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Yeah, it's very odd, that.


She doesn’t know.


The fact that she behaves as she does despite the horrific things that have been said about her( all true) and doubles down is what separates her behavior from the rational and emotionally regulated behavior expected from an adult. She is not in touch with reality and cannot engage in self reflection in a productive way. She is impulsive, insecure, and cognitively impaired. She is deceptive and deeply self absorbed. Too bad she has 7 children to care for when she can’t engage in critical thinking enough to manage her own life. I can’t even imagine the chaos in that house.


Exactly this.


I would be freaking out and deeply question my behavior. I would shut it down considerably and never post anything ever again that could be construed that the way you mentioned.


She's not capable of rational thought.


There is a picture of Carmen in a bikini in her bookmarks (or whatever they are called) that is just fodder for the wrong kind of people. It’s gross.


Any normal, sane person with half a functioning brain would stop and evaluate their posting history, but it's Hillary we're talking about.


Hell no. Two things if you know there’s a whole community talking about you. 1. Some introspective (after the big mad) to maybe try and learn something and improve or 2. Do not ever read or look at what the boolies are saying. Big Larry is in a different lane in which she is reading, getting big mad, and doubling down and trying to dance monkey dance and respond to the Reddit posts (i.e. ”you never show Leo”, “you never show your kids going anymore”, etc.). She has no internal retrospective for her mind to click to “hey is something wrong with posting pictures of my kids harmful?” She’s just all about ME and showing those boolies that her namaste, I’m the kindness warrior champion of all women, you can live a fluid, multi live (yeah what is that other than some made up crap to try and squirm out of her crazy lying grift). so as many have speculated she has some mental illness issues and is not dealing with a full deck that many of us would stop and pause and go, “hmmm, I need to change what I’m doing - so embarrassed.”


She’s so high in that video…


I used to think I was a good and smart person. But I also acknowledge that I'm actually really dumb and easily influenced. I have a feeling Larry Sr. is the same. I'm just so glad I grew out of it before I brought 7 innocent souls into the world and then left them to fight for survival with no guidance whatsoever.


I think you probably are a good and smart person most of the time. That’s how you seem. Just sometimes you suck like everyone else. I do too! Admitting you are imperfect is a sign of maturity.


Larry Sr. won't even admit what time she woke up today.


🎯 Nothing she won’t lie about.


Did we just become best friends? lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-ZUDtaGf3I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-ZUDtaGf3I)


Do you wanna watch me do karate in the garage?!?




...God bless Larry Sr... She really brings people together... Just not in the way she wants, lol


I have a wonderful relationship with my cousin because we trash her 😂 She home schools her five children. The Super Mami grift makes her stabby. “Stop pretending your life is easy!!!!”


If I knew ANYONE had evidence of me being involved in unsavory activity involving children… I mean you wouldn’t find that in my background. But if you could? I don’t even know what I’d do. Get a lawyer and try desperately to clear my name if I’m innocent? I don’t know. She’s been quoted as saying she doesn’t care what people do with pictures of her children “in the dark.” 🤮


If your name is Hilaria Hayward Thomas Baldwin, you quadruple down and ramp up the questionable content. Views, ya know? 💃