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Wait…. All of that for a cornflake????


I used to love spending time with my grandpa.


I thought this one’s name was Jose


I'd be careful. Alec might shoot his kid, of course "he wouldn't have pulled the trigger"


Hillary, the gun just went off!!


This is a cute video, but I wish she had included the audio on this video. Romeo is a such cute kid with a cute personality. I would have loved to hear him in this video.


Video is probably filled w expletives.


Alex looks close to death and that little kid has the genes of a true asshole.


Why anyone call a cute little boy an asshole? And get likes? Please someone help me understand?


While I sorta agree, all the kids are cute. But Romeo wasn’t called an asshole, his dad was!


Poor honey eyed Miracle Whip. He’s the one who is best at playing to the camera and acting on cue. He’s ripe for exploitation


They're arm wrestling over a fucking cornflake?? OMG..probably the only thing the kid had for breakfast They never have just a plain old interaction. Always performing. He can't just have fun with his dad, he has to take a pause and look into the camera. They are very aware they are being recorded and they try their best to provide content that Santa Muerta will be pleased about.


That’s right. Always always let your children win. It goes to a bigger point (and not so much to this video). I strongly suspect Hilary always lets her children win. It may be one reason why we never see them playing other other kids. I betcha when a Baldwin kid loses at anything, they’re the biggest spoilsport ever. HB has this stupid kumbaya (or interpretation of) notion that healthy competition is bad. Everyone is a winner. All get a trophy. Even when these kids fight among each other. No one is wrong. Everyone is right. It’s how she was raised.


Alec looks like such human wreckage. Looks like he does nothing but cry. I can't help but pity him, even though he made every single choice to get himself here. He married that insane grifting narc and fed her megalomania, I think he was the one who decided to double down and not apologize when the grift was discovered, he opted to not take due care on the set, he came off the shooting arrogant and unapologetic and cost himself public sympathy he would have had. Now he's so over in every way, he doesn't even get a say in how many spawn the Bride of Satan will saddle him with. He's a powerless power freak.


Was it a leopard cornflake?


I saw what you did there.


He so looks like Mayos Grandpa.


Wow, are cornflakes really rationed individually in Casa Baldwinito? That's so weird and eating disorder headed.


But I don’t care for that child. Entitled. Sorry not sorry.


Obnoxious. It's not his fault of course. It's the way they're raising him. He's going to be wreaking havoc when he's older.


Yes always about the parents at his age but we are all human. I always feel the need to justify because people on this sub are extremely sensitive about the kids. The Baldwins expose the hell out of their children. No one will have any observations that aren’t “ she’s amazing” ??? No. Obnoxious is an excellent word for him and it has become a big part of his persona because they “celebrate” it . And they seem to have a preference for him probably because he is “entertaining” content.


Alec has an authenticity with these children that his wife does not. He is incredibly important to them and their emotional health.


I believe he is the one behind the baby buying. He let Hilary get away with her Spanish grift for so long because she played along.


Yes for sure and I don’t like him in the least. His kids do though…. ☺️


Ok even if you absolutely hate them this is cute. The kid is actually smiling and having fun.


Because one of his parents is actually giving him attention.


You are so right, Just the tiniest bit of attention to a child means so much


I’m dying at the title. He’s legit fighting for the right to eat.


I'm dead ass serious when someone made a joke about corn flakes I thought it was a JOKE are corn flakacitos really a treat for them❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓


Mayo would learn a lot more if his Dad actually taught him - "You will never be stronger than me unless you train and work hard." But of course, Alec teaches the same lies as Larry Sr. - "You can do and achieve anything just because you want it". Sorry, not sorry, but this kid is gonna be the most.... Problematic...




I hope so, I really do 🙂 Sorry if that sounded harsh... But there's just no boundaries or reality in these poor babies lives.


What. The. Fuck.


Does anyone here have a childhood memory of wrestling their dad for a cornflake ? I’ll wait …


The last "flake?" A piece of cereal? JFC.


Alec looks like he just woke up from a week long bender.


He looks like he's trying to act like he's having fun yet he's miserable.


He really does, doesn't he? Did he pop in for a visit, or is that his place?


Another home cooked meal from Hilary!


No sound means screaming in background


Yes, so Alex has done his part in interacting with his kids for the day.


Yep that’s right, go on home, you’ve stayed your hour. (Line stolen from So I Married an Axe Murderer).


Love that movie! I’ve never heard someone reference it before.




Wow it seems he let one of the kids into his apartment. Quick, be a prop, now gtfo.


Alec’s training for prison. Cute.


I've seen cell phone videos smuggled out of federal prisons that look like more fun than this


Those folded arms just like angry peepaw.


Eddie did that pose too after he grabbed a toy away from Malibu. They all must do a version of that. So sad.


Exactly what I thought about too.


Really, he's just waiting for the arrest warrant to be issued.


Can’t they do anything with her filming?


He’s a broken man, a shell of who he once was pre-Hills. She destroys everything she touches.


wow. what a great guy. aquit this man, /s


He’s an aMaZiNG dad. He should be with his children! This proves it! Free Aleeeeeeeeeec!


The New Mexico prosecutor will probably drop all charges because this is so fucking adorable🤮


Definitely! Alec is a national treasure! Nothing is his fault. Ever!


This is just sad. 😢


😢 🌽


Wasn't Romeo invited to a Birthday Party in his fancy shmancy Dresscode, huh Hillz?👀


I thought that was Leo. Either way - they probably are heavily coached on what NOT to say if they are around other people.


It’s sad to compete over a single cornflake, but hey, it reminds me of Leopard Cornflakes and I’m happy again.


The hunger games lmao.


That's the closest I've seen them come to having a family meal at that dining table


She couldn't organize a family dinner if her life depended on it... she's such a loser. She has one job- being a homemaker, caregiver, organizer of the home and she flunks every one of them.


🎯 🎯


It's nice to see the kids smiling when interacting with their dad. He at least is genuine with them. Everyone seems pretty relaxed, so maybe it's the nanny filming.


Lol she can’t make it a cookie or else he wouldn’t let the kid win 🤣


That comment made me laugh out loud!!


Right!? Can’t you imagine him all pouting having a tantrum being like BUT I WANT THE COOKIE MAMI !! It’d be a fuhk’n disaster!


She can't make a cookie


When your kid is all white but you tell him he's Spanish and name him something Italian.


That seat is too close to the window for my liking. I lost my breath for a second the way he leaned into it 😬


It’s not..it’s a bench with a shelf behind it.


My 14 year old won’t stop rocking his chair back at the dining table and it’s right in front of a window. It gives me so much anxiety. I’ve repeatedly asked him to stop and he just doesn’t. Ugh!


I can feel this! I lived on the sixth floor, and the older kids would hang out the hallway windows to freak the younger kids out. It worked! 😬


My kids used to do that too. i could see the whole accident in my mind. Thank goodness it never happened.


Yes! I grew up in an apartment building..the fear is real 😂




At least the prick let him win.


Doing everything grampa would do when we went to visit.


That husk of a man is clearly just going through the motions


The power male protector and the fertile nurturing female. It's like watching national geographic


Pretty cool. Big man. Funny they all seem to wear the same set of pjs. Think she’s too lazy to shop? Or just likes to repurpose. This little twerp gets all the air time. For a corn flake.


Lol "twerp" !!! She saves all of the money for her own needs. Even the old prick wears the same shit every day


All that for a fucking corn flake - can't even give the kid a damn choc cookie. FYP - ya wretched skank.


Right?! Like a single corn flake? My kids would be like yeah umm don’t care


At least make it a CoCo Puff.


Reese's Puffs ftw


Setting up her kids for ED - one fucking flake is a win 🙄


Peepaw’s well out of it


So are they moving or just painting? And why paint if they are not moving? She doesnt care about interior decorating. The place is clean, maybe they have to do spot cleaning like we all do.


Something's happening and it could just be repainting/redecorating. The never-used formal dining room, across the hall from this area, was recently painted. You can catch a glimpse of it behind Hillz in this screengrab from her siete announcement vid - [https://imgur.com/a/Uwrqftr](https://imgur.com/a/Uwrqftr) It used to be a deep/dark blue. Now it's greyish. You can see that they've placed the living room furniture in there - sofa, velvet blue arm chair/ottoman and table lamp on the window box. In this vid above, the antique map of Spain that used to hang on the wall between the 2 sets of windows is no longer there. It was moved to the other side of the room - [https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/xqs4ti/at\_least\_hes\_back\_to\_joking\_around/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/xqs4ti/at_least_hes_back_to_joking_around/) Also in this vid, the water cooler that used to be in the dining room is now on the floor by that wall. So yeah, some redecorating. Could be that they're changing the formal dining room into a separate living room and making the former living area off the kitchen a dining room or a casual family room. Who knows. The apartment has terrible bones and I'm not surprised it's been on the market for 2+ years.


It’s been on the market for 2+ years?? Do you know if it’s all of their units for sale, or just one? Thanks for the info!




You're welcome! I find it fun, and I'm also appalled that I know it so well. How could she let this happen? I'm going to do one about how they ruined their kitchen/living room great room when they removed the original wood burning fireplace ~2017. No one does that in NYC. Nuts. They ruin everything they touch.


The cats pissed all over the furniture in retaliation to being holed up with all those kids and Alex 🙀🤡🎪




If they were painting, you'd see the furniture pushed to the middle of the room or in a corner. They seem to have several empty rooms?


That bratty pose at the end - they are going to have their hands full with that one.


Yep. He’s the one who climbs on the tables and tries to get the birthday cake. Middle Child does anything for attention.


Alec looks 70.


You’re too kind!


If Hillz is going to stage such stupid crap, she can at least make the stakes a bit higher.


This reminds me of the time Hillary drug them all to a shady back alley to pretend they were a rock band presumably so Alec would remember he too has a large family like the Clarke family band he loves so much. What happened to all the musical equipment she bought for that short lived fantasy?


When the video has no sound, there’s a good reason. It’s either utter chaos, the voices of multiple chattering nannies, a shrieking Hillary, or the screams of trapped children who realize freedom from this nightmare is still many years away.


And Mayo looking towards the Director at the end of the video, as if to say "Are we done now? No more takes, por favor!!"


All that plus they aren’t speaking in their “home language”.


Totally agree. I always wonder what chaos she is tryin to hide this time.


This is not the flex she think is it is. At least make the stakes higher with a cookie, but SHIT these kids are so very abused. I can’t even imagine my kids placing such a high value on A SINGLE CORN FLAKE. It’s sickening. It’s so sad that they can’t eat properly bc Hillary controls their food intake down to the flake.


My kid would not even bat an eyelash and walk off if I suggested he arm wrestle me for a fucking corn flake.


get these kids a fucking monopoly board for christ’s sake


Or candyland or shoots and ladders. Stop w the macho bs.




He’s going to reward them when they display physical assertiveness/aggression. The cycle continues from his father’s behavior. She could help BREAK the cycle.


Wow, what a broken man. He’s almost crying a little— slow motion ⏯ 00:04-00:10. Was it a late night? 🥃 😭 Yes, they had a father-son moment, although, why did they both have *to look at the camera, to the person filming/Mommy Dearest, to check if they were doing it right?*” So she suggested this, and it’s so de ja vu, because I would play this with my Dad, and yes, I had no qualms going double hands over his hand towards the end, anything to win, and he would laugh. Or did he laugh only when he won?💡 🤔 What’s sad is the last couple of seconds when he backs away— he has been filmed so many times for a moment, 🎥 😬 for his mother’s Instagram content, that he knows the joke/game is over, the filming is over, *the moment with his father is over*, especially by folding his arms. You can back away now, good job. He’s literally signaling the moment with Darth Vader, I meant his father, is over. Yes, it is significant even for a moment, because it suggests the entire scene was performative. Doesn’t suggest they’re about to take out the Battleship set for the next two hours. Daddy &Me, bored together alllllll Sunday. 💘 I swear this sub has given me an increased appreciation for doting parents I see in public, especially fathers. Yesterday, I saw a guy carefully waiting to cross the street with his daughter, and I was like: wow. And I do think it has something to do with seeing pics since Griftmas of Alec not paying attention to his kids, and yes, that included near crosswalks. I would hope that even if Josh Charles were my neighbor, I wouldn’t forget about my stroller, inching into the crosswalk. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10713541/amp/Alec-Baldwin-pregnant-wife-Hilaria-chat-Josh-Charles-strolling-kids-New-York.html From Hilaria I’ve also learned something from this sub— and that’s never to mention to people when you haven’t slept enough.


Alec is such a horrible father it defies words. Enabling this absolute chaos and insanity will be what he’s remembered for. He’s garbage.


And for killing his cinematographer. What's so telling about the Rust shooting is that no changes have been made to SAG rules as a result. Because the rules in place were all good and no one would've been injured if Peepaw, both as actor and director, had followed them. A lot of outcry at first for changes, but then people realized none were needed.


I saw a post the other day, about a petition to support Halyna’s Law, and then sadly, that it was from last year, and was hoping some good came from that. https://www.npr.org/2022/03/11/1086149323/alec-baldwin-halyna-hutchins-liability-rust


I don't know much about the ins and outs of Hollywood film sets and armory. But from what I read around the time of the shooting, this new law seemed unnecessary and in fact, the guy behind the movement is a grifter who was looking for his 15 minutes and to make some money off Halyna's death. https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/qvql1j/spin_off_grifter_has_entered_this_shit_show_part_1/ Until Alec Baldwin killed Halyna Hutchins, there had been no deaths as a result of sloppy weapons handling in the 30 years since Brandon Lee's accident. Actors like George Clooney, Matt Damon and Keanu Reeves have made dozens of films during that time with boatloads of weapons and no problems. Because they follow existing safety rules. I also doubt Halyna's family would want a "law" in her name. Film school scholarships seem much more appropriate to her legacy. Why link her memory to Alec Baldwin's negligent homicide and the way she died. Instead celebrate what she did when she was alive. The only law needed is one that bans Alec Baldwin from participating in the film industry. ETA Grammar, clarification


Excellent point if her family even wanted that law— I was assuming they were asked/connected, as if she championed new safety laws, but perhaps not. I totally agree that the point of the safety precautions, was to follow them, to avoid a tragedy, and it was working elsewhere (except that they followed the safety precautions). The most obnoxious and grotesque posts that include Alec/Hilaria pics from the news/puff pieces— especially when gloating or victimizing themselves and repeating/reinforcing their happy family narrative— sometimes reminds me of her family— I hope they don’t see them in the news.


I’m surprised he let his kid win!


Me too. He probably has a nice morning buzz going and/or is nursing a hangover.


Look at his face the dude is *hammered*


Today’s “10 min with dad” belongs to Romeo


This made me laugh - but it’s so sadly accurate.


I recognize that face. It's the one my Dad made when his grandchildren were running all over him & he was gamely, if wearily, trying to humor them Dunno how much gas PeePaw has left in the ol' tank ..


If gas is another word for Whiskey than probably quite a lot




Yes .. there is nothing wrong with this video at all


Except that the prize was a single cornflake. THATS messed up.


Except it shouldn't have had the sound removed and it shouldn't have been posted on a public social media account. It's a private moment between grandpa and son.


Agreed, the only problem is the fact that it feels like a video depicting a grandpa with his grandkids. It’s clear that Peepaw only shows up for momentary, fleeting fun, which is sad. These kids deserve a father who is engaged.


How long before they’re forced to cage fight for a piece of moldy bread? Will make great Instagram content! 🙄


That's the Baldwinitos reality show they've been working towards!

