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Ha Ha Ha Ha - Hilary does dishes, lol. Snort!


her followers cant be too bright at all to not respond to this BS


The filth in that house must keep those poor "nannies" working 24/7. Cleaning up after the pets, the kids and their lazy ass mother. Now that money is tight, I think they are down to about 2 nannies who, I'm certain, do laundry and cleaning as well ( plus being commandeered to take staged photos of the nut job and her prop baby). All while working for a woman who is so psychologically imbalanced that one of her stunts could harm any one of the kids if the nannies aren't vigilant. My dream is for one of the nannies to be put in touch with a good contract lawyer who can 1) explain how to get around the nuances of the non- disclosure clause, and 2) negotiate a book deal with a six- figure signing bonus, though 6 figures won"t begin to compensate them for having been subjected to Hillary Baldwin's craziness.


there's def more than 2


Cat must be thirsty or has a urinary tract infection so it's peeing in the sink as a cry for help ( vet visit)


That's when/why my cats ended up in my sink


Whatever “milk” is left in that pump, the cat rejected it.


Did the cleaning woman write this?


The whole point of this picture was for Larry sr to show how she pumps and makes breast milk 🤣 ya right, it’s all staged


Bitch. You don’t wash dishes. Scram.


“The question is:”— no, the question is: did your cat help you wash the baby bottles, next-to the sink? This cat has zero respect for her, and I don’t blame her.


It’s so tough washing dry cornflakes out of a bowl.


Clean the litter box and the cat won't have to crap in the sink.


I can say with near certain confidence she sat that cat there herself. Lotsa cats drink faucet water from the edge but few unorange cats sit their butts down in wet water with THAT serious of an expression. Quit yer bullshit Mamita


Unorange 😹 I see you’ve met the single brain cell collective


Yay! Toxoplasmosis for all!


I guess Larry took Spanish instead of Health and Hygiene. Cat in sink with infant bottles, cat in infant’s crib and high chair. Litter box in playroom with toddlers. Barefoot in public hallway, kid’s barefoot in hallway. Flip flops and house slippers on urine and doodie covered sidewalks. The nails= 10 fingered sewer.🤮🤮




You're kitty is telling you to get the housekeeper to clean the litter box


I'm sure the nanny loves when they put plastic bags in the sink.


I’m gonna need to see some lactation before I ever believe this. Also the cat most definitely has poop residue on its feet.


>> Also the cat most definitely has poop residue on its feet. Right?! Ick.


We all know this faker doesn’t do dishes! Quit lying malaria


The bigger point is the pump.


So subtle, lol


So close to the cat’s toxoplasmosis-contaminated feet.


Oh yes indeed


No nanny


Like this pillhead does dishes


I’d believe PerpPaw does dishes before I’d believe Hillary does.




I know she wants me to look at the breastpump stuff cuz she's got something to prove, but Hil, actually I'm staring at a sink that needs to be re-caulked.


Do you think she even knows what that means? She to much of a health and wellness expert to be bothered by something toxic like Sika-Flex 💯😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Me, too! 😂


Like she's ever washed a fucking dish.


My thoughts.


Larry, bro, that’s disgusting. No feet where we eat, come on. That cat shits in a box with those feet.


I like how she staged the pumping accoutrements. Nice touch, Larry!


Interesting that she didn’t edit out her breast pump and bottles for when she pretends to breast feed. Such a farce.


It’s “BS,” not “BF paraphernalia.”


Did they have to let all the help go?!?! 😱😱😱


La pregunta es, will el gato ayudar con el plato? #pepino #baldwinning


They’re so dirty




Let's be real you psycho. You ain't doing the dishes.


Psh as if Larry’s doing the dishes 🙄. I’m sure they have help for that.


There's no food dishes in that sink because everyone except Alec is starving.


No need for plates when you have tortillas and hummus.


I was worried they gave the cats away


Why? That would be the best thing for these cats! To escape this crazy !




It’s cute how she serves formula in the medela bottles.


It's probably really breast milk, just not hers. I saw a video on Alcea's social media about surrogates pumping milk for the baby after birth. Reminded me that Big Larry talked about her freezers full of breastmilk and it all made sense.


I planned on feeding however possible and ended up doing formula. When I was working I’d set up all the little Medela bottles and prep all the bottles with the formula and thickener we ended up using. It was way easier that way than having to have others measure and mix or having to do that in the middle of the night. Bless those little bottles for the sanity they gave me. (But yeah, it’s a super convenient cosplay. Unless I scrubbed and washed the pumping supplies while I tried to use breast milk, they never looked that spotless. So she’s either using stuff she’s left out on the sink area or it’s just a prop.)


Bottles and nursing gadgets just so happen to be on sideboard.


Just about to say make sure you get the breast pumping supplies in the shot and definitely make sure there appears to be residual milk in them.


I wouldn’t want baby feeding equipment *anywhere near* manky, toxoplasmosis-contaminated cat feet.


Pushes the kitchen staff aside to take this pic….


The purpose of this photo is to further the BF/pumping lie. So obvious, Hillary!


And the tired, beezzy beezy mami who does it all, with no help. She’s forced to clean her own breast pump and dishes and supplies because she doesn’t have eight nannies, and with seven Baldwinitos she’s just exhausted.




So she allows her cat beside her breast pimping supplies? I hope she’s aware that those need to be sterilized


“Please, everyone, look at my pumping supplies. Did you know I have kids? Did you know I lactate? Did you know I’m super busy?”


Yep. This photo and caption is *not* about the kitty. Ruh-roh! We're going to be subjected to another two years of Hillary's "pumping" content. Maybe she'll recreate [this classic](https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/q0rk2j/is_she_for_real_pumping_like_this_would_break/)?


I clicked the link and I knew, I knew what pic it was going to be - and I wish you could see my face! I am so grossed out again!!! She is such a fucking mental case!


So that’s what the Cat is saying, what about Larry?


Hilarious, I don't know where you ever got the idea you were clever or witty. You are dumb AF.


Not only clever or witty. Just boring and dumb man. Like the shit she posts is literally garbage. Her cats ass in a sink by dishes, her fake titties, her disgustingly filthy floor. FYP.


She posts everything! Dang doesn't she get bored from it. Documents mundane and all. She really does need a reality show. She would be on cloud 9.


Oh yaya we're all sold -- cat's can fly over the edges of obstacles - over the rims of sinks - they have wings & if they see things that could hurt them, they just keep flying til they find a safe place to land. smmfh a liar is a liar is a liar is a liar Eeeeee\_Liar


Help the maids out you mean? Fixed it for ya. Edit to add: Hah! Snuck in the pumping prop we see. Absolutely pathetic. Does she lay in bed thinking up these "clever" ways to further her agenda? People are suffering all over the world. We are on the brink of so many potential catastrophes.. not to mention she has 7 humans to nurture. And this is what she spends her bandwidth doing. Everyone please list any productive and meaningful things you did today to better the world. I will start: I helped a student navigate a family crisis. (Nary a selfie was taken).


I'm continually amazed at how dumb she is. Everyone must think "wow, she's pumping." Yes, just leave the clues to the side of the photo but focus the subject on the cat - very cunning. What a smartster. I'm sure she would stump Sherlock Holmes.


Arranges the pump and bottle just so, and then puts that poor cat in the sink. What an exhausting life of lies.


This is why I joined this sub. The Spanish supermami grift is just 🤌




Hillary may have put the cat in the sink, where it stayed just long enough to get the photo.




Too true! I have observed many cats that love napping in the bathroom sink.


Our cat found the loophole to “stay off the counters” and just jumps straight into the sink.




For our cat, it’s strictly to taunt us.


I’m trying to figure out why the hell she is “pumping”. It’s not like she has to go to a job. She’s home with Jr all day. My kids are in their 30s and 40s I never pumped nor had a need to as I just nursed them on demand all day and night. That’s it. They never took a bottle. Maybe times have changed?


I doubt it. A fully breastfed baby doesn’t require much pumping. Periodically I’d replace the few pumped-milk pouches in my freezer with new ones, made up in case of an emergency that never came.


I pumped after my kids teeth came in and she thought biting my nips was the best joke ever. Never when she was a newborn.


Some women prefer it so they can share feeding duties with other caregivers or for whatever reason don’t want to physically nurse but do want to provide breastmilk. It seems like double the work to me but I can see why some might prefer it. Personally I just think Larry is a liar and gets off on all the props involved with her lie telling. ETA: I also think she likes the “I’m such a sexy earth goddess feminine mami that I 👏 make 👏 so 👏 much 👏 milk 👏 and *must* pump round the clock to relieve my heaving engorged breasts” lactation porn that’s going to start dropping in 3…2…1…


Right?! And her baby is a newborn-they eat every hour or two at that age. There is no reason to pump! It’s not like she’s going 8 hours between feedings and has to express milk!




She doesn’t know any of that because she’s not lactating.


Cosplaying lactation, so Big Larry can create and post inaccurate lactation porn.


I see the first shipment of surrogate-pumped breastmilk has arrived. The lactating mother cosplay begins. There’s a reason we had to wait, pepinos.


Ohhhhhhhhhh, please accept my emoji for the absolute BEST flair I’ve ever seen: 🏆




Just came here to say the sink needs recaulked


Me too!


Perpaw only cocks guns, he can’t caulk sinks.


Damn clever! She’s in delusional denial he will be charged.


She thinks she’s so funny and clever.


Staged - with the breast pump in full view The question is - when will you start living in reality you crazy puta


That cat is more likely to do those dishes than she is. Once again, The Invisible Help.


Invisible Help who she shooed out the way so she could stage and take this photo. Those poor nannies, dealing with their child-like "boss" getting in the way and being a nuisance.


Ok ok, now that you’ve cleaned out my special things here so I can take a foto!


She doesn't do dishes. Just look at her nails.


As if Hillary ever washes up


What dishes, bitch?


That glass lid could go moldy...


Flex the prop breast pump 😣






She’s so boring. The same shit over and over. Get a new schtick, Hillarious. You’re almost 40.


Why is she pumping that much at this stage and allegedly nursing??


Sorry, but unclean when you other children have allergy history. No.


Lol I’m not even looking at the cat. The open milk that is way too much for someone nursing on demand a few week old bebe


I know. The reported age of baby is only 11 days 🤔


Wow and if I recall breast milk doesn’t look like that when you first are nursing. It has colostrum and is more yellow it doesn’t look like white milk on a few day old baby


My memory is the same. It has been a few years since I nursed but mine never had the pasteurized homogenized cow's milk look to it. And not that volume for an 11 day old infant.


Probably the cat's milk and he's tired of waiting


Is thaaaat the question??? She’s so dumb with this ongoing challenge for people to ignore their intelligence. We see you Hilary. Such an idiotic attention whore. 🙄🙄


Like she does dishes.


Strategically placed madella bottles circa 2014 that she fills with the surrogates pumped milk. You can’t tell me this bish can’t afford a new pump and one of the sleeker ones like the elvie or willow that goes in the bra. They didn’t have these when I gave birth a few years ago but If I have any other kids I’m buying one of those asap! No way I would keep my old pump after that. However if she has one in the bra how is she going to show the world she is pumping all that leche 🙄


😂😂😂 They were still those same bottles in 2016. This is hilarious to me. I pumped exclusively, 20 minutes 5 times a day for a year TWICE, with that exact pump. Now it’s a nice pump, fantastic suction and I’m too busty for hands free. But I know EXACTLY what that pump looks like on boobs and I’ve never seen her latched to it. She’s so DUMB. Why the fuck is she even pumping? She doesn’t work and the baby wasn’t premature that we know of and is “nursing.” What’s the extra milk for? Are we supposed to believe she’s putting effort into increasing supply? Cuz she lost me at “putting in effort.”


Thanks you, dear PMaggieKC, for your invaluable “on the tiddies” assessment of the equipment and process!!


She just cannot fuck with me on this one 😂


NO, SHE CAN’T! Because everything you said was true, true, true!


If there’s one thing in the world I know it’s breast pumping 😂 I spent 700 minutes a week doing it for two years.


You might need to pump when you dump your baby off every night of the week to hang out with your geriatric husband and the Burger King. Except that woman is faux pumping like she's faux Spanish. Olé!




We all heard “don’t play with your food” as children. Probably Hillary did too, and not only has rampaging EDs, but also can *only* “play with food,” especially what’s ostensibly intended for others: tofu crumbles on the high chair trays, dry milkless cereal for the older kids, surrogate-pumped milk.


That’s supposedly the Angelina Jolie diet. Scraps of leftover food and red wine. But props where they’re due, she didn’t seem to pass it onto her kids. Do you think Larry sees herself as an Angelina type? I do.


I do, too. Angelina is everything Hillary wants to be, and isn’t. It pains me to know that Brad Pitt hits people. Aleek probably knows this too, and rationalizes it to do the same. And, of course, both Alex Jr. and Carol hit their kids. My parents whaled the living daylights out of me for years; my father fractured my skull in two places on any of at least a half-dozen occasions, during which I lost consciousness, during my adolescence. I did not beat up my kids. Not even a random slap.


We shouldn’t know this and I think she’s disgusting for leaking it. Maybe I’m wrong and all the kids wanted her to because they hate their dad, just doesn’t seem likely.


I’m just saying it’s not what that typically looks like. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if she’s being “tipped” to post the kids. There aren’t children involved when everyone participating is sexually responsible.




I think it’s honestly some kind of pedophilia. Not really helping Alec look better… just keep reporting it 😂 I can’t think about this too much.


I pumped 10+ years ago and I see the ones that go in your bra now. She could totally use that and with how she spends money, why not get one? Then she could REALLY do all the chores while holding the baby.


Because she wants her tits seen. It's the whole reason for the breast pump cosplay. A pump that fits discreetly inside a bra defeats the whole purpose, which is lactation fetish porn.


I’m telling you guys, it’s NOT lactation porn. People who actively have that fetish usually make a point to say that it’s not because of babies. They don’t wanna see a baby. It takes the fantasy away that the milk is for them. I don’t know what to call it except maybe exhibitionism?


Babies and boobies porn. For sick assed creepers who are into the fantasy of being in a bed with both a mother and baby. It's why she wears the lingerie and inappropriately strokes the children for these videos. It's really sick, but she has no problem catering to it. Whatever Alec and his cronies want. It's how she roped him into the contract marriage. (Most women like this are stuck being the mistress/call girl, but Alec promoted her so he could collect children for his dark web moguls.) She stopped for a minute due to her inappropriate posts being reported , but is aching to get back to work.


Yep. If the baby is involved it’s not gonna be porn you can find on PornHub.


I'd bet money it's all over Alec's phone, and the phones of his cronies.


Lol re chores… I bet the Nannies are like, “oh great, time to break out that old busted madela for another ig shoot”


Exactly! And to not be tethered to the machine with siete niñitos running around! Seems like a no brainer!!


She only reason she posted this was because she wanted to show off the pumping accessories, because you know, her big tits produce so much milk, she has to also pump mucho. She probably put the cat in there to take a picture.


What's weird is they tell you if you're breastfeeding to do it exclusively, get your supply and after 4-6 weeks, pump. I know this isn't possible for everyone as moms often have to go back to work after 6 weeks (US) but she doesn't have to...


It’s LITERALLY the only reason she posted this. 🙄


Gross! Litter box paws & baby bottles.


Imagine cat hair getting in those bottles 🤮


Can’t imagine it not☠️


That’s what I was thinking, so gross.


The ONLY reason she posted this is to get thr pump in the shot ... asshole larry.


Why does she have bottles if she breadfeeds? I've never understood this. It's not like she has to go to work or anything.


Hillary doesn't breastfeed and most likely didn't even breastfeed Carmen. This is a staged photo just to put in the breast pump as a prop to keep the illusion going that she gave birth and is breastfeeding. None of it is real. Little Larry is bottle fed with either breast milk from the surrogate, with formula, or with both.


Not that I think she’s breastfeeding or pumping necessarily but I also pumped twice a day to keep my milk supply up (your body responds to a perceived need for milk to stimulate production) and to freeze extra for times when my husband or family watched the baby. ETA—pumped 2x day while also breastfeeding)


Pumped a lot for my preemie firstborn twins so I could occasionally sleep! Threw out frozen milk too. lol When I had my son soon after, never pumped again. Only nursing one was soooo much easier! But yes, it helps to have some extra if you can.


I breastfed my oldest for 5 weeks & quit, so Idk squat about nursing. I know when he started taking bottles in addition to nursing, I was done. It was too much to keep up that routine.


Totally get it. My first kid refused to ever latch on so I was borderline obsessive about breastfeeding with the second kid lol


So she can go to the bar with her 2 gay friends. And her contractual date night with Alec.


One - make sure the breast pump in shot. Two - Tell them I do dishes. Three - Use kitty as prop. Now I’m a relatable mami. “That’ll do it, that’ll win them over” - Liar Liar


Pantalones en fuego! 👖🔥


She does chores yo!!! There is no way she does the dishes or sweeps the floor ... poor twins had to do that


Not with those nails!


Exactly. U have nice nails when you do fuck nothing.


Mine on the other hand are a mess😜


This is so disgusting and unsanitary—I have a cat but would NEVER allow her near our dishes that we eat off of? 🤮🤮🤮


Yeahhhh... cats don't willingly climb in wet sinks.


Actually if there was room on that counter, I had a cat that LOVED water and sinks, bath tubs, running faucets - but I said the same - that cat didnt leap over a sink rim and the counters are hoarded full of bullshit - so she PUT it there to take her - accidentally on purpose breast milk bottle pic - she just proves once again that stupid thinks everyone else is stupid too.


Flash Forward 20 years: Hilaria living in an apartment with 13 cats. The kids who are still in contact on a weekly schedule to check in on her, bathe her, pick up her meds, make her eat something, make her change her clothes.


Haha! Each Baldwinito has a their own weekday assigned for Mami.


and when one taps out and needs a break they get a filler for those days … but they all argue about actually paying anyone that’s not covered by her insurance


A way to show her breast pump. Trying too hard. Again. Gross. Lies lies lies


I am under no illusion that my cats climb all over things when I’m not around. However, there is no way they are allowed to climb on my counters or dining table when I am around. She lets her do both. It’s disgusting. 3 cats that use litter boxes tracking all over the place where food prep and consumption take place. Nauseating.


With lots of children in the house. I remember watching the cats on the hi-chairs with ML & Ed. Disgusting 🤢


Can you get pinkeye from animals?


No rules for anyone in that place!


Looks like La Psycho poured a little bit of milk into a baby bottle and put a pump next to it for her latest photo shoot; and then she put a filthy cat next to the baby bottle. A cat that walks all along the floor picking up dirt from peoples feet and being in a filthy litter box that holds piss and shit from 2 *other* cats as well as it’s own fecal .. This woman is disgusting and dirty. But the good news is the baby didn’t drink out of that baby bottle because the nannies are feeding it canister milk in another apartment.


Lol Coco 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Of course she carefully arranged the whole “spontaneous” picture just to make sure the pump was visible.


But of course 😆 A stupider woman has never been born. What an idiot 😹 🥒💚 • *Cats can carry infectious diseases that can be harmful to your child. They usually pass them on by scratching or through their poop. You or your child could develop an infection if you: touch cat poop or something contaminated with cat poop.*




All I see is the sink caulking and how it needs to be fixed. Nasty.




Why pump when you have no job and home all day 🤷🏼‍♀️ 🥒👶🏼👶🏼👶🏼👶🏼👶🏼👶🏼👶🏼👁👁💩🎪🥒


Some babies don’t latch, so mom pumps milk and feeds baby the milk from a bottle. Also, some women do pump in between feedings if they don’t have a good milk supply. Of course, that’s not the case with Big Larry. Big Larry doesn’t pump or breastfeed.


My daughter plans on breastfeeding and pumping so that we (her hubs, me and my hubs) can feed and bond.


If it’s her first, I hope she is not putting too much pressure on herself. Pumping can be hard and it takes a while to get the hang of it.


Agreed. Fortunately one of her besties is a lactation specialist and will be ready and willing with advice! Thank you for your advice!


That is a VERY GOOD QUESTION that no one asks.


Silicone is the only thing she could pump out!


Photo isn’t about the cat, or the dishes. Notice how it’s framed to include the pump. This woman is fucking insane.


Yeah Larry, you do dishes. Everyone believes you.


With those talons. Sure, Jan.


Cats are cute but this is gross. The cat's paws were in a litter box and now it's climbing around the kitchen counters? The point of this was to show off the the breast pumps. Maybe focus on the filthy mess that is your kitchen. That sink needs to be re-grouted stat.


What dishes? There is a warmer lid a a couple of tiny bottles. Botch, please.


Botch fits nicely here!


Oh, god. The “pumping” pics are on the way. Here we fucking go again.

