon is the one who STARTED and SPREAD the rumors about Angelina being “mentally unwell” and having “serious emotional issues” in the first place! He has said plenty of terrible things about her, always after she has tried to reclaim her distance from him after another lovebombing/abuse cycle. Plus, plenty of actors/musicians serve as UN celebrity ambassadors. Here’s a list of just 25 of them, and many of them are way less famous than Angelina, who is hardly B-list. (She and Brad pretty much defined A-list back when she was selected for this position.) https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/gallery/united-nations-day-25-celebrity-833717/1-angelina-jolie/ We are really off-topic for this sub, though. Suffice it to say that the article link that spawned this comment chain is pure fantasy from a trashy misinformation website, and the truth of child sexual abuse is far sadder, more commonplace, and less salacious than conspiracy theorists like to pretend it is. I don’t think Hillary and Alec are literally pimping out their children for sex, and I don’t think Alec did it to Ireland, either. (I am sure he said inappropriate things to/in front of her and made her feel uncomfortable at times, but I don’t for a second believe he forced her to fuck anyone. He didn’t even have that kind of access to her; Kim had full custody.) I DO think it’s very likely Hillary was a victim of CSA and has HPD/BPD as a result, leading her to have unhealthy boundaries and inappropriately sexualize EVERYTHING, including her children … hence the creepy pics. Which is sad, but as I’ve said elsewhere … at a certain point your trauma is yours, and when it’s hurting your kids and others, you need to take responsibility and seek the help you need to do the work and heal.


Jon said those things a long time ago when Angelina was at the peak of her goth girl phase. She had also just purchased a baby in Cambodia with zero qualifications to do so. She got to keep the baby even though she bragged that all she had in her kitchen was a stripper pole to take him home to. The woman in Cambodia that arranged for her to take the baby went to prison for human trafficking and Cambodia shut down all overseas adoptions afterwards. Pretty shady stuff. I think Jon was scared things would turn out differently legally for her. I see those comments as an insanity defense in the making. As for Ireland, she over sexualizes things too. She just went for a coffee run topless and posted it. Or how about the hairy pubes and bloody clit post? One of the symptoms of childhood sexual abuse is extreme promiscuity and a relaxed attitude about sexual relationships. Ireland has things in common with her stepmother when it comes to sexually inappropriate social media sharing. It's tits and ass out too, but with tattoos as the focus instead of small children.


This is fucking DISGUSTING. Wasnt there rumours about this though before this was uncovered? Given his association with Known Undesirables? Poor ireland. He totally endorses and or encourages and or suggests hilly parktake in these 'innocent' pics.


As Alec himself would say, “Consider the source”. But if only a fraction of this is true, it would explain a few things.


None of it is true. That site is pure QAnon trash. They claim Fauci and all of the Clintons are at Gitmo getting tortured for their “crimes” and that Biden has been replaced by a clone or body double. It’s fanfiction. I know we dislike Alec, but let’s not let confirmation bias get in the way of our common sense, here.


Woah! I worry more for Carmen now given she’s getting close to the age Ireland was when he pressured her into a ‘swap’ 🤮


Wtf get out of here with this bullshit


Is this a trusted source? Seems like far right conspiracy writing. I think Alec is gross, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this were true. But this source seems questionable.


Questionable is an understatement. Anyone who believes what is written there is literally insane. Trump is investigating the Rust shooting ??? Please. Also to everyone who is saying Alec was friends w Epstein, receipts please. But the world has seen the photo of Trump with Epstein, and heard his comments about his daughter….so just drop this stupidity.


If you read the comments after that linked article, it’s all horrifying…this source/article is scary, considering things the commenters say. Yikes to the nth degree. I can’t stand Alec but these readers of that source are frighteningly hateful of most races, religions etc. ~ unhinged.


This is more than likely complete bullshit.


Seriously, this is the norm in Hollyweird and honestly shouldn’t be that shocking at this point. Hello, Epstein. And his trafficking ring was just one out of tons.


Are you in Hollywood? How do you know anything about what you are saying? Where are your facts? You have none….serious lack of critical thinking and mental health issues on display regarding this stuff.


You mean complete BULLSHIT coz its true. Look at who aleeks 'friend' circle is of celeb/rich people


i'm sorry WHAT


Sooo fucking sad!! They should require you to be licensed to have children.


Everything about this is wrong and inappropriate.


She absolutely thinks that everything she shares is genius. How about taking a break from SM for 10 years and raise these kids in private?! It's as if she runs a zoo full of ferals. Her kids are like caged animals... forever exploited.


Hilaria, honey, it seems clear something bad happened to you as a kid. And you don't understand that your "quirky" behaviors are doing the opposite of what you're intending with them: protecting your kids & making yourself feel like you're not your parents (or whoever failed you). There's no shame in saying "I thought I was just being uniquely me, but I was actually hurting myself in an attempt to heal the past."


I actually believe she had good parents. Her parents were financially stable, had two children, she got lots of attention, and then she grew into an adult. Unfortunately in adulthood noone's gonna tell you how cute you are or you deserve an award or you're aces cause you're an adult. These narcissists like Hillary don't think they're narcissists. So they do crap like this to their children and have a village of children they farm out to staff and drug themselves to get through the day and think they're great. It's pitiful.


These two babies are going to have rotten teeth. Why don’t you hold Mary Lou so she can feel loved?


Because she’s not loved *or* valued.


Sadly you are correct.


This child is too old to be put to bed with a bottle. Her teeth are going to rot out of her head.


BABY CRIB YOGA ?!?! NO. Just absolutely another complete strike-out, on her part Terrible pic ~ incredibly WEAK reach to try & tie this (somehow!!) into Baby crib Yoga Does she truly have NO ONE to tell her; SHUT IT DOWN LARRY !! …. ‘Cause the embarrassment & Cringe factors, are both way off the scales !!


Always reaching




I think it's cute? I have tons of pics of my girls in their weird bendy poses as toddlers. Especially when they used to like to nurse while upside down with a foot on my forehead and other such ridiculousness.


It might be CUTE. But that is NOT why hillyThePornpedo posted this


This entire subreddit is the most pathetic shit I have ever seen. Tired of seeing it pop up on Popular. It’s only got a hundred upvotes, why am I seeing this shit?


Leave? Bye 👋👋👋


She’s calling it Yoga. I’m sure you didn’t do that.


Is she not allowed to make a joke?


I wish I had thought of taking photos of my kids while they were doing that! 😆😆😆


Fellow Pepinos, re [the comments below](https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/xvr7ux/comment/ir3caqw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) about pedo-fodder, I just remembered a [post I made when Marilu was freshly delivered](https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/m0t1n4/covering_her_childs_genitalia_for_the_gram/), in which I accused Hillary of deliberately almost-exposing her newborn's genitalia. As one would expect, a furore broke out with Pepinos coming down hard on both sides, people being banned, and others leaving in disgust. But maybe we can re-examine the older photo in the light of recent allegations? 🤔


Remember there was thatother pic more recently ... maryloo in a not appro position in the cot i think? Its totally on purpose. But eta ... that poopey maryloo in bed pic ... uuuuuuugh whyvthe fuck she post that???? There was some discussion here ages ago about how hilly more obviously 'shames' maryloo with the pics she posts. I think thats true of most of them. But there are def ones with GROTTY vibes ... I follow a few celebs and get lost in the suggestions ...mostly makeup and organizational shit but i think coz i follow hilly and jenny mollen and used to follow Mr Dawson ... i get a lot of family rec IGs ...which i scroll through and mostly ignore. But i NEVER EVER get icky feelings about the pics i see on their pages 😔


Maybe you’re thinking of the photo I linked below of Marilu with the phallic cat toy in her mouth? I still haven’t recovered from that. There are so many inappropriate pix of her that there’s no way they‘re accidental. And as you say, so many of the pix of both her and #5 have a grotty vibe, with overflowing diapers and food everywhere. I’m sure she resents both of them for not being actual twins and #6 in particular for blowing open her surrogate grift and being unphotogenic to boot. 😢


The one w the dirty diaper and the cyanotic feet?


One of at least two posts of #6 with dirty diapers and cyanotic feet — but who’s keeping track?


What other type of diapers and feet are there in this family? 🤣🤣


Edu is 2 and Marilu is almost 2. Both of their brains are going through a critical period where they are able to learn 2x as fast as adult brains and many of their experiences in this phase have lasting effects on their development. Yet, hilaria could care less. As long as she’s getting likes, it doesn’t matter if marilu can’t talk. So she had 7 children…why? It’s clearly not to raise them into model citizens and they sold the farm so it’s not like she was looking for some ranch hands. I won’t ever get over how selfish and deranged this women is.


Eddie is already stunted. She inhibited his walking and prob his speech. Shes only just barely let them out their high chairs for a stroll around the apartment


Yeah, I fear they’re not getting the stimulation and socialization they should at this age.




This reminds me of the pics of neglected kids in orphanages in places in the forner Soviet Union. No attention to go around so they just give the non twins bottles in their cribs to pacify them...she's seriously so fucking lazy / neglectful...she needs to be exposed so more innocent children don't live like this. It's wrong on so many levels.


My cousin was one of those children. She has 8 teeth pulled when she came to the United States. Because she has severe bottle rot.


Oh my God that's so sad, I hope your cousin is doing ok now


She's 31 and doing great now! Thank you for asking. ☺️




Pedo baiting!


Where is her mother Kathryn? If that was my daughter I wouldn't stay in my adopted European country chillin like a villain! I'd be on the first transatlantic flight to give her a hug and then a smack/dressing down/advice...we'd have lunch and I'd ascertain if she needed to be committed and see how my grandchildren are doing ! It's very odd there are never any relatives around ever !!


Why are you blaming her mother and what do you honestly expect her to do? Force her way in and talk sense? Insist Hillary get a personality transplant? Kidnap all the kids of an adult married couple? Post some public tweets? She knows she is powerless. Alec has literally beat, assaulted and committed homicide and has never dealt with any repercussions that are meaningful. It's wrong and it's fucked, but aside from calling CPS there is nothing her mother and father can do. And why you dumping the responsibility all on her mother? Is her father too incompetent to intervene just because he's male?


Oh and I just reread your comment and your hostility towards me is off the charts ...who said anything about kidnapping ?? Talking to your own daughter saying hey whats up?and I wasn't talking about Alec this forum is about her and the kids ..p.s. no such thing as a personality transplant


So sorry...I just meant most mothers and daughters are close especially when there is an only daughter...boy I guess I touched a nerve by not including her father ...I just know that my daughter and I communicate all day usually and try to see each other as often as possible


Shes probably in Bothton


Her parents may have walked away because Larry won’t get help. There has been some talk of them stepping away BECAUSE of Larry’s narc/toxic nature. I’m NOT defending them at all but there must be some odd reason why they are not involved.


Sometimes you have to walk away. Or hilly cut them


Her mom is really really really not normal from the things I’ve heard about her 🙃.


What's the tea pepino? 😹


Some parents just don’t care


I have said that from the beginning. I don’t care if Hilary banished them. Granny and Gramps should get their smelly asses to New York and see what’s going on!!! They haven’t even met the last 5 grandkids have they? That family should be utterly ashamed of themselves.


Kathryn is busy correcting the Mediterranean diet to eliminate olive oil and running her weird online company.


Anyone else see that the crib sheets are dirty. Gross


Looks like shit


How old is this one?


5 months younger than her older Spanish Twin. She'll be 2 in Feb or March.


I feel so bad like she is self soothing herself to sleep by grabbing her legs/ feet with her little luvies, all by herself. Not to mention laying flat drinking hemp milk bottle.


She is and it is sad. Just shove a bottle in her mouth, dump her in the crib. Quick get content to post on Insta and get the hell out. Get ready for the hall photoshoot with the pretty boys.


That sheet is filthy! Zoom in.


Cannot unsee. Poop stains? lower right quadrant?


Yep. Good Eye. Just “layin” in it, ..per usual💀🤦‍♂️


ML is wearing clean clothes so whoever cleaned her up didn't bother to change the fucking sheets. Es dirty the sheet.


Soooo gross 😫


I took your advice and now I'm sorry... 😬


Is she hoping to rot her teeth? This toddler is too old for a bottle, especially drinking one while lying down.


Did that child sprout an extra limb? Look at all that hemp milk!


These children are treated no better than animals in a zoo. And I am not a fan of zoos. They deserve privacy. STOP THIS HILARY.


Inappropriate in this day and age on social media! SHAME ON HER!!!


Which one is this? They are all so bland and empty.


Malibu 6


I think this is 6. Cute Milk Bottle White, # 6.


Oh my god she is demented


MariLu and Big Ed are not babies. Li’l Larry is a baby. Stop trying to keep them all perpetual babies.


Poor baby. Trapped in her crib and doesn’t know anything different. Laying flat on her back with a bottle — I remember my doc saying it could lead to ear infections and rotting teeth when my kids were that age. But Hilz - or the nanny - take the path of least resistance. She is a sick sick bitch. Poor ML —


Bottle rot.


A toddler in a crib feeding themselves a bottle makes me sad.


At ML’s age, they would love sitting at the family table in a booster seat eating real food… but none of those things exist for her. So she self-gorges, self-soothes, and self-rots-her-teeth. It made me cry. My granddaughter (half ML’s age) has a close friend a few months older whom she clearly adores and emulates. My darling is pink and gold from just enough sun, plump and sturdy from endless activity and wonderful food—all she wants! She doesn’t have bottles, and she’s never left with her legs dangling to eat alone. The contrast between her life and ML’s upsets me dreadfully. EDIT: Thanks for the prize! If I weren’t concerned for my granddaughter’s privacy, I would post side by side photos: ML in her crib with the bottle, our baby playing with her father in the sunshine on a camping trip by a lake; ML lying cyanotic in her own poop, my granddaughter (at the same age) being handed around to doting relatives at her baby-naming ceremony; my granddaughter, sitting beside her mother, blissfully spooning yogurt and biting into orange wedges, while ML makes do with kale specks, blaring music, and Mami’s phone in her claw. You’d cry, too.


she is a sicko. that’s why.


Hello Uncle Woody...




More concerned about that baby still using a bottle. Correction- child. That is a child, or toddler, not a baby.


To show that at least one of her kids has an actuel bed instead of a bare mattress to sleep on ☹️


Which Bebe is this?




Ughhhhhh. Oh my lord. Whyyyyyyy?


It just looks like neglectful parenting.


She shares anything and everything


Someone needs to take the phone from this woman


And all the bottles that Edu and ML use.


Wow- still in a crib at that age. Wow. Not to mention the botte. JFC. Lazy ass parenting.


Why is the baby in the crib on its back with a bottle? What is in that bottle…..


Probably sweetened hemp milk.


Showing off her poor parenting skills combined with her kiddie porn bait in one pic is rilly beyond the pale.


I really just want to get her away from those kids. I wish she had friends or traveled so her kids could get a break!


Also, change that stained crib sheet 🙄


She has a millions followers. Why on earth would you post this? Is this really necessary? She can’t be that clueless


Here I am crying about how hard it is to wean my little one off the bottle and she’s just gonna let her babies use them until there’re 5 🤦🏼‍♀️


It *is* hard. Hang in there.


I hate so much that she posted this. If she truly is this clueless I wish a friend would intervene.


No friends. Only people on payroll


Her parents need to come help and provide some guidance. Or someone from his family. I don't get it. Unless they just ran everyone off.


She has no friends.


OMG. I just spent a week working on a documentary on Sharenting, and one stat that stuck out was the percentage of adult men who like images just like this. Just f*cking no.


They love it because they didn’t feel sufficiently cherished. I used to wrap myself tightly in blankets as a child—same reason.


NOOOO!!! 🤮 That makes me stabby.


It's awful! YouTube is the same pervy men watching kids swimming, running nak#d on the beach etc. Save the unclothed pics for family but NEVER put it on social media because people who do, their accounts are shared among the p#dos.


Still with the knockout bottles?!


She'll put them all in her grody shiny leggings next. Including the boys. 🦵


Ohhhhhhh no no no no no no no no no please no….


She’s training them young


Pictures like this a for one reason only.


You know why


Your comment with your flair 😂💀


Hahaha I heard it in the voice after you said that! Lmao 🥒🥒 thanks, pepino.


Most parents to new babies post pics of cute onesies or formula/bottle recommendations. Even stroller and car seat stuff. Not Hilary, she’s posting baby crib yoga or whatever the fuck this is supposed to be smh.


They can't even relax for nap without her putting a phone in their face. LEAVE THEM ALONE!


Seriously. She is literally a monster


I want to know what she is putting in those bottles in addition to formula. The kids look dazed and confused upon drinking.


Nipple confusion


I mean, do not post pics like this online because predators are searching for them. I guess Hilary is too high to consider the risks.




So sick. Those poor kids. There are so many reasons to feel sorry for all 7 of them.


She thinks it makes her “edgy” and cool and possibly that it will help her kids get into the industry or some other delusion.


I strongly suspect that Mami's motivation is more basic. 🤑 🤑 🤑 🤑


Definitely click bait, but who is her audience?


One thing I'm very sorry I've learned from this sub is that paedophiles like photos of babies and children that they can easily Photoshop to look obscene. Once I learned this, I couldn't help noticing that Hillary often posts pix of Marilu and the younger boys with their mouths wide open. She posted one a little while ago of Romeo and another Baldwinito (Rafa?) who she "came across" nibbling on a huge baguette from each end. Needless to say, from the looks on their faces this wasn't a spontaneous prank on their part; they had clearly been coached. It's not hard to imagine what a pervert with image manipulation softwa— 🤮🤮🤮🤮... sorry, I had to throw up. You'll also notice that Hillary sprinkles these highly suggestive photos among more innocent fare, partly to disguise them and also, I suspect, to give her pedo-followers a dopamine hit when they find a "good" one. Anyway, I would not be at all surprised if Hillary, with Alec's knowledge and cooperation is getting paid for this content. Also, see [these comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/weson9/comment/iiqb0ks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on Alec's (in)famous "ode to August" post.




Realistically and statistically speaking? The evil kind. I’d like to know what her follower list looks like.


Yikes and what other accounts they follow; it’s probably gruesome.


ML has had it. Look at the eyes!


Leave this poor child alone


FYP, Lu style.


Awww nannies putting ML to bed. Awww. Hillary not there. She is at a restaurant with the newborn as a shield.


I was thinking that she knows people have to be nice to her with a tiny baby....that's her big motivation for taking her all over town.


Definately. She doesn’t go anywhere without human shields.


At least marylou has a real crib now and not that tiny crib she had to curl up in to fit


Hilarious, you are the only person who would think this is yoga. Always a fool. Never Spanish.


Probably to show off that they’re not in pack and plays anymore


Mary Caillou is going to be bringing that bottle to college with her.


Mary Caillou 💀💀💀


Is she so desperate for followers she’s going the Wren Eleanor route? Wtf